1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx Row Labels Licenses achilles Apache 2.0 activation CDDL 1.0, CDDL 1.1 activiti Apache 2.0 adal4j Apache 2.0 adapter Apache 2.0 akka Apache 2.0 all BSD 3 amqp Apache 2.0, GPL 2.0, Mozilla 1.1, Apache 2.0, GPL 2.0, Mozilla 2.0 android Apache 2.0 animal MIT annotations Apache 2.0, LGPL 3.0 ant Apache 2.0 antisamy BSD 2 antlr BSD, BSD 3 antlr4 BSD 3 apache Apache 2.0 apacheds Apache 2.0 archaius Apache 2.0 args4j MIT arpack_combined_all BSD 2 arq BSD 3 asm BSD, BSD 3 aspectjrt Eclipse 1.0 aspectjweaver Eclipse 1.0 assertj Apache 2.0 attoparser Apache 2.0 Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 1 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx avatica Apache 2.0 aws Apache 2.0 azure Apache 2.0, MIT backport Public Domain bamboo Apache 2.0 barchart BSD 2 bcel Apache 2.0 bcpkix Apache 2.0, Bouncy Castle License bcprov Apache 2.0, Bouncy Castle License bonecp Apache 2.0 bourbon MIT bsh Apache 2.0 btf Apache 2.0 byte Apache 2.0 c3p0 Eclipse 1.0, LGPL 2.1 caffeine Apache 2.0 cal10n MIT calcite Apache 2.0 cassandra Apache 2.0 cglib Apache 2.0 checker MIT checkstyle LGPL 2.1 cisco Suspected Commercial classmate Apache 2.0 classworlds Custom client MIT closure Apache 2.0 coffee MIT Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 2 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx commonj.sdo BSD 3, Eclipse 1.0 commons Apache 2.0, Apache 2.0, BSD 3, BSD 3 compress Apache 2.0 concurrentlinkedhashmap Apache 2.0 config Apache 2.0 converter Apache 2.0 core BSD 3 curator Apache 2.0 daemon Apache 2.0, Common Public 1.0 derby Apache 2.0 disruptor Apache 2.0 dojo BSD 3 dom4j Dom4j doxia Apache 2.0 drools Apache 2.0 ecj Eclipse 1.0 eigenbase Apache 2.0 emberjs MIT envjs MIT error_prone_annotations Apache 2.0 esapi BSD 2 esper GPL 2.0 extclassgenerator Apache 2.0 extdirectspring Apache 2.0 fast MIT FastInfoset Apache 2.0 fastutil Apache 2.0 Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 3 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx flyway Apache 2.0 fst Apache 2.0 geronimo Apache 2.0, MIT gmaven Apache 2.0 gmbal BSD 3 gmetric4j MIT groovy Apache 2.0 grpc Apache 2.0 gshell Apache 2.0 gson Apache 2.0 guava Apache 2.0 h2 Mozilla 2.0 ha Eclipse 2.0, GPL 2.0 Classpath hadoop Apache 2.0 hamcrest BSD 3, MIT handlebars Apache 2.0, MIT hazelcast Apache 2.0 HdrHistogram CC0 hibernate Apache 2.0, BSD 3, Eclipse 1.0, LGPL 2.1 high Public Domain HikariCP Apache 2.0 hppc Apache 2.0 htrace Apache 2.0 http Apache 2.0 httpasyncclient Apache 2.0 httpclient Apache 2.0 httpcore Apache 2.0 httpmime Apache 2.0 Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 4 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx hystrix Apache 2.0 icu4j ICU License im4java LGPL 2.1 ini4j Apache 2.0 ion Apache 2.0 iri BSD 3 istack BSD 3 jackson Apache 2.0, Apache 2.0, BSD 3 jakarta.activation BSD 3 jakarta.annotation Eclipse 2.0, GPL 2.0 Classpath jakarta.jws BSD 3 jakarta.mail Eclipse 2.0, GPL 2.0 jakarta.persistence BSD 3, Eclipse 2.0 jakarta.xml.bind BSD 3 jakarta.xml.soap BSD 3 jakarta.xml.ws BSD 3 jamm Apache 2.0 jandex Apache 2.0 janino BSD 3 jasypt Apache 2.0 java Cup Parser Generator License javassist Apache 2.0, Apache 2.0, LGPL 2.1, Mozilla 1.1 javax.activation CDDL 1.1, CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath javax.annotation CDDL 1.1 javax.el CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath javax.inject Apache 2.0 javax.json CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 5 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx javax.mail CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath, CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions javax.persistence BSD 3, Eclipse 1.0 javax.servlet CDDL 1.1, CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath javax.transaction CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath, GPL 2.0 Classpath javax.xml.soap CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath jaxb BSD 3, CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath, Oracle Binary (Java SE and JavaFX), Unspecified License jaxrs Apache 2.0 jaxws Apache 2.0, BSD 3, BSD 3, CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath jbcrypt BSD, ISC jboss Apache 2.0, CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath, CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions, GPL 2.0 Classpath jcip Apache 2.0 jcl MIT jcommander Apache 2.0 jdbm Apache 2.0 jdk.tools Oracle Binary (Java SE and JavaFX), Suspected Unspecified License jena BSD 3 jersey CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath jetty Apache 2.0, Eclipse 1.0 jgrapht Eclipse 1.0, LGPL 2.1, LGPL 2.1 jgraphx Apache 2.0 jline BSD jmespath Apache 2.0 jmimemagic Apache 2.0 jna Apache 2.0, Apache 2.0, LGPL 2.1 jniloader LGPL 3.0 joda Apache 2.0 jopt MIT jquery MIT Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 6 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx jruby Eclipse 1.0, GPL 3.0, LGPL 3.0 jsch BSD 3, BSD 3, LGPL jshint MIT jslint MIT json Apache 2.0, JSON json2 Public Domain jsonassert Apache 2.0 jsoup MIT jsr305 Apache 2.0, BSD 3 jsr311 CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 jul MIT junit Eclipse 1.0 jwi CC BY 4.0 jwsmv AGPL 3.0 kie Apache 2.0 knowledge Apache 2.0 lang Apache 2.0 LatencyUtils CC0 less Apache 2.0 less4j Apache 2.0, Eclipse 1.0, GPL 3.0 libphonenumber Apache 2.0 libthrift Apache 2.0 littleproxy Apache 2.0 log4j Apache 2.0 logback Eclipse 1.0, LGPL 2.1 logging Apache 2.0 lombok MIT Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 7 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx lucene Apache 2.0 lz4 Apache 2.0 mailapi CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 management BSD 3 markdown_to_asciidoc Apache 2.0, Unspecified License markup Apache 2.0 maven Apache 2.0 mchange Eclipse 1.0, LGPL 2.1 metrics Apache 2.0 micrometer Apache 2.0 mimepull BSD 3, CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 mina Apache 2.0 mockito MIT msg Apache 2.0 mutagen Apache 2.0 mvel2 Apache 2.0 mybatis Apache 2.0 mysql GPL 2.0, GPL 2.0 Classpath native_ref BSD 3 native_system BSD 3 nekohtml Apache 2.0 netflix Apache 2.0 netlib BSD 3 netty Apache 2.0 nimbus Apache 2.0 nio Apache 2.0 noggit Apache 2.0 not Apache 2.0 Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 8 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx ntlm Apache 2.0 oauth2 Apache 2.0 objenesis Apache 2.0 ognl Apache 2.0 okhttp Apache 2.0 okio Apache 2.0 opennlp Apache 2.0 opensaml Apache 2.0 openws Apache 2.0 org Apache 2.0 org.abego.treelayout.core BSD 3 org.eclipse.persistence.asm BSD 3, Eclipse 2.0 org.eclipse.persistence.core BSD 3, Eclipse 2.0 org.eclipse.persistence.moxy BSD 3, Eclipse 2.0 org.eclipse.persistence.sdo BSD 3, Eclipse 2.0 org.freeswitch.esl.client Apache 2.0, Requires Review org.restlet Apache 2.0 org.restlet.ext.servlet Apache 2.0, CDDL 1.1, Eclipse 1.0, LGPL 2.1, LGPL 3.0 oro Apache 1.1 paleo Apache 2.0 parboiled Apache 2.0 pegdown Apache 2.0 perfmark Apache 2.0 pfl BSD 3 plexus Apache 2.0 poi Apache 2.0 policy BSD 3 Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 9 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx proto Apache 2.0 protobuf BSD 3 qdox Apache 2.0 qpid Apache 2.0 quartz Apache 2.0 reactive CC0 reactor Apache 2.0 reflections WTFPL release Apache 2.0, EDL 1.0 reporter Apache 2.0 rest Apache 2.0 resteasy Apache 2.0 retrofit Apache 2.0 rhino Mozilla 2.0 ribbon Apache 2.0 rrd4j Apache 2.0 rxjava Apache 2.0 saaj CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath samples Apache 2.0, EDL 1.0 sass MIT Saxon Mozilla 2.0 scala BSD 3 sdo BSD 3 serializer Apache 2.0 servo Apache 2.0 shared Apache 2.0, Apache 2.0, Common Public 1.0 simpleclient Apache 2.0 simpleclient_common Apache 2.0 Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 10 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx slf4j MIT smack Apache 2.0 snakeyaml Apache 2.0 snappy Apache 2.0 solr Apache 2.0 spatial4j Apache 2.0 spring Apache 2.0, Requires Review sshd Apache 2.0 ssl Apache 2.0 sslext Apache 1.1 ST4 BSD stax Apache 2.0, BSD 3, CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath stax2 BSD 2 stream Apache 2.0 streambuffer BSD 3 struts Apache 2.0 super Apache 2.0 swagger Apache 2.0, Requires Review swagger2markup Apache 2.0 sysout MIT t Apache 2.0 thrift Apache 2.0 thymeleaf Apache 2.0 tomcat Apache 2.0 txw2 CDDL 1.1, GPL 2.0 Classpath typica Apache 2.0 unbescape Apache 2.0 Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 11 1Desk - Open Source Component Summary Report v1 (1).xlsx unirest MIT uri Apache 2.0 validate.js MIT validation Apache 2.0 vavr Apache 2.0 velocity Apache 2.0 wagon Apache 2.0 webjars MIT woodstox Apache 2.0 wro4j Apache 2.0 xalan Apache 2.0 xercesImpl Apache 2.0 xercesMinimal Unspecified License xml Apache 2.0, Sax PD, W3C xmlbeans Apache 2.0 xmlParserAPIs Requires Review xmlpull Public Domain xmlsec Apache 2.0 xmltooling Apache 2.0 xmlunit Apache 2.0 xmpp MIT xom LGPL 2.1 xpp3 Apache 1.1, Indiana University Extreme!, Public Domain xstream BSD 3 xwiki LGPL, Requires Review zookeeper Apache 2.0 Confidential 8/3/2020 Page 12.
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