![(Cornwall.] Blisland](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
(CORNWALL.] BLISLAND. 6 POST OFFICE Stepbens Waiter, farmer, Bowithick Venning Daniel, farmer, Trezibbet Weslake Thomas, farmer, Burden Strout John, farmer, Treween Venninp; Geo. John, farmer, Trelawny Wh!lle Henry, cbairma.ker, Trewint Tregunts Con1ol& Copper~ Tin Mine, Venning Jacob, farmer, South Carne WIJale Richard, carpenter John Rowe, ~a.ptain; John Spargo, Vennlng James, farmer, Trewin Wheal Bray Copper Mine, Samuel purser; Amos Cbapman, engineer Venning Jamesj .1un. farmer, Bray .Bennett, captain; Richard Kittow, Tucker John, mason, Treween Vennin!f Lotan, farmer, Trebant purser; West&. Sonl!l, engineers Turner Thomas, farmer, Trekennick Vosper Edwa.rd, farmer, Tre~renna Williams Thomas, farmer, Trezibbet Turner Williaw,schoolmaster,Fivelanes Weslake Henry, farmer, South Carne Wills John, blacksmith, Accasinney PosT OPPICB.-Wm. R. Northam, recl!iver, Flve lanes., dispatched l past 8 a.m. next day. 'the ~earest mone.y Letters are reeeived through tau nee;~ ton, arrive 2 p.m.; order offices are at Launceston & Camelford B::LIS::LAND is a townehip, small vi11age, and parish,· WATERLOO is a small village• .5 miles from Bodmin, in East Cornwall, Trigg Hundred, THORNB 1 Ventonhorne, Stokeley, Shallowpit, Berry~ Bodmin Union, Trigg Minor deanery, Cornwall arch· meeting, Bradford, Durfold, PcmndscroSI!; Four Winds, deaconry, and Exeter blshopric. 't'he church of St. Lease, MoS!!, Trewardale, Trevisick, Treswlggar, Tren. Protho, or St. Pratt, is ll stone building, with a tower and creek, Tregenna, Trewarder, Trehudreth, Penstrode1 6 bells; has a nave, aisles, and a transept. The living I!! a Pengelly, Great Pennant, Pendreft, Penrose, Penquite, rectory, worth £543 yearly, ill the gift of the Rev. F. W. Lavethen, Carwen, Carbelly, Carbeglett, Landabethick, Pye, who is also incumbent. The population, in 1851, and Mealhern, are places here. was 606; the acreage is 6,338. Collins Rev. Edward Matthew Charles, Harris John, farmer, Shallowpit Rich Matthew, tailor, Waterloo Trewardale Harris William, farmer, Stokeley Rogers William, farmer, Penquile Morshead William, esq. Lavethen Harris William, farmer, Treworder Rogers Zachariah, schoolmaster Pye Rev. Francis Woolcock, Rectory Hooper George, blacksmith, Berry• Rowe Richard, farmer, Bradford TRADERS. meeting Rowe Richard, farmer, Carbelly .A.xworthy John, boot & shoe maker, Jose Robert, farmer, Carbe~lett Runnalls Richard, blacksmith, Four Waterloo Keat 'l'homas, miller, Levethen mill winds .Axworthy Richard,carr•enter, Waterloo Kingdon Susan (1\lrs.), farmer, Berry• Runnalls William, farmer, Lease Bate Render, farmer, Trevisick meeting Runnalls William, farmer, Tregenna Bate Thomas, farmer, Treswiggar Lander Christopher, farmer, Pendreft Rush Samuel, farmer, Landabethick Best Richard. tailor Londer William, farmer, Pendreft Sauderl!! John, farmer, Meathern Best William; farmer, Thorne Lean Christopher, farmer, Durfold Sanders Nicholas, farmer, l\'Ieathern Bunt John, mason *Lean John, jun. farmer, Carwen Temby William, farmer, Carwen Bumard Thomas, fatmer, Bradford Lean John,sen. miller, Trehudreth mill Tom Thomas, farmer Trewint Cattell William, farmer, Trehwedreath *Lean Thomas, farmer, Bradford Trethewoy John, farmer, Moss Cattell William, farmer Lewarne John, farmer, Tomrose Whale Richard, carpenter Coppin Josepb, farmer, Great Pennant Marshall M:ary Ann (Mr1;1.), London Whiting Henry, butcher & shopkeeper Cowlin~ Nicbolas, farmer inn, Poundscro!'s Williams John, school Cowling Samuel, farmer, Trencreek "'Pearce Edward, farmer, Penrose Willin!{ton Charles, farmer, Penstrode Eade Jonathant blacksmith Pengelly John, boot & shoe makt'r Wills John, farmer, Pen~elly Hambley Richard, farmer, Ventonhorne Prout Ann (Mrs.), Blisland inn Letters are received through Bodmin, •Harris Arundel Richard, farmer, Tre- Rich Arthur, shopkeeper & shoemaker, which is also the nearest money order genna . Waterloo office BOCONNOC, nellr Llskeard, 1s a township, parish, of the Hon. Geor~e Matthew Fortescue; in the park and Yillage, in West Hundred, Liskeard Union, Cornwall stands a monument to the memory of Sir Richard archdeaconry; nxeter bishopric, East Cornwall. The Lyttleton. There are some olri lead mines in the park. church is remarkable for the belluty of the font; the The township had, in 1851, a population of 343 inbabi­ Iiving le a rectory with that of Broadoak annexed, and tauts, and an area of 2,003 acres. The population .is of the united value of £378, in the gift of Lady Gren- chiefly agricultural. ville; the Rev. Arthur Tatlam is the incumbent. LITTLE is a house deemed extra-parochial. There are a chapel for Wesleyans, and a National NETHERTOWN, Gumsworth, Cutpit, Clown, Hill, school for boys and girls. Boconnoc House is the seat Couches Mill, Trebarret, and Polpiece, are places here. GENTRY. Couch David, miller & farmer, Couches j Olver William, boot &; shoe maker, Fortescue Hon. George Matthew, Bo- mill Couches mill connoc house Couch Jonathan, blacksmith, Couches Pond William, farmer Pease William, ~sq mill Santo Anthony, farmer, Clown TRA.DBRS. Edwards Daniel, farmer, Gumsworth Scantlebury William, tailor Borden Henry, farmer; Trabarret Hocken William, carpenter I Stepber1s James, jun. farmer, Hill Bryant Thomas, shopkeeper Honeycomb Tboma!.l, farmer, Monaburl Teague Emma (Miss), mistress of Na• Chapman Richard, farmer, Trebarret Littleton William, farmer, Cutpit tional school gate Motton James, timber dealer Letter:i through Lostwithiel, which is Chegwidden ll.ichard, farmer, Polpiece Phillips James, farmer, Nethertown the nearest money o~der office BODMJ::N' is a parliamentary and. municipal borough, The town is well paved, and lighted with gas, and market, and Union town, township, and parish, the abundantly supplied with water, and has somt! excellent capitul of East Cornwall, in the Hundred of Trigg, shops. Oliver's Royal hotel is a large new buildi11g. Tbs and gives name to the Union, embr11cing 21 parishes. market is helq every Saturday, at the Market-house, Bodmin township contained, irt 1851, a population Mount Folly. A new market has been erected for meat, of 4,705; the municipal borough 4,327; and the par- poultry, and butter, in Fore-street. The Mayoralty-house Jiamentary borou~h 6,337. The town is pleasantly is a handsome stone building, erected by the Corporation situated in a yalJey near the centre of the county, 32 for the accommodation of the judges during the assizes. miles from Plymouth, on the toad to Falmouth, 34 from A handsome monument was subscribed in 1854 to the the latter place1 and 235 from London. It was a cor- memory of Lieut.-General Sir Waiter Raleigh Gilbert, porate town at a very early period, and is mentioned as a Bart., a.c.B .• on 'l'he Beacon, a very high point, about borough as early as the reign of Henry 11. It !'lends a quarter of a mile south of the town. two members to Parliament; the present are William The remains of t Roman camp were discovered about Michel, M.n., and Charles Saul, Esq. It is the seat of 1855, 2 milei west from the town. Bodmin was for a long election, and a polling-place for the eastern division of time the residence of the eminent mechanic, Lawrence the county; the members for which are Nicholas Kend11ll 1 Holker Potts, M.n., who here invented the hydraulie Esq., and T. J. Ag•1t Rubnrtes, Ellq., of Lanhydrock pile-driving process, one of the most important engineer­ House. The assizes for the county and quarter sessions ing applications. The County Lunatic Asylum is situ­ are held here in the County-hall, a l11mdsome and corn- atert half a mile from the church; it has been considerably modious stone buildiug, situate on ~Iount Folly. The enlarged and improved, and has accommodation fot 300 rel!istry ,,f the archdeaconry of Corowall is in Market- patients. The number of inmates are about 235; it is street. The County court i8 held at the Assize-hall. under the superintendence of W. R. Hicks. The church, .
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