Publication No.9 ChalgraveChalgrave SocialSocial DiaryDiary ‘ — • ParishParishCouncilCouncilmeetingsmeetings- VillageVillageHallHall7.30pm,7.30pm, 1st1stTuesdayTuesdaymonthlymonthly ‘ — • PloughPloughInnInn - QuizQuiznightsnightseveryeveryotherotherTuesdayTuesday 99.00pm.00pm ’ — • QueensQueensHeadHead - LiveLiveentertainmententertainmenteveryeveryFridayFriday 7.30pm.7.30pm . ' — • LineLinedancingdancing- VillageVillageHall,Hall, WednesdayWednesday&&ThursdayThursdayeveningsevenings7.30pm7.30pm ' - - • ChalgraveChalgraveSportsSportsClubClub - CricketCricketeveryeverySundaySunday- untiluntilendendofofSeptemberSeptember ° All Saints Church Annual Pig Roast Sunday 5th September 1-5pm • 'All Saints Church Annual Pig Roast Sunday 5th September 1-5pm • ChalgraveChalgraveSportsSportsClubClubraceraceNightNight9th9thOctoberOctober ’ - • BookBookClubClubmeetingsmeetings- weekdaysweekdaystotobebeagreedagreed ·Chalgrave‘ChalgraveSportsSportsClubClubcarcartreasuretreasureHuntHunt29th29thAugustAugust IFIFYOUYOUKNOWKNOWOFOFANYANYEVENTSEVENTSININTHETHEPARISHPARISHPLEASEPLEASELETLETUSUSKNOWKNOWFORFOR NEXTNEXTISSUEISSUEOFOFTHETHESOCIALSOCIALDIARYDIARY TheTheChalgraveChalgraveNewsNewsteamteamproduceproduceTheTheChalgraveChalgraveNewsNewsiningoodgoodfaithfaith ContentsC0” ten ts andanddodoallallwewecancantotoensureensurethatthatnonooffenceoffenceisiscausedcausedtotoanyanyindividualindividual or organisation. We also reserve the right not to publish articles and 1 1 FrontFrontcovercover,, MickMickandandPicklePickle or organisation. We also reserve the right not to publish articles and negotiate obstacles at Games contributionscontributionssubmittedsubmittedtotoususififthesethesedodonotnotcomplycomplywithwithourourpolicy.policy. negotiate obstacles at Games 2 2 SocialSocialDiaryDiary,, AdvertisingAdvertisingRatesRates 3 L») EditorsEditorsNoteNote,, What'sWhat’s HappenedHappened DeadlineDeadline 4 ChalgraChalgraveve GamesGames20042004 5 ChalChalgravegrave GamesGames20042004 Chalgrave Games 2004 leaseleaseletletanyanymembermemberofofthetheeditorieditorialal teamteamhavehaveyoyourur contcontributionsributions oror 6 Chalgrave Games 2004 Chalgrave Games 2004 Ppostpost themthemininthetheletterletterboxboxatatthethevillagvillagee hallhallbyby15thl5th OcOctobertober 20042004 7 Chalgrave Games 2004 8 AAroundround thetheOrganisationsOrganisations P \O0O\lO\LlI-F> 9 AroundAroundthetheOrganisationsOrganisations Competitions ‘ ‘ Competitions Chalgrave News Advertzsmg Rates 1010 WhatWhat’s's ininyer§erDrawerserDrawersDrawers Chalgrave News Advertising Rates 1111 What'sWW5ininyer Drawers Footpath walk 3, BedsRCC SingleSingleInsertionInsertion AnnualAnnual 11:;(E)tFI:?frh€}N1:j:1)3’}’3II\?;dSRCC 1212 FRONT GARDENS B&WB & W ColourColour B&W13 & W ColourColour 1313 AAdayday ininthetheLifeLifeOfor......... ... 55 X 83mm .43 5.00 £ 8.00 £17.50 £ 28.00 14 Advemsments 55 x 83mm £ 5.00 £ 8.00 £17.50 £ 28.00 14 Advertisments 115 x 83mm £10.00 £16.00 £35.00 £ 56.00 15 Advertisements 115 x 83mm £10.00 £16,00 £35.00 £ 56 ..00 15 Advertisements 178 x 83mm £15.00 £24.00 £70.00 £112.00 15 Advertisements 178 x 83mm £15.00 £24.00 £70.00 £112.00 16 Advertisements 17l 7 AdvertisementsAdvertisements We are also including a “small business ads” section 18 Advertisements We are also including a "small business ads" section 18 Advertisements at a cost of £10.00 per annual advertisement. 19 Notes from the at a cost of £] 0.00 per annual advertisement. 19 Notes from the AsylumAsy1nm _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2020 PlanningPlanningDebateDebate 2121 PlanningPlanningDebateDebate If you are interested in promoting your business and helping to Notes from Mp If you are interested in promoting your business and helping to Notes from youryourMP support this iocal magazine please send text required or copy of your 22 Readersieders support this local magazine please send text required or copy of your 22 Readers 'Letters ' advertisement with remittance, payable to 23 E1eenen advertisement with remittance, payable to 23 Election Specialgneend "Chalgra“Ch31gTaV€ve NewNews”s" toY0 2424 ElectionElectionSpecialSpecial 2525 YourYourMPMPvisitsvisitsChalgraveChalgrave,, Jackie Hammons, Ivy Farm, Toddington Road, Jackie Hammons, Ivy Farm, Toddington Road, RecipeReeme TebTeb‘”°”h-worth. BeBed5~ds. LU7I-U79QD9QD 2626 NewsNewsCommentComment,Auntie,Auntie AgneAgness 07930 391122 e-mail [email protected] 27 Usefn1 Contacts 07930 391122 e-mail [email protected] 27 Useful Contacts 2828 BackBackcovercover,, GamGameses J EditorialEditorial We had so much informationinformation thisthis time we have had to keep thethe photos of thethe front gardens to a minimum - a shame because soso many more were well worth a men- ss we go toto press thethe weather has changed for thethe ttion.ion. Some articles have been put asasideide for thethe next Abetter and lookslooks good foforr thethe school holidaysholidays.. ItIt could havehave been better forfor thethe Chalgrave Games but thethe issueissue,, such as articles about Roger Fenwick who has Wednesday prior toto thatthat we had gales and stood down as Chairman of the Villge Hall torrentialtorrential rain which although not hurricane force still committee and Lyn Green who was booking clerkclerk.. Both brought down treestrees which are more vulnerable toto high have served many years doing wonderful work and theythey winds when inin fullfull leaf.leaf. will both be missedmissed.. The pictures of thethe beautiful win- Many of thethe articles inin thisthis issueissue should be of interestinterest toto ning baskets will also be includedincluded inin the nexnextt issueissue.. thosethose of you who are concerned about thethe futurefuture of our Parish e.g. do weWe reallyreally want 46,000 houses toto be built Any contributions you have should be with us by mid within mile or twotwo of our parish boundaries? why did October for inclusioninclusion inin thethe Christmas issue.issue. If you so fewfew people want toto speak toto our MP when he came know of any Christmas events by thenthen please letlet us know. thethe parish? and are we going toto letlet know. bureaucracy rulerule our village games? Happy HolHolidays!idays! WhatWhatss happened in Chalgrave since the last Chalgrave News Parish Councilelect new Chairman, Phil Parry European and District elections Senior Citizens Committee Elections Parish Councilandand Village Hall elections Roger Fenwick stands down after 13 years on the Village Hall committee Andrew Selous holds surgeries in Tebworth and Wingfield Village Games More abandoned cars in Wingfield and the Hockliffe Road FlyFly tipping on the Chalgrave Road Burglary at the Queen's Head. £150 taken from the till Judging of the Best Front Gardens and Best Pots and Baskets Police helicopter over The LaneLone at 1.00am Sunday 24th (anyone know why?) Cricket Season underway again at Chalgrave Sports Club ~ 'iJr Tim McGarry & Miranda Dokk-Olsen were married at AAllll Saints Chuch on 5.6.04. Both are former residents of TebTebworthworth 3 1700Z xmr 5311\1V9 3AVH91VH:l CHALGRAVE GAMES JULY 2004 5 CHALGRAVE GAMES JULY 2004 Despite no sunshine on thethe day and a short shower, The Games on 1111thth July were a resounding success. The dog show brought out thethe usual competitors -— Monty fromfrom thethe VicarageVicarage,, Pickle, GrommetGrommet,, Billy and Rosie fromfrom The LaneLane,, HarryHarry fromfrom Home Farm and Tiger Lily (an outsider) but loanedloaned forfor thethe day toto Sue and Ray fromfrom St Mary'sMary’s Close. ItIt was a close runrun thingthing butbut thethe dog agility was won by Sue LeutyLeuty with Tiger LilyLily,, second was Monty handled by Chris McDonagh and thirdthird wawass Pickle handled by Mike Finch (or waswas itit thethe other way round).round). ThereThere was a steward'ssteward’s enquiry after a complaint thatthat BillyBilly,, handled superbly by VeldaVelda CookeCooke,, should have won comfortably but followingfollowing thethe passingpassing of a wad of notesnotes toto thethe judgesjudges,, thethe original decision was upheld. Best dog inin Parish went toto Pickle aandnd MMikeike Finch, second placeplace Tiger Lily and SSueue LeutLeutyy and thirdthird place toto Monty and Chris McDonMcDonagh.agh. Following thethe dog shoshow,w, momostst of tthehe aadultsdults rretiredetired toto tthehe teatea aandnd cake tenttent,, thethe barbeque oorr thethe beer tetentnt toto wawatchtch thethe kiddies races and a listlist of thethe under 6 winners iiss aass follows:follows:-- ['1 EggEgg and Spoon -- 1lstst EloiseEloise HallHall,, 22ndnd Tori WellWells,s, 33rdrd PPhoebehoebe PParryarry “ Water Race -- 1lstst Phoebe ParryParry,, 22ndnd Eloise HallHall,, 33rdrd ToriTori WeWellslls __“ Hopping Race -— 1lstst Eloise Hall, 22ndnd Tori WellsWells,, 33rdrd Phoebe PParryarry Sack Race -- 1lstst Phoebe ParryParry,, 22ndnd Tori Wells, 33rdrd Eloise Hall ... -k#5ttfk-*·' ~ The Welly Wanging competition went with a bang thisthis year with Ray Willis takingtaking thethe men'smen’s titletitle from thethe defenddefendinging champion Gary Colenut (who(who was unfortunately on holiday inin SpaiSpain.).n.). TThehe egg-throwing compcompetitionetition and tug-of-wartug-of-war aandnd pepenaltynalty shoot-out were all fiercefiercelyly contested and whilst therethere mumustst have been winnerswinners,, nonobodybody seems toto know who ttheyhey were! Traditional folk mumusicsic was provided by 'C‘Cloudburst’.loudburst' . InInsideside thethe HallHall,, therethere was ssomethingomething for everybodyeverybody.. 6 CHALGRAVE GAMES JULY 2004 Ken Green standing inin forfor Bill Archer on thethe
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