目錄 Content 2009年工商舖十大新聞 .............................................................. ...... 3-4頁 Top 10 non-residential property news of 2009 . Page 3-4 專訪美聯工商舖行政總裁黃子華 • 樓市升軌確認 美聯工商舖拓專業服務迎嶄新商機 . 5-6頁 An up cycle in property market resumed. Midland IC&I will expand professional services to meet new business oppurtunities . Page 5-6 工廈物業 Industrial Property Market 專訪美聯工商董事陳偉志 • 「活化政策」帶挈 工廈市場展新景象 ................................. 7-8頁 Interview with Alvan Chan, Director, Midland Industrial • Revitalisation scheme brings new hope to industrial sector . .Page7-8 2009年回顧 — 買賣及租賃市場 . 9-10頁 Review of Industrial property market in 2009 — Sales & Leasing market.......................................... .Page9-10 各區分析 Districts Analysis 觀塘、九龍灣及港島區 • 葵荃、長沙灣、新界東及北區 ....................................... .11-14頁 Kwun Tong, Kowloon Bay and Hong Kong Island Kwai Chung, Tsuen Wan, Cheung Sha Wan, New Territories East and North districts . .Page11-14 展望 .............................................................. ................... 15-16頁 Prospect for Industrial property market.................................................................. .Page15-16 商廈物業 專訪美聯商業董事黃漢成 • 售價落後 甲級商廈成資金追捧目標 . 17-18頁 Interview with Daniel Wong, Director, Midland Commercial • ................ .Page17-18 2009年回顧 — 買賣及租賃市場 . 19-20頁 ................................................. Page 19-20 各區分析 Districts Analysis 上環、中環及金鐘 • 尖沙咀及九龍灣 ...................................................... .21-24頁 Sheung Wan, Central and Admiralty • Tsim Sha Tsui and Kowloon Bay........................................ Page 21-24 展望 .............................................................. ................... 25-26頁 . .Page25-26 商舖物業 Retail Property Market 專訪美聯旺舖董事盧展豪 • 零售前景秀麗 商舖租售價可看高一線 . 27-28頁 Interview with Tony Lo, Director, Midland Shops • A bumper year of sales, a stronger growth in retail property market....... .Page27-28 2009年回顧 — 買賣及租賃市場 . 29-30頁 Review of Retail property market in 2009 – Sales & Leasing market . Page 29-30 各區分析 Districts Analysis 銅鑼灣、尖沙咀及旺角 • 北角、西環、荃灣及元朗 . 31-34頁 Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok • North Point, Sai Wan, Tsuen Wan and Yuen Long ..................... Page 31-34 展望 .............................................................. ................... 35-36頁 Prospect for Retail property market . .Page35-36 H0751-00 MIDLAND 8.indd 1 1/20/10 9:05:04 PM 2 0 0 9 年 工 商 舖 十 大 新 聞 Top 10 Non-residential Property News of 2009 外資基金趁旺市動作多 九龍指標商廈呎價刷新高 美林旗下的房地產基金在今年內出售中環荊威廣 向來落後大市的九龍區指標商廈,今年下半年創新突 場、太子金都商場及旺角百寶利商業中心3項商舖及 破,繼永安廣場中層全海景全層以呎價約1.5萬元成交 商廈物業,獲多個財團爭奪後,最終獲由「玩具大 後,康宏廣場高層全層新近錄得的成交呎價亦約1.62 王」蔡志明牽頭的本地財團以約15.9億元鯨吞。另一外資基金 萬元,呎價打破九龍區商廈紀錄外,更超越1997年水平,成為 摩根士丹利亦表現活躍,先後以約36億元及近15億元沽出中環 市場新指標。 盈置大廈及1 5幢Shama服務式住宅項目,澳洲麥格里旗下的地產 4 基金於第3季拆售上環新紀元廣場。 Foreign investment funds turned active under hot market sentiment market for years, but it recorded a breakthrough in the second half of 2009. Merrill Lynch’s real estate fund put Silver Fortune Plaza in Central, Golden Following the record-breaking transaction of HK$15,000 per sq ft of the Plaza in Prince Edward and Pakpolee Commercial Centre in Mong Kok for sale in 2009. It attracted aggressive bidders from certain investors. Eventually Plaza was sold for HK$16,200 per sq ft recently. It hit the record high of the consortium led by toy tycoon Francis Choi Chi-ming acquired the portfolio for about HK$1.59 billion. Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund is another active a new indication to the property market. property fund in the investment property market. The fund sold its Nexxus billion and about HK$1.5 billion respectively. Macquarie Global Property 多個尖沙嘴商場開幕 長實旗下的尖沙嘴1881 Heritage匯聚多個國際品牌, Millennium Plaza in Sheung Wan in the third quarter. 名店林立,已於今年開幕,迅即令廣東道一帶更添活 力,而期待已久的尖沙嘴河內道K11商場及iSQUARE亦 於今年底前開幕,將令尖沙嘴區更見熱鬧:同時,區內大型商 備受矚目的中環街市「地王」剔出勾地表 場The ONE等將陸續落成,於今年內相繼展開連串的招租工作, 政府在施政報告中宣布連串中環活化項目,當中中環 5令商場招租活動更見頻繁。 街市更為重點保育項目,預計最快在兩年後變身成 Openings of the new shopping malls in Tsim Sha Tsui 飲食、購物及消閒集中地;而隨著中環街市進行「活 1881 Heritage developed by Cheung Kong (Holdings) attracted international 化」,加上中環碼頭用地的發展密度大幅降低,將令中區可作 brands to open new shops. The shopping arcade was opened in 2009 2發展的商業地皮持續遞減,預料將會對中區商廈的租售價有正 and blew some vitality into the shopping area around Canton Road. K11 at 面幫助。 Hanoi Road and iSQUARE were also opened at the end of the year. They will Removal of the Central Market site from the land application list attract more shoppers in the district. In addition, another major shopping The Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen unveiled the Central preservation centre, The ONE, is going to be completed. The leasing campaigns of these plans in his policy address. The former Central Market site has been removed shopping malls in the year made the leasing activities more active. from the land application list and will be one of the major preservation projects. The building is expected to become a dinning, shopping and leisure destination as soon as two years. The development density of the commercial site near Central ferry piers has also been reduced. The move will diminish the supply of and rentals in the area. 政府公布工廈「活化」政策創先河 政府於10月公布的施政報告提出4項活化工廈措施 後,發展商及業主反應熱烈,紛紛把握時機為旗下 的物業增�;市場上,不少投資者及用家亦積極物 色可塑性高的工廈物業,令整體投資氣氛受帶動,買賣交投隨 3即升溫。 Government announced innovative revitalisation scheme for industrial buildings The release of the four policies for revitalising industrial buildings in October received positive responses from developers and vendors. It gave them a chance to enhance the commercial value of their properties. It also attracted investors and end-users to seek for industrial properties with development potential in the investment market. It induced the overall investment sentiment and activated the sales of industrial properties. 3 H0751-00 MIDLAND 8.indd 3 1/20/10 9:05:09 PM 2009年工商舖十大新聞 Top 10 Non-residential Property News of 2009 核心區舖位「天價」重現 本港經濟持續轉好,令零售消費走勢強勁,核心區舖 位的買賣表現叫人驚喜,市場錄得多宗「天價」成交 個案,當中最為矚目的是英皇國際以約8.43億元購入 尖沙嘴廣東道一個實用面積約1,212平方呎的舖位,按呎價折 算,高達近70萬元,較現時銅鑼灣東角道舖位呎價約46萬元為 6高,成為本港最新舖王。 Record-breaking transactions of retail properties in core areas reappeared Coupled with the improvement in Hong Kong economy and strong retail sales, the sales of retail properties in core shopping destinations were better than the market expectation. The market recorded certain record-breaking transactions in the year. The most prominent deal is Emperor International spent HK$843 million to buy a retail shop at Canton Road in Tsim Sha Tsui with the net oor area of 1,212 sq ft. It is equivalent to a at price of almost HK$700,000 per sq ft, which is higher than the unit rate of HK$460,000 per sq ft of the shop at East 收購重建為大勢所趨 本地投資者覬覦東九龍工廈 Point Road in Causeway Bay. The shop became the most expensive 市區地皮發展有限,不少發展商及本地財團積極展 shop in Hong Kong. 開重建併購等工作,以增土地儲備,市建局旗下的 觀塘月華街重建項目推出招標,獲多間大型發展商 垂青參與;同時,個別投資者早著先機,近期積極購入東九龍 放�深圳自由行,帶動本港旅遊業 區內工廈物業,「舖王」鄧成波或有關人士在年內9 斥資共約6億 國內宣布深圳市將自12月15日起為常住深圳的非廣東 元購入多個工廈物業及地舖,如長江電子大廈全幢、駱駝漆大 戶籍居民辦理赴香港「個人遊」簽証試點工作。新措 廈及成業街七號地舖等。 施對國內旅客以個人遊身份來港旅遊消費更見便利, With the new trend of acquiring old buildings for redevelopment, industrial 更會刺激國內遊客來港的次數上升,推動旅遊業。同時,這亦 buildings in East Kowloon became the targets of local investors 7帶動本港零售市道,直接令商舖價�上揚。 As the supply of land in prime locations is running short, developers and local enterprises turned active in acquiring strata-titled old buildings to Shenzhen individual visit replenish the land banks. The tender for Urban Renewal Authority’s Yuet The mainland government announced the non-Guangdong residents in Wah Street redevelopment project in Kwun Tong attracted many major Shenzhen are allowed to visit Hong Kong under the individual visit scheme developers to submit their bids. A few of early-bird investors became starting from December 15. The new policy will facilitate them to come to aggressive in acquiring industrial properties in East Kowloon recently. For Hong Kong for sightseeing and consumption. It would also encourage them example, the veteran property investor Tang Shing-bor or related parties to visit the city more frequently and would be a strong stimulus for tourism. spent a total of about HK$600 million to buy industrial properties and mainland arrivals and the capital value of retail shops would surge. workshops at Camelpaint Building and No 7 Shing Yip Street in the year. 全球銀行重新定位,匯豐銀行行政總裁主要辦公室將 交通網絡改善 為工商舖物業帶來裨益 遷本港 醞釀多年的港鐵沙田至中環線(沙中線)終落實發 植根香港的匯豐控股宣布旗下行政總裁主要辦公室落 展,2009年將會完成連串的詳細設計及規劃工作 實搬到本港,此舉將突顯香港在亞洲的國際金融中心 後,將於2010年施工。沙中線的發展將會連接多條 地位;更為市場帶來強烈的正面訊息。本港經濟地位將更為重 現有的鐵路線,令鐵路網絡更趨四通八達,有利城市規劃更完 要。此舉成為更多跨國企業的重要參考,將會對本港商廈買賣 1善外0,更會刺激東南九龍及新界各區的商業活動更趨頻繁,提 8及租務市場帶來強烈的需求,更會令空置率持續降低。 高區內物業的增�條件。 of transportation network Michael Geoghegan from London to Hong Kong, a return to its roots. It The construction work will begin in 2010 after the detailed design and planning works were completed in 2009. The new railway will connect to brought a positive signal to the market. It gave an important reference to several existing railways so as to develop a better transportation network. the multi-national companies and brought new demand for Hong Kong It could improve the town planning further and stimulate the business activities between South East Kowloon and the New Territories. This will expected to drop further. support the capital value gain of the properties in the areas. 4 H0751-00 MIDLAND 8.indd 4 1/20/10 9:05:13 PM 專 訪 美 聯 工 商 舖 行 政 總 裁 黃 子 華 Interview with Pierre Wong An up cycle in property market resumed Midland IC&I will expand professional services to meet new business opportunities Non-residential property market had taken six years to recover from
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