High Country Cattle Co. Ltd. 1 Box 934 OSOYOOS, B.C. VOH 1VO 1 Attention: Mr. John Levden Subject: Proof of Water for a Proposed Subdivision on District Lot 2709 near Anarchist Mountain I at Osoyoos, B.C. I Dear Sirs: I This report is further to recent telephone discussions and correspondence between John Leyden, President, High Country Cattle Co. Ltd., and Ann Badry, P. Geo., Hydrogeologist, Pacific Hydrology Consultants I Ltd. (PHCL), in August and September 1993. We trust that the Report meets with your approval. However, please do not hesitate to call should you require anything further. Yours truly, I PACIFIC HYDROLOGY CONSULTANTS LTD. i r1 Joskph T!Arengi, M. I Hydrogeologist / Ann Badry, P. Geo. 1 Hydrogeologist and Manager A member of the STEFFEN ROBERTSON AND KlRSTEN Group 01 Companies Other offices In Canada U S A,. United Kingdom and Africa 1 -. ,"..... ... I’ I high Country Cattle Co. Ltd. - Proof of Water Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS I -- ~ Section Subject Paae l LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ........................................-- i e- I 1.o INTRODUCTION ............................................... 1 2.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ................................ 2 I 3.0 WATERSUPPLYPOTENTIAL ..................................... 3 1 4.0 GROUNDWATER QUALITY ...................................... 4 5.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS .................................. 5 APPENDICES I APPENDIX A AREA, SITE LAYOUT AND WELL LOCATION MAPS APPENDIX B SUMMARY TABLE OF AREA WATER SUPPLY WELLS FIGURES Number -Title Figure 1 Area Location Map - Proposed High Country Cattle Co. Subdivision A- 1 I Figure 2 Proposed High Country Cattle Company Subdivision Layout and Water Well Locations A-2 TABLES I Number -Title Pane Table 1 Summary of Details of Existing Water Wells on D.L. 2709 on Anarchist I Mountain Southeast of Osoyoos, B.C. B- 1 Pacific Hydrology Consultants Ltd. il High Country Cattle Co. Ltd. - Proof of Water Page 1 The subject Property proposed for subdivision consists of three lots legally described as Lot 21, Plan 2789, District Lot 2709, Similkameen Division of Yale District. The property is four kilometres southeast of I the Town of Osoyoos qdat an elevation about 610 m (2,000 ft) asl. The area location and resional topography are shown on Figure 1 in Appendix A, and the subdivision layout is shown on Figure 2. This report addresses Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (R.D.O.S.)Bylaw No. 300 for Proof of I Water for groundwater supplies which states: -- (b) Groundwater Supplies ( i) For any proposed subdivision dependent upon individual groundwater sources of water for each parcel, the developer shall provide, on each parcel, prior to registration of the subdivision: in Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F and G, a well capable of providing a minimum yield of three (3) gallons (23.5 L) per minute for each proposed parcel; and in Electoral Area H, a well capable of providing 1,000 gallons (4545 L) per proposed parcel per day; OR a detailed investigation report of groundwater conditions sufficient to evaluate water quality and the chances of constructing successful wells, which meet the above yield requirements, on all the parcels within the subdivision. I This report has been prepared to fulfil the alternatives of "a detailed investigation report...". I 1 I 1 I Pacific Hydrology Consultants Ltd. I' ' High Country Cattle Co. Ltd. - Proof of Water Page 2 The Osoyoos-Anarchist Mountain area is underlain by schists and gneisses of the Shuswap Terrane overlain by glacially derived unconsolidated sediments of varying thickness. Well logs for holes in the area indicate up to 14.6.m (448 ft) of till overlying the crystalline bedrock. Groundwater in the area is obtained from fractured bedrock which is recharged from precipitation and snowmelt from uplands to the north and east. -- I I I Pacific Hydrology Consultants Ltd. I qPage 3 . .. Water well records are available for four drilled wells, in D.L. 2709 in the vicinity of the proposed subdivision. Well locations are shown on Figure 2 in Appendix A and details of these wells are summarized in Table 1, Appendix B. The well logs indicate driller recommended capacities ranging from 4.55 Wmin (1 i(?)gpm) to 36.4 L/min (8 i(?)gpm). "- As noted in Section 2.0, the aquifer is fiactured bedrock in which the capacity of any particulaF-rock well depends primarily on the bedrock conditions encountered in the well itself - in particular, to the number and extent of fractures - and only secondarily to the conditions in the aquifer. The data contained in Table 1 indicate the likelihood of intersecting water-bearing fractures drilling on I the subject Property which would be sufficient to satisfy R.D.O.S. Bylaw 300 are very good. In three of the four holes listed in Table 1, the amount of water stored in the casing is sufficient to meet the peak daily demand; the only limiting factor appears to be hole depth which, in this area, should be a minimum I of 76 to 91 m (250 to 300 ft). I On the basis of existing data we conclude that the chances of producing a sufficient water supply from wells on each of the three proposed lots is very good. In the event sufficient water-bearing fractures are not intersected, the rock can be hydrofractured which will enhance well storage by increasing hydraulic I connection. Alternatively, a domestic-sized storage unit can be added to the system to ensure sufficient I I I I Pacific Hydrology Consultants Ltd. 1 high Country Cattle Co. Ltd. - Proof of Water page 4 Water quality analyses for the subject Property are not available and have not been reviewed by PHCL. Our experience with rock wells in similar type bedrock in the area is that water quality is good and there I is not bacteriological cross-examination in such deep wells. It should be noted, however, that rock holes in similar bedrock in the vicinity of Naramata north of Penticton have encountered high fluoride levels. A water quality analysis should be carried out in groundwater from each of the three lots to veri@ a potable water supply. ---- I - I I I Pacific Hydrology Consultants Ltd. High Country Cattle Co. Ltd. - Proof of Water Page 5 ! 1. The proposed three-lot subdivision of Lot 21, Plan 21789, D.L. 2709, S.D.Y.D., approximately 4 km southeast of the Town of Osoyoos. 2. Wells in the area obtain groundwater from fractured bedrock. -- -. 3. Wells drilled in bedrock to depths of at least 76 m (250 fi) on each of the three proposed lots will be sufficient to meet short and long term demands assuming normal domestic consumption. Hydrofracturing can be carried out to enhance well storage in the event of low yields. 4. Our experience from wells drilled in similar bedrock indicates the potential to obtain a potable water supply on each of the three lots is very good. Chemical and bacteriological analyses should be carried out when wells are completed. I 'j Pacific Hydrology Consultants Ltd. 4. Will consider the development of outdoor recreational opportunities on sites that minimize impacts to the agricultural land base, to surrounding agricultural, residential, institutional and open space uses, traffic patterns and important habitat. Outdoor recreational services will be regulated through the Commercial Tourist and Parks designations in the Zoning Bylaw. 5. Supports the creation and extension of a connected network of trails and recreation corridors to access community parks, recreation areas, public open space and amenities. 6. Will consider having Osoyoos Lake Park revert to public use when the current agreement expires. 7. Recognizes the various interests in the future use of the abandoned irrigation canal right-of-way, and designates it Public Corridor in order to protect options for future use as a recreation and/or utility corridor. Natural Environment 12.4 Natural Environment Objectives 1. To foster an awareness of the natural environment and to protect environmentally sensitive areas from negative impacts from development. 2. To maintain high water quality in surface water, groundwater and aquifers. 3. To encourage rehabilitation, restoration and enhancement of environmentally sensitive areas which have been subject to negative impacts in the past. 4. To regulate through the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection the siting and environmental design of development near floodplains, the waterfront and watercourses. _- 5. To adhere to the Federal Fisheries Act by protecting all wildlife and fish habitats, including riparian corridors. *._I 6. To link protected fish and wildlife areas in a system of ecosystem networks. 7. To encourage provincial and federal governments; private organizations and private landowners to protect, enhance and manage critical habitat areas for endangered or threatened species in the Plan area. 12.5 Natural Environment Policies I . I , , , , I , * I I . , , . L . , * r I I * . * I . * * . r . I . I I . I . c . r w p-. r *-I-.- I r. I ~..~.-~-~~~-~--..-~--* The Regional Board: 1. Recognizes environmentally sensitive land and designates it development permit in the Environmentally Sensitive Development Permit (ESDP) Area. OSOYOOS RURAL OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN BYLAW 2260,2004 April 21,2004 38 AREA LOCATION MAP - PROPOSED HIGH COUNTRY CATTLE COMPANY FIGURE 1 i i SUBDIVISION ON D.L. 2709, S.D.Y.D. L I 1 ,, Notes: 1. The base map is 1 :50.000 scale topographic map N.T.S. 82E/3 Osoyoos; contour interval is 1 00 feet. 2. EZZdindicates the location of proposed Subdivision. I FIGURE 2 PROPOSED HIGH COUNTRY CAlTLE COMPANY SUBDMSION - LAYOUT AND WATER WELL LOCATIONS ON D.L. 2709 12.45&Acres . otes: 1. The base map is a 1 :20.000 scale Developer's Ran prodded by Groundwater Section of BCMOELP. 2. ............:.>x.:.:.:.:.:.:.: appraximate (unsurveyed) location of a drilled water well. 3. $$ outlines proposed subdivision of Lot 21, Plan 21 789, D.L.
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