SubaqueousSubaqueous SoilsSoils GeorgeGeorge P.P. Demas,Demas, Ph.D.Ph.D. 19581958 -- 19991999 NRCS – Soil Survey Project Leader Pioneer in Subaqueous Soils USDA - Secretary’s Honor Award for Scientific Research SSSA - Emil Truog Award for outstanding contribution to Soil Science through the Ph.D. thesis Concept paper “Submerged soils: a new frontier in soil survey.” Soil Survey Horizons (1993) ContributionsContributions ofof DemasDemas 1. Developed high quality bathymetric DEM and joined with areal photography to identify subaqueous landforms Sinepuxent Bay ContributionsContributions ofof DemasDemas 2. Collected and examined subaqueous cores recognizing soil horizons formed as a result of pedogenic processes - classified according to Soil Taxonomy. Proposed modification to the definition of soil accommodating subaqueous soils – in Soil Taxonomy 1999. InitialInitial workwork byby DemasDemas 19951995--19981998 WhatWhat’’ss gonegone onon inin thethe lastlast 1010 years?years? NinigretNinigret Pond,Pond, RIRI M.S. Student Mike Bradley working with Mark Stolt at URI Ninigret Pond, a coastal lagoon “pond” Show subaqueous landforms change little with time (mostly in the tidal delta areas near the inlet) Formal description of the subaqueous soil-landscape relationships in Southern New England Coastal Ponds of the South Shore of Rhode Island N RICHMOND Developed set of terms for naming HOPKINTON SOUTH KINGSTOWN Developed set of terms for naming Conneticut Potter and subaqueous landforms CHARLESTOWN Point Judith Ponds Trustom and Green Hill Pond Cards Ponds (http://nesoil.com/sas/glossary.htm). WESTERLY Ninigret Pond Point Judith Quonochontaug Initial development of ecological Winnapaug Pond Block Island Sound 2024Kilometers interpretations (eelgrass - Zostera marina) Map by Mike Bradley March 19, 2001 Source: RIGIS TauntonTaunton Bay,Bay, MaineMaine GraduateGraduate studentsstudents underunder thethe advisementadvisement ofof Dr.Dr. LaurieLaurie OsherOsher atat thethe UniversityUniversity ofof Maine.Maine. ChrisChris FlannaganFlannagan focusedfocused onon developingdeveloping soilsoil landscapelandscape relationshipsrelationships inin TauntonTaunton BayBay JenJen JespersonJesperson’’ss workwork waswas focusedfocused onon thethe carboncarbon sequestrationsequestration inin subaqueoussubaqueous soilssoils Massachusetts:Massachusetts: CarverCarver PondPond FreshwaterFreshwater pondpond inin EasternEastern MAMA PhilPhil AngellAngell MSMS StudentStudent atat UMASSUMASS AttendedAttended thethe 20032003 NationalNational WorkshopWorkshop onon SubaqueousSubaqueous SoilsSoils RehobothRehoboth Bay,Bay, DEDE CaryCary CoppockCoppock workingworking atat UMDUMD SoilSoil--landscapelandscape relationsrelations inin aa 33003300 HaHa coastalcoastal lagoonlagoon BroaderBroader recognitionrecognition ofof sulfidicsulfidic materialsmaterials FloridaFlorida Under the guidance of Dr. Mary Collins at the University of Florida PhD student Larry T. Ellis studied interactions of sea grasses with subaqueous soils (2004-2006) (attended 2003 SAS workshop) MS student Kelly C. Fischler examined seagrass restoration in Indian River Lagoon (2005-2007) Thomas J. Saunders also conducting SAS research in Chassahowitzka River Estuary, Florida. (2005-2007) Collaborating with Wade Hurt – NRCS and UFL ChincoteagueChincoteague Bay,Bay, MDMD SoilSoil--landscapelandscape relationsrelations inin aa 18,00018,000 haha coastalcoastal lagoonlagoon locatedlocated behindbehind thethe AssateagueAssateague barrierbarrier island.island. EvaluationEvaluation ofof SAVSAV interpretationsinterpretations Yiyi Wong working with Rick Shaw and others in Jamaica Bay, New York City WickfordWickford CoveCove andand GreenwichGreenwich BayBay RIRI MargotMargot K.K. (Maggie)(Maggie) PaynePayne -- workingworking withwith Dr.Dr. StoltStolt inin RI,RI, studyingstudying thethe effectseffects ofof waterwater columncolumn attributesattributes (water(water quality)quality) onon SASSAS morphologymorphology andand chemistry;chemistry; presencepresence ofof sulfidicsulfidic materialsmaterials inin subaqueoussubaqueous soilssoils LittleLittle NarragansettNarragansett Bay,Bay, CT/RICT/RI DebbieDebbie SurabianSurabian andand DonaldDonald ParizekParizek,, NRCSNRCS CTCT MappedMapped soilssoils (2005(2005--2007)2007) DevelopedDeveloped subaqueoussubaqueous soilsoil interpretationsinterpretations suchsuch asas presencepresence ofof sulfidicsulfidic materials,materials, moorings,moorings, potentialpotential presencepresence ofof eelgrasseelgrass andand bottombottom typetype QuonochontaugQuonochontaug PondPond ,, TrustomTrustom Pond,Pond, PointPoint JudithJudith PondPond SoilsSoils mappedmapped asas partpart ofof thethe MapCoastMapCoast PartnershipPartnership U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service URI Department of Natural Resources Science URI Department of Geosciences URI GSO Environmental Studies and Paleomagnetics Laboratory URI Coastal Institute Rhode Island Geologic Survey Rhode Island Sea Grant R.I. Agricultural Experiment Station & Cooperative Extension Service The National Park Service North Atlantic Coast Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council Narragansett Bay Estuary Program Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Rhode Island Natural History Survey URI Environmental Data Center R.I. Geographic Information System Point Judith Pond Trustom Pond Quonochontaug Pond SouthSouth PadrePadre Island,Island, TexasTexas SusanSusan CasbyCasby--HortonHorton –– ExaminedExamined subaqueoussubaqueous soilssoils andand associatedassociated landformslandforms (including(including windwind--tidaltidal flats,flats, washoverwashover fans,fans, andand blackblack mangrovemangrove swamps)swamps) NRCSNRCS InterestInterest andand CollaborationCollaboration AdditionalAdditional workwork inin RhodeRhode IslandIsland andand ConnecticutConnecticut withwith thethe supportsupport ofof JimJim TurenneTurenne NewNew Hampshire:Hampshire: LittleLittle BayBay NewNew HampshireHampshire NRCSNRCS.
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