Atm H frstrr Svnitns TUETOAT, MABCS19,1988. Mias Rosa M. SQuatrlto o f 186 The Jolly Bridga club will mset HERALD COOKING SCHOOL AGAIN TOMORROW, STATE THEATER, EMESOENOT DOCTORS ] Oak street, who on her return from tonsorrow afternoon with Mrs. Ar­ D I D TYME SCHOOL' 1934, aad General Theologtcal SUMMIT TOWN Emergency doctors in Man- ' a visit to Itsdy last November enter­ thur Loomis of Keeuey street. ST. M A R H LENTEN School, New York, In 1937, be Mrv- Chester tomorrow afternoon will i ed the Bellevue School of Midwifery ed first as minister in charge o f the AVERAGE DAH.T dBOUl-ATION THE WEATHER be: Dr. N. A. Burr, ITione 3030:. in New York, has successfully pass­ lIlM A"«« Brooldagi win rtUte The stock of drygoods In the PRESENTED BY CHOIR Church of Atonement in the Bronx, for the moatli el Fsbraary, 1925 Forecast at 0. E Weather Baiaaa, %W ■ f l w i i M ■■ a mlsrioDUT la and Dr. LeVeme Holmes, Phone | ed the probation period, according Mints store on North Main street Hartford 7451. SERVICE TOMORROW N. T , 1937-38, oHlstant minister of AMea at tba rafular attatlaf of to a letter received from her today. was yesterday sold to a Hartford ---------- 'tta Lntliar Laacua of tbe BUaaauel Miss SQuatrito Is a graduate of man and the line will be discontin­ St. James’s Charch Group In SL Peter’s church, Niagara Falls, , XaUMtaa ehurcli tonight at • Manchester High school and of ued by the former owners. Fine Entertainment in High N. Y., 1938-33, prlest-in-charge of 5,486 ijIBniTriTPHTPr TJZ.llPlTlilII IJaPinin Oloady aad eolder; Tharoday oe- same, 1933-33. BleaBbsr of the Andit oFtfock. Rafraabmcnta will be Lord Roberts Lodge, Sons of St. Morse Business College, but baa de­ School Last Evening. castonal rala. a t m d and a eodal hour will be George, .will meet tomorrow night cided to take up nursing, following There will be a well children’s Rev. Paul D. Wilbur of Bethel He is an outstanding preacher Bnreaa of OIrenlatioas ■ the footsteps of her younger sister. among the younger clergy of Con­ ELECTRIC ■ held. K n . Hngo Pemreon and her at 8 o’clock In Odd Fellows Hdll. conference tomorrow afternoon at 2 A large audience enjoyed the en­ SiaaloBatjr conunittee la in charge Miss Margaret V. SQuatrito, proprie­ in the T. M. C. A. necticut. e ( the program. tor of the Maples Maternity home, tertainment, "The Old Tymc to Be Speaker Tomorrow On Thursday evening, at 7:45, RANGES Mrs. Maty A. Morlarty of 35 Hol­ Rev. J. Stuart N.eUI will have the VOL. U V „ NO. 145. (ClaaatM AdvortMlaf wi Faga 18.% MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20,1935. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNTt lister street has had as her guest 184 Oak street. School” given in High School ball second In the series of lectures on ERNEST H. BENSON lAwrenoe Fldler of Weet Bridge- over the week-end Mrs. Frederick PROVIDING VOLUMES last night under the auspices of the Night the Prayer Book to the Lenten water, Maaa., paid a fine of tlB and LaFontalne of Norwich. The following members of Mons choir of St. James's church. Louis 539 Main St. Near Oenter nm ___ Study class of the Woman’s Auxil­ PHONE 8032 ooata in police' court thii morning Ypres Post, British War Veterans, Breen was the school master and iary. All women In the parish who on a charge of driving with improp­ FOR MEMPHIS SCHOOL They’ll Seek To Silence Beat The Educational club is sponsor­ are requested to attend the Veter­ did bis work in fine style. The A special Invitation has been ex are interested are Invited to attend EXPEOT LEAGUE er brakee. He was arrested at the ing the lecture by Dr. Robert Dem- ans’ association meeting, to be held chorus singing by 60 voices showed these lectures In the parish house. Oenter by Officer Rudolph Wlrtalla, tended to the church school officers, ANOTHER BIG CROWD Of War Drums In Europe ing, "Let Us Celebrate the Tercen­ in the Army and Navy clubhouse good training and the comedy work who found that Fidler’s brakes were Library at Le Moyne in Ten- teachers and scholars to attend, BRITAIN, FRANCE, ITALY tenary", to be given Monday eve­ tomorrow night: Samuel Pratt, Al by Arthur Keating, James Breen valueless when tested. ning, March 35, In the auditorium bert Lindsay, James McCollough, nesnee Being Aided by Loral and James Crowe brought much with their parents, .he Lenten serv­ TO HOLD TALKS of the Hollister street school. John McDowell, David Maxwell. The Contributions. amusement to the gathering. Solos ice at St. Mary’s church tomorrow The regular meeting of the La­ meeting will be called at 8 o’clock. were given by Roy Griswold, who AT COOKING SCHOOL evening at 7:30 at which Rev. Paul dies' Auxiliary to the A. O. H. will Miss Eleanor Dwyer and Miss Center church people and their sang, "A Little Bunch of Shamrock’’ ------- -- ------- Hi. JWHALECe ON REjCH CASE be held this evening after church at friends havs become interested in and by Mrs. Margaret Chartler, D. Wilbur of Bethel will preach. the home of Mrs. Eleanor McCann, Lucile Grant of Hartford gave a Miss Charlotte Molyneaux Hollo­ TO HOLD JOINT PARLEY surprise shower Saturday evening a worthy project, that of providing who sang "When I Dream of Old Rev. Wilbur became rector of St. 14 Church street way has returned to her home in books for the library of Le Moyne Erin". John Mozzer sang, "Asleep f at the home of Miss Dwyer on New London after visiting Judge Thomas church. Bethel, Conn., In Second Day’s Attendance at Strickland street, in honor of Miss College in Memphis, Tenn. Bound In the Deep". Tap dancing by lit­ 1933. He Is the chaplain of the Beginning Wednesday— ASSESSORS SAY French Cabinet BeUeres That The Toung Polish People's society and Mrs. William S. Hyde of Main books, whatever the subject matter, tle Miss Marley of Rockville, a are giving a dance tonight in Turn Lucile Clark, whose engagement to street. House of Representatives' of Con. Agree to Confer on Hitler’ s Elliott Knight waa anhounced will be acceptable and may be hand­ sketch by Mrs. LaChappell of Ver­ , An Annual Event In Our Herald Home Economics hall, North street, in celebration of ed to Mrs Emma L. NetUeton hr non, dances by Dorothy and Billy necticut for the 1935 session. Bom Is Logical Step to Take; S t Joseph's Day. A light supper earlier In the year. Sixteen friends APPRAISAL VOTE U.S. *GoodNeighbor* and classmates of Miss Clarke were The regular monthly meeting of David Wilson, and later will be Gcaa and a music number by Miss In North Adams, Mass. Graduated ' Famous Baby Shop I Rearming Act — France will be served in the basement by the Eloard of Selectmen will be held shipped to the college. Miss Alma Florence Plano, were among tho from Trinity College, Hartford, in Institnte at State Tkeater the Women’s Aid society. The Fronc present from Hartford, ^ ston , Rockville and this town. The time this evening at 7 o'clock in the Mu­ Hanson, treasurer of the college, a other numbers introduced. The League Is Guardian of i Broadcasting orchestra of Spring- nicipal building. The Manchester .former Manchester girl, and still a chorus work and the general school WAS NOT LEGAL In European Dispute Dispatches Note of Pro* field will furnish music. was occupied with bridge; tally Larger Than Yesterday’s; cards and favors, decorations and Veterans’ association will present member of Center Congregational scene was directed by Charles Pack­ Your Child’s War Pact. refreshments were in green and for the approval of the board, a church, with others of the faculty ard, who received much favorable "I Group H of Center church women major project for the permanent es­ are doing their utmost to raise the comrhent on the work that was done test to Berlin— Reich Con­ workers announce a food sale for white for St. Patrick’s day. Miss Rob*t K. Anderson To Continae Tomorrow Washington, March 30.— (AP) — A sst six wee)u on details looUng Clarke received a number of beau­ tablishment of Center Springs park library to at least 12,000 volumes. by all. Engagiiig of Outside Com­ Saturday morning at 10 o’clock at Geneva, March 20.— (AP) — Commenting on the European eltua-!ua-Ttf toward this goal. tiful glfU. as a community recreational center. The city of Memphis maintained Dancing followed until midnight. Funeral Director for I He aald a careful consideration of tinues Its War Manenvers the J. W. Hale Company’s store. a library there until the school be­ Photograph and Friday. pany Not According to French Quarters in Geneva said to­ tlon arising from German plans to [ standing dead- came a college when it withdrew Its day they expected a special session rearm, President Roosevelt today locked Geneva disarmament parley Mary Bushnell Cheney auxiliary, Miss Betty Harvey la chairman of Tho Coast to Coast club will meet support and the American Mission­ WATKINS BROS., — Russia Warns It Will U. S. W. V., will celebrau Its 15th the committee from Manchester As­ the Army A Navy club at setback of the League of Na’ Ion'a Council emphasized what he termed the look a little more hopeful. ary Association was appealed to. The second session of the Man­ birthday tomorrow evening by serv. sembly, Order of Rainbow, giving a tonight at 8 o’clock at the Army A The latter has given the college Inc.
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