^ g i ESTABLISHED I l l t t •k COMPLETE COVERAGE OF MILL BURN TOWNSHIP INCLUDING WYOMING VOL XLVII.—NO. 20 Millburn, New Jersey, Friday, May 1 7, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Millburn Leading League, Will HIGH SCHOOL Commonwealth Water Offer 1 FRANK WRIGHT, Open Home Season Here Saturday PLANS PAGEANT FORMER ITEM Of Settlement Is Refused Chairman Barker Will Toss First Ball As Blues To Celebrate Anniver­ Six Per Cent Reduction on Grots Bills is Consid­ Take Up Pennant March—Knothe sary of First Free Pub­ OWNER, DEAD ered Too Small— Three Towns :*-.i« Batting Star of Opener lic School Bought and Ran Paper „ i U ■ ■ ■ O P P OSO # ^ ^ ..... ’’M B M ............... ..... ; , - ^, J' J#*S» I I I ■■ ; V V : w 'j ~ V '-1; — '• ‘ Stephen 0w*»r. ehalnneo ai th e LACKAWANNA BASEBALL w JttUburnf ...... I ! Mere Forty Yean P erhaps wearying of the litigation, too, perhaps warped by the finding* a n htie of the most spectacular pageants Ago In-recent cases by the State Public Utility Commission the Commonwealth toss up the first hall here tomorrow produced in the Bute wttUn recent Standing of the Teams Water Company last week made an offer of settlement of the fight of five years. The thrCe^TiundreaHt anni­ afternoon as the Millburn Blues open w . L. P t t Funeral *erviees for Frank Wright municipalities, of which Millburn Is one, for lower water rates. , . „ versary of the founding of the Boston 'JkM their home season In the Lackawanna Millburn ... 0 1.000 were held Monday evening at the Latin School, (he first free high school i f ■ The proposal of the company was that the five towns accept a flat six Chatham ... ........ 1" 0 1.000 bom * Of hte Sister, Mrs. Frank B. Eeague against Chatham at Taylor In America, Is to be celebrated by our per cent -reduction baaed on all water consumer bills including that used for NM taon .. 0 1.000 Poster of WO Irvington avenue, South local Institution with a pageant. This Summit . 2 1- .000 Orange. Rev. George G Vogel of municipal purposes It wa* estim ated th is would amount to about $60,660 man Willard TL H ula. President oi production traces in a most spectacu­ M orristown .000 \ Rahway, former paator of the South In the five towna.' ............ 0 1 lar way the growth of secondary the Millburn A. A., w hich la spon­ Dover ........ 1 .000 Orange Methodist Episcopal Church, education In this country through a DR. EDWIN W. KEMMERER officiated. Burial took place Tuesday Attempts to estimate what the sav­ towns must accept and discontinue the soring the Blues, will catch the ball. Saturday's Reaults. period of three hundred years, begin­ 1 morning in the Springfield Presbyte­ ing would be to Millburn property suit and this Millburn, Maplewood and Manager Chuck W ard Is nutting a r ­ Millburn 20, Morristown 9. ning with the old Latin School and Springfield. Mr. Irvington refused to do. Summit and rangements so that the fans may have Madison 3, Summit 2. rian Cemetery, owners placed it at about $3,000 per the Dame School of the 1630's. It W right dfed Saturday afternoon at West Orange were willing to accept music with the first home contest. Chatham 4, Dover 2. year and the reduction per individual cashes an Interpretation of the de­ the Orange Memorial Hospital, after the six per cent reduction. Those who followed the team to Game* This Saturday. velopment of education up to Its DR. KEMMERER at an average of about $2.25. a month's illness Morristown last Saturday to see the The case will now bo pushed Chatham at Millburn. modern conception Mr. Wright was editor and proprie There were several meeting* on the Hlues defeat the Colonials for the Morristown at Summit. through to a conclusion and the time The pageant will be given on Tues­ tor 25 years. He bought Ihe paper projKisal and Committeeman Willard hrst time iu two years, were impress­ Madison at Dover set for declaion is al* months al the day and Wednesday, May 28 and 29. WILL SPEAK ON 40 years ago. It Is om- of the oldest L. Hulls represented Millburn In theBe ed with the batting strength of the latest. Mlllburn's share of the cost of weeklies in New Jersey. Fifteen years local team. A total of 22 base hits The art and manual training classes sessions He felt that the reduction finishing the light will be about $600 ago 1ih sold it to Millburn Inlereets, « ,-re collected by th e Blues, who rlstown at Summit. If Dover can under the direction of Miss Donna was loo small, In that It did not cover additional, making Its total outlay in T ehay nnil Mr Roy Anderson, are and it then became ihe Millburn soured 22 runs against nine for Mor- hurdle Madison, the winner of the CURRENCY Ihe service charge the Commonwealth carrying on the contest about $2,000. busy on scenery, the sewing classes, Short Hills Item Company had arbitrarily Imposed i istown. George Knothe, Andy Bene­ game here will go into undisputed it was fell that while the settle­ supervised by Miss Katherine Lewis, For the past ten years. Mr Wright I dict. Frlti Knothe, Jimmy Callerau possession of first place. Mr. Hulls has placed ten per cent ment offered would have been profit­ arc making costumes; the gym ‘Money Doctor’ at Sum­ has owned the Voxton Press, Short , Hurt Schreiner slapping out three hits Millburn AH If II PO E as the minimum the Commission will able bused on the cost of waging the R classes, directed by Miss Ruth Elisor Hills printing plant, wherh be was I apiece. ItnhMtt. if . 7 .1 2 2 0 0 mit Liberty League grant on the present hearing, and eon appeal, it was not what the taxpayers Knothe. NM 3 3 2 3 0 president of the Short TTtHr Business | nnd Mr Carl Smith, are working out were fairly entitled to and that on the Kritr Knothe, formerly of the Bos Hrtiodlct. 11> . .. .. 5 1 3 9 1 0 Meeting Mens' Association He was horn In ! tends this la the lento amount Up­ F Knot tic ii 2 3 0 2 0 dances; and the dramatic classes, towns rould accept In settlement The final decision will be all of this nnd 1.. 1, nraves, bailed In seven ruuaHii Iandmi. If .. .. »i Morristown, where his family settled 1 1 2 0 0 under Miss Marie Webb's leadership, probnhly much more 1 .. muscled for the first Millburn Fitflcran,homo 21>. ... t, 2 3 1 2 0 the principal apeak-i at I tie meet In the early part of isnn Beside* his company proposal wa- Dial all of Up­ 2 I are meiimi Igjng various parts > iun of the season. lie also performed hrrlncr. i f . fi .1 3 0 llarirr. »\e« r 2 2 R 1 0 lug of the Liberty l.eague In Sum sister, he leaves a hroiloi, William 1 th e remarkable feat of scoring all of Miller. 1 1 1 1 0 T he four aet> ««f the pageant were mil on Thursday evening. May 23. W W right of Shm I Hills tlie way from second after a fly ball ZM3VMlil)-ki .r 1 0 1 A 0 0 w ritten hy four ni the English teach will be I)i Edwin \\ niter Kemmerer, l„,d been caught In right field. The era ul the High School, Mrw Sylvia Professor of international Finance at Horse Show Will Surpass Morristown tleldwr threw the ball to , MunrUiiw ii AH h 1! 1*0 n i Angrlst. MIbs Opal Mntz Minn Bertha Princeton University, and internation­ Vuthwlck if If 1 A Co infield nnd was amazed lo see ; K I AN . 4 3 2 1 Stiefel and Miss M arie Webb. The ally known "Money Doctor" Dr PLAINFIELD f>lFrcint< ar. 3h. , 1 2 1 1 K n o tlie streaking for the plate. • r episodes n pi* M at ihf four hpbhohh of Kemmerer will speak in Our Cur All Former Exhibitions F o u r Morristown pitchers were un \\ II ru-i • t i A 1 2 0 the year b«gi:m!ng with Autumn, b* lency Situation and (iinlouk" and Ills ,,M - to stop the Blues' terrific clout ‘ 1 .n|.ln*i ?>• t 1 ( au»e school opt nt% iu Llie Fall, and knowledge of the subject Is expected FALLS HERE !('*• In’, j-. rf 4 ft 1 1 2 continuing tin- piiduring spirit of edu to make this one of llu- most Impor ms Biddle. Harrison. Slnrlin and | 1 Unlit’!, . i 2 i I 0 Keen Competition to Mark Event Staged Saturday, Roche were employed by Manager , Ill I'll- •• 0 0 A 0 cation gyiiibuliiMti hy the pine tree, Hint and algulflcant meeting* of the llriihrioll. i f . If . 1 A 1 0 Eddie Murphy, whose Htrondsburg, Ml.tlMn |- . I 0 0 0 through Winter, Spring and Summer American Liberty League High School Baseball May 25, at Rock Spring night oi seeing so many Millburn men , “ The |TrologU'“ w ritten hy Min* Llntz Tills will lie the first public meeting T>il ft 1- 1 0 9 1 9 Team’# First Vic­ Country Club igdt of seeing so many Millburn men s. .,ie i > iiinlnc for each divinion <»( the pageant, giveM hdd hy ihe League In the im-iropoll 7 < 0 . .uiipering around the oases By the \l liil-Uf h 0 in |»oetic form, the them e for each act tau area, and I* expected to draw an tory MullUlpfi l\ 2 4 0 0 o p 2 1 o— The seventh annual cxlilhiilnii spoil’ for the Millburn Riding Club Chal­ time they calmed down f iv e errors b u d j attendance of more than :i thousand Two-l.ssfl h l f f h [mop* Tl in-4» t»RI»4« hit ll will In- more ihau a pageant li By FRED HERRIGEL sored by the Millburn Hors-- Show lenge Trophy, which must be won been c h alk ed up in the box score JIoum* iun»-ltul»»*J««k.
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