q Clark’s Nutcracker (C, PR) Pipits Finches q Black-billed Magpie (VC, PR) q American Pipit (UC, M) q Gray-crowned Rosy Finch (FC, WV) COLORADO PARKS & WILDLIFE q American Crow (VC, PR) q Black Rosy Finch (R, WV) Warblers q Common Raven (VC, PR) q Pine Grosbeak (C, PR) q Orange-crowned Warbler (UC, M) q Cassin’s Finch (UC, SR) Larks q Yellow Warbler (R, SR) Discovering q House Finch (C, PR) q Horned Lark (C, SR) q Yellow-rumped Warbler (UC, M) q Lesser Goldfinch (UC, SR) q Yellow-throated Warbler (ACC, M) Swallows q Pine Siskin (UC, PR) Birds Barn Swallow q Black-throated Gray Warbler (R, M) q Tree Swallow (C, SR) q American Goldfinch (UC, SR) q Townsend’s Warbler (R, M) AT ELEVEN MILE STATE PARK q Violet-green Swallow (C, SR) q Evening Grosbeak (UC, SR) q Northern Waterthrush (R, M) q Northern Rough-winged Swallow (UC, SR) q MacGillivray’s Warbler (UC, M) Because we are interested in maintaining and revising q Bank Swallow (R, M) q Common Yellowthroat (C, SR) this list, we solicit your help and ask that you share new q Cliff Swallow (VC, SR) q Wilson’s Warbler (UC, SR) and unusual sightings and/or comments on the status of q Barn Swallow (C, SR) Tanagers the park’s birds. If you do encounter any Rare, Very Rare, Chickadees Accidental or new species, we’d appreciate a short written q Western Tanager (U, SR) q Black-capped Chickadee (C, PR) description of the field marks used to identify the bird. q Mountain Chickadee (C, PR) Towhees & Sparrows Yellow Warbler q Bushtit (UC, WV) q Green-tailed Towhee (UC, M) Special thanks to Hugh Kingery, Tony Leukering, Mark q Spotted Towhee (FC, M) Peterson, and Nathan Pieplow for their assistance in the Nuthatches & Creepers q q American Tree Sparrow (UC, M) compilation of this list. Red-breasted Nuthatch (R, SR) q q Chipping Sparrow (UC, SR) White-breasted Nuthatch (R, SR) q q Clay-colored Sparrow (R, M) Field Notes Pygmy Nuthatch (C, PR) q Brewer’s Sparrow (R, M) q Brown Creeper (R, SR) q Vesper Sparrow (UC, SR) Date: Wrens q Lark Sparrow (FC, SR) P y Weather: q Rock Wren (C, SR) gm q Lark Bunting (UC, M) y N q Canyon Wren (UC, PR) uthatch q Savannah Sparrow (UC, M) g n q ti Time in Field: House Wren (UC, SR) q Song Sparrow (UC, SR) un w B q Marsh Wren (R, SR) q Harris’s Sparrow (R, WV) Sno Location(s): q Dippers White-crowned Sparrow (FC, M) q Dark-eyed Junco (FC, WV) q American Dipper (R, SR) q Lapland Longspur (R, WV) Kinglets q Snow Bunting (R, WV) q Golden-crowned Kinglet (R, M) q House Sparrow (C, PR) q Ruby-crowned Kinglet (UC, SR) Grosbeaks & Buntings American Goldfinch Thrushes q Blue Grosbeak (UC, M) q Western Bluebird (UC, M) q Lazuli Bunting (UC, M) q Mountain Bluebird (C, SR) q Indigo Bunting (R, M) q Townsend’s Solitaire (UC, PR) Western Meadowlark Blackbirds q Swainson’s Thrush (UC, M) q Red-winged Blackbird (FC, SR) q Hermit Thrush (UC, SR) q Western Meadowlark (C, SR) q American Robin (C, SR) q Yellow-headed Blackbird (FC, M & C, SR) Mockingbirds & Thrashers q Brewer’s Blackbird (FC, SR) q Gray Catbird (UC, SV) q Brown-headed Cowbird (VC, SR) Eleven Mile State Park q Northern Mockingbird (R, M) 4229 County Road 92 • Lake George, CO 80827 q Sage Thrasher (UC, M) Mountain Bluebird 719-748-3401 • cpw.state.co.us Starlings Pine Grosbeak q European Starling (C, PR) SEEM1203-PDF-07/14 cpw.state.co.us q Black Scoter (R, M) q American Kestrel (C, SR) q Mourning Dove (FC, PR) q Long-tailed Duck (R, M) q Merlin (VR, WV) This list is intended to represent all of the bird Cuckoos q Bufflehead (C, M) q Peregrine Falcon (VR, PR) species recorded at Eleven Mile and Spinney q Greater Roadrunner (ACC, VR) q q Mountain State Parks. May you be lucky Common Goldeneye (C, M) Prairie Falcon (R, PR) q Barrow’s Goldeneye (UC, M) Owls enough to encounter others! Coots q q Hooded Merganser (UC, M) Barn Owl (UC, PR) q l American Coot (FC, M) e q tr q Flammulated Owl (VR, SR) Common Merganser (C, SR) es K q Red-breasted Merganser (UC, M) Cranes can q Great Horned Owl (C, PR) KEY Ameri q Ruddy Duck (UC, M) q Sandhill Crane (R, M) q Northern Pygmy-owl (VR, PR) Seasonal Occurrences q Long-eared Owl (UC, PR) Grouse & Turkey Shorebirds PR = Permanent Resident q Blue Grouse (UC, SR) q Black-bellied Plover (R, M) Goatsuckers & Swifts SR = Summer Resident q Wild Turkey (UC, PR) q American Golden Plover (R, M) q Common Nighthawk (UC, M, SR) SV = Summer Visitor q Semipalmated Plover (UC, M) q Common Poorwill (R, SR) Loons WV = Winter Visitor q Killdeer (C, SR) q White-throated Swift (R, SV) q Red-throated Loon (VR, M) M = Migrant q Mountain Plover (R, M) q Pacific Loon (R, M) Hummingbirds ACC = Accidental q Black-necked Stilt (R, M) q Common Loon (UC, M) q Calliope Hummingbird (R, M) q American Avocet (FC, SV) q Broad-tailed Hummingbird (C, SR) Abundance Eared Grebe q Grebes Greater Yellowlegs (R, M) q AB = Abundant Rufous Hummingbird (R, M) q Pied-billed Grebe (UC, M) q Lesser Yellowlegs (R, M) VC = Very Common q Horned Grebe (UC, SV) q Solitary Sandpiper (R, M) Kingfishers se oo q q q Belted Kingfisher (FC, SR) C = Common G Red-necked Grebe (VR, M) Willet (R, M) ing Cackl q Eared Grebe (C, M) q Spotted Sandpiper (FC, SR) FC = Fairly Common r Woodpeckers e h q Western Grebe (C, SR) q Long-billed Curlew (VR, M) is UC = Uncommon q gf Williamson’s Sapsucker (R, SR) in q Clark’s Grebe (R, SR) q Marbled Godwit (UC, M) Sandhill Cranes d K R = Rare q Red-naped Sapsucker (UC, SR) Belte q Sanderling (VR, M) VR = Very Rare Pelicans & Cormorants q Downy Woodpecker (UC, PR) q Semipalmated Sandpiper (UC, M) q American White Pelican (C, M, SR) q Hairy Woodpecker (UC, PR) q Western Sandpiper (UC, M) q Double-crested Cormorant (C, SR) q American Three-toed Woodpecker (VR, PR) Ducks q Least Sandpiper (UC, M) q Northern Flicker (C, PR) q Snow Goose (R, M) Wading Birds q Baird’s Sandpiper (UC, M) q Ross’s Goose (R, M) q American Bittern (R, M) q Pectoral Sandpiper (VR, M) Flycatchers q Cackling Goose (R, M) q Great Blue Heron (C, SR) q Dunlin (VR, M) q Olive-sided Flycatcher (R, SR) t q Canada Goose (C, SR) q Snowy Egret (R, M) n q Stilt Sandpiper (UC, M) q W. Wood-pewee (C, SR) a r o q q Trumpeter Swan (R, M) q Cattle Egret (R, M) q Willow Flycatcher (U, SR) rm Long-billed Dowitcher (UC, M) o q C q Tundra Swan (R, M) q Black-crowned Night Heron (R, M) ed q Wilson’s Phalarope (R, M) Hammond’s Flycatcher (R, SR) D crest q Gadwall (UC, M) q White-faced Ibis (C, SV) ouble- q Red-necked Phalarope (R, M) q Dusky Flycatcher (R, SR) q Eurasian Wigeon (VR, M) q q Cordilleran Flycatcher (U, SR) New World Vultures Red Phalarope (VR, M) q American Wigeon (C, M) q Say’s Phoebe (VC, SR) q Turkey Vulture (C, PR) q Mallard (C, M) Gulls & Terns q Western Kingbird (VC, SR) q q Blue-winged Teal (UC, M) Birds of Prey Franklin’s Gull (UC, M) q Shrikes q Cinnamon Teal (UC, M) q Osprey (R, M) Bonaparte’s Gull (UC, M) q Loggerhead Shrike (FC, M) q q q Ring-billed Gull (UC, SV) Green-winged Teal (UC, M) Bald Eagle (UC, WV) q q California Gull (VC, SR) Northern Shrike (R, WV) q Northern Shoveler (C, M) q Northern Harrier (UC, SR) q Herring Gull (R, M) Western Sandpiper q Northern Pintail (C, M) q Sharp-shinned Hawk (R, M) Vireos q Sabine’s Gull (R, M) q Canvasback (C, M) q Cooper’s Hawk (UC, SR) q Plumbeous Vireo (UC, SR) q Caspian Tern (R, M) q Redhead (UC, M) q Northern Goshawk (UC, SR) q Warbling Vireo (UC, SR) q Forester’s Tern (R, M) q Ring-necked Duck (C, M) Lesser Scaup q Swainson’s Hawk (C, SR) q Black Tern (UC, M) Jays q Greater Scaup (R, M) q Red-tailed Hawk (C, PR) q Gray Jay (R, PR) q Lesser Scaup (C, M) q Ferruginous Hawk (UC, VR) Pigeons & Doves q Steller’s Jay (C, PR) q Surf Scoter (UC, M) q Rough-legged Hawk (UC, WV) Swainson’s Hawk q Rock Pigeon (R, PR) q Pinyon Jay (UC, SV) Say’s Phoebe q White-winged Scoter (R, M) q Golden Eagle (UC, PR) q Band-tailed Pigeon (UC, SV) .
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