Maset'ati's owners and direcLors .hrpL,rng r...lr.l nr. <rr.rl> Raclrg thr-tcfoLe be clrrre a mafter of les.e l rmpr..:-trn.l iin cL \ [ase rati lvithdrew hr.nr r.r:lLitc:r:r.rn ln Decer-nber of 1957, no :-.. r,ieniecl br the rule changes rd,:-q engine displacement for .il. ttl,i,t^ :-.1..i_q crtegories where they had i'a.t: . -- ::_rrtiltg The t-e wou1cl be no :- r> ,.-:i ar)lning from -u:r,:..rn the mach.ine rool rrnd nnfortunately, for cash r:-,:--ir:: n-Lost of the F1 rvorks cars and ::1.-t'iS r.lcefS r.vere SOIC1 Off Lncler Yohrntary bankt-r_rptcy proLectton rrsinning in April 1958, Lhe machine rool r)peralions became a separate corporate entlty arlcl N{aserati of North America began ro operirte as Ral1ye N,{orors, for car saies and repair The Orsis useci their the firm could prodr_rce and sell rhe p,rpuLar ial)0CT lor.t,r:lt ll,,u rnd thus headecl into a ner,v era Ho'uvever, no longer would the lirm sponsor an expensive factory racing team Instead, \,,laserari woulcl clesign nd procluce race cars a ltttvateel conlcl Ll\,,. Chief clesigr-rer Ing. Ciiulio Alfier j r,ve io {re &oa i6 LA oro ;,.:,i; Qoc &aa Qae racing I,vorld &Qr (*aa To the Real March! t Cooper had ir-rtroclucing rts cngine in 1j ys 1-n n6l w , ft |ifir€s I success dleiv the attention of Lotlls founcler I Colin Chapman, u,ho designed his ner,v n,hich Chirprran gilve rhe Monte Carlo n.:a:'ri name, serving notice to the Cooper c1an.s N4onaco that they were readl.to r-r-rnrble Lotus 19-959 Sixteen Lotus 19 chassis rl,ere bnrit in tl-re -.: -',-r'rtrl nc\\ ti) PeLer Rlan rn June 1961 .]00 '.-:3: ',loTORspoRT Ju iAuq 2Oll -a www v/ ntagemoto _ Rr an nas bom in Philadelphia in l94O to a Lotus F-Jr. tangled with the Gemini of Bill Maserati Birdcage 61,2461 *-ell-to-do family who owned the Mont- Moss, and the 22-year-old Ryan was During its days in the sun, 2461 Tremblanr was driven Ski Lodge in Quebec, Canada ejected from rhe car in the crash. He died by Joakim Bonnier, Alan Connell, John R-ace-g..ers began noticing his on-track the following day in a Paris hospltal Coundley, Dan Gurney, Dlck McGuire, ::--'.\ess :n I9>9 rvhen he impressivelv Ryan's Lotus 19 was sold to Frances Stirling Moss, -:: porsche Gino Munaron, Allan Ross :::-r:: .-lass uins in his 55ORS, Bradley tn 1962, who used --:-::- it to win the and Giorgio Scarlatrr. Completed on March il:..rsed ir up in 1960 with 1l wins Canadian National Championship, -r.r and in 20, 1960, its first owner was Lucky Casner, -:: =:aris driving an RS60. It was 1963 the 19 repeated in winninq the of Camoradi USA fame and it was enrered in .::lereni that Ryan had taient and, when Canadian Championship. lhis rime piloted the 12 Hours of Sebring just six days later, :i-rec sith his new Lotus 19, the by Dennis Goad. Vic Yachuk raced ihe car wrth Stirling Moss and Dan Gurney set to _--\,^-_: cr_n erpected grea t thlngs in club evenrs during 1964 and in 1965 drive. Unfortunateiy in night pracrice, Moss' 5e iid nor disappoinr. Ryan,s first race the was apparenrly .e--=- l9 rerired and srored, T6I blew its engine and did nor srart. took place -9-9j9 ar Lime Rock, July much later found by Jack Boxstrom in In May of 1960, r,r'here 2461 headed ro the : ^ 9c I. the 21 -year-old fin ished 1977 wilh its origlnal engine and gearbox. always tough Nurburgring for the 10O0km :e:,.rd ro Roger Penske's Birdcaqe. He Tom Skouras was the next owner in :-----.s-ed wrth club race wins in Cinada, 1978, sending rhe Lotus to Griswold's in using paLience, =e;i. drove to victory over Californla for a complete restoration. He S:rling Moss, pedro Oliver Gendebien and raced the car from 1980 to '83, after which Rodriguez in the Canadian Gp at MosDort. it went into storage until I987 when cenainly the high point of his very short Boxstrom repurchased the car Boxstrom From there the car went back to racrng career. He DNF'd at Riverside's Oct. had the car resrored again, replacing the Modena to be prepped for Le Mans, and lj L.A Times GII then finished sixth and original Lotus "queerbox" with a Hewland Alfieri, knowing that top speed was eighth in the rwo-heat San Francisco FT-200 5-speed for improved reliability. important there, lengthened the tail section Examiner GP at Laguna Seca. Occasionally racing ir in vintage evenis of the car, meanwhile strengthening any Ryan's performance in the Lotus l9 beginning in 1990, Boxsrrom owned it for part of the chassis thar had produced a caught the eye of Colin Chapman, who sold several more years. problem previously. No matter, 246I,s Rlan a year-old Lorus 18 for the Oct. g, Carl Moore became the new owner in starter motor failed after jus t 22 Iaps. 196l USGP ar Warkins Glen The old car 2004 the , car was gone rhrough thoroughly By October of 1960, rhe Tlpo 61 went was nol competitive yet Ryan finlshed ninth, and fitted with paint. a new nose and the to new owner Alan Connell of Texad, who Chapman impressed enough to offer up a livery in the color scheme and graphics raced it several times before installing a works FormulaJunior drive for 1962 used by Peter Ryan in 1961, as a rribure ro Ferrari V12 engine in 1961. He raced the Unfortunately at Reims on 1, his ,63 July hil tim" with rhe car. car through the 1962 and seasons, selling it to Drck McGuire, who raced it Lr.r'ice in 1965 before selhng it to the Texas Specd Museum. minus the Ferrali engine Patrick Lindsay picked Llp rhe car in loTl . re.toring it wtth I new engine and then r'r'rshing it herr ily in I't72 The 1or-rgtail bodl' ,,y25 scrapped and a new chassis construcLed, the uncomplete car sold to Dieter Holterbosch in New York fr,r'o other short-tail bodies rvere built for the cal rvith ner,v owners tn German)' and BelgiLrrr. rhe larrcr who consigned Lhe crr to Gregor Fisken, who sold 1r to current ouner \loore The origlnal engine for 2461 is currentlv or,vned by an American collector Because the Trpo 61 remained a >rrL r . >rfLrl e rr' lol manl l errs in club rrcrng. fe\ sun'ired inLacr, most being damaged in (,nc \\.1\ ('l .lnolher in rating mishaps Back in the d:Lr Tipo 61s looked as Lhough ball peen hrrmmers had been taken to Lhem \lorrre s 2461 has certainll, led a colorful lii, .tnd rodry is presenred in prrsrine .,'n.lrir.'n even though il rs run regularly in \ lnrrge events inclr-rding the Sonoma Histrrric \lotorsports Festrval and the \Lrrlterc\ HisLorics On Track At Infineon Thcr.e rn t1-re hot pits at lnfineon Raceway saL .r LLrtLls 19 and Birdcage Maseratt And yes, I \virs grring to drive both First order of the d.rr- u rs to pinch myself, because I never thou-ght l'd er.er have a chance to sample :Lr.h r.,,nic rtL e cars. bLrt this wa> Lhe day. t-hrnks to the or,r,ner, Carl Moore C.rr I and I har.e raced together at \l, n,r'cr. he in rhe Birdcrge and me in a Listcr-Jrrg lt ts memorable because of the g|t.1t tlir r rie h.rd lrrding position>. and ri lrcn I u.L: bL'hind him Lhe sighr of that Birdcarge--clancing alound with the tail 'l irhrlr hung our \\xs somelhing lwiLL never lorget Plr>entr'd in the No. 5 Crmoladr lirery usecl s'hen this car won rhe 1960 Nnrbnrgring 100Okm, 246I ts simply stunnir-rg from any angle, yer rhe styling u-as quiLe controversial in its day Brgrrrning rvith the romplc\ lrrmework. looking over the exquisire deLails of rhe car is an absolute vrsr,ral treat, from the Borrani u'heels to the llghtening holes drilled r,vherever rveight can be saved Many parts are chromed or: polished, and it's no <rrlprise thar of the 22 Birdcages builL. each one is differenL tn some wa1'. One can imagir-re the craftsmen in Modena toiling awa)r on each car- like a work of arf Once you swing up the driver's door and slide in, with the seat so low you're basicalll, sitting on the floor and that's '104 vrNucr N/oroRSpoRT Jut/Aug 2ot1 www.vintagemotorsport com good, because on the track I want to feel Lotus 19-959 was, as expected, a IO0o/o What plagued the car back in rhe o1d this car in my butt I find rhe searing completely different experience The days was its Lotus "queerbox," a transaxle uosition nerler nedalc wooden r'"__''^_ r'"'.'', t wheel and engine is bach there , and Lhar's bound to that shifted semi-sequenrrally like a .hifrer riphr-.ide where I want Lhem \A ith creare a personaliLy change wrth how the motorcycle, though it was very fragile a flick ol Lhe masrer swirch and a press and car feels compared to the 'Cage With its Colotti gearboxes were a popular twist of the key, the big inline-4 fires up ultra-low center of gravity and all of its replacement though 959 runs a Hewland, and scttles into a mutoLrs rough idle.
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