MINUTES Twin Falls City Planning & Zoning Commission January 12, 2010-6:00 PM City Council Chambers 305 3rd Avenue East Twin Falls, ID 83301 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEMBERS CITY LIMITS: Wayne Bohrn Kevin Cope Bonnie Lezamiz Gerardo Munoz Jim Schouten Cyrus Warren Carl Younkin Vice-Chairman Chairman AREA OF IMPACT: Lee DeVore R. Erick Mikesell ATTENDANCE PLANNING & ZONING MEMBERS AREA OF IMPACT MEMBERS PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: ABSENT: Cope Bohrn DeVore Lezamiz Munoz Mikesell Schouten Warren Younkin CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Heider CITY STAFF PRESENT: Carraway, Jones, Vitek, Wonderlich AGENDA ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND PUBLIC HEARING III. ITEMS OF CONSIDERATION 1. Request for Consideration of the Preliminary Plat of River Hawk Commercial PUD Subdivision, consisting of 4.2 (+/-) acres and five (5) lots located in the southwest quadrant of the Washington Street North and Chaney Drive intersection, c/o The Land Group, Inc. on behalf of Twin Falls School District #411 IV. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. Request for a Zoning District Change and Zoning Map Amendment from R-2 to C-1 for property located at 510 Lincoln Street, c/o 200 South Developers, LLC/Fran Florence. (app. 2354) 2. Request for a Non-Conforming Building Expansion Permit to add a porch on an existing non-conforming building that is within the front yard setback on property located at 455 Addison Avenue c/o Islamic Cultural Community Center, Bakhritdin Yusupov (app. 2355) Page 2 of 7 Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes date I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Chairman Younkin called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. He then reviewed the public meeting procedures with the audience, confirmed there was a quorum present and introduced City Staff present. II. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Approval of Minutes from the following meeting(s): December 8, 2009 2. Approval of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: MV Federal Credit Union (SUP-1170) Stinker Station (SUP-1171) MOTION: Commissioner Mikesell made a motion to approve the minutes and the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Commissioner Schouten seconded the motion. Unanimously approved. III. ITEMS OF CONSIDERATION: 1. Request for Consideration of the Preliminary Plat of River Hawk Commercial PUD Subdivision, consisting of 4.2 (+/-) acres and five (5) lots located in the southwest quadrant of the Washington Street North and Cheney Drive intersection, c/o The Land Group, Inc. on behalf of Twin Falls School District #411 APPLICANT PRESENTATION: Scott Allen, The Land Group, representing the applicant stated this is a request for approval of a preliminary plat for the River Hawk Commercial PUD Subdivision. This is another step following the PUD amendment asking for a preliminary plat approval. The property is approximately 4.2 (+/-) acres with 5 commercial lots located in the southwest quadrant of the Washington Street North and Cheney Drive. The plat conforms to the amended PUD agreement and some language modifications have been made at the request of the City Council and the school district as it relates to book stores and sexually explicit materials; the PUD has been amended to specifically prohibit this type of business. The applicant stated they do concur with the staff recommendations and they ask for approval of the plat as presented. P&Z QUESTIONS/COMMENTS: • Commissioner Warren asked if it would be possible for a business to have a drive through window on one of the lots. • Mr. Allen stated yes, this is possible and the lots have been designed to be modified to allow for parking and a drive through. STAFF PRESENTATION: Zoning & Development Manager Carraway reviewed the request on the overhead and stated this is a request for approval of the River Hawk Commercial PUD Subdivision. This property is approximately 4.2 acres with 5 commercial lots and does allow for modification to these lots through the PUD process. Full review of the required improvements will be made by the Building, Planning & Zoning, and Engineering Departments for full compliance with minimum development standards prior to issuance of a building permit. Zoning & Development Manager Carraway stated upon conclusion that should the Commission approve the Riverhawk Commercial PUD Subdivision as presented staff recommends the following conditions: 1. Subject to site plan amendments as required by Building, Engineering, Fire and Zoning Officials to ensure compliance with all applicable City Code requirements and standards. 2. Subject to arterial and collector streets adjacent and within the property being dedicated to the City of Twin Falls and to be built or rebuilt to current City standards upon development or change of use for the property. Page 3 of 7 Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes date 3. Subject to a cross-use agreement for parking, drainage, ingress, egress, pedestrian access, emergency vehicle access and public utility easements being recorded prior to development. 4. Development to comply with an approved and recorded PUD agreement. PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE DELIBERATIONS FOLLOWED: WITHOUT CONCERNS MOTION: Commissioner Warren made a motion to approve the request as presented with staff recommendations. Commissioner Cope seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of the motion. APPROVED AS PRESENTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 1. Subject to site plan amendments as required by Building, Engineering, Fire and Zoning Officials to ensure compliance with all applicable City Code requirements and standards. 2. Subject to arterial and collector streets adjacent and within the property being dedicated to the City of Twin Falls and to be built or rebuilt to current City standards upon development or change of use for the property. 3. Subject to a cross-use agreement for parking, drainage, ingress, egress, pedestrian access, emergency vehicle access and public utility easements being recorded prior to development. 4. Development to comply with an approved and recorded PUD agreement. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Request for a Zoning District Change and Zoning Map Amendment from R-2 to C-1 for property located at 510 Lincoln Street, c/o 200 South Developers, LLC/Fran Florence. (app. 2354) APPLICANT PRESENTATION: Fran Florence, the applicant, stated this is the same group that built the Starbucks located at Blue Lakes Boulevard North and Filer Avenue and have owned this property since that time. At the time the property was purchased it was zoned with the current R-2 zoning. The request is to rezone the piece so that the property can be utilized as an extension to the commercial activity along Blue Lakes Boulevard North. He stated that staff does acknowledge that the Comprehensive Plan recognizes this property as becoming commercial in the future. The staff does suggest that this particular parcel possibly should not be commercial because that zoning was designated for large scale commercial. He stated some investment in this area can be beneficial to the surrounding area. Several of the houses along this area are absentee ownership and some are maintained well and others are not kept well. The reason that the professional office overlay with the residential zoning doesn’t work is because with the size of the property being so small reducing the ability to have any circulation or on-site parking if the existing structure were to be used. The key factor is the lot line setbacks for residential are much different than commercial and restricts the amount of structure that can be placed on the property by approximately 25%. The intent for the property if the zoning is changed is to have a small professional office and possibly a light retail use. STAFF PRESENTATION: Zoning & Development Manager Carraway reviewed the request on the overhead and stated this is a request for a Zoning District Change and Zoning Map Amendment from R-2 to C-1 for property located at 510 Lincoln Street. The property is currently being used as a single family rental home. The properties to the north are residential and zoned R-2, the properties to the east are adjacent to C-1 and currently developed as Starbucks and Syringa Wireless, the properties along the west boarder are zoned R-2 and use residentially, to the south is Filer Avenue and across the way is a C-1 zoned piece of property with a long standing professional office next door and both properties front onto Blue Lakes Boulevard North. Page 4 of 7 Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes date The Commissions role is to make two determinations prior to making a recommendation to the City Council. The first is to confirm that the proposed request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the second is to determine if the request is or is not detrimental to any of the outright permitted uses or existing special uses in the area. The Comprehensive Plans Future Land Use Map 2-4 designates the area from Blue Lakes Boulevard to Lincoln Street as commercial/retail. However the description of this designation in the Comprehensive Plan states that commercial/retail designated areas are “to support larger scaled commercial developments along major roadways”. Along Filer Avenue between Blue Lakes Boulevard Commercial corridor and the Campus Commons Commercial Complex intersecting at Fillmore Street the Comprehensive Plan designation is residential business. The residential business land use designation is described as “a transitional designation that would allow for residences and low scale/ low intensity commercial business operations”. As the subject property is not oriented to Blue Lakes Boulevard corridor and use of this property other than existing residential use would be a transition between the commercial area and an existing residential neighborhood it may be more appropriate to view it as intended to be designated residential business. At this time the City does not have a zoning district that fits the residential business land use description. A Comprehensive Plan is a guide for future growth to be used by the City in determining all future land use activities.
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