11 11 Official Primary Nominating Ballot for the Democratic Party Lincoln County, Oregon - May 19, 2020 12 Official Primary Nominating Ballot for the Republican Party 0015-1 Lincoln County, Oregon - May 19, 2020 Voting Instructions State Offices Nonpartisan State Offices 004-2 Use a pen (blue or black ink) 11 21 JudgeVooftitnhge ISnusptrruecmtieonCsourt State Offices Nonpartisan State Offices To ensure your vote counts, completely State Treasurer Judge of the Supreme Court State Treasurer Use a pePno(sbitluioeno7r black ink) fill in the oval to the left of the Vote for One Position 7 21 Vote for One Judge of the Court of Appeals, response of your choice. Official Primary Nominating Ballot for the DemocraTtioc ePnasrutyre your vote counts, completely State Treasurer Lincoln County, Oregon - May 19, 2020 fill in the oval to the left of the Vote for One Position 11 To write in a name, write the name on Martha Walters Vote for One To write in a name, write the name on Tobias Read respInocnusmebeonft your choice. the solid line and fill in the oval to Incumbent the left of the write-in line. 001-1 Joel DeVore 11 To write in a name, write the name on Jeff Gudman 11 Write-in the Wsoriltied-ilnine and fill in the oval to Incumbent Voting Instructions State Offices Nonpartisan State Offices 11 Attention! theJuledftgoef othfethweriCteo-iunrltinoef.Appeals, Kyle L Krohn RemeUmsebearptoenin(sbpleucet oyorubrlabOcaklflfoitcnfikoa)rl Primary NominaAttitnogrnBeayllGotefnoerrathl e Democratic Party Write-in Official Primary NominatVinotgeBfoarllOotnefor the Democratic Party Position 11 21 mistakes! If you make a mistake or Lincoln CountyV, OotreefgoornO-nMe ay 19, 2020 Judge ofVtohte fSourpOrneeme Court SampleTo ensure your vote counts, com plBallotetely Lincoln CouSnttayt,eOTrree–gaosLincolnnur-eMr ay 19, 2020 County,VoAtettfeonrtOion neOregon! May 19, 2020 damage your ballot, call yourOCffoicuinatlyPrimary Nominating Ballot for the Democratic Party Attorney General Write-in fill in the oval to the left of the Vote for One Remember toPinospiteioctny7our ballot for Elections Office to ask for a Lincoln County, Oregon - May 19, 2020 Vote for One Vote for One response of your choice. Ellen Rosenblum misJtaokeelsD! eIVf yoorue make a mis0ta0k1e-o1r replacement ballot. Ellen Rosenblum damInacguembyeonut r ballot, call your C0o0u1nt-y1 Judge of the Court of Appeals, Position 1 To write in a name, write the name on ElecMtiaorntshaOfWficaeltteorsask for a VotiFnegdIenrsatlrOucfftiicoenss Tobias Read IKncyulembLenKt rohn 001-1 Vote for One Write-inState Offices repNlKaocyenlempRepublicanLaernKttisrboaahnllnoSt.tate O fPartyfices Michael Cross theUsosleidaliVpneontain(bgdlufIinlelsiontrruthbceltaiocvnkasilnk) to Write-in State Offices Nonpartisan State Offices the leUftsoef athpeewnri(tbel-uinelionre.black ink) Josephine H Mooney 21 Voting Instructions Write-inState Offices JNuWdorginteep-ianorftiFtsheaedneSSruatpal rtOefmOfiecffeCiscoeusrt 21To enUssuereaypoeunr v(Pbotlreueescioodurennbtstla, cckominpkle) tely StatSetSateenTatroear,s5utrherDistrict JWuridteg-ine of the Supreme Court Write-in Incumbent To ensure your vote counts, completely State Treasurer Position 7 fill in the oval VAottotteethnfoetriolOenfnt!eof the VoVtoetefofroOr Onene Position 7 2140 fill in the oval to the left of the Vote for One JJuuddggeeoofVf tothhteefSCouropOurrnetemofeACpopueratls, TreoRspeomnnsesumereboeyforyutooruvirnocsthepoeciccoteuy.notusr, cboamlloptlefoter ly SAtatttoernTereyaGsuerneerral VotPerefosridOennet State Senator, 5th District Write-in response of your choice. Vote for One PPoPososistiiitotiiononn7111 filml inisthaekeosv!alIf youtomtahkeeleaftmoifstthaeke or Vote for One VoVtoetefofroOr Onene Vote for One 41TodawmriatJegoeinsyeaopunhraRbmaeBll,oidwt,ercintaellthyoeunraCmoeunotny Melissa T Cribbins 40 Martha WVaoVltoteeterfosfroOr Onene Judge of the Court of Appeals, reTsopownrsitee oinf yaonuarmcheo, iwceri.te the name on Tobias Read IncMuamrbtehnat Walters thEelescotliiodnlisneOfafnicdeftioll ianstkhefoor vaal to Tobias Read Incumbent Position 12 the solid line and fill in the oval to Joel DeVore 42 replacement ballot. Ellen Rosenblum 41 MJaortsheapWhinaleteHrsMooney Vote for One TthoewlerfitBeoefinrtnhaieenwaSrmaitned-,inewrrlsiintee.the name on Tobias Read IncDuomnbaenldt J Trump Dick Anderson the left of the write-in line. WWriteri-tein-in IWncIrnuitcemu-mbinebnetnt the solid line and fill in the oval to Write-in Write-in Federal Offices Kyle L Krohn Erin C Lagesen 43the leftEolfiztahbeewtAhritttWee-inantrirloienne!. Write-in 42 Attention! State Representative, 9th District JudWgWrieteri-toeinf-inthe Court of Appeals, Write-in Incumbent Remember to inspect your ballot for StWartiete-RinAepttroersneenytaGtievnee,r1a0lth District WJuritdeg-ine of the Court of Appeals, 11 Remember to inspect your ballot for AttVoornteefyorGOeneral Position 11 44mistakes! If you make a mistake or Vote for One Position 11 Tulsi GaAbtPbteraenrsdtiiodne!nt State SVenotaetofor,r 5OtnheDistrict 43 JuJduWgdriegtee-oinfoVtfhotehteeCfCourorOutrnotefoAf Appepaelasl,s, dammisatgaekeyso!urIfbyaolulotm, caaklel yaoumrisCtaokuentoyr Attorney General VoUteSfSorenOanteor State Representative, 10th District Write-in RdeammeamgbeeyrotourinbVsaopltleoect,ftocyraoOlul rnyoebuarlloCtofuonr ty Vote for One PoPsoistiiotinon1112 40Elections Office to ask for a Vote for One Vote for One Vote for One Official Primary Nominating Ballot for the Democratic Party mEisletacktieosn!sIOf yffoicuemtoakaeskafmorisatake or Cal Mukumoto JJouedlgDeeoVVfooVtrhteoeetefCofroOur rOntenoef Appeals, replaceWmrieten-itnballot. ElDleanviRdoGsoemnbbleurmg Joel DeVore LinJcuodlngeCoofutnhtey,COoruergtoonf A- pMpaeya1ls9,, 2020 darempalagcWeerymitoeeu-inrtbbaalllolot,t.call your County Ellen Rosenblum Incumbent Position 1 Elections Office to ask for a Incumbent Position 13 41 Joseph R Biden Melissa T Cribbins JoEerlinDCeVLoaVrgeoetesefonr One Vote for One replacementFbeadlelorta. l Offices ElMleanrkRDosaeilnyblum KIynlcPeuamLublKeJnrtoRhonmero Jr Max Sherman DemocraticFeUdSerSaleOnaf fPartytiocres WWriteri-tein-in IncIKnucymulmbeebLnetnKt rohn 001-1 Write-in 42 Bernie SVanotdeefrosr One Josephine H Mooney Doug Tookey Federal Offices Write-in 01 WALDPORT KIynlcReuomLbbKenrrtoShcnhwartz President WSWriterai-tteine-inSenator, 5th District WWriteri-tein-in Write-inVoting Instructions Incumbent President State Senator, 5th District Write-in State Offices Nonpartisan State Offices 43 ElizabeVthotWe faorrreOnne Vote for One Use a pen (blue or black ink) 40 Jeff MerkVloetye for One StaPtereRcienpcrt0eV5CsoeoYtnemAtfaCmotHriivtOAteeTn,eeS1P0tehrsDoinst-rict JuWdJriogtee-RinoafetPherCkionusrt of Appeals, 04 TIDEWATER 40 President State Senator, 5th District JuWdrigtee-inof the Court of Appeals, Write-in VDoteemforcOrante Judge ofPtPhooessiCtiitoionunr1t1o3f Appeals, 21 Judge of the Supreme Court Tulsi GVaobtbeafrodr One Vote for One Judge of VthPoeotesCifotiurorOntn1oef Appeals, To ensure your vote counts, completely State Treasurer 410 PrecincVt oCtoemfomr SitteeveenPerson - JudgJeohonf VthoVeetroebCtefeoefurokrOrtOnoenfeAppeals, Precinct Committee Person - Judge of the Circuit Court Position 7 41 JoWsreitep-hin R Biden Melissa T Cribbins VPootseitfioornO1n2e fill in the oval to the left of the Vote for One Joseph R Biden Melissa TDCermibobcinrast Position 1 response of Ryoeuprucbhloicicaen. 17th District, Position 1 Vote for One 51 David GoVmotbeefrogr Five Doug ToVookteeyfor One 421 JoWsreitep-hin R Biden MNeolisCsanTdiCdraibtebFinilsed JosephinVeotHe Mfoor oOnneey Vote for Two Vote for One 42 BUeSrnRiepSraensednetrastive, 5th District IJnocusmebpehnitne H Mooney UBSeRrneiperSesaenndteartsive, 5th District Write-in IncuWmbrieten-tin To write in a name, write the name on Martha Walters Vote for One Write-in Incumbent Tobias Read Incumbent Vote for One JoEsreinphCinLeagHeMseononey the solid line and fill in the oval to 432 EBleizrnabieeSthanWUdSaerrSrseennator PWaritteri-cink G O'Hearn Incumbent Nicholas Powell Russell L Baldwin 43 Elizabeth Warren StaWteWritReri-teeinp-inresentative, 10th District IWncWUruitemrSi-tebinR-einetpresentative, 5th District the left of the write-in line. Vote for One State Representative, 10th District Write-in 0V1otWeAfoLrDOPnOeRT Vote for One ShWerrityel-inM Bachart Write-in 43 TEulBizllsaiibrGeGathbRbWeayarndrroelnds Vote for One WJriuted-ign e of the Circuit Court Tulsi Gabbard StateWRriteep-inresentative, 10th District JuWdrigtee-inof the Court of Appeals, Write-in Incumbent Jud1g7ethofPDtoihssetirtCicootn,uP1rt2oosfitAiopnp1eals, Attention! Judge of the Court of Appeals, Vote for One Position 12 Remember to inspect your ballot for Attorney General TuKJleusfriftGMSaecbrhkbrlaerdyder Precinct Committee Person - JudAgnegeolVfaoVtRhtoeeotefmCofroaOnur rOntenoef Appeals, Position 11 DaWvritde-iGn omberg Judge of thVeoCteofuorrtOonfeAppeals, misWtarkite-sin! If you make a mistake or Write-in Vote for One Write-in David GomDebmerogcrat PoPsoistiiotinon1213 Vote for One Write-in Vote for Seven Vote for One damage your ballot, call your County MWaritrek-inF Gamba David Gomberg 54 ErRinAusmCsyeLlRaVl gyLoeatBesneafConldrowOuirnnseer ElecNtioonnspOarfftiicseantoSatsaktefoOr fafices Write-in US Senator WWriteri-tein-in IncEurminbeCnt Lagesen District Attorney, Lincoln County Joel DeVore US Senator Write-in Incumbent replacement ballot. Ellen Rosenblum 51 Vote for One No Candidate Filed ErSDinhoeuCrgyLlTaMogoeBksaeecynhart Vote for One Incumbent US RepreVseontetafotirvOe,n5eth District 01 WALDPORT
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