•• THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. A-16 WEDNESDAY. PICEMBIB SB, ms Seatljg Seaton HILL. JOHN. On Monday. December 26. SEIGLER, LULA B. On Sundty. eem- Mrs. Dwight Davis Dies; 1955. at his residence. 6o 57th st. ber 25. 1955. tt her residence 1800 Roger Steffan, path s.e.. JOHN HILL. He is survived by a i Newton it. n.e LULA B SEIGLER. B a Beall?* devoted wife. Mrs. Sadie Hill: four r beloved mother of Luiabelle Holley, children other relatival and many Oat hers, Elizabeth McEwee. ACTON. MICHAEL EDWARD. Os A504 CARROLL. FRANCIS A. On Beturdar. and r Rosetta dr. Oxon Hill. Md Decem- 74 '! friends. Remains resting at Horton's * Evelyn William*. James. Robert. Wade Leyte . on December 1956. at Arlington Hos- Mortuary. 1324 Funersl l and Andrew Seigler. Funeral and in- Coolidge Phylis You st. n.w Widow of 1956. Mercer and Aide ber 27. son of P’tll. FRANCIS A. CARRO.-L Ol 1316 services- interment In Ooldsboro terment. Greenwood, 8. C. Service* Acton, brother of James Richard Acton. 1‘ N Ta>t st.. Arlington. Va.. oeloved hua- and ¦ arandson of Mr and Richard band ot Emma | N. C. 29 i by Steward Dwight Retired Mrs. L.j Louisa Carrell and Mrs. F. Davis. 68. 1 Banker Pillsbury and Mr and Mrs. James C.i father of Robert E. Fianklln W., HOLMES. HERBERT IRA (TINY). On i SHACKLETT. ADELAIDE LOUCH. On widow of Secretary in Acton. Remains at Chambers Funeral; i Clifford L. and Eugene W. -arroil. and t Saturday. December 24, 1955. at D. C.i 1 Wednesday. December 28. 1955. at J the of War VISTA. Calif., Dec. 28 UP).— fIH Home. 517 11th at. §.e.. until Friday.| I brother of Edward C. Carroll. Friends * Oeneral Hospital. HERBERT IRA;I, Arlington Hospital. ADELAIDE LOUCH the Coolidge administration and Roger Steffan, H? December 30. at 10 a.m Services at may call until Thursday. December 79. (TINY) HOLMES of 1269 iat st. 5.e..1 ,i SHACKLETT of 701 North Wayne st.. i 63. retired New Arllniton National Cemetery at 10:30 at 8 am. at the Ives Funeral Home. 7947 son of Mrs. Margaret Holmes, brother! •J Arlington. Va.. beloved mother of Mr*.; donor of the international tennis York banker, newspaper pub- • Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va thence to * of Mrs. Elisabeth Crawford, Mrs. Mary Marjorie Louch Oillespie of Arlington. : trophy, died yesterday at her ADAIR. FRANK On Tuesday. Decem- St Charles' Catholic Church. 3304 ! Fisher. Mrs. Anne Johnson. James and’ I i Va.. and sister of Earl J. Clune of lisher and for two years opera- ber 27 1055. FRANK ADAIR of 0510 North Waahington blvd . Arlington, Va John Holmes. He also is survived by! j Detroit Mich., and Daniel J. Clune * home. 2222 S street N.W., after tldns director the White House, Kent stone dr . Bethe&da. Md . beloved where m.eas will be offered at 9 a m other relatives and friends. After 6 » of Erie. Pa Friends may call at the long at husband of Anne C. Adair and father for the repose of her soul. Interment p.m. Wednesday. December 28. friends’ i 1 Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. ' a illness. died of a heart attack while of Nancy Michael James and William Arllniton National Cemetery. 78 may Barnes Matthews ; Arlington. until 3 p.m. Thursday. Adair Friends invited to call at the Sc Va- ; A prominent figure in Wash- swimming yesterday in pool are call COCKERILLE. COLEMAN. On Saturday. Funeral Home. 614 4tb st. s.w., where December 2ft. Funeral masa and in- A the at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral December 24. 19RA. COCK- funeral services will be held on Thurs- terment. Erie. Pa. 20 ington, Mrs. Davis had also made JT at nearby Lj Home of Robert A. Pumphrev. Bethesda. formerly COLEMAN day. December at 1 p.m. his Palm Hill ranch. Thursday. ERILLE of 4707 Marlvale 2ft. Inter- - Md Services on December Chevy Chase, ment Cemetery. SHAW. WILLIAMH. On Saturday. De- her mark on the Nation. She was A native of. Osborne, Ohio, 3*. at the St Jane Frances De rd beloved husband of Woodlawn 28 1955, at hi* residence. 108 Mr. Chan- Gray father of Mrs.r cember 24, appointed Georgetown rd., Maud Cockerllle. HYMAN, ROSE V. On Wednesday. De- Elm ave- Takoma Park. Md.. WIL- ! the first woman ever Steffan graduated from Ohio >ut K tal Catholic Church. 0:30 Elisabeth Fernald and Mrs Dorothy ; . where mass will be offered at Engle: cember 28. 1955. at Garfield Hospital. LIAM H. BHAW. beloved husband of(Ito Republican University Cemetery. Anne brother of Claude. Edith. Shaw, 81dney the National Com- State in 1913. He urn Interment Parklawn Paul and Virginia Cockerllle Services : ROSE V. HYMAN of 1730 Massachu- Belva 8. brother of C. 111 rue-day setts ave n w.. niece of Mrs. Laura i Shaw and Edith A. Shaw, both off mittee and she founded the ADAMS. ALOYS 8. Suddenly on Mon- on December 77. at St. Peters- England, Mis.s Belva owned a newspaper for a time day. ALOYSIUB burg. Fla. Waahington, Hudson. Mrs Clara Butler. Mrs. J. K and uncle of December 28. 1055 Interment. Virginia. Dawson. may at the Republican in Durham, N. C., ADAMS. He is survived by one sister. D C. date to be announced later. 78 i Pace of Mrs. William P. Friends call i Women's National f .jM and was in the Agnes Mr. Robert Pierce of Maryland Takoma Funeral Home. 254 Carroll Mrs Holmes Browne of Balti- Tuesday. Oore. opposite!. ‘ Club York. The prohibi-l banking nieces, CORNWELL. GEORGE W. On Mrs Bettie Windsor Mrs. Ida C st. n.w. ‘parking lot Serv- in New business in New York more. Md : six three nephews, December W. Oore of ices at the Trinity other relatives and many friends. 2T. 1955. OEOROE nnd Mr. Thomas Price Wash- Episcopal Church * tion issue, however, made Mrs. from 1919 to 1953. Re- CORNWEIX of near Oermantown. Md.. ington. Thursday. December 20. at 10:30 PAROLE OFFICER DIES—- mains resting at Hortons Mortuary. beloved of Massie D. C Services at the 8. H on ' the: Mr. Steffan as IHC4 You st. Thursday. De- husband Lee Corn- Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th I | a.m. Interment St. John’s Cemetery. Davis switch her affiliation to retired vice n w.. on Funeral well. father of Frances Dennis. Mil- st. (frea parking), Friday.- J Forest Glen. Md. president City cember 29/ after 6 p.m on dred Magruder. Caroline Slaughter. n.w. on | Democrats. of the National r Services will be held at 11 December 30. at 10 m . from December 30. at 2 p.m. Interment; FYiday, a Ruth Moxley. Helen Burns Betty Brad- Rock Cemetery. ! SMITH. MARY On Monday. December fighter repeal accepted St. Augustine's Church. 1715, Cratk 29 l V. | An ardent for Bank of New York and a.m. tomorrow at Fort Catholic Woodlawn shaw of Manaasaa. Va.; Norman W.. 26. 1965. at the D. C. General Hcs- r l i 15th st. n.w. Interment Oeorge Douglas L. Corn- ALPHA On Saturday. pital. MARY V of 3409 18th of prohibition, resigned the newly created post of director Cemetery. i T.. and Sue ¦ JONES. BROOKS. SMITH i she from Myer Charles well: brother of Mrs. Cecil Hinton. December 24. 1955. ALPHA BROOKB \ st s.t- beloved mother of Hasel Bradley, Republican Party of operations at ,j Chapel for ADAMSKI. FRANCIS. SB. Suddenly, on ! Mrs. Mary Nealii. John and Robert : JONEB of 409 58th st. n.e., widow of r Pinkie Thorton and Lena Kendall. ithe in 1929 and the White Sunday. December 25, 1955. at Wash- Cornwell. Friends are Invited to call I the late Dr. Willis W. Jones, mother ¦ Lovlse. Carl. William and Booker Sm'th House, where he worked under T. Booth, 43, senior proba- ington Sanitarium. FRANCIS at the Colonial Funeral Home Rob- of J. also > is survived by other relatives formed the Women's National ADAMSKI. A of Mrs Elsie Hamilton. She She also ‘ Sr of 2307 Huidekoper 01. n.w., be- ert Pumphrey. Rockville. Md.. where is survived by one sister Mrs. Gwen- and many friends. After I p.m. Organization for Repeal of Pro- Sherman Adams, assistant to the • tion and parole officer for loved husband of Beatrice Adamski. services will be held on Thursday. De- dolyn W. Carter of Charles Town. Thursday. December 2». friends may hibition, 1932, MRS. DWIGHT F. DAVIS President. father of Francis Adamski )r.. of comber 29. at 2 Dm. Interment Park- W. Va., and many other relatives and I call at the William Spangler Funeral -1 which forced the Virginia Hyattsville Md . and Joseph Adamski ! lawn Cemetery. 3 p.m. Thursday. De- Home. Bth at. n.e. Funeral and Republican After World I, Steffan Northern for the Washington. D C.: of 1 friends. Afterfriends may * Interment524 i National Convention j War Mr. of brother An- COVINGTON. WILLIE R. On Monday. cember 20. call at the in Annsonvllle. N. C. 29 | American Red Cross and In this > thonv Adamski of England. Friends IW.VI. Mrs. WILLIE R. Frazier Funeral Home. .389 Rhode to resolve to refer prohibition to worked for the Associated Press past 10 years. Mr. Booth may the H Hines Co Fu- December 78. ; STORY. LEONA. Os 712 at. a.e.. i call at 8. COVINGTON of 488 Florida ave. n.w.. Island ave. n.w. Funeral services on O . helped connection she was decorated in Washington. neral Home. 2901 14th st n.w. (free wife of James P. Covington, Friday. December 30 at 1 p.m.
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