$ 00 Inclu1des Tax No. 7, Vol. 110 Philip, South Dakota 57567 Thursday, October 8, 2015 www. pioneer-review.com Philip City Council reviews season-end construction by Del Bartels rocketed. The council approved applying for another The Philip City Council, during its Thursday, Oct. Transportation Alternatives Program grant to help 1, meeting, first heard an update from Roger Williams with the city’s 19.8 percent share of the project. on a vault toilet placed at Lake Waggoner. Most of the South Dakota Highway 73 He had received a $1,000 okay from the golf course sidewalk/lighting project is complete. After the poured to purchase a concrete outhouse for the lake area. The footings have hardened, the next step is the installa - city also had authorized up to $1,500 for the purchase tion of the poles and street lights. The tentative com - of a vault outhouse. Williams got the structure for pletion for them to be up and running is mid-October. $800 and, with a tremendous amount of help, has al - The council granted a building permit for Jody Mc - ready installed it. Clendon to put up a fence and a playhouse, and do “It somebody hits it, we’ll know who it was; this some landscaping. thing is heavy,” said Williams. He described the vol - The council approved the 2016 employee dental in - unteered machinery needed to get the structure surance premiums. Vetter commented that it was moved, unloaded and put in place at the lake. It has only a modest increase. already been used, during a recent fishing competi - The airport general liability insurance quote for tion at the lake. “You wouldn’t believe the number of Oct. 23, 2015 to Oct. 22, 2016 is $2,300, compared to people going in and out of it,” said Williams. There is the previous year’s $2,368. a possibility Williams can acquire another vault out - The council approved resolution 2015-10, 2016 Cap - house if one is needed. ital Outlay Accumulations. Fiscal Year 2016 accumu - No vehicles are allowed on the beach. An access for lations will be $50,000 toward general fund municipal boats exists, so boats may not be launched from the buildings and improvement, $25,000 for street de - beach. Also, there are other safety issues. Williams partment equipment, $5,000 for police department caught a group of people using old pallets for a bon - equipment, $5,000 for swimming pool equipment and fire. He told them that using pallets means nails are improvements, and $1,000 for rubble site land and left behind, in an area that invites children to go bare - improvements. The total to be saved up during 2016 foot. The group helped Williams clean it up. for future projects is $86,000. The total assigned cash The council praised Williams and other volunteers account balance, including the 2016 accumulations for improvements at Lake Waggoner, mostly around and appropriations is therefore estimated at the beach area. Mayor Mike Vetter stated they were, $230,762.92. “Very appreciative. Makes a small town look nice.” Gay Tollefson has resigned as the Philip city attor - Another piece of old business concerned an update ney. Under the same-worded contract as Tollefson on costs and options for radar speed limit signs. These was under, the new city attorneys are Brittany Kjer - would be for both the northbound and southbound stad-McKnight and Ryan McKnight of the Kjerstad traffic on Larimer Avenue. More research will be done McKnight Law Office. before the council’s next meeting. Del Bartels The street department has gotten quotes for skid Security cameras viewing the Haakon County Roger Williams, and many volunteers and their equipment, were praised for purchasing, moving and installing loader attachments. All quotes received were under Young Women’s Kiddie Park and the Philip Public this vault outhouse at Lake Waggoner. “Makes a small town look nice,” said Mayor Mike Vetter. the estimated budget. The council decided to go with Swimming Pool have been denied funding from the the local business, Kennedy Implement. Homeland Security grant program. The council is Dakota Department of Transportation, could include a fueling system upgrade, $1,000,000 for a parallel The South Dakota Housing Development Author - hoping that local businesses and organizations will several large projects on a capital improvement plan. taxiway, and $2,500,000 for runway, apron and taxi - ity’s annual conference is Oct. 27-28 in Pierre. aid with the costs. Ron Larson has donated his expert - Improvement possibilities for next year may include way rehabilitation. The next regular council meeting is Monday, Nov. ise in installing the system. $75,000 for land acquisition and $500,000 for the de - Two years ago, the planning began for a shared use 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Haakon County Courthouse Future airport improvement projects, according to sign and construction of a hanger. For five to 10 years path/trails project from Pine Street to the city swim - community room. the Federal Aviation Administration and the South down the road, possibilities could include $150,000 for ming pool. Since then, the cost estimates have sky - Badlands/Bad River Regional Economic Development new logo, photo contest The Badlands/Bad River Regional Economic Devel - a $50 gift card on funding, but and develop a business incubator. opment has a new logo. and third place we would like to The group plans to promote a regional job fair some - This new logo was developed by Taylor Trask, man - a $25 gift card. do that again. We time this spring. Businesses are expanding, new busi - aging partner for Strategic Blend, Denver, Colo. People : first have so many tal - nesses are starting up and there is work available. Trask, originally a Badlands/Bad River native, is ex - place – Emma ented people, and The group wants to educate our youth on the oppor - cited about the potential this group has to promote Slovek, Philip; it was great to see tunities available within the region if they return the region, showcase the region’s assets, and the po - second – Sierra the pictures from after getting their college or vocational education. tential we have for growth and development. Hilgenkamp, around the re - The group’s website is currently under construction. The group is currently working on a promotional Wall; third – gion. We will uti - When completed, it should be a one stop shop for in - video of the Badlands/Bad River Region. The video Kristi Johnson, lize the pictures dividuals and businesses for what resources are avail - will promote the entire region with an emphasis on Quinn to help promote able in the area. The site will include demographics, Kadoka, Interior, Midland, Philip and Wall. While Places : first the region,” said links to the area community websites, entrepreneur - working on the video, they found out that the original place – Eliza - O’Neill. ial resources, etc. logo unfortunately would not work properly with the beth Leonard, Everyone At least three people from each community are video or other forms of media/promotional items. The Philip; second – is invited to help, needed to help add content about the happenings in graphic design needed to be "flat," in other words, Brianna Jones, by getting in - the area to Facebook. Volunteers are needed to assist simplified, with fewer layers of color. Trask is in the Midland; third – Courtesy Photos volved. The BBR with development of the website and to keep content marketing business and sees the value of the BBR Alana Neville, The new logo had to be flat, without various layers of colors, in order to needs people to up to date. Community awareness events are planned having a logo that works locally, regionally and na - Milesville be usable for banners and other promotional venues. join committees to help your community learn about the BBR and con - tionally. Activities or help in other nect with them to get involved. Organizers are needed The BBR has also announced the results of the and events : first place – Kristi Johnson, Quinn; sec - ways to achieve the following plans and goals. The to set up the community leader dinner. A business 2015 Badlands Bad River Regional Economic Devel - ond – Del Bartels, Philip; third – Jessica Wheeler, goal is to distribute the load, thus making more hands transition team will help with business transitions in opment Photo Contest. The photos submitted in the Philip do less work, and for more people to feel a sharing, an the region, to nurture and strengthen the region’s eco - contest may be used in future marketing or publica - Kari O’Neill, South Dakota State University Exten - ownership in the regions economic efforts. nomic development with an added personal touch. tion materials for the BBR. Like them on Facebook sion, said a yearly photo contest is a possibility. “We The BBR needs committee members to plan and to Everyone is invited to join the next meeting of the and visit their website, www.badlandsbadriver.com. are a nonprofit group. Currently we are working with host a community leader dinner, become a 501c3 sta - Badlands/Bad River Regional Economic Development There were three contest categories. First place in grant funding that is designated for projects that we tus organization, coordinate entrepreneurship educa - Partnership, Tuesday, Oct. 13, in the Wall Commu - each category will receive $100 gift card, second place addressed in the grant application. So, it will depend tion and network, develop a business transition team, nity Center, starting at 5:30 p.m. Over 300 attend Golden West annual meeting The 63rd annual meeting of seriously,” Nielsen said.
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