The one great ride We will serve ow group or party but of composition is to will hew hard to the speak the truth. truth as we find it and the right as we —Thoreau ‘01•1r Trxas Milorrurr see it. An Independent Liberal Weekly Newspaper Vol. 48 TEXAS, MARCH 19, 1957 10c per copy No. 46 Heat is on Smith, Saunders, Others • • • f + • ICT Financial Links Found AUSTIN ten $300 checks from August 17, about the Saunders-Cage trans- The Insurance Company 1954, to June 8, 1955, followed by action were developed. First, of Texas, which grew to a five $500 checks from July 8 to Saunders listed the income for multi-million dollar opera- Nov. 14, 1955. There was also a tax purposes simply as straight tion in which thousands of $600 check on Oct. 5. income rather than showing it as Texans lost money, was born Looking quite puzzled, Saun- a business profit and taking ad- illegally and kept alive by fi- ders told the committee he vantage of exemptions for his nancial manipulations a n d guessed Cage had just "overpaid" I original investment of $1,000 and possibly by favors to key of- him for the property. He later' the $1,500 payments on his note. ficials and employees of the said under questioning by Rep. His tax statement for 1954 showed Insurance Commission, it is James Cotten, Weatherford, that $3,600 of the money as a "legal now indicated. he would "repay': the money to retainer," and in 1955 $3400 was BenJack Cage, towering, per- ICT and that this was the first shown as "law services." suasive president of the insurance time he had been aware it had Pointing up this fact, Wilson empire, entered into an oil roy- occurred, if it actually did. declared: "In other words, you alty transaction in which ICT Several other significant facts (Continued on Page 4) paid Insurance Commission mem- ber J. Byron Saunders $7,000 in monthly payments of $300 and $500. Schwartz Asked Ruling Cage also made a deal to pay Insurance Commission Chairman Garland A. (Chink) Sin i t h's young son-in-law, Max Wayne on Race Bills; Rejected Rychlik, with whom Smith is AUSTIN for the bills themselves, for it now in private business, a salary indicated some of Speaker Wag- THE COX CASE of $700 a month on a job that in- People were heard pro goner Carr's followers are not volved no work. and con on the segregation under pressure from him In addition, ICT payments of bills last Wednesday night, to re- sist them. Dies Hunts 'Radicals', $75 monthly for "retainers" for and the fascinating argu- accountants were made to two ments were, to be repeated Schwartz was seen moving examiners for the Insurance Com- and varied again Monday from committee member to com- Ralph Hunts Ibn Saud mission, R. R. Butler and L. W. and Wednesday nights' of mittee member early in the five- Blanchard. this week. The Observer in a hour hearing. Toward midnight AUSTIN them money" in the election, Both Saunder and Smith ap- special feature on page eight he rose, told the committee he said he is against federal aid to A new committee, "Tex- peared before the special House capitulates the tense debates didn't want to vote for any un- education and backed crippling ans for Dies," is circulating investigating committe probing the 21-member state affairs constitutional legislation, a n d amendments to the Brownell civil large mailing lists saying ICT affairs and denied that the committee heard from church asked that "one member" pro- rights bill, and called for state- Congressman-at-Large Mar- business transactions had any men, Young Democrats, rep- pose a ruling be sought from ments of views by the other can- tin Dies's post "will be elim- connection with or bearing on resentatives, and lawyers. Wilson. didates. inated when the state is re- their duties or decisions as in- Members of the committee did "If a member of the committee Ralph Yarborough was en- districted shortly" and charg- surance commissioners. not respond to the private, and will stick his neck out .... I have ing dorsed by the El Paso Herald- Saunders, under questioning by then the public pleas of Rep. talked to individual members of "It is a realistic fact that all Post. He visited Cactus Jack Atty. General Will Wilson, testi- Babe Schwartz, Galveston, that your committee and I have found the Socialists, Radical Liberals, Garner, former vice president, in fied he had simply needed cash, the bills be referred to Atty, Gen. no member of the committee who Marxists and Internationalists Uvalde, and an aide said Garner so he sold some oil properties he Will Wilson for a ruling on their has been willing to make the re- will be organized under the di- advised him: "Win, son." Forma- owned in Wood County to Cage, constitutionality. This boded well quest," Schwartz said. "It's the rection of paid professional prop- tion of "Texas Women for Yar- who was acting for the ICT Dis- only decent right thing to do for agandists and trained political borough" was announced with count Corporation. He produced a the legislature of which you are campaigners to liquidate Martin Mrs. R. D. Randolph of Houston, contract agreement dated Jan. 11, a member." Dies." Democratic national committee- 1954, in which he agreed to con- Stevenson Firm Told "Would you appreciate an opin- Hugh Prather, Jr., is state co- woman from Texas, the chairman. vey his small but valuable equity ion on the bill's constitutional- ordinator of the committee. It Fate Is in the Balance Yarborough plugged an in- in nine asphalt-grade oil wells to ity?" Schwartz asked Rep. Alonzo states in another piece of litera- crease in' personal income tax ICT for $6000, with the company AUSTIN Jamison. Jamison indicated as- ture Dies is for cutting taxes, the exemptions from $600 to $800 a to let the royalties of approxi- Former Govern or Coke sent. "Would you make a motion national debt, and foreign aid, is person and continued his criti- mately $100 a month from the Stevenson's firm, Physicians to that effect?" Schwartz asked. against federal aid to education cism of $200 million U.S. aid to property's production. apply to Life and Accident of Dallas, After a moment Jamison said: and the "so-called civil rights King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. pay off a $4000 bank lien. now stands charged by the "I'll make the motion—I'll move bill," and signed the Southern "If King Ibn Saud ... can pick The former commissioner said state to prove why it should that be done when it's proper to Manifesto condemning school in- up $200 .million of American tax- he had originally paid $6,500 for stay in business. do it, Mr. Chairman." (The chair- tegration. payers' money in two weeks, the property, paying $1,000 down Most explosive allegation man is Rep. W. S. Heatly, Padu- Dies himself warned of "Nor- then the American taxpayer and executing a note at a Tyler against the company is that it cah.) ought to be entitled to a little bank for $5,500 with an arrange- sold stock to individuals for Rep. Bob Mullen, Alice, who, $251,000 and let the money be Yarborough Said Strong $200 additional credit for a whole ment for royalty payments to be like Schwartz; is not on. the com- year," he said. "I believe that paid to the bank to retire the retained by certain corporate mittee, backed him up in his re- In the Brush Country drouth-stricken Americans are note. He said he sold the proper- directors; that these directors quest for a constitutionality rul- entitled to at least as much con- ties, which he had been told were transferred their personally ing. "I feel that they probably AUSTIN sideration as this slave-trading worth over their anticipated owned stock to the buyers in- won't be constitutional," Mullen The Observer has received sur- kingdom." production years about $15,000 to stead of the company stock. said. prising reports that Ralph Yar- Thad Hutcheson, the GOP Sen- $20,000 to ICT for "approximately •The Insurance Commission At 12:47 in the morning, the borough, who has never been ate candidate, led a radio station $10,000," that was, $6,000 and the says the capital of the stock testimony finally ceased, but very strong in South Texas, will KLIF poll in. Dallas-Fort Worth, remainder of the note of around legal reserve life insurance Jamison didn't make the motion. carry a substantial portion of the 25 percent to 23 for Dies, 21 for $4,000. company is impaired by more Heatly observed: brush country this election. Yarborough, and 19 for Searcy Saunders disclosed he made than 50 percent and the firm "They (the segregation bill The Webb County machine has Bracewell. He hit Dies for failing the deal with Cage about the sec- does not have minimum capi- sponsors) and the administration not taken a stand on the election to vote on the Middle East reso- ond time he ever met him. The tal required by law. had a very definite understand- yet, and we have learned from lution, calling it "ducking" an $6,000 cash was, he said, to be Stevenson retained control ing, we have had definite coop- Laredo that Webb County Inde- issue. He told a Negro audience paid at the rate of $300 monthly of the company at a stock- eration. We owe it to them (not pendent Club leaders consulting in Houston he is a moderate on from Jan., 1954, through June, holders' meeting but admitted to delay).
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