TCP+UDP Ports Port Transport Description Port Transport Description Shirt Pocket netTunes; Shirt Pocket 47 TCP, UDP NI FTP 0 TCP launchTunes 48 TCP, UDP Digital Audit Daemon 1 TCP TCP Port Service Multiplexer (TCPMUX) 49 TCP, UDP TACACS+; TACACS 2 TCP, UDP Management Utility 50 UDP Remote Mail Checking Protocol (RMCP) 3 TCP, UDP Compression Process 51 TCP, UDP Logical Address Maintenance (IMP) Self-Certifying File System (SFS); Midnight 52 TCP, UDP XNS Time Protocol 4 Commander 53 TCP, UDP Domain Name System (DNS) 5 TCP, UDP Remote Job Entry 54 TCP, UDP XNS Clearinghouse 6 55 TCP, UDP ISI Graphics Language 7 TCP, UDP Echo 56 TCP, UDP XNS Authentication 8 57 TCP Mail Transfer Protocol (MTP) 9 SCTP, TCP, UDP Discard 58 TCP, UDP XNS Mail 10 59 TCP NFILE 11 TCP, UDP SYSTAT 60 12 61 TCP, UDP NI MAIL 13 TCP, UDP Daytime 62 TCP, UDP ACA Services 14 63 TCP, UDP Whois++ 15 Netstat 64 TCP, UDP CI, Communications Integrator 16 65 TCP, UDP TACACS-Database Service 17 TCP, UDP Quote of the Day 66 TCP, UDP Oracle SQL*NET Remote Write Protocol (RWP); Message 67 UDP Bootstrap Protocol server (BOOTP) 18 TCP, UDP Send Protocol 68 UDP Bootstrap Protocol client (BOOTP) 19 TCP, UDP Character Generator Protocol (Chargen) 69 UDP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) 20 TCP File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 70 TCP Gopher 21 TCP File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 71 TCP, UDP Remote Job Service 22 SCTP, TCP Secure Shell (SSH) 72 TCP, UDP Remote Job Service 23 TCP Telnet 73 TCP, UDP Remote Job Service 24 Any private mail system 74 TCP, UDP Remote Job Service 25 TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 75 Any private dial out service 26 76 TCP, UDP Distributed External Object Store 27 TCP, UDP NSW User System FE 77 Any private RJE service 28 78 TCP, UDP vettcp 29 TCP, UDP MSG ICP 79 TCP Finger 30 80 TCP HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 31 TCP, UDP MSG Authentication 81 32 82 TCP, UDP XFER Utility 33 TCP, UDP Display Support Protocol 83 TCP, UDP MIT ML Device 34 84 TCP, UDP Common Trace Facility 35 Any private printer server 85 TCP, UDP MIT ML Device 36 86 TCP, UDP Micro Focus Cobol 37 TCP, UDP Time Protocol 87 Any private terminal link 38 TCP, UDP Internet Route Access Protocol (RAP) 88 UDP Kerberos 39 UDP Resource Location Protocol (RLP) 89 TCP, UDP SU/MIT Telnet Gateway 40 Used unofficially by Pointcast; DNSIX 41 TCP, UDP Graphics 90 TCP, UDP Securit Attribute Token Map 42 UDP Internet Name Server 91 TCP, UDP MIT Dover Spooler 43 TCP Whois 92 TCP, UDP Network Printing Protocol 44 TCP, UDP MPM FLAGS Protocol 93 TCP, UDP Device Control Protocol 45 TCP Internet Message Protocol 94 TCP, UDP Tivoli Object Dispatcher 46 TCP, UDP MPM Created by Devyn Collier Johnson <[email protected]> (2015 v2) More cheatsheets at DCJTech.info TCP+UDP Ports Port Transport Description Port Transport Description 95 SUPDUP 144 Universal Management Architecture 96 TCP, UDP DIXIE 145 UAAC Protocol 97 TCP, UDP Swift Remote Virtual File Protocol 146 98 TCP, UDP TAC News 147 UDP ISO-IP 99 TCP, UDP Metagram Relay 148 Jargon 100 149 AED 512 Emulation Service 101 TCP HOSTNAME 150 SQL-NET 102 TCP TP0 over TCP 151 HEMS 103 TCP, UDP Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net 152 TCP Background File Transfer Program (BFTP) 104 Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol 105 TCP Ph; Mailbox Name Nameserver 153 UDP (SGMP) 106 3COM-TSMUX 154 NETSC 107 Remote Telnet Service 155 NETSC 108 SNA Gateway Access Server 156 SQL Service 109 TCP Post Office Protocol v2 (POP2) 157 KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol 110 TCP Post Office Protocol v3 (POP3) 158 TCP Distributed Mail Service Protocol (DMSP) 111 Portmapper 159 NSS-Routing 112 McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol 160 SGMP-TRAPS 113 TCP Identification Protocol Simple Network Management Protocol 161 TCP, UDP (SNMP) 114 Simple Network Management Protocol 115 TCP Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) 162 TCP, UDP traps (SNMP) 116 ANSA REX Notify 163 CMIP/TCP Manager 117 TCP Unix To Unix Copy (UUCP) 164 CMIP/TCP Agent 118 SQL Services 165 Xerox 119 TCP Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) 166 Sirius Systems 120 UDP Coherent File Distribution Protocol (CFDP) 167 NAMP 121 168 RSVD 122 SMAKYNET 169 SEND 123 UDP Network Time Protocol (NTP) 170 Network PostScript 124 ANSA REX Trader 171 Network Innovations Multiplex 125 Locus PC-Interface Net Map Serv 172 Network Innovations CL/1 126 Unisys Unitary Login 173 Xyplex 127 Locus PC-Interface Conn Server 174 MAILQ 128 GSS X License Verification 175 VMNET 129 TCP, UDP Password Generator Protocol (PWDGEN) 176 GENRAD-MUX 130 cisco FNATIVE X Display Manager Control Protocol 131 cisco TNATIVE 177 (XDMCP) 132 cisco SYSMAINT 178 NextStep Window Server 133 TCP, UDP Statistics Server (STATSRV) 179 TCP BGP, Border Gateway Protocol 134 INGRES-NET Service 180 TCP, UDP Intergraph 135 DCE endpoint resolution 181 TCP, UDP Unify 136 PROFILE Naming System 182 TCP, UDP Unisys Audit SITP 137 NETBIOS Name Service 183 OCBinder 138 NETBIOS Datagram Service 184 OCServer 139 NETBIOS Session Service 185 Knowbot Information Service 140 EMFIS Data Service 186 KIS Protocol 141 EMFIS Control Service 187 Application Communication Interface 142 Britton-Lee IDM 188 Plus Five's MUMPS 143 TCP Interactive Mail Access Protocol (IMAP) 189 Queued File Transport Created by Devyn Collier Johnson <[email protected]> (2015 v2) More cheatsheets at DCJTech.info TCP+UDP Ports Port Transport Description Port Transport Description 190 Gateway Access Control Protocol 238 191 Prospero Directory Service 239 192 OSU Network Monitoring System 240 193 Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol 241 194 Internet Relay Chat Protocol 242 Direct 195 DNSIX Network Level Module Audit 243 Survey Measurement 196 DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir 244 Dayna 197 Directory Location Service 245 LINK 198 Directory Location Service Monitor 246 Display Systems Protocol 199 TCP SMUX 247 SUBNTBCST_TFTP 200 IBM System Resource Controller 248 bhfhs 201 AppleTalk Routing Maintenance 249 202 AppleTalk Name Binding 250 203 AppleTalk Unused 251 204 AppleTalk Echo 252 205 AppleTalk Unused 253 206 AppleTalk Zone Information 254 207 AppleTalk Unused 255 208 AppleTalk Unused 256 RAP 209 The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol 257 Secure Electronic Transaction 210 258 Yak Winsock Personal Chat 211 Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal 259 UDP Efficient Short Remote Operations (ESRO) 212 ATEXSSTR 260 Openport 213 IPX 261 IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL 214 VM PWSCS 262 Arcisdms 215 Insignia Solutions 263 HDAP 216 Border Gateway Multicast Protocol 217 dBASE Unix 264 TCP (BGMP) 218 TCP Message Posting Protocol (MPP) 265 X-Bone CTL 219 Unisys ARPs 266 SCSI on ST IMAP, Interactive Mail Access Protocol, 267 Tobit David Service Layer 220 TCP version 3 268 Tobit David Replica 221 Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth 269 MANET protocols 222 Berkeley rshd with SPX auth 270 UDP GIST Q-mode messages 223 Certificate Distribution Center IETF Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) 224 Posture Transport Protocol over TLS (PT- 271 TCP TLS) 225 272 226 273 227 274 228 275 229 276 230 277 231 278 232 279 233 280 http-mgmt 234 281 Personal Link 235 282 Cable Port A/X 236 283 rescap 237 284 corerjd Created by Devyn Collier Johnson <[email protected]> (2015 v2) More cheatsheets at DCJTech.info TCP+UDP Ports Port Transport Description Port Transport Description 285 333 Texar Security Port 286 FXP-1 334 287 K-BLOCK 335 288 336 289 337 290 338 291 339 292 340 293 341 294 342 295 343 296 344 Prospero Data Access Protocol 297 345 Performance Analysis Workbench 298 346 Zebra server 299 347 Fatmen Server 300 348 Cabletron Management Protocol 301 349 mftp 302 Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet 303 350 TCP Protocol, Type A (MATIP) 304 Mapping of Airline Traffic over Internet 351 TCP Protocol, Type B (MATIP); bhoetty 305 352 DTAG 306 353 NDSAUTH 307 354 bh611 308 Novastor Backup 355 DATEX-ASN 309 EntrustTime 356 Cloanto Net 1 310 bhmds 357 bhevent 311 AppleShare IP WebAdmin 358 Shrinkwrap 312 VSLMP 359 Tenebris Network Trace Service 313 Magenta Logic 360 scoi2odialog 314 Opalis Robot 361 Semantix 315 DPSI 362 SRS Send 316 decAuth 363 UDP RSVP Tunnel 317 Zannet 364 Aurora CMGR 318 TCP Time Stamp Protocol (TSP) 365 DTK 319 PTP Event Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP); On- 320 PTP General 366 TCP Demand Mail Relay (ODMR) 321 PIP 367 MortgageWare 322 RTSPS 368 QbikGDP Internet Message Mapping Protocol 369 rpc2portmap 323 (IMMP) 370 codaauth2 324 371 Clearcase 325 372 ListProcessor 326 373 Legent Corporation 327 374 Legent Corporation 328 375 Hassle 329 376 Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto 330 377 NEC Corporation 331 378 NEC Corporation 332 379 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client Created by Devyn Collier Johnson <[email protected]> (2015 v2) More cheatsheets at DCJTech.info TCP+UDP Ports Port Transport Description Port Transport Description 380 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server IBM Operations Planning and Control 381 HP performance data collector 424 Track 382 HP performance data managed node 425 ICAD 383 HP performance data alarm manager 426 smartsdp 384 A Remote Network Server System 427 TCP, UDP SLP, Service Location Protocol 385 IBM Application 428 OCS_CMU 386 ASA Message Router Object Def 429 OCS_AMU AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol 430 UTMPSD 387 UDP (AURP) 431 UTMPCD 388 TCP, UDP Unidata LDM Version 4 432 IASD Connection-less Lightweight X (CLDAP); 433 NNSP 500 Directory Access Protocol; Lightweight 434 UDP Mobile IP agent 389 TCP, UDP Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 435 Mobile IP MN 390 UIS 436 DNA-CML 391 SynOptics SNMP Relay Port 437 comscm 392 SynOptics Port Broker Port 438 dsfgw 393 Data Interpretation System 439 dasp 394 EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer
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