
News Kinesiology 40(2008) 2:207-210 REPORT ON THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON KINESIOLOGY “KINESIOLOGY RESEARCH TRENDS AND APPLICATIONS” Zagreb, Croatia, September 10-14, 2008 The 5th International Scientifi c Conference on Kinesiology, under the title “Kinesiology Research Trends and Applications”, was held in Zagreb from 10th to 14th September, 2008, at the Faculty of Ki- nesiology, University of Zagreb and the projection hall of the Student Residence Stjepan Radić. It was organized by the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, in cooperation with the Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Facul- ty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Comenius Univer- sity, Bratislava, Slovakia. As with all the previous Radovan Fuchs Conferences it was organized under the tradition- al high patronage of the Croatian Academy of Sci- contributions were received to the Conference Of- ences and Arts. fi ce out of which 239 were published after the in- The Conference work was organized in 14 sec- ternational peer review procedure. Peer reviewing tions: Adapted Physical Activity and Sport for the was done by 55 scientists from 11 countries. Disabled; Biology and Medicine of Sport and Ex- The Conference offi cially started on September ercise; Biomechanics and Motor Control; History 10th 2008 at 7:00 pm at the Opening Ceremony in of Sport and Olympic Movement; Management of the Croatian National Theatre with 500 participants Sport; Philosophy of Sport; Physical Condition- and invited guests present. Croatian folklore assem- ing; Physical Education; Psychology of Sport; Re- bly “Lado” opened the ceremony with their famous search Methodology; Sociology of Sport; Sport for folk dance performances after which Prof. Dinko All, Fitness and Health; and Top-level Sport. More Vuleta, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Kinesiology, than 400 scientists – scholars, researchers, novices formally declared the Conference on Kinesiology and postgraduate students, as well as practitioners open and introduced the guests of honour. A worm of kinesiology in education, sport, physical recrea- welcome to all the participants and guests of the tion, kinesitherapy and the Armed Forces, all from conference was given by the welcome speeches of Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgar- FCA Zvonko Kustić, representative of the Croatian ia, Byelorussia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Esto- Academy of Sciences and Art, Aleksa Bjeliš, Rec- nia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, It- tor of the University of Zagreb, Radovan Fuchs, the aly, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, State Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Educa- Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, tion and Sport and Dragan Milanović, the President Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, of the Organizing Committee. Two eminent scien- and the United States of America participated in tists appeared in the scientifi c programme of the the four day conference programme. In four plena- Opening Ceremony with their presentations. Prof. ry, fourteen thematic parallel sessions and thirteen Erich Müller, from Austria (Department of Sport poster sessions there were more than 130 oral and Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg) 90 poster presentations. An impressive number of opened the plenary session with the theme “Sport 239 articles were printed in the Proceedings Book Science in Europe – History and Perspectives” and which contained 1012 pages. Along with the Pro- Prof. Jay R. Hoffman from the USA (College of ceedings Book, a CD with an electronic version of New Jersey, Ewing, NY) presented his contribution the articles, which allows for browsing by a key entitled “Maximizing athletic performance: obser- word, the authors’ name, a title and a country, was vations on periodization and variation”. also printed and distributed at the Conference. The On the fi rst conference day (Thursday, Septem- Scientifi c Committee consisted of 59 members ber 11th) 6 out of 14 conference sections were intro- from 16 countries and 3 continents. The Organiz- duced: Top-level Sport, Management of Sport, His- ing Committee had contacted 50 potential key-note tory of Sport and the Olympic Movement, Physi- speakers and 42 accepted the invitation and came cal Conditioning, Psychology of Sport and Adapted to the Conference. A total number of 246 scientifi c Physical Activity and Sport for the disabled. In the 207 News Kinesiology 40(2008) 2:207-210 plenary part appeared Prof. Erich Müller from Aus- the audience at their exhibits to present them per- tria with the presentation “Biomechanics and sport sonally. Poster session chairpersons of each section – challenge on performance and safety”, Prof. Barry also reviewed the posters and presented their eval- Drust from the United Kingdom with the presen- uations to the Section Editors. All poster displays tation “Promoting endurance training adaptations were well attended and offered time for discussion through nutritional interventions: low-carbohydrate among the scientists. training”, Prof. Claude Sobry from France with the The afternoon scientifi c programme continued presentation “Sport management, a model of profes- with three plenary presentations. Prof. Inigo Mujika sional diversifi cation in sport science studies” and from Spain opened it with the presentation “Scien- Prof. Roland Renson from Belgium with the presen- tifi c bases of tapering for competition”. Prof. Horst tation “From kinesiology to kinesiology 1854-2008: Strohkendl from Germany presented his contribu- looking backwards to look forwards”. tion under the title “Adapted physical activities and Top-level Sport, Management of Sport and sport for the disabled” and Prof. Giovani Buccino History of the Sport and the Olympic Movement from Italy ended the plenary session with his pres- sections worked in the morning sessions. The entation “Language processing and the activity of Top-level Sport section was organized in two ses- the motor system”. sions: the morning and the afternoon term. Intro- In the afternoon parallel sessions Physical Con- ductory speaker for the morning session was Prof. ditioning, Psychology of Sport and Adapted Phys- Włodzmierz Starosta from Poland with the presen- ical Activity and Sport for the Disabled sections tation “Advanced left-handed athletes of different were introduced to the audience. sport discipline in the motor education system for The introductory and key-note speakers for the right-handed persons” and for the afternoon ses- Physical Conditioning sections were Prof. Nicolas sion Prof. Anita Hökelmann from Germany with Terrados from Spain with the presentation “New the presentation “New perspectives for perform- aspects of altitude training, genes and health”, ance analysis in gymnastics, handball and skiing”. Prof. Lee E. Brown from USA with “Variable ve- A total of 36 scientifi c contributions were published locity training in the periodized model”, Prof. Nejc in the Proceedings book under this section and all Šarabon from Slovenia with “Balance and function- of them were presented. al joint stability as important elements in physical Management of Sport section was organized conditioning and injury prevention”, Prof. Sergej in the morning session only and the introductory Ostojić from Serbia with “Correlates of success in speaker was Prof. Jakob Bednarik from Slovenia basketball: physiological profi ling of elite players” with the presentation “Analysis of the income struc- and Prof. Julio Calleja from Spain with “Is hyper- ture of sports organizations and expenditure of the thermia a limiting factor during long endurance Slovenian population for sport as a possible research competitions in top-level athletes?”. approach to economic aspects of sport”. On Friday, the second day of the Conference, History of Sport and the Olympic Movement three sections were introduced: Sport for All: Fit- section was also organized only in the morning ses- ness and Health-Related Activities, Research Meth- sion with Prof. Tomaž Pavlin from Slovenia as the odology and Biomechanics and Motor Control. The introductory speaker. He presented his contribution plenary session of the day offered four very inter- under the title “Sport, the notion of modern, time- esting lectures. Prof. Tommi Vasankari from Fin- appropriate physical education”. land gave a lecture on “Current challenge in HEPA”, The poster sessions, with all six sections of the Prof. Petr Blahuš from the Czech Republic spoke fi rst day, were organized in the early afternoon. about “Some myths and misunderstanding in test The authors were obligated to be at the disposal of reliability: methodological foundations”, Prof. Mark Croatian folklore assembly “Lado” 208 News Kinesiology 40(2008) 2:207-210 L. Latash from the USA introduced “Hierarchies The introductory speakers for the sections held of synergies in human movements” and Prof. Ross in the parallel sessions were Prof. Marcello Faina Sanders from the United Kingdom closed with his from Italy with the contribution “The purpose of presentation “Advancing swimming science with exercise testing (functional diagnostics) in team CARE”. sports” for the Biology and Medicine of Sports Introductory speakers then opened the section and Exercise section, Prof. Maurizio Sibilio from work in three parallel sessions. Prof. Fiona Bull Italy with the presentation “The motor sport eval- from the United Kingdom introduced the section uation in primary
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