Journal of Nematology 44(3):291–301. 2012. Ó The Society of Nematologists 2012. Characterization of a Root-Knot Nematode Population of Meloidogyne arenaria from Tupungato (Mendoza, Argentina) 1 1,2 LAURA EVANGELINA GARCI´A, MARI´A VIRGINIA SA´ NCHEZ-PUERTA Abstract: Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are polyphagous plant parasites of global importance. Successful host infection depends on the particular interaction between a specific nematode species and race and a specific plant species and cultivar. Accurate diagnosis of nematode species is relevant to effective agricultural management; and benefits further from understanding the variability within a single nematode species. Here, we described a population of M. arenaria race 2 from Mendoza (Argentina). This study represents the first morphometric, morphological, biochemical, reproductive, molecular, and host range characterization of a root-knot nematode species from Argentina. Even after gathering morphological and morphometric data of this population and partially sequencing its rRNA, an unequivocal taxonomic assignment could not be achieved. The most decisive data was provided by esterase phenotyping and molecular methods using SCARs. These results highlight the importance of taking a multidimensional approach for Meloidogyne spp. diagnosis. This study contributes to the understanding of the variability of morphological, reproduc- tive and molecular traits of M. arenaria, and provides data on the identification of root-knot nematodes on tomato cultivars from Argentina. Key words: Meloidogyne arenaria, morphology, root-knot nematode, molecular taxonomy. Root-knot nematodes belong to the genus Meloidogyne plant response to infection (Esser et al., 1976; Eisenback, Go¨ldi 1887, which are highly-adaptable, obligate, and 1985; Esbenshade and Triantaphyllou, 1985). Recently, polyphagous plant parasites. Meloidogyne spp. are dis- molecular tools have been progressively developed tributed worldwide and parasitize most flowering (PowersandHarris,1993;Powers,2004;Adametal., plants including economically relevant crops (Moens 2007; Blok and Powers, 2009). However, each ap- et al., 2009). Together with other root-knot nematodes, proach has its limitations. Morphological analyses of M. arenaria is apomictic, and multiplies by mitotic par- several developmental stages of the nematode com- thenogenesis (Triantaphyllou, 1985; Trudgill and Block, bined with host plant response tests and molecular 2001). Nematodes with apomictic reproduction are par- analyses should help in the correct identification of a ticularly difficult to control because of their high repro- nematode population (Eisenback, 1985; Hunt and ductive rate, short generation time, and wide host range Handoo, 2009; Perichi and Crozzoli, 2010). (Trudgill and Block, 2001). The root-knot nematode The root-knot nematodes are among the most rele- M. arenaria caninfectalmosteveryplantfamily. vant group of plant parasitic nematodes in Argentina Thirteen new species of Meloidogyne have been de- and are widely distributed throughout the country. At scribed in the last decade, totaling more than 90 rec- least ten Meloidogyne species were reported from this ognized species in the genus (Hunt and Handoo, 2009; country (Esbenshade and Triantaphyllou, 1985; Doucet Moens et al., 2009). Because distinct species of root- and Pinochet, 1992; Chaves, 2001; Hunt and Handoo, knot nematodes attack different plant cultivars, and 2009; Moens et al., 2009), but the economic impact of resistance is species- or cultivar-specific, and only ef- root-knot nematodes has not been accurately estimated. fective against one or a few nematode species or races, Information on the economic losses caused by Meloidogyne successful control of root-knot nematodes requires ac- spp. is fragmented and restricted to particular areas of curate identification of the nematodes present in the Argentina (Doucet and Pinochet, 1992; Doucet and field (Eisenback, 1982). Diagnosis of species and races Ponce de Leo´n, 1995; Doucet and Lax, 2007). of Meloidogyne has always been challenging due to highly Only few populations of other nematode species similar morphology across species, life stages in different from Argentina have been characterized in detail habitats, variable host ranges, poorly defined boundaries (Doucet, 1989; Lax and Doucet, 2001; Vovlas et al., among species, intraspecific variability, potential hybrid 2007) and no studies on root-knot nematodes from origin, and polyploidy (Blok and Powers, 2009). Species this country have been undertaken, which constitutes of Meloidogyne have been traditionally identified based a disadvantage for agricultural management and for on morphological features, isozyme patterns, and host understanding Meloidogyne species variability around the world. The goals of this study are: i) to characterize Received for publication October 14, 2011. a population of root-knot nematodes from a pro- 1IBAM-CONICET and Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional duction zone in Tupungato (Mendoza, Argentina); de Cuyo, Alte. Brown 500, Chacras de Coria, 5505, Mendoza, Argentina. 2Instituto de Ciencias Ba´sicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Parque Gral. ii) to contribute to the understanding of the species San Martı´n, 5500, Mendoza, Argentina. variability using morphological, morphometric, bio- We would like to thank M.E.Doucet for his invaluable advice and C.N. Picca for sharing a population of M. javanica. Supported in part by SecTyP grant #06/ chemical, molecular, and reproductive traits as well as M022 from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo and grant PICT-PRH-2008-277 from host range; and iii) to provide data on the identification ANCyPT. M.V.S.P. is a researcher of CONICET. Email: [email protected] of root-knot nematodes infecting tomato cultivars from This paper was edited by Ekaterina Riga. Argentina. 291 292 Journal of Nematology, Volume 44, No. 3, September 2012 MATERIALS AND METHODS for esterase activity. The staining solution (9.5 ml 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 6.3, 10 mg Fast Garnet GBC, Nematode population: A population of root-knot nem- and 10 mg alpha and beta naphthyl acetate dissolved in atodes was collected from a tomato production field in 0.5 ml acetone) was added to the container with the gel Tupungato, province of Mendoza (Argentina). Second- and kept at room temperature for 40 to 60 min in the stage juveniles (J2) obtained from a single egg mass iso- dark. Females of Meloidogyne javanica were included as a late were reared and maintained on susceptible tomato reference. plants (Solanum lycopersicum cv.Roma).Tomatoplants Molecular analyses: DNA was extracted using Illustra were cultivated in a greenhouse in pots using autoclaved Nucleon Phytopure Genomic DNA Extraction Kits soil, at 258C and 16 hr photoperiod. (GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, UK), from a pool Morphometric and morphological characterization: Female of 6,000 second-stage juveniles isolated from egg nematodes were dissected from infected tomato roots masses incubated in water in petri dishes. Amplifica- and maintained in water at 48C until observation. For tion of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the ri- morphometric analyses, females were placed on a glass bosomal DNA was done by PCR using primers rDNA2 slide with a drop of water and measured under the (5’TTTCACTCGCCGTTACTAAGG 3’) and 28Sr (5’TT microscope. To observe the perineal pattern, the pos- GATTACGTCCCTGCCCTTT 3’) following Vrain et al. terior end of each female was cut with a razor blade and (1992). PCR conditions included initial denaturing at mounted in clear with lactophenol solution (Franklin 948C for 3 min; followed by 35 cycles of 948C for 1 min, and Goodey, 1949). Alternatively, egg-laying females 558C for 1 min, and 728C for 1 min; followed by a final were dissected from infected roots, cleared with lacto- extension at 728C for 8 min. Amplification products phenol solution at 758C for 30 min and observed under were sequenced by Sanger sequencing with Applied the microscope (Robertson et al., 2009). We quantified Biosystems 3730XL. Sequences were deposited in the number of hatching larvae per egg mass laid by GenBank (JX099853) and aligned using MacClade eight females, by placing two egg masses per petri dish 4.0 (Maddison and Maddison, 2000). A phylogenetic with water. Hatched J2s were counted and removed analysis was performed with Garli 0.951 (Zwickl, 2006) from the petri dishes for morphological characteriza- under the General Time Reversible model with pa- tion (see below), every two days for 60 days. After 55 rameters for invariable sites and gamma-distributed days, we did not observe any more juveniles hatching. rate heterogeneity. The substitution model was chosen Second-stage juveniles were placed on a slide in a drop by using Modeltest (Posada and Crandall, 1998). Ten of water, immobilized by heat, and covered with a glass independent runs were conducted using either the coverslip. Males were isolated from the soil taken from automated stopping criterion or for up to 5,000,000 infected tomato plants, using the centrifugal-flotation generations to ensure convergence to a similar topol- method (Jenkins, 1964). All observations were done ogy and likelihood score. A hundred bootstrap repli- under a Nikon microscope (Eclipse E200, USA) at x400 cates were performed. and x1000. Additional PCR amplification using specific primers Biochemical identification: We analyzed the esterase were done following Adam et al. (2007). Primer com- phenotype of the nematode population, following
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