Vol. 15(3): 119–143 THE 23RD POLISH MALACOLOGICAL SEMINAR SEMINAR REPORT Our 23rd Seminar (Hey! It will be a quarter of a conference room. There are lots of things that can be century soon!) took place on April 24th–27th in a said in favour of everybody staying in one place: infor- very small village Serpelice (far from any big city, even mal discussions, various forms of socialising and even Siedlce with its Podlasie Academy is far) and very comparing our respective laptops and data contained close to the Belarussian border, on the very pictures- therein. Some rooms (or maybe even all) had balco- que Bug River which separates us from the next-door nies on which to socialise, especially that the weather neighbours. The organisers listed on the cover of the was very nice most of the time. This, and the proxim- Abstract Book include the Institute of Biology, ity of the beautiful river could not be resisted. As a re- Podlasie Academy in Siedlce, The Association of Pol- sult many aquatic people missed the terrestrial ses- ish Malacologists, two landscape parks (Podlasie Bug sions and as many terrestrial malacologists skipped River and Bug) and the Naturalists’ Society “Stork”. the aquatic lectures. Some nice freshwater creatures The actual people without whose effort there would could be collected in the river and its oxbows (see also have been no seminar included our colleagues from some of the 2006 abstracts – Folia Malacologica 14: the Institute of Biology, Podlasie Academy: EWA 85–97 and the 2007 abstracts below) but the area JURKIEWICZ-KARNKOWSKA,BEATA JAKUBIK, holds only few rather common land snails. During the KATARZYNA SARNOWSKA,KRZYSZTOF LEWANDOWSKI Seminar excursion we were shown the two landscape and RYSZARD KOWALSKI (some of you may remember parks, with some landscape, some history and the that our previous Seminar, in 2006, was organised beautiful horses in the famous Janów Podlaski. We single-handedly by our colleague from Kielce). A were also taken to the fossil site of Viviparus diluvianus round of applause for the Organisers! Another round in Ortel Królewski (again: see the two sets of ab- of applause for the staff the Bug Landscape Park who stracts) where we could collect as many specimens as organised the seminar excursion! we wished (see Phot. 2). The village of Serpelice is very difficult to get to There were 40 oral presentations in the pro- and equally difficult to leave: no railway station, few gramme but five would-be-participants did not ap- buses and you have to change from train to bus or pear. Like during many of the previous seminars, from bus to bus at least once. There was a Seminar most absentees were our wicked neighbours from bus from Siedlce on the morning of the 24th but across one border or another; they always submit those who wanted to come the day before and were their abstracts and then… nothing happens. Their ab- carless had to make do with local transport. Fortu- stracts were in the abstract book and are included nately, malacologists are an obstinate folk: nobody here. The number of posters in the programme was lost heart on the way and all got there all right. The of- 17 and again, three authors (and two posters) never ficial opening of the seminar (speeches and so on) arrived. The chairman of the poster session made was brief (which was good), followed by two lectures, each poster owner stand in front of their poster and each about the wonders of one of the two landscape explain to the audience what the poster was about, al- parks. We all stayed in a kind of holiday centre, for- most as if he doubted the quality of our graphics. The merly I suspect a communist recreation centre (we number of participants and the number of presenta- have many of those; apparently the communists liked tions were widely disparate for usual reasons: more recreation a lot), composed of several buildings with a than one author per presentation, more than one few rooms in each, plus a separate building with a presentation per author, people without any presenta- 120 Seminar Report Phot. 1. Socialising... Phot. 2. Malacologists collecting fossil Viviparus in Ortel Królewski. All the white blobs on the ground are shells tions, presentations (included in the programme) without any people to them, people coming later or The only really significant difference between leaving earlier making it difficult to count. In all, 2006 and 2007 is the much greater number of ecologi- there were more than sixty people present, including cal papers and posters this year. The division in the one guest from the Czech Republic who even chaired table disregards whether the main character in the one of the sessions (and did it in Polish!). Many story was a snail or a bivalve or where it lived (land or young people: master’s or doctoral students, nice and water). The snail:bivalve ratio among the presenta- bright kids who obviously still do not realise that tions was 1.67:1 (compared to 2.38:1 last year), and malacology is not exactly a very profitable trade. the land:water ratio was 0.54:1 (1.13:1 last year). No Like last year, to have a picture of the variety of Chi square is required to see that aquatic malacology presented topics, I have attempted assigning papers is more popular again, and the same is true of bivalve to disciplines and even compared the result with the studies. previous seminar. Some presentations were difficult There were two official social events: the huge to assign to a discipline (some have been assigned to bonfire on the first evening, with grilled sausages and more than one in the table), and I had to apply more lots of beer, and the banquet on the second day. The than one division into categories. banquet was very special – not only eating and drink- ing, but also awarding honorary memberships of the Number of papers/posters No. Discipline Association. We have two new honorary members 2006 2007 now: Professor ANNA STAÑCZYKOWSKA-PIOTROWSKA 1 Ecology 9 20 who studied Dreissena even before most people real- 2 Life histories 9 7 ised that such a creature existed, and who is now the 3 Conservation 7 2 “Dreissena pope”, and Professor ANDRZEJ SAMEK who is basically an engineer (Technical University in Cra- 4 Fossil molluscs 5 6 cow) but loves molluscs, and who unfortunately could 5 Applied malacology 4 2 not attend the Seminar. Apart from their malaco- 6 Parasitology 3 3 logical and educational merits, they are simply very 7 Faunistics 2 2 nice people and we like them a lot. Congratulations! There are rumours that the next Seminar will be 8 Methodology 2 3 somewhere on the coast (Gdañsk?). 9 Physiology 2 1 Our Abstract Book was in Polish, with a photo of 10 Structure (histology, 20the Bug River on the cover . Brief abstracts in English cytology, shell) are presented below; in most cases translated surrepti- 11 Variation 0 2 tiously behind the authors’ back, by Yours Truly. 12 Systematics 2 2 BEATA M. POKRYSZKO 13 Molecular genetics 1 3 Museum of Natural History, Wroc³aw University 14 Others (general, 23 Sienkiewicza 21, 50-335 Wroc³aw, Poland behaviour, archaeology) (e-mail: [email protected]) Seminar Report 121 ABSTRACTS OF THE 23RD POLISH MALACOLOGICAL SEMINAR, SERPELICE 2007 UNIONIDS (BIVALVIA: UNIONIDAE) PERMISSIONS TO STUDY PROTECTED SPECIES OF THE DRAWA RIVER (WESTERN AND AREAS – POLEMICS WITH THE MINISTER POMERANIAN LAKELAND) OF ENVIRONMENT ANNA ABRASZEWSKA,KRZYSZTOF JANECKI ANNA ABRASZEWSKA Katedra Zoologii Bezkrêgowców i Hydrobiologii, Katedra Zoologii Bezkrêgowców i Hydrobiologii, Uniwersytet £ódzki Uniwersytet £ódzki The sampling included 45 localities (50 sampling Based on her own experience in 2006, when trying sites) along the Drawa River from its sources to the to obtain a permit to study unionid bivalves in the mouth (186 km), on its five tributaries and in some Drawa River (3 legally protected species plus the pro- oxbows. The studies comprised the 40 km section tected section of the river within the Drawa National within the Drawa National Park. Qualitative and Park), the author questions the principles, procedure quantitative samples contained 1,416 bivalve speci- and the fact of limiting the scientists’s activities by mens representing six Polish unionid species; 985 live clerks. specimens were measured. The occurrence analysis was based on 213 specimens of Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788, 492 U. tumidus Philipsson, 1788, 140 MALACOFAUNA OF THE LOESS PROFILE U. pictorum Linnaeus, 1758, 10 Anodonta cygnea IN HALYCH, WESTERN UKRAINE (Linnaeus, 1758), 120 A. anatina (Linnaeus, 1758) and 10 Pseudanodonta complanata (Rossmässler, 1835). WITOLD P. A LEXANDROWICZ In the upper section of the river unionids were repre- Zak³ad Analiz Œrodowiskowych i Kartografii, sented by single individuals of A. anatina. Except Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Kraków transformed and polluted fragments of the Drawa, unionids were observed along the whole river. The Mollusc shells are known to occur in numerous dominant was U. tumidus found in most sites and loess localities in entire Europe, usually forming as- reaching the highest densities (a few to 39 indiv./m2). semblages which are species-poor but include some The highest density of U. tumidus (59 indiv./m2) was characteristic species. The loess locality in Halych, on found in a river bend with fertile detritus within the a high terrace of the Dnester River, includes a series National Park below Drawnik. Common euryoecious up to 60 m thick, with several glacial cycles (loess) and U. pictorum and A. anatina were rare and not abun- interglacial phases (fossil soils).
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