J** WAverly ! 3-9207-8 Sip HilUijdje Sin u s 1 ESTABLISHED 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE TOWNSHIP AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF HILLSIDE VOL. XXX l-N o.4587 h i l l s i d e , n . j T h u r s d a y ,. m a y s , 1955 PRICE-- 8■" 11 CENTS^ Rotary Club Surprise For Cooper In His Own Pr’osram Student-Teacher Mayor Proclaims Little League Week Garbage Bids VALLEY FORGE, PENN., May 5 -Seventy-eight students a^dL.teaoh-* front 17 states throughout the country are en route to this his­ toric shrine for the sixth annual Are Rejected Valley Forge Pilgrimage, which be­ gins Saturday, May 7, Four bids for the disposal of :~*L%r studenHeaeliei' "teams" rep5" Bank Leaflef Pays tlitf* township’s were resent 39 American public, private rejected by the Township Com­ jmd parochial schools selected for Tribute To Mother mittee Tuesday night and will principal honors In the 1954 school be readvertised for receipt on awards program of Freedoms Foun­ The monthly leaflet Issued by the dation at Valley Forge. The 3-day Hillside National Bank this month June 7 at 9 p.m. all-expense pilgrimage includes an in recognition of Mother’s Day has The committee recessed to con­ | educational tour, of freedom shrines departed from the usual format to sider the' bids and Mayor Henry at I Valiev Forge, Philadelphia and give the story of an unusual mother, Goldhor announced: that while Washington, D. G. Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, . whose Only One In State three bids were lower than two The team from Hillside High years ago,- they were, still considered School includes John Kulikowski, too high. The present contract is social studies instructor, and Don­ held by Fereday & Meyer Inc. of ald Sheaua, one of his students. Hillside High is the only senior high Elizabeth, whose bids were not the Special Services lowest of thoge received. the award. Township Clerk Howard J. Bloy While at Valley Forge the stu- was directed to write Gov, Robert dentr-teacher teams will participate For Mothers Day Meyner recommending-the- ap­ in seminars devoted to studying the A special service in recognition pointment of Leo R. Welch, of 821 spiritual, economic and citizenship of mothers will be held this. Sun­ Winchester avenue, to the vacancy aspects of the American system. day,’ May 8 i-at the First Baptist in the office pf director of the State Among the historic shrines to be Church (Of Hillside, Hillside avenue Bureau of Traffic Safety of the De- vUit»d by the school .representatives and Harding terraGe, according to tment of Motor Vehicles. Welch are: The - site of the- encampment the Rev.. Wesley A. Qlseni, pastor, low acting director and served as of Washington and his men at At the 11 a.ip. service the pastor deputy director for the past three Valley Forge in 1777-78 at Valley will preach on the subject, “A Sa­ Forge, Independence Hall, Christ WHEREAS, -Little League Base­ lute Ac Mothers.” Special music will The committee was informed by Church and the Betsy Ross House ball builds character, teaches toler­ be presented by the choir. The the State that sale of four' Vacant and the 3-day pil­ ance, and supplies a healthful 'f orm Youth' Fellowship will present a veterans houses on Nbrth Union £rf--geerea-t4oiv-to---youthT-an4------- planb-to-ea-eh-mcthen------ avenue will be held on Mayr^EM ~ ■ •£: as' - Yv- Zimmennto'Rboto ot the capital in Washington, D. C. WHEREAS, certain public spiri­ At the 7:45 p.m. service'the pastor An “ordinance ~was passed £© first President Harry A. Cooper, of the Hillside Rotary Club, center, gets a surprise “This Is Your Life’ - - I n addition -to- the pilgrimage, ted ■ Gitizens have organized the will- preach on the subject, ‘‘The reading providing for curbing, pav­ treatment. Daniel Leeds Miller BH, at left, hands gifts to Cooper. At right is Sidney SUversteln, who wrote each principal awarded “school will I Road That Seems Right.’’ All ing and storm drain on Crystal ter­ jnd narrated script. Among gifts Cooper received Giants uniform and cap, and story of team/ autographed receive a George Washington honor] mothers not present at the morning race. Public hearing will be held by all ihe players. medal and a “freedom library” of Tax Revaluation Appraiser service will be recognized at this May 17. President Harry A. Ojioper - was books, films and other teaching] service, one of six children and was the materials.. Highlight of the pilgrim­ guest of honer of a. “This Is Your The. foundry business was dig; age will be the presentation of the ‘life” type program conducted at first boy born after four girls. solyed during the depression, arid] George Washington honor medal to Barred By Property Owners Hopewell Plant Booster Drive For the Hillside Rotary Club April 26. Following graduation from Bay- Cooper in 1930 started th e present school representatives by Founda­ About six owners of commercial* A surprise switch made him the dnne High Sokobl he took a job company, the Qooper Allay Foundry] tion President Dr, Kenneth D. with Griff Wallpaper and Twine property in Hillside have refused to The Little League central figure of the program rather I60. in Elizabeth. The guest of hon Wells in'special ceremonies at Val­ asoline, fuel oil, kerosene, oils and For Bristol-Myers than Norman S. Baer whose name Co., Jersey City, and studied law ley Forge on Saturday afternoon. dt an appraiser of-the Board greases. 1 1 A Booster Day Drive will be con­ at night for about a year at New or related some of the difficulties fas. used to cover up Qpoppr’s se­ Thousands Of Entries of Assessors to enter their property At the request of Road Superin­ Bristol-Myers Products Division ducted Saturday, May '7, by the lection. Cooper initiated the en­ York University. In 1822, SUversteln the business encountered during the The schools are being honored for connection with the revaluation has announced the appointment of managers, C o a c h e s and Little tertaining program last summer continued, Cooper went into bus^ depression. A large.order-received] .their programs, projects, or activi­ program condupted by the town- tendent Arthur Riche, the Civil Chapman, Evans and Delehanty, of League players. This project has ne.ss ’with two associates,. William when he became president. ’ * [from Best Foods Co., in Bayonne ties which help to bring about a ship. Sidney Englander, board sec­ Service Commission will be request­ New York City, as architects for the Stimulated a considerable amount Cooper was bona, in Bayonne on Sweet and Charles Bruno, forming ed to hold a promotion examination company’s plant to be built in [turned the tide ip 1934, and the better understanding of the Ameri­ retary, informed the Township Com­ of community spirit. It is hoped My 6, 1888, pointed, out Sidney the Sweet F oundry. Co. In Phila­ can way of life. Each school was mittee Tuesday .night. The proper­ wo heavy equipment operators. Hopewell Township. that everyone will welcome the SUversteln, who wrote "the script delphia. In 1924 new quarters .were business prospered. selected from multi-thousands of ty owners will be requested to. at*t players when they call Saturday to and narrated the program. He was built' on Chestnut street, Hillside. President Cooper. is married to nominations by a distinguished na­ tend a conference of the committee deliver Little League booster stick- the former Florence Selman and tional awards jury. The 1954 jiiity on Tuesday, May 17. era and accept contributions. has two sons, Herbert and Stuart. was chairmanned by Dr. George D. Several communications were re­ Educator Urges Safeguarding At the completion of the third He is active in Temple Israel of the Humphrey, President of the Uni­ ceived from persons objecting to try-out Saturday, 120 boys were se­ Oranges and is a charter member versity of Wyoming. It was com= provisions-of-the new traffic . .con­ lected by the player’s agent com­ of South /Mountain B’nai :BM tp I posed of officers of national pa- trol ordinance. One was from Rev. The Nation’s High Standards mittee to play on the 8 major Little Last February he received the Itribtic, veterans and service dub Wesley A. Olsen, pastor of the First League teams. A player’s auction ffe m m 3t Americanism award- of the Hillside | groups. Baptist Church, requesting that the was conducted Sunday at the War Lodge. Cooper was v a member o|. Freedoms Foundation at Valley pqo ^parking restrictions on both Memorial 'Building, at which time Memorial Day Observance [the • South Orange Village Board Forge is a non-profit, non-political sides of Harding terrace be revised, the managers and. coaches “pur­ of Trustees in 1948 and the -follow­ non-sectarian awards organization He said parishioners attending chased” players With the 36,000 Letter From California ing year was chairjman of • the Uni­ which • annually honors . through, church .on Sunday ar£..haYing diffi-, points assigned to them, Henry Ford n Speaks ted Jewish ^Appeal for'Essex Coup- award individuals, organizations [cU|ty finding’packing space. i The Little League budget for 1955 l l i s i s and schools for their work in be­ The committee confirmed the ac- is $2,578, which is approximately the The Patriotic Celebrations Committee has made special efforts Silverstein ’t|}d- how five years half o f'th e American way of life, Itiott of Mayor Henry. Goldhor re­ same expenditure as. last year. Each this year to -provide’ Hillside wifcti a Memorial Day parade and ob­ ago Cooper formed the Florence Officers include' President Dwight jecting the offer of the Hillside In* sponsor contributes $300 the first servance of'wbioH vit may be proud.
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