Index A Assessment. See Candidate assessment Abercrombie & Fitch, 181 AT&T, 182, 183 Achievement. See Drive to achieve AT&T Wireless, 182 Adversity, 154–160. See also Confl ict AT&T’s Manager Development Afghanistan War, 78–79, 164 Program, 183 Air Line Pilots Association, 77 Aung San Suu Kyi, 98 Albrecht, Karl, 54 Aldrin, Buzz, 103 B All Things Digital conference (2010), 83 Bacardi, Facundo, 72–75 Allen, Paul, 103, 104 Bacardi Limited, 72–75 Allianz SE, 219–220 Bain, 143 Amazon.com: Bloom box model used Balcony and stage analogy, 71 by, 185; leadership passion driving, Bankers Trust, 179 12, 173–176; visionary leadership of, Bar Method, 85 100–101 Barcardí i Massó, Facundo, 72 Ambition: balancing with integrity, 190; Barkley, Charles, 41 examples of passion combined with, Barnes & Noble, 175 179–183; negative aspect of, 177–178; Barrett, John, 138, 139 positive aspect of, 178–179 Barry, Marion, Jr., 65 Angrick, William, 160–161 BB King, 93 Anthony, Carmelo, 41 Bear Stearns, 138 Anti-tobacco movement, 11, Bellagio (Las Vegas), 101 148–151 Bennett, Phillip, 33 Apple Computer, 161, 203–204 Bennis, Warren, 70, 99 Appropriate/inappropriate offerings, Berger, Samuel “Sandy,” 61 20–21 Bergh, Chip, 137 Aristotle, 178COPYRIGHTEDBerra, MATERIAL Yogi, 79 Arizona Diamondbacks, 43 Bezos, Jeff, 9, 12, 100–101, 173–176, Armed Forces Journal, 162 179, 190 Armstrong, Lance, 186–187, 193 Biden, Joe, 78, 79, 164 Armstrong, Neil, 103 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 96 Arthur Andersen, 32 Bird, Larry, 41 Asian Consultancy on Tobacco Blagojevich, Rod, 33 Control, 149 Blair, Jayson, 55 269 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 226969 330/03/110/03/11 112:022:02 PPMM 270 INDEX Bloom Energy, 184–185 list of potential candidates, 203–207; Bloomberg Initiative, 155 questions to focus on during, 204 Bloomberg, Michael, 148 Candidate personality: charismatic, 109, Blue Water Grill, 197 176, 205; as inaccurate predictor of Bombay, 73 leadership potential, 205; organizational Bono, 9, 11, 93–98 culture fi t to, 204–205, 206–207 Boston Consulting Group, 143 Candidate style, 204, 205–206 Boyatzis, Richard, 47, 57 Candidates: fi tting organizational culture BP Gulf oil crisis (2010), 56 with, 204–207; getting to know the, Bradlee, Ben, 164 207–208; initial questions to ask, Branson, Richard, 103, 104–105 204; leadership potential profi le on, Brin, Sergey, 103, 105 208–209; observation of patience shown British Airways, 68 by, 170–172; putting together list of, British Medical Journal Group, 148 203–204 Brown, Gordon, 98 Capellas, Michael, 155–157, 166 Buffett, Jimmy, 22 Cassidy, John, 179 Burns, James MacGregor, 147–148 CBS Evening News (TV show), 180 Bush, George H.W., 48, 49, 50 CDC (career development center) [Allianz Bush, George W., 98, 157 SE], 219–221 CEOs: consequences of poor selection of, 1–3; focusing on personal leadership C development, 215; lack of integrity by Candidate assessment: conducting a fi rst- Enron’s, 10, 15–16, 31, 32; planning rate, 202–209; of courage, 166–172; succession of, 210–211, 214–215; customized versus traditional, 5; promoting reliable assessment of determining if leader can succeed in new leadership potential, 222; variety of position, 202; of emotional intelligence, leadership styles used by, 85 84–91; of empathic leadership, Chabraja, Nicholas, 129–131 59–64; examining how it works in Charismatic personality: negatively organizations, 199–200; example correlated with leadership success, 205; of poor, 200–202; of innovative passion confused with, 176; vision thinking, 111–115; of integrity, 33–39; confused with, 109 of judgment, 142–145; leadership Cheney, Dick, 157 potential profi le used for, 208–209; Chief Executive Leadership Institute (Yale overview of seven attributes used for, School of Management), 82 7–13, 222–224; of passion, 190–198; Churchill, Winston, 99, 102 to supercharge leadership development, Clarke, Richard, 157–158, 159, 166 210–215; of vision, 109–111; when and Clemenceau, Georges, 124 how to begin with, 215–222. See also The Cleveland Clinic, 10, 66–68, 71–72, Leadership attributes 81–82 Candidate assessment assignment: getting Click (empathic mirror response), 48 to know the candidates, 207–208; Clinton, Bill, 48, 49, 50, 97, 131, 157 providing feedback on candidate Coach K (Mike Krzyzewski), 9, 10, 44–45, reports, 208–209; putting together 50, 57–59, 213 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 227070 330/03/110/03/11 112:022:02 PPMM INDEX 271 Colangelo, Jerry, 10, 42–45, 50, 57–59 Darbee, Peter, 128–129 Collins, Jim, 205 Darfur civil war (2003-2009), 95 Colony, George, 174 DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa), 95 Columbus, Christopher, 99 Davis, Scott, 141–142 Communication: listening skills for, Deceit, 18 60–61; “melody line” for vision, 11, 96, Decision making: assessing judgment using 97, 115 vacation scenario, 143–144; contextual Compaq, 155 thinking used for, 131; seeing the whole Conde, Cris, 135–137 chessboard, 132–137; taking decisive Confl ict: human relations and, 147; action, 137–141; wisdom for, 125; leadership role in facing, 147–148; Sing zeroing in on what’s important, Sing Prison environment of, 159. See 127–132. See also Leadership judgment also Adversity Deepwater Horizon explosion Connor, Chris, 106 (2010), 56 Core values commitment, 167 Dell Computers, 155 Cornell University, 23 DeLucie, John, 195–198 Corridore, Jim, 77 Dewar’s, 73 Cosgrove, Delos “Toby,” 10, 66–68, Diehl, Carl, 85 71–72, 75, 81–82 Dillon, Dave, 25 Coulter, Jim, 181–182 DiMaggio, Joe, 187 Courage: assessment of, 166–172; to Dot-com era (1995-2000), 173, 179 handle adversity, 154–160; having grace Downs, Bill, 180 under pressure as, 151–152; importance Dream Team (Olympic Games, 1992), 41 and examples of leadership, 152–166; Drexler, Millard “Mickey,” 181–182 Judith Mackay’s example of leadership, Drive (Pink), 177 11, 148–151, 155; as vital leadership Drive to achieve: evolutionary logic on, attribute, 7, 11, 12 177; examples of, 180–183; Jeff Bezos Courage assessment: challenges of, and, 179; negative aspects of ambition 166–167; commitment to core values and, 177–178; positive aspects of indicator for, 167; hypothetical ambition and, 178–179 situation used for, 170–171; navigating Drive to learn and master: evolutionary uncertainty indicator for, 167–169; logic of, 183–184; examples of, 184– patience indicator for, 169–172; 189 360-degree referencing for, 167, 172 “Drop the Debt” (Jubilee 2000), 97 Covey, Stephen, 60–61 Duke University, 44, 45 Credit Suisse, 68 Duncan, Tim, 41 Crisis simulation exercise, 61–62 Duquesne University, 162 Cronkite, Walter, 180 Crow, Sheryl, 55 E eBay, 185 D Ebbers, Bernie, 156 D. E. Shaw, 179 Ebert, Roger, 135 Daley, Chuck, 43 Economic recession (2008), 138–139 Damon, Matt, 55 Economist, 123 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 227171 330/03/110/03/11 112:022:02 PPMM 272 INDEX “The Effect of Zero Gravity on the Enron scandal (2001): events leading to Common Housefl y” (Bezos), 179 the, 31–32; herd mentality exemplifi ed Eikenberry, Karl, 79 during, 30–31; lack of integrity at Einstein, Albert, 127, 189 center of, 10; “rank and yank” system Eisenberg, Jesse, 134 used during, 31; unethical behavior Eisner, Michael, 8 leading to, 22. See also Lay, Kenneth; El Sawy, Omar A., 102 Skilling, Jeff Electric shock experiment (1960s), 29–30 Equinox Fitness, 215 Elizabeth II, Queen, 148, 189 Ericsson, Anders, 182 Emotional intelligence: Delos “Toby” Ethical leadership: description of, 19; the Cosgrove’s, 10, 66–68, 71–72, 75, Golden Rule followed by, 19–20; Jerry 81–82; Do I control myself? component Storch on, 20–21; negative examples of, of, 77–80; Do I know myself? 21–22 component of, 69–76; Do I look for Ethical leadership assessment: challenges ways to improve? component of, 81–83; to, 33–34; hypothetical situations used McChyrstal’s lack of, 164; passion and for, 35–39; techniques used for, 34–39 role of, 191; self-control characteristic of, 65–66; as self-mastery skills, 68–83; F as vital leadership attribute, 7, 10, 12. Facebook, 82–83 See also Social intelligence Fast Company, 128 Emotional intelligence assessment: Fastow, Andy, 22 importance of, 84; mistakes made in, Federal Express, 99 84–85; techniques used for, 85–91 FIBA World Championship (2010), 59 Empathic leadership: Bill Clinton’s skill Financial performance driver, 24–28 for, 48–50; how to identify candidates Fiorina, Carly, 55–56, 156 with, 59–64; Jerry Colangelo as, 10, Fischer, Brian, 158–160 42–45, 50; listening as characteristic Fitel, 179 of, 60–61 Fleischer, Ruben, 134–135 Empathic leadership assessment: crisis Forbes List of 100 Best Small Companies simulation exercise for, 61–62; in America, 160 hypothetical situation used for, 62–64 Forrester Research, 174 Empathy: defi nition of, 46; Jerry Fortune magazine, 174 Colangelo’s application of, 10, 42–45, Framework Convention on Tobacco 50; “mood contagion” phenomenon of Control (WHO), 151, 155 empowering, 47; social savvy through, Francis, Philip, 107–109 53–56; Southwest Airlines’ focus on Frankfurter, Felix, 164 relationships and, 51–52; team building Freshfi elds Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, 132 and chemistry through, 57–59; tick- and-click understanding of, 48; trust, relationships, and, 48–52; University of G Richmond presidential town-hall (1992) G-8 summits, 98 example of, 48–50; as vital leadership Gagarin, Yuri, 103 attribute, 7, 10, 12, 45–47 Gandhi, Mohandas, 152, 153 Enneagram system, 85 Gap, 181 BBINDEX.inddINDEX.indd 227272 330/03/110/03/11 112:022:02 PPMM INDEX 273 Gardner, Howard, 106–107 Harvard Law Review, 164 Gates, Bill, 85, 105, 175 Hastings, Michael, 79 Gates Foundation, 96 Hayward, Tony, 56 Geldof, Bob, 95 Heifetz, Ron, 71, 154 Gembler, Andreas, 74 Henry VIII, 65 General Dynamics Corporation (GD), Herd mentality: description of, 29; electric 129–131 shock experiment (1960s) on, 29–30; General Electric (GE), 81, 85, 117, Enron as example of, 30–31 123, 222 Hesse, Dan, 126, 182–183 General Motors, 131 Hewitt, Don, 180–181 George, Bill, 71, 188, 206 Hewlett-Packard, 55–56, 155–156 George C.
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