S No. 1549.—11 W. Q.—Price Sevenpence, ? lADVERTISEMENTS READY MONET. J 1?°™^ UPOT T?n9 < Pr'mt?d- published : (.by ED WAR IX WALKER., Pilgrim-Street J - NEWCASTLE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. ,v.yT€> BE SOLD, OR LET, N.SUNDAY NEXT, the 17th inst. SERMONS will, ,_ A^??*«.*/ be entered upon the 1st Au«ust, G•bepreached, and COLLECTIONS made, In Aid of the IS ^^iOWE^INGJIOUSE; situated in *above Institution, -at Half-past 2 o'Clock, in the NEW ROAD P n ?st l?flnm« fv T^^ ^ ^ Street, consisting of three Sittins; ' €HAPEL,T bv the Rev. Mr-RIG G; and in the Evening, at 6 FROM THE PUBLIC OFFICE, BOW-STREET. LONDON. Rooms, four Lodgnig Rooms, a Kitchpu,and other feonveiiienr o'Ciock, m BRUNSWICK-PLACE CHAPEL, by the Rev. FELONY.—NEWBURY, BERKS.--—-fWENTY POUNDS, REWARD, For further Parfaculars apply to Mr Shaw, the p^knt Occup" es. Mr MC'NICOLL. ler. HEREAS JOHN MUNDAY stands charged on Oath with Felony, and has^bst^ded. Whoever will apprehend the said John Munday, and lodge him In any of his. Majesty's Gaols, shall receive the above Reward, by Application to the Vestry Clerk or Nfriim£. John Munday is about 32 Years of Age, about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, raw Bones, dark Com­ W , ,r '' - " This Day is published, GENERAL MEETING of the SUBSCRIBERS to plexion, fresh-coloured Cheek Bones, black Hah- and Eyes, down Look, large Whiskers (black), JiMCi&afe, j^™ Jioudj, rather large Feet, anj turns out his Toes in walking; supposed to be in or near RACKET COURT trill be at 'Dodsworth's, s> A the held London.—Newbury, June 2, 1821. • - r ITK 3 Vols. 870., Price 36s." Boards, by EME.RSO.N CHARN- Newcastle, at one o'Clock precisely, on Saturday the 22rd June, to takvi into Consideration a Plan aitd Estimate of ftte Building, LE\, Newcastle, which will then be submitted to their Consideration. DS REWARD. • _ MW/fr LlfEof the Rm^ H , WILLIAM. Persons unknown, maliciously set: on, FIRE a BARN, THRASHING and tt on "}l#ONSY~—-Ready to be LENT on Freehold Lands In r*nt-&5- belonging to Mr-John Rmsetl, of that Place, by which diabolical. Means, flip ,^?I,.di°nw *!0-hl1Mu*"ray^ AIVetparle-streeL J.VJL the. County of Durham or Northumberland, from" ^52,500- Heivorth Association, established for the Prosecution of Felons, &c, hereby offer a Reward of \to#s$&' • - bringing the Offender or Offenders to merited Punishment, to be paid on Conviction by their Trea- For Particiilats, apply to Messrs. Bainbridge and Bell, '-Solici­ surer.—Heworth, June 6tb, 1821. tors, South Shields. _____ OTRAYED, from Easter Hindliope, near Jedburgh, "on Thrirsday the sist of May A DARK GREY PONT, with a Switch Tail, and a small Star on the Forehead. Any KJ Person or Persons giving such Information as may be the Means of leading to the Discovery thereof, will he handsomely rewarded on Application to Mr William Richardson, of Bellingham, or Mr NY Sum between ^700 and #1400 ready to be LENT George Anderson, of Otterburm—Hindhope, June 7th, .1821. or.- Mortgage lipon Freehold Landed Property. ATJie Sum of .=£500 wanted upon Mortgage of Freehold Property TC*<IVE GUINEAS REWARD.- FOUND in a Necessary, at West Glanton; on MondayMornbgii^ ITth inst. a Female CHILD, apparently about ten or twelve Days old. " in the County of Durham. - ' ' . > JL Any Person giving such Information to ti^^ Discovery of the Person or Persons ivlio'left it there, shall receive the above SW. WSW. - For Particulars enquire bf Messrs Femvick, Newcasrib. Reward.—Glanton, June nth, 1821. .-..V:' '- f • ", ' • . J* ' ' -COMMSSION WAME-HWUIE, '^X SALI^ypT^tTContrac^ OLD by Auction, ^*f^AN<TED, the SUM^'^SGO, onychoid, -Property" Scv Carr fi-n'm WFT^ °mSi ^ Riga- ? T in-the County of Durham. "Apply to Messrs Wilhs-and. CHAS. TURNBULL, AGENT, nHHE MATERIALS of the WIND CORN MILL at On Mo\\dayi JuneIfufi, at the House of Mr James Faddy, Broad |^3"cy, Mur,, hom go. at Swmemunde, Sternshall™*™»*Sfr., Ibester, fro ^m • SW^un^-'-SBUETTATS,. Gateshead."• " _ a-o. 14, sr.' JOHX'S T.AXf:, XEWCASTIJ! ON yj'iVB, JL Branton, containing go pair of Stones, and a Dressing Cliare, at 6 o'Clock in t/fe Evening, llEGh Leave to inform the Public in eeneral, that he I Cylihder, the A^leandStoc| with Wands, are jiearly nevr. Mr- ROBT. SCOTT, Aucdonier, Wambro. Befsey, Hardy, from do. at Cnxhaven Phantom 1 NORTH SHIELDS "& TYNEMOUTif DISPENSARY. XJ keeps a Stock of Goods on Hand, at the same Prices as from For ftrther ,?«^flli to Mr Robson, at W olsingbam,.^PW O stroijg-bvvilt KEELS, oqe lately launche4, the other ^^Tfj^ ^ at ^ui"^«uf. Emulous, Gibb,fS ANTED, an APPRENTICE to the above liistitu- the Manufacturers, viz.:" Ticks, Checks, Stripes, Brown and or to Uv C\xme, attb^ •n-tl»*L ; • . JL 10 Months ago. Likewise, at the same Time, an old Keet., in good Ccmdition, and now employed, Wdon. For Particulars, apply to the* Apothecary, Bleached Liuens,. Flannels, Tapes, Threads, &e. I —' ZT~> oatt^kJI^.^ n \ I — ttJc from d0 Jamaica 1 tffVflK'+T ', A - Kelspfpot! June lg% 1S2I.\ - * ' All Sold Wholesale on the venr lowest Terms.. I J?"* ^' or&ET, • For further particulars apply to Mr J. Brown, Ship-builder, feFu„m,.T ?ltt' tt0^fhouse; Ghohnley, Robinson; Fair- ( A Neat DWE1-LING|-I0USE, situated in Haughton* m l th Ch s ; : South Shore,—Newcastle, June 6th, 1821. lork^hWdi •T^ ° V ' V™ £e> fr<«h do.: Margery' HaH, SADDLER WANTED. ' ' ~ ,FOUND ; . { •JCjL le-Skcrne, coptainmg^tjte low-B*onis, and five Chambersj t%^Str2 N'ir^^rf1123' Watts" ^ Sunderland, * To he SOLD-by Auction,"— K 1,1,r h ;£S&£jAj[p3a^ ,-tJie Sad- 5^:^.0 ^ ^^?f^S -Ji:.^?y S Volunteer, —-—. from'do. at the oile who is perfectly Ipqaainted wth aha Grass -Land. - sfilso » Co|age adjomingj. eicha? togetlier.or ; ,;; , V,' (J? GRrEVESON, Aucrioheer) :--<rf!j,,;ai^:;ii|sniessx A Blzicit"PO-N*Y." The Owner may,have the saine^ on A^i'tltejfelliiig Shore Quat/ on Friday the 22nd inst. at 11 6*€lock B!g£s ™"*> ^Jdcantakethe/.Manaeem^ii of -thelBtlginess m all r Paj'Jng the Esjjence of JCeep, &c on Application at the She , 'l- , ' ;iitt/w Foretwon, • . ' its i^ovbesi-'K-_I meet with good Encbuj^emejrit; bv applying to nff s Office^ Westgate-Street, Newcastle upon Tyne. •^lldteop&ul Son/Saddlers. andtromnonger^ijiiosJeyiStreet; " If not claimed before Sahirdav* theS&'d inst.£ jt will that. Day 12thJune, 1821- • ^ " ' : .j^'- / ' A „/Quantity of GRINDSTONES and MILLSTONES, be Sold in theWlieat Market to'defray the Expeftce. ". JtSi: various Sutes, and of excellent Qualify, in Lois to suit Pur­ ;: chasers. -.- ; ". - - -'X'MERICAN^IRCH AND ASH, " : "/ J - N. 'B; Also a. BRAUGHAM-aL^KER wanted. ., 10, II, and 12, N.N.M , ,.7. S. NJp*;' *% N.%; T SAINT MICHAEL'S ORANGES AND - LEMONS. M ..feh<iSOLD"by Auctin, (R..HALL-, Auctioned)". '•' ,;*Tl!e ^YliolewiUbeSoHndtbout-Resej'se, and six MontlisCi^dj*; : Will be given, or 5 per Cent, allowed for ready Money „ , 'SITUATION WANTED. ^' N SALE^Fine-flavmired CHINA ORANGES and: At tte QusHurih-nearWr Miwigtofi $ StetmZfdl, m Tuesday Hw v COAL-EXCHANGE,'LONDON, FaroAY Jc^s-Bor .nPI®, ADYISRTISER, who has hail' several Years Exoe- LEMONS^ in Boxes, aiiiyed direct from Saint Michael's, *: <r* -A. ^^^-fy^theMe-tff^^iat'lSL-'o^a, • V. ,} / -rJuuB 14% 1821. , * - ... ,% I O Do. G*eens-40s Bo. Dje«>maTCTi'42s 'Do. Liddell's 3716d ^rt^f-^F W^i^ B*DMng.4mA M<^,tile.-Estabhshafter- a short Passage. Apply to - - < /-rh-FIECMfc BIRCH, , ] 7" To be .SOLD by Auction, "^r- h u St^l 1^ *^ssdf enable of u41dertaldnga Management, WM -THOMPSONj Broker, Broad>cttare. y and ASH, Which §rWe Convenience of .Consumert,_fill' At the iFaterloo^Inn, in 6td Elv'etx Durham, on Thursday the 12th' '£S^^i*?^BeBt "«• ^BRS, mmty^lousetlmtmay-be Newcastle, 15th June, 1821. be put pp-in Lots ofione PI# to each Lot*, Threepence per Foot Day of Jidyinsti atl^a'Clocka^Noori] - zn »an| oj such a Person. _ Afeo, POLISH-RHINE-HEMP; Cl deposit will-be reguiaed, aMfpur Months- Credi^ or 3& per Cent. Valuable COPYHOLD FARM,-situated atHamsteels, 0 8 •'-fJSKo ^ °ls Wt|f-and Abilities will be give^on Appli- FRENCH BLEA FLAX; Discount for H^^WM^^ „• •- » - in the Parish dfLanchester, in" the Cpimty of pm-hain, <gfcon (Post-paid) tothe Printer. '..,. , > . ; .'** ; ;'• NOR.WAY THICK TAR, for SheepSalving.; A By pri^-ate ContracI If LOADS of AMERICAN :PINE, (about 6 Miles fromflie City of Durham, and one Milefrbm LauT.j , " '' AMERICAN TIMBER & LATHWGODv^, V, : EDUCATION^ . ojgoodQuality, Tfdt^hj^Qtheen^K^ed; al^Plauks, flooring ehestfer,)jamtafriing ISO Acrts or. thereabouts, of Arable, MeadowJ 'S# Augu^;-|ie^.V-*.s^-- * THOS. • JOPLIN and* CO. • and Pasdire Laiid, with W«od and thnvhlg Plantations.. Hedworili 34sBd J||^«»ii^(-Ooe Concey.) cBUN^.-i'Iaf^m^^t^^T^I^v;.!! ^e/^^ranutiar RJVHQ PUBLIC-HOUSl !S, engibjy situated in Neweas* The;; farm House apd'Bwtldings", .(lately erected) preevery;way NeshaniSSsSd Russell's Hf*h Main 34s W-ilfeend Beir& Co.'s coinplete. " " _ ? 41s 6d Do, Bewicke's 41s 6d 42s j)o. Brow!5*s40s Do. Burra- School, most respectfaUy intimites, that .l«e -can accom* -1- tie. r )L4J^r^uption, Mr^qreman,.of IJidd^eadsy.near Lanchester, will shew the «on 40s Dp; Green's 39s Do. Eilison';: Ada fkl 1>o. Nev.march ^lodate a- few Young Gendemen, who -wishsrto attend the above For Particulars,* a^pZy at the" Type BreweTy Office", •Atdhs CovauerUal Hotei,\ =ScbaQl> \>itb-Bba«l and,Lodging, aAerthe Midsiaminer Recess.
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