R~ . • 1938 EDITION • 586 Pages 2 1000 Illustrations T HE STANDARD CATALOGUE OF AIRPOST STAMPS is the . i,~ recognized guide book for collector and dealer. The new ec).jtiqn has been completely revised and brought up-to-date, listing eyery ~irpost stamp issued to January 8, 1938. The prices are net ret~iJ se~Ji~g price~. Cloth Bound - $2.00 Air Post Stamps on ApJ:?roval AUCTION SALES l-IELD REGULARLY ON AIR MAIL AND UNITED STATES STAMPS Ask for a copy of the Auction Catalogue .! if you are not on our mailing list. Nicolas. Sanabria, Inc. S/!eco9nizeJ O'YorlJ 3teaJquarfers for·o/lrposl Siamps 11 East 42nd St:reet -co N;~ Yo ~k City CABLE ADORl:SS: NICSAN, N. Y. • The new 6-cent Air Mail Stamp which will be placed on first day sale at the AAMS St. Petersburg Convention Station. <Jhe IJfflRAicaJ1, Ila Mad Sockitt 'a, 9TH ANNUAL CONVENTION • celebration of National Air Mail week, it... self marking the twentieth anniversary by L. B. GATCl-IELL of the establishment of regular service within the United States, was a most Bronxville, N. · Y. happy one, especially as the Society it­ self is celebrating an anniversary of • especial significance. This year marks the fifteenth conSecu.tive year <if the HE PRESENT MEETING of the Society as at present constituted. Many T American Air Mail Society at St. Petersburg. Florida marks the ninth an­ of the charter members are now and nual gathering of this group of Interna­ have been continuously active jn the tional collectors, interested in the Phila­ affairs of the Society throughout its ex­ telic and historial aspects of the develop­ istence. Some of these members enjoyed ment of the air mail services of the even earlier •association in The Aero Mail world. The decision to hold the conven­ Club, formed as a pioneer group to study tion concurrent with the nationwide and foster interest in the new mode of • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Tl-IE .AIRPOST JOURNAL • AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY • o MAY. 1938 VOL. IX. NO. 8 . ... • ISSUE 97 lOc PER COPY 3 THE Al RPOST JOURNAL Throughout its existence the Society has been fortunate in having sustained and active interest from its original leadership. What other National Society c2n show as large a percentage of its charter membership active as of fifteen :vears after its inception Perhaps we've bit off something here-but we are proud oI our records. Death itself has robbed us of i;nember #1, the late .Joseph 'P. Steinmetz. Past President Truby, Mem­ ber #2 and Secretary Angers, Member #3, make this writer tagged #162 feel like a babe in arms so far as Society ac­ tivities are concerned. • • • Speaking of "early birds" it is a source of interest and gratification to know that the Nominating Committee's choice for President for the coming year is Paul F. Robertson, Charter Member 25. Paul has been active throughout the years and has served the Society in several capacities, more recently as a member of the Board of Directors. In addition, and more important, he is · a grand fellow e ROBERT E. FELLERS. Superin- tendent of Stamps, Postoffice De­ partment, Washington who will sup­ ervise the first day sale of the new air stamp and again honor the AAMS by his attendance at the Convention. mail transportation, then in its very. in­ fancy. The present Society was originally formed under the name AERO-PHILA­ TELIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA in 1923. In 1927 the name was modiefied to its present form in order to achieve direct­ ness and simplicity and to avoid con­ fusion in its abbreviated form, A. P. S. A., with the abbreviated and commonly uesd form of the American Philatelic Society.-A. P. S. • • • During the first six years of its exis­ tence, the American Air Mail Society held no Conventions. In the formative and embryonic stage, it had not reached sufficient numerical strength and stature to make such a gathering either possible or significant. Today these annual meet­ ings, in their friendships and associations are the highlights of the Society's yearly e GEORGE W. ANGERS. Springfield, activity. Previous meetings have been Mass., president emeritus and one of held twice each at Cleveland, Washington the original organizers of the Ameri­ can Air Mail Society is also secretary and New York and once each at Chicago of the group and editor of the forth- and Springfield. Mass. coming catalogue. 4 MAY 1938 and one who can be expected to further the continued pr,ogress of the So~le1y dul"ing his term. • • • The annual Convention affords an op­ portunity for the Society officers to re­ port to the membership as to their stew­ ardship and permits the members ·at these meetings to coment on and make suggestions as to the acts of the officers. The Constitution and By-Laws of the A. A. M. S. have been purposely drawn to give the officers wide latitude in the administration of Society affairs. In an organization such as ours, this is almost essential. It is a physical lmpossiblllty, even though funds were available, to take each matter of policy or each de­ cision to the full membership. The officers serve without compensation and are of­ ten hard pressed to find the necessary time to devote to the Society's affairs. Their actions are sincere and devoted and any member either at the Convention • PAUL F. ROBERTSON, Decatur, Ill., dirertor and charter member #25 of the AAMS who has recently been selected by the Nominating Commit­ tee as President for the 1938-39 term. or at any other time is privileged to question or disapprove them. While on the subject it may be appropriate to point out that the position of Secretary now requires the dedication of a major amount of time, which time must necesarily be deducted from other activ­ ities and in some cases the regular bus­ iness of the incumbent. It is possible that this Convention will be asked to face the situation squarely and deter­ mine whether the time has not arrived to provide some monetary compensation for the Secretary. This would be a step in the right direction even though the present resources of the Society might make it necessary to restrict this stipend to a small and inadequate amount. • • • One of the ever pleasing features of each Convention has been the cordial participation of the Post Office Depart­ • L. B. GATCHELL. Bronxville, N. Y., ment. Again this year, the Department director and past f ersldent of the AAMS has honored the Society by designation served as Nations Chairman of the 1938 Convention Committee. of a special Convention Station at the 5 THE A I RPOST JOURNAL Suwannee Hotel, the headquarters of the ous airports and inspection of govern­ meeting, and by the issuance of the new ment aircraft facilities and on Monday 6c red and blue air mail stamp first day night, May 16, a fina.l banquet at the Su­ at that station. Special cancelling dies wanee Hotel. At this dinner awards will for the A. A. M. s. St. Petersburg Station be presented and the meeting will be will be provided by the Post Office De­ addressed informally by various Post Of­ partment and will be used on all mail fice Department and civic officials. Ar· dispatched from the special station not rangements for the first-day sale at St. only the first day but on the three days Petersburg will be personally supervised of the convention meeting. What amounts by Robert E. Fellers, Superintendent to a branch Philatelic Agency will also Division of Stamps, Post Office Department be established. This action is similar to Washington, D. C. Other postal officials that taken several years ago at Chicago who are planning to be present include when the 16c blue air mail special de­ the Honorable Ramsey S. Black, 3rd livery stamp was made available first Assistant Postmaster General; the Hon­ day only at the Convention station of orable Harllee Branch, 2nd Assistant the Society in the Congress Hotel. Let Postmaster General; the Honorable Roy the record , show that this appreciated N .North, Deputy 3rd Assistant Post­ co-operation extends throughout the master General; C. P. Graddick, Superin­ year. Let it show that it is received tendent Division of Air Mail Service; J. from each Bureau and Department head E. Lamiell, Superintendent International at Washington from Mr. Farley down. Postal Service, and others. • • • * * • Our hobby exists on the interchange A comprehensive exhibition of air mail of ideas. the study of material, the com­ material is being sponsored by the Tony panionship of those enjoying similar pur­ Jannus Chapter of the American Air Mail suits. This can be had best at a Con­ Society which is the local host to the vention. The friendships renewed, the new delegates. This active group is receiving ones made go on throughout the years the cooperation of the philatelic groups and in the past they have been the of St. Petersburg and of the permanent genesis of many great co-operative pro­ ;1ocal commitJ.tee to iSpon,..Jr P1hilateHi;' jects upon behalf of the hobby. The shows and exhibitions. Judging by the forthcoming AMERICAN AIR MAIL popularity of the annual philatelic ex­ CATALOGUE to be published by the hibition held under the auspices of this Society is a good example. I venture to group each February, the present exhibi­ say that such a project would be im­ tion will command widespread interest posible were it not feasible for most of and will attract some of the finest mater­ the section editors to meet together on ial in the United States.
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