August 19, 2009 www.dvidshub.net (search phrase: Expeditionary Times) Vol. 2, Issue 33 Going the Distance JBB runs for service members, Families Page 4 Green Tab Huddle brings leaders together Mr. Fix-its Pages 12-13 U.S. Army Photo by Spc. John Stimac Col. Knowles Y. Atchison, deputy commander, 13th ESC talks to Capt. Major Robinson, MNF-W, 1177th Movement Control Team commander, a unit out of Kaiserslautern, Germany at the Green Tab Huddle luncheon held here at Joint Base Balad Aug. 11. Soldiers and Airmen walk 514th is Jack-of- all-trades for JBB to end sexual assault STORY AND PHOTO BY this crime that we will not toler- Page 11 SGT . KEITH S. ate sexual assaults on ourselves, VAN KLOM P ENBERG our Soldiers, or our battle bud- EX P EDITIONARY TIME S STAFF dies,” said Cossio. “We want to raise awareness JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq – Sol- in a safe and fun environment,” diers and Airmen said Air Force Capt. Vanessa at Joint Base Vanden Bout, the JBB SARC of Balad showed the 332nd. A day off? their support Vanden Bout said the walk for victims could eventually turn into a of sexual as- monthly event. sault and the “We just want to keep the dia- Sexual As- logue going about sexual assault sault Prevention and Response in the military,” she said. program in the “Intervene! Act! Cossio said the walk helped Motivate!” Walk here Friday educate people about the pres- night. ence of the Equal Opportunity The 13th Sustainment Com- offices at JBB and the Depart- Soldiers and Airmen walk in support of sexual assault victims and the mand (Expeditionary) and ment of Defense’s intent to Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program Friday. 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing eradicate sexual assault from held the event to give service that most sexual assaults occur With flashlights in hand, and the military through the SAPR members looking for evening in the evening or early morning reflective belts around waists, program. JBB Fire Department exercise a battle buddy or wing- hours and to be vigilant and have roughly 125 participants took to “We want those who see us man to walk with, as well as a battle buddy,” said Master Sgt. the streets for some light exer- walking to ask, ‘who are they’ holds Fire Muster show their support for this im- Rita A. Cossio, Deployed Sexual cise with a message. and ‘what are they doing,’” said portant cause. Assault Response Coordinator “We are trying to make a Cossio. “Our answer is ‘sexual Page 16 “We conducted this late in the and Equal Opportunity Advisor statement to those individuals assault has no place in the mili- evening to inform our Soldiers for the 13th ESC. who think about committing tary or on Joint Base Balad.” PAGE 2 EXP E DITIONARY TIM E S August 19, 2009 332 ESFS Blotter Chaplain’s Corner August 4 - August 10 “He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.” - Abraham Lincoln PATROL RESPONSE/PHYSICAL ASSAULT: Victim telephoned the law enforcement desk (LED) via Call- The best teacher is the one who not only tells us how to do box #13 and reported a physical assault and verbal alterca- something, but also shows us how and then corrects us if we tion had occurred. Contact was made with victim and assist- are doing it wrong. In the military we talk about teaching, ed him accomplishing AF IMT 1168/ Statement of Suspect/ coaching and mentoring. This is necessary because, no matter Witness/Complainant. Victim stated he could not sleep due what our rank, we all need guidance and instruction. Continu- to his neighbors being extremely loud. Victim went out- ous improvement is the key to achieving personal and profes- side and saw subject who was standing outside at the above about keeping the noise down or he would notify Security sional growth. Forces (SF). Subject threatened victim he would not call SF and should go back inside to his pod. When victim said To be the best Soldiers we can be, we need instructive cor- again he would call SF, subject grabbed him by the throat rection. We need to be told what we are doing wrong, and and punched him twice in his face. Subject then threatened we need to be shown how to do it right. Unfortunately, in the his friends would “take care of this” if victim was to call SF. military there are a number of nit-pickers and naysayers in the Victim then made contact with LED and went back to his ranks. “Sharp shooters” we call them. These are negative peo- room. Subject continued to threaten victim after making ple who are quick to zero in on our flaws but who are unwilling contact with the LED. to lend a hand to make things better. A person has earned the right to criticize only when their ARTICLE 92: hands are dirty, there is sweat upon their brow and their back Complainant approached Security Forces in DFAC and re- aches. To all the critics out there, answer this simple question: ported an unknown SOC Guard gave her property and told Where is your heart? If we are on the same team, we need to her to purchase a laptop off of Amazon.com. At the time help each other out. If you don’t like something, find a way to complainant did not realize subject was not allowed to have make it better. Be a part of the solution, not a continuation of any electronic items in his possession. Witness stated via the problem. If someone doesn’t care enough to get involved AF IMT 1168/Statement of Witness, witness was informed he had to escort subject to the LED for trying to purchase and help make things better, then they are merely taking tar- contraband. Subject informed the unknown SOC Guard he get practice at someone else’s expense. knew an army female who could purchase the laptop for him. Subject received property from the unknown SOC Good leaders care about their Soldiers. Good leaders correct Guard and gave the property their Soldiers in caring ways. Good Soldiers welcome the cor- rection of caring leaders. MAJOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT/DISABLING DAMAGE: Complainant telephoned the law enforcement desk Prayer for Help (LED) and reported a vehicle accident. Dear Lord, I need help to get better. Please protect me from Operator stated via AF IMT 1168/Statement of Wit- the sharpshooters and send me a teacher, coach or mentor ness he was traveling five (5) miles per hour in a drift who cares. Amen area headed to Bldg 2540, when he drove into a ditch causing damage. Operator stated he did not know the ditch was there. Damage to vehicle consisted of dent- ed front bumper and an oil leak. Submitted by Chaplain (Maj.) Peter Strong Brigade Chaplain, 304th Sustainment Brigade NIPR: 443-8602 SIPR: 241-1171 Email: [email protected] EXPEDITIONARY TIMES 13th ESC Commanding General, Brig. Gen. Paul L. Wentz Expeditionary Times is authorized for publication by 13th ESC G2, Security Manager 139th MPAD Production Editor Pfc. Lisa A. Cope the 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary). The Lt. Col. Angelo Williams, 13th ESC Staff Sgt. Robert E. Fafoglia [email protected]. contents of the Expeditionary Times are unofficial and [email protected] [email protected] are not to be considered the official views of, or en- dorsed by, the U.S. Government, including the Depart- 13th ESC PAO, Managing Editor 139th MPAD Layout and Design Contributing Public Affairs Offices Maj. Raul Marquez, 13th ESC PAO ment of Defense or Operation Iraqi Freedom. Sgt. Jayson A. Hoffman 10th Sustainment Brigade [email protected] [email protected] Expeditionary Times is a command information news- 16th Sustainment Brigade paper in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and 13th ESC PA NCOIC 139th MPAD Photo Editor 287th Sustainment Brigade reviewed by the ESC G2 for security purposes. Staff Sgt. Joel F. Gibson, 13th ESC Sgt. Keith VanKlompenberg 304th Sustainment Brigade Expeditionary Times is published weekly by the Stars [email protected] [email protected] 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team and Stripes central office, with a circulation of 5,000 155th Heavy Brigade Combat Team 13th ESC Staff Writer papers. 139th MPAD Copy Editor 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing The Public Affairs Office is located on New Jer- Spc. Naveed Ali Shah, 13th ESC Spc. Brandy Oxford 555th Engineer Brigade sey Ave. Building 7508, DSN 318-433-2154. [email protected] [email protected] Expeditionary Times, HHC 13th ESC, APO 139th MPAD Commander For online publication visit: AE 09391. Web site at www.dvidshub.net 139th MPAD Staff Writers Capt. Brad Sinkler Sgt. Ryan Twist www.dvidshub.net [email protected] [email protected] keyword: Expeditionary Times Contact the Expeditionary Times staff at: 139th MPAD First Sergeant Spc. John Stimac [email protected] 1st Sgt. Aangi Mueller [email protected] [email protected] Mission Statement: The Expeditionary Times Staff publishes a weekly newspaper with a primary mission of providing command information to all service members, partners, and Families of the 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) team and a secondary mission of providing a means for units on Joint Base Balad to disseminate command information to their audiences. August 19, 2009 EXP E DITIONARY TIM E S PAGE 3 “The Weekly Standard” SUBMITTED BY SGT . 1S T CLA ss DANILO EGUDIN ishes unit effectiveness. verse impact on discipline, authority, morale, or the 3D ESC Ass I S TANT IN S PE C TOR GENERAL AR 600-20, states that relationships between Sol- ability of the command to accomplish its mission.
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