Local History of Ethiopia Mia - Mzila © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) mia, mi-a (O) objects, things, goods, utensils, harness; miaa (O) 1. appetizing, juicy; 2. lard HDK53 Mia (Mi'a) 0934'/3750' 2448 m, see under Kachisi 09/37 [AA Gz] HDD56 Miagera 0839'/3803' 2528 m 08/38 [Gu Gz] H.... Miam Atal (ctr in 1964 of Kala sub-district) 13/38? [Ad] HCG58 Mianta, see Debre Werk JCP57 Miaua (Miyaba) 0742'/4120' 1168/1195 m 07/41 [WO Gz LM) HEF04 Miawa (Mi'awa) 1055'/3946' 1471 m, 10/39 [Gz] south of Kombolcha HEF04 Miawa kebele 11/39 [Ad] almost in south-easternmost Dese Zuriya wereda reaching to its eastern border, 15-18 km south of Kombolcha; area 2,392 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDD70 Micael, see Mikael & HDJ48 HDS32 HDS41c HDS50c HEJ56 HFC08 Micael, see Kidus Mikael HFE19 Micael Alassa, see Awiara HDL18 Micawa, see Mikawa HDC07 Micciu, see Michu micha, miich'aa (O) washing of clothes HDK99 Micha (Mich'a) 0955'/3823' 2329 m, 09/38 [AA Gz] see under Tulu Milki, cf Mecha HDU50 Micha kebele (Mich'a ..) 09/38 [Ad] in east central Jema wereda, 9-16 km east of Degolo; area 3,682 hectares. [CSA 1994] HFD29 Michara (Miciara) (area) 1719 m, cf Mechara 13/38 [+ Gu] HEU15 Michare Mikael (church) 1247'/3949', 12/39 [Gz] east of Maychew ?? Micheg (Swe: Mitjeg), in Menz near Wello ../.. [x] HDC93 Michele, S. (church), see under Sire HDC93 09/36 [WO] HDD76 Michele, see Kidus Mikael JDA36 Micheta (Mich'eta, Mechta) 0825'/4021' 1584 m, 08/40 [Gz] near Mechara JDA45 Micheta (Mich'eta, Miceta) 0834'/4019' 1828 m, 08/40 [Gz WO] (with church Maryam to the north) ?? Michew, town in Tigray (-2006-) ../.. [Ad] michi (O) illness believed to be caused by draught; wacha (O) din of people or of boiling water; (A) wild fig tree, Ficus sp. HCH82c Michi Wacha, cf Wach 07/35 [Wa] HES66 Michibi (on Simen hiking route) 13/38 [Br] HCD88c Michicha (Miciccia) c.2100 m 06/38 [+ Gu] village in Sidamo, with SIM mission michicho (O) kinds of tree, Ilex mitis, Pygeum africanum HDG68 Michicho (Mich'ich'o) 0937'/3531' 2020 m, 09/35 [Gz] north of Nejo HDH18 Michicho Silase (Mich'ich'o S.) (church), 09/36 [Gz] 0912'/3626', north-west of Nekemte HDT49 Michig 1022'/3916' 2563 m, 10/39 [Gz] south-west of Were Ilu HDF12 Michika (Miccica), see under Sire 08/39 [+ WO] HCK.. Michile, in Wenago /wereda?/ 06/38 [n] There is a megalithic site which contains 10 steles. HCD.. Michille, in Gedeo awraja 06/38 [n] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 1 of 35 Local History of Ethiopia Mia - Mzila © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) michire, mich'iree (o) 1. maize germ; 2. gland HDL24 Michire (Mich'ire) 0919'/3849' 2739 m, 09/38 [AA Gz] north-east of Sululta HDL53 Michire (Mich'ire) 0935'/3846' 2535 m, 09/38 [AA Gz] south of Fiche HEU10 Michiro (Mich'iro) 1250'/3922' 2023 m, 12/39 [Gz] west of Maychew michiru, mich'iiruu (O) twist, wring, squeeze, force, eradicate HES77 Michotis (on Simen hiking route) 13/38 [Br] michu, michuu (O) fiancé or similar HDC07 Michu (Micciu, Misciu) 0811'/3717' 2402 m, 08/37 [+ Gz] west of Abelti mida (O) alpine plant with geranium-shaped leaves; midda (O) 1. injury; 2. honour of having made an important kill HDL65 Mida 0937'/3855' 2671 m, in Merhabete awraja 09/38 [AA Gz] HDT36 Mida (Midda) (area) 10/39 [Ad WO 18] in Menilek's time (-1870s-) a district in Merhabete province HDT38 Mida (Midda) 1018'/3909' 2539 m 10/39 [Gz WO] JDJ68 Mida (Midda) 09/42 [+ WO] mida k..: kenj (qänj) (A) right /side or hand/ HD... Mida Kenye sub-district (Mida Kenge.. Midakegne..) 09/37 [Ad] (centre in 1964 = Goda Bitilie), in Jibat & Mecha awraja J.... Mida Welabo sub-district (-1997-) 09/42? [n] HDT27c Mida wereda (Midela ..) (centre in 1964 = Merayna) 10/39 [Ad] In the Merhabete awraja, in the Derg period divided into Mida and Bita Bilo weredas. HDT27c Mida Weremo wereda (Midda Wärämo ..) 10/39 [Ad] (centre = Meranya) Created in 1995 by merging with Werem Wadetu. midaga, midagaa (O) prettiness, grace, charm; lola, lolaa (O) 1. flood; 2. symbolic name for cattle JDC76 Midagalola (Midago), see Midega JDC76 Midagalola sub-district 08/42 [Ad WO Gu] (centre in 1964 = Midega) HDF.. Midagdu, with Catholic church 08/39 [20] H.... Midagdu (Midegdu), with Catholic Franciscans 08/3. [20] HEC94c Midara (in Liban district, with limestone quarry) 11/36 [Ch] midda, miidda (O) injury HDT38 Midda, see Mida JDJ67 Middaydu (Middaidu) (area) 09/42 [+ WO] JDC76 Midega (Midega Lola, Miedegga, Midago) 08/42 [Gz Ad WO] (Midagalola) 0852'/4210' 1476 m (centre in 1964 of Midagalola sub-district) ?? Midere Genet ../.. [Po] Spelling used by its sub-post office. midgane: midgaan (Som) group of primitive hunters, -- Midgan, caste group of hunters and tanners living among the Somali JDS03 Midgane (area) 10/42 [WO] JCR99 Midigera (Midighera) 0806'/4226' 1014 m, 08/42 [n Gz] east of Fik midijja (A) furnace, fireplace, kitchen stove HDL73 Midija 0942'/3841' 2759 m, south of Fiche 09/38 [AA Gz] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 2 of 35 Local History of Ethiopia Mia - Mzila © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) midir (A) earth, land, region; felasi (fälasi) (T) monk; (A) emigrated HFD88 Midir Felasi 1422'/3815' 1755 m, 14/38 [Gz] north of Inda Silase HEC07 Midir Gat (Acuorchi) 1337'/3717' 2174 m, 13/37 [Gz WO] midir g..: gebeta (gäbäta) (A) low table; (gäbät'a) (A) game with a double row of twelve hollows and played with pebbles or similar; midir gebeta (A) land like a low table? H.... Midir Gebeta sub-district (Medir G. ..) 13/37? [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 = Wida) HFE85 Midmah 1421'/3857' 1861 m, north of Adwa 14/38 [Gz] midraru: midir (A), midiri (T) land, earth, country H.... Midrai Kept (small monastery), 08/38 [20] reached by starting from Butajira in direction Tiya HEJ97 Midraru (area) 12/37 [WO] ?? Midre, between Dola Mena and Negele ../.. [Br] midre k..: midir kebd (midir qäbd) (A) land with deposit to guarantee serious intention HDE12 Midre Kebd (M. Kebo) 0816'/3836' 2133 m 08/38 [Gz x] (Medre Käbd), north-west of lake Ziway, see Midrai Kept HDE32c Midre Kebd sub-district 08/38 [Ad] (centre in 1964 = Kondaltiti) midre z..: zega (various meanings) ?? Midre Zega (Medra ..) (known from the 1300s), ../.. [x] between the Muger anf Jamma rivers HDF20 Miece, see Myeche JDC76 Miedegga, see Midega -- Mieken language, see Me'en HCH97 Miera (Miena) 0712'/3623' 2458 m 07/36 [WO Gu Gz] J.... Mierab .., see Mirab .. JDH20 Mieso (Mi'eso, Miesso, Mi-esso, Mehesso, Meheso) 09/40 [Gz WO Ad It] (Meso, Meisso, Maisso) 09/40 [20] MS: 0912'/4045' 1280/1314 m = JDH10 Gz: 0914'/4045' 1394 m (sub-post office under Asbe Teferi) Centre in 1964 of Mieso wereda. Within a radius of 10 km there are at km 9S Arkoncha (Ark'onch'a, Arconcia) (village) 1512 m 3NW Sufi (Gara Sufi) (mountain) 1722 m 10N Kurfa Dida (Curfa D.) (area) 10NE Mulu (Mullu, Mulloo) (on the railway) 1225/1249 m JDH20 Mieso wereda (-1997-), 09/40 [Ad] important cotton production area miessa, miesa (A,O) kind of tree, Ilex mitis, also Euclea schimperi, E. kellau HDD90c Miessa, village about 130 km west of Addis Abeba, 08/37? [x] in Jibat & Mecha awraja JEA43 Miessa 11/40 [WO] JD... Miesso (different from Mieso), 09/42 [Ad] in the region of Jijiga and Kebri Beyah Mieta .., cf Meta .. mieta r..: robi, robbi, roobi (O) 1. hippopotamus; 2. Wednesday; 3. rain HDM30 Mieta Robi sub-district (ctr in 1964 = Sheno) 09/39 [Ad] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 3 of 35 Local History of Ethiopia Mia - Mzila © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HE... Mietero, see Metero H.... Mieta, see Meta HES78 Mietgogo (in Simen National Park), see Imet Gogo HEM15 Mieti (Mi'eti) 1155'/3950' 1497 m, 11/39 [Gz] north-east of Weldiya -- Mietta, Metta, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe ?? Mietta (Myetta) (on map of 1814), 10/39 [+ 18] recorded by Henry Salt on a route from Ankober to Wello HDC50 Mietta (area), cf Metta 08/36 [WO] HDM72 Mietto, see Nito migag (Som) kind of small tree, Maerua crassifolia; jiifa (Som) lynx KCN57 Migag Jifa (Migag Gifa), cf Megag 07/45 [+ WO] migaria: megariya (T) hearth HFE76c Migaria Tsemri sub-district (Megaria Zemri ..) (plain) 14/39 [Ad Gu] (centre in 1964 = Adeki Raesi) HDU73 Mige & Aymeter kebele (Megé & Aymätär ..) 10/39 [Ad] to the west in central Gishe Rabel wereda and at its northern border, 9-15 km east-northeast of Were Ilu; area 2,242 hectares. [CSA 1994] HCD60 Migie 0600'/3732' 1374 m, see under Arba Minch 06/37 [WO Gz] -- Migir, traditionally a Gurage area migira (O) roof thatch, kind of tall and hard grass; miggira (A) Lobelia plant HCR42 Migira (Mighira) (area) 1846 m, see under Jimma 07/36 [+ WO] HDL84 Migira 0949'/3851' 2454 m, east of Fiche, 09/38 [AA Gz] (with church Be'ale Igzi) HDL90 Migira 0955'/3827' 2172 m, east of Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz] HDK80 Migiro 0947'/3731' 2237 m (with church Mikael) 09/37 [AA Gz] HDK89 Migiro 0951'/3823' 2529 m, 09/38 [AA Gz] see under Gebre Guracha HDE76 Migra (Babicef, ex-Babicef, Romagna d'Etiopia) 08/38 [Gz It] 0850'/3859' 2036 m HES36 Migra 1301'/3804' 2851 m, west of Deresge 13/38 [Gz] HES36 Migra 1300'/3806' 2967 m, west of Deresge 13/38 [Gz] H...
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