Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertensión ISSN: 1856-4550 [email protected] Sociedad Latinoamericana de Hipertensión Organismo Internacional Bermúdez, Valmore; Siciliano, Adriana; Acosta, Luis; Rojas, Edward; Aparicio, Daniel; Finol, Freddy; Canelón, Roger; Mengual, Edgardo; Rojas, Joselyn Lipoprotein(a) and lipid profile in Añú Ethnicity residents of the Sinamaica Lagoon, in the Páez district, Zulia State - Venezuela Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertensión, vol. 6, núm. 1, enero-marzo, 2011, pp. 14-20 Sociedad Latinoamericana de Hipertensión Caracas, Organismo Internacional Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=170219227004 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Lipoprotein(a) and lipid profile in Añú Ethnicity residents of the Sinamaica Lagoon, in the Páez district, Zulia State – Venezuela Bermúdez Valmore, MD, MPH, PhD., Siciliano Adriana, MD., Acosta Luis, MD., Rojas Edward, MD., Aparicio Daniel, MD., Finol Freddy, MD., Canelón Roger, MD., Mengual Edgardo, MD., Rojas Joselyn, MD. 14 “Dr. Félix Gómez” Endocrine-Metabolic Research Center. Zulia University. Medicine Faculty. Maracaibo, Venezuela. Author Correspondence: Valmore Bermúdez, MD; PhD. Zulia University, Medicine Faculty. “Dr. Félix Gómez” Endocrine-Metabolic Research Center. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Recibido: 20/02/2011 Aceptado: 28/03/2011 Abstract Introduction: Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] has been associated Venezuela, and particularly the Zulia State, have the privi- with ischemic arterial disease and varies according to the Introduction lege of having a vast ethnic diversity; it`s considered a fish- ethnic origin of the studied populations. In our country, ing zone, being this the main source of food, acquiring and especially in Zulia state, very few trials have been real- this trait from the Spanish Colonists. The Natives groups ized analyzing Lp(a). In light of this, the purpose of this can be described from Amerindians in the Perijá Moun- investigation was to determine levels of Lp(a) in the Añú tain Range represented by the Barí and Yucpa groups, and population from Zulia State – Venezuela, and evaluate the more to the north, in the Guajira Peninsula with groups possible relation as morbidity and mortality factor in this Wayúu and Paraujano or Añú. To the south of Maracaibo genetic homogenous population. Materials and Methods: Lake, there are Afroamerican populations in the Sucre Dis- A cross-sectional study was undertaken, randomly select- trict, such as San José de Heras, Santa María and Bobures. ing 120 patients from both sexes, beyond 18 years of age, According to the epidemiological reports, the main cause from the Añú population localized around the Sinamaica of death in these parts of the state is heart disease1. Lake in the Páez Distric, Zulia State – Venezuela. A com- plete medical history was obtained, and after an 8 -12 Añú population is located around the Sinamaica Lagoon hours fast, an antecubital venous blood sample was taken. (Figure 1), and it’s divided into 15 sectors: El Barro, La Bo- Results: Lp(a) in the studied population was 13,3 mg/dL, quita, Las Parcelas, Nuevo Mundo, Caño Morita, El Cañito, with a mean value for women of 11,8 mg/dL and men of Puerto Cuervito, El Junquito, Boca del Caño, La Ponchera, 15 mg/dL. The 10th, 50th and 90th percentile were 3,2 mg/ Zanzíbar, Lagunita, El Javal, La Rosa, and Brasil Island. They dL,13,3 mg/dL and 53,1 mg/dL respectively. Conclusion: are characterized by a typical over water housing structure 2-3 Low Lp(a) concentrations observed in the Añú populations called “palafitos” (Palafittes) . These ethnic groups have are similar to the concentrations observed in other Indig- been subject to westernization, due to the introduction of enous groups from North America and Japan. We propose industrialized foods and transportation very different to that Lp(a) is not determinant for the occurrence of acute their standard rowing canoes, which in combination with cardiovascular events or cerebrovascular disease in indig- an elevated analphabetism index and genetic makeup, enous populations. It is necessary to conduct cohort and provide a primordial broth that ends up in the developing prospective studies to refute or prove our findings. of chronic degenerative diseases; among them, obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome4-6. Keywords: Lipoprotein(a), cardiovascular risk factor, eth- nicity, Venezuela indians Parallel to the ongoing situation in the occidental world, coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of mortality in Venezuela, with 24,977 deaths (20,63%) ac- cording to the Mortality Year Book in 2006. In order of Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertensión. Vol. 6 - Nº 1, 2011 importance, these are the most frequent diagnosis: Acute Population Myocardial Infarction (12,70%), Hypertensive Cardiac A cross-sectional study was undertaken on individuals of Disease (2,46%) and Chronic Ischemic Myocardial Dis- both sexes (Female: 102; Male: 35), born and resident in ease (2,19%)7. A similar behavior can be seen in the Zulia Sinamaica Lagoon in the Páez district, Zulia State–Vene- state, where the Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are the zuela with family ancestry Añú verified by means of inter- first cause of mortality, with a rate of 107.47 per 100,000 rogation. According to the Census of Indigenous Com- habitants. Likewise, in the Páez district (belonging to this munities 200117, Añú ethnicity in Venezuela is comprised state), CVD are the main cause of death with a rate of de 11205 individuals (2,3% of the national indigenous 62.63 per 100,000 habitants1. population), of which 3854 live in traditional communi- ties and the remaining 7351 residents in urban commu- If one studies the physiopathology of these diseases, a nities. Traditional community that keeps alive the culture tight relation can be observed between CAD, Atheroscle- Materials and methods Añú is settled in the lagoon. The last census conducted rosis and Cardiovascular mortality. Half of the patients there show little increase in population during the past 50 with CAD have lipoprotein metabolism abnormalities and years, by 2000 there were only 3481 inhabitants located 15 this shines light on some risk factors like excess weight, in 538 homes.18 The population estimated of Sinamaica life style, alcoholism, smoking habits, high saturated fatty Lagoon in the Páez District, Zulia State–Venezuela for the 8-10 acid intake and genetic susceptibility . The relationship 1º of July, 2008 belong 4.000 habitants, of which approxi- between lipid alterations and morbimortality due to car- mately 50 % corresponds to adult population (2.000 ha- diovascular events has been demonstrated with pathology bitants) there being estimated a sample size of 137 adults and biochemical evidence, and dyslipidemic influence can individuals. The method for the selection of this sample be appreciated in the atherogenic and thrombotic process randomly, chosen by drawing 5 housings in every sector 11 that leads to arterial obstruction . of Sinamaica’s Lagoon. A lot of studies point to a relationship between A complete medical history was performed, and after 8 – Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] and ischemic arterial disease, but not 12 hours fasting period, an antecubital venous sample was 10,12 all . In the same manner, a good share of researches drawn and serum was obtained after 10 minutes centrifu- show that elevated concentrations of Lp(a) and increased gation at 4.000 R.P.M. Lp(a) determinations were done incidence of cerebrovascular disease, CVD, reestenosis of using the turbidimetric latex test (Human Gesselschaft für coronary bridges, re-occlusion in angioplasty procedures Biochemica und Diagnostica mbH, Germany)19. This meth- due to premature atherosclerotic and thrombotic phe- od detects the presence of Lp(a) using latex agglutination nomena, alongside lipid alterations like high low den- of particles coated with anti-Lp(a) antibodies. This aggluti- sity lipoproteins (LDL-c) and low high density lipoprotein nation is proportional to the concentration of Lp(a) in the 13-14 (HDL-c) . sample, and it can be measured by turbidimetry. Lp(a) concentration varies according to each ethnic group In relation to lipid profile, for the determination of total of origin studied. It is highly asymmetric and teds to be cholesterol, LDL-c and triglycerides was used the direct low in Caucasians and Asians, and tends to be elevated enzymatic method (Human Gesellschoft Biochemica and 15 (but less asymmetrical) in Blacks and Afroamericans . diagnostica MBH), HDL-c concentrations were measured with the precipitation method (Human Cholesterol Liqui- It has been recently proposed that in the assembly pro- color Test Kit) and the values of the cholesterol VLDL were cess, size of the apoprotein (a) [apo(a)] matters. It`s been obtained by means of the subtraction to the value of the known for quite a long time that the size of apo(a) is vari- total cholesterol of the rest of the lipidic fractions. able form one individual to another, identifying 34 iso- 12 forms of apo(a) so far . These differences are associated Statistical Analysis with higher risk for premature atherosclerosis. The big For the statistical analysis, SPSS (Statistical Package for the isoforms are associated with low levels of
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