THE OBED WILD AND SCENIC RIVER Sections of four beautiful streams—Obed River, Clear Creek, Daddys Creek and Emory River-are being preserved for you. They flow through private property and the Catoosa Wildlife Management Area, which is managed by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Congress has authorized federal acquisition of parts of these streams and some land along them. BUT, YOU SHOULD TAKE NOTE THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOES NOT OWN ANY LAND OR ANY PARTS OF THESE STREAMS YET. THEREFORE, THE FEDERAL GOVERN­ MENT HAS NO FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. Congress added the Obed Wild and Scenic River (WSR) to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System Oct. 12,1976. The Obed WSR is managed jointly by the National Park Service (NPS), of the Department of the Interior, and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. TO REACH THE OBED COUNTRY From Nashville, drive east on I-40,114 miles to the Genesis Rd. exit near Crossville. Then go north on Genesis Rd. to the Obed. From Knoxville, drive west on I-40, about 40 miles to U.S. 27, then go north 16 miles to Wartburg. ACCESS TO THE RIVER or catfish, swim the still-water pools, hike atop the gorge rim, at HIKE $1.25. The following quadrangles show the sections of Obed River, THE MANAGERS WARNING! Access points to the streams are NOT owned by the the base of the bluffs, or among the boulders at the river level, You may hike trails and roads in the Catoosa Wildlife Manage­ Daddys Creek, Clear Creek, and Emory River that have been Obed Wild and Scenic River is managed jointly by the National National Park Service. Some access points can be reached via paddle white water in your kayak or canoe, or float your raft down ment Area except in deer and turkey hunting season. Don't go included in the Wild and Scenic River: Park Service, of U.S. Department of the Interior, and the State of publicly owned rights of way and some are reached via private the rapids, or your jonboat on the still pool. You can even hunt for alone. Tell a responsible friend where you plan to go and when you Fox Creek Lancing Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. You can contact them at property. hogs, deer, turkey or other game during hunting seasons. expect to return. Bluffs along the gorge rim make cross-country Hebbertsburg Pilot Mountain these addresses: The NPS has no authority to post signs to direct you to the RUN WHITE WATER hiking hazardous. Jones Knob Twin Bridges streams. It is your responsibility to know whose land you are The quadrangles listed below also show canoeable sections of crossing. December to April-the cold, rainy season—is usually the only SWIM Obed River, Daddys Creek, Clear Creek, and Emory River, but they There are only six practical access points to Obed River, Clear time the rivers are full enough for float trips. At that time, the Traditional swimming holes along the streams invite you to swim are not included within the Wild and Scenic River. Creek, Daddys Creek and Emory River. They are numbered on the streams become charging torrents—technical white water. You in warm weather. If you accept their invitation, bring a strong, Superintendent National Park Ranger Clarkrange Ozone map in this folder. should try them only if you are trained, experienced and equipped sober friend with a rope. Keep in mind that wet rocks are slick and Obed Wild and Scenic River Obed Wild and Scenic River Access point No. 2, Obed Junction, nearly 300 feet downstream for canoeing white water. Never float with less than two other that the stream bottom is uneven with deep holes close to the Isoline Grassy Cove P.O. Drawer 630 P.O. Box 429 from the confluence of Daddys Creek and the Obed River, is craft. A close friend or a member of your family should know which bank. Don't dive until you have checked thoroughly for adequate Crossville Camp Austin Oneida, TN 37841 Wartburg, TN 37887 section, or sections, of the river you plan to float and the date and privately owned. Get permission from the property owner before depth. Conditions may change from season to season. Clear water Dorton Harriman (615)569-6389 (615)346-6295 using this route. Obed Junction is difficult to locate because it is time that you plan to get off the river. is not always clean water. Don't drink stream water without boiling For canoeing, you may purchase the Obed-Emory River Guide on a road that resembles a creek bed and is not maintained. It is Some of the rapids in the Obed system can destroy a canoe in a or treating it. from the Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association for $1.50. The recommended that this area be used only as an emergency exit or moment. If you are plunged into cold water improperly clothed, you Guide provides information about access points and river classi­ a walk-in route. will be numb in seconds and dead in minutes. Help may be miles CAMP OR PICNIC fication. Send $1.50 to TSRA, P.O. Box 3104, Nashville, TN 37219. Access point No. 4, Barnett Bridge, is shown on some maps as away—and in what direction? To get training and experience, join You may camp at Potters Ford on the Obed River, except when There are no outfitters in the Obed River vicinity. Blue Ridge Waltman Ford Bridge. This access is a steep, rough road, graveled a canoe club. Meanwhile, it's best to test your abilities in a less the Wildlife Management Area is closed and during the deer and Mountain Sports, 5201 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919, and in some places. hazardous stream where the penalty for failure is not sudden death. turkey-hunting seasons. There are no facilities at Potters Ford, Lickty Split, 429 E. Spring St., Cookeville, TN 38501, rent canoes. Manager Roads in the Catoosa Wildlife Management Area are closed for The following chart shows white water difficulty ratings based however. Primitive facilities are available at Frozen Head State No commercial shuttle service is available. Catoosa Wildlife Management Area your safety during managed hunts. They are closed in late winter to on optimum stream flow. As water level varies, so do the ratings. Park near Tenn. 62 two miles from Wartburg. Cumberland Mountain Hiking trails are proposed along the bluffs of the Obed River and 216 East Penfield As of January 1980, the water flow readings were reported only at State Park, eight miles south of Crossville on U.S. 127, offers a preserve graveled roads from destruction by motor vehicle traffic. Daddys Creek, but there is no developed trail system yet. Crossville, TN 38555 Oakdale (downstream on the Emory) and did not indicate high water developed campground. You will find private campgrounds along I- For fishing and hunting information, write to the Manager, WHAT TO SEE on any single stream due to local showers. The chart just shows 40 and in the Crossville area. Carry out your litter so that you and Catoosa Wildlife Management Area, 216 East Penfield, Crossville, The Obed System's swift streams, cutting into the Cumberland total flow. The NPS proposes to add gauges at each access point. your neighbors can continue to enjoy the beauty of the Obed. TN 38555. Below minimum flow, there is a lot of walking and pulling the Plateau sandstone, have carved spectacular gorges 200 to 500 HUNT AND FISH You can get information about other recreational opportunities in feet deep. Huge sandstone boulders in the streams pose a boat. Above maximum flow, the river is considered unfloatable in the State of Tennessee by writing to the Department of Tourist challenge to you as a canoeist or as a photographer. Overhanging any craft. "Maximum difficulty" indicates highest rated rapid in that You may hunt deer, boar and small game in season with a Information, 505 Fesslers Lane, Nashville, TN 37210. bluffs may shelter you from stormy weather as they sheltered section at optimum flow. permit from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. You will Motels nearest the Obed River are at Sunbright, Wartburg, native Americans who preceded you by hundreds of years. need a Tennessee State fishing license to fish in the area. Harriman and Crossville. OBED - EMORY Firearms are prohibited except during hunting season when you Because of the great variety of soil and site conditions—dry to are carrying the necessary licenses and permits. MORE ON CANOEING moist, sunny or shaded-you will see many contrasting plant Reference points Including Ask your local chapter of the American National Red Cross for a communities. On the uplands, you will see oaks, pines and (numbered) PLAY SAFE-DONT GO ALONE hickories; on the valley slopes, oaks, ash, beech, maple, yellow access points- Average (Maximum Minimum Optimum Maximum copy of White Water in an Open Canoe. ARC also publishes a see map Miles Difficulty Difficulty)* FlOWr Flowt Flow Cold, swift white water is no place for novice canoeists. Swim, textbook, Canoeing, at $3.95 (stock number 321125). Knox County poplar and hemlock. Along the riverbanks you will find sycamore, (1) Potters Ford to 12 II (III) 1000 3000 5000 hike, hunt or fish with a friend. Watch out for each other. Don't (2) Obed Junction Chapter ARC, P.O. Box 2026, Knoxville, TN 37901 has them. birch, elm and ash. Azaleas, rhododendron and mountain laurel hike off trails or at night without a light. You can avoid (2) Obed Junction to For Paddlers' Safety Code and River Rating Guide (and a sample blooming beside the streams will capture your attention.
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