May 30, 2021 MOST HOLY TRINITY MEMORIAL DAY PARADE On Monday, May 31, members of the ParmaHilton Color Guard, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the American Legion will hold a flag ceremony at the Parma Union Cemetery at 8:00 AM followed by the flag lowering at the memorial in front of the Parma Town Hall. While there will not be a parade this year, at 9:00 AM there will be a short ceremony on the south lawn of the Hilton Community Center at the memorial. After placing a wreath in honor of their fallen comrades, the Color Guard will render a gun salute and close with the playing of taps. All are welcome to partic- ipate in these events and are asked to maintain proper social distancing and wear a mask. 110 Old Hojack Lane, PO Box 725, Hilton, NY 144680725 | P: 5853922710 | F: 5853929254 | E: [email protected] | W:www.stleochurch.org THIS WEEK AT ST. LEO’S A Statement on a Return to Sunday Mass by the Roman Mass: TuesThurs 8:30 am, Fri. Com. Ser. 8:30am Catholic Bishops of the Upstate New York Dioceses of Buffalo, Monday May 31 MEMORIAL DAY Ogdensburg, Rochester and Syracuse NO Mass or Communion Service Praise be to Almighty God, who has been by our side through- Tuesday M June 1 out this long and devastating pandemic. He has heard our cries of 6:30 PM First Communion Class mourning and been our rock in this stormy sea. He has delivered us Wednesday June 2 through this crisis and brought us to the point where we can now 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament clearly see an end in sight to the suffering, lockdowns, and isolation. 6:25 PM Parish Pastoral Council, Room 2 Alleluia! Thursday June 3 Today, with vaccination rates rising, infection numbers across 6:30 PM First Communion Rehearsal the state are falling and we are seeing the reopening of every sector 7:00 PM AA Meeting, Room 5 of society, including businesses, restaurants and sporting Friday, June 4 events.Now it is also time to return to Sunday Mass. The obligation to attend Holy Mass on the Lord’s Day is a sa- 8:30 AM Mass for the Sacred Heart of Jesus cred one. Anyone who is frail or at risk due to advanced age or med- Saturday June 5 ical conditions is always excused from this obligation, and we en- 10:00 AM First Communion Mass couraged you to use your prudential judgement throughout this pan- 3:30 PM 4:30 PM Confession demic to determine if it was unsafe for you to attend Mass. This 4:20 PM Rosary remains true. 5:00 PM Mass However, for those who are healthy and not at great risk, the 6:00 PM 6:PM Sunday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament presumption of the faithful should be that, unless they are at an en- Sunday June 6 hanced risk, sick, or caring for others who are at risk or sick, the 12:01 AM 6:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament obligation to attend Sunday Mass now resumes, effective the week- 8:00 AM Mass end of June 56, 2021, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, The Most 10:30 AM Mass Holy Body and Blood of Christ in our dioceses. 11:30 AM Bible Study One should consult their local pastor if questions arise about the obligation to attend. All required safety protocols and liturgical di- 6:00 PM Mass rectives of each Diocese remain in place until modified or revoked by the respective Diocesan Bishop. The Sunday Mass will be live streamed on the We are grateful to God to have reached this point, and we speak St. Leo Hilton Facebook page on Saturday at 5 PM. for all of our brother priests in saying we can’t wait to see you Confessions will be heard Saturday from 3:30 PM4:30 PM again.Come home to Mass! Rosary will be prayed Saturday at 4:20 PM Most Rev. Michael W. Fisher, Bishop of Buffalo MASS SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK Most Rev. Terry R. LaValley, Bishop of Ogdensburg Monday Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Most Rev. Salvatore R. Matano, Bishop of Rochester Memorial Day No Mass or Communion Service Most Rev. Douglas J. Lucia, Bishop of Syracuse Tuesday M St. Justin, Martyr 8:30 AM RichardBudFlanagan (Sharon Prince) The dogma of the Holy Trinity Wednesday St. Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs The Trinity is One. We do not confess three Gods, but one God 8:30 AM Anniversary of Ordination of Deacon Jim Steiger in three persons, the "consubstantial Trinity." The divine persons do Thursday St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs not share the one divinity among themselves but each of them is God whole and entire: "The Father is that which the Son is, the Son 8:30 AM Ken Simonds that which the Father is, the Father and the Son that which the Holy (wife, Carol) Spirit is, i.e. by nature one God." In the words of the Fourth Lateran Friday Weekday Council (1215), "Each of the persons is that supreme reality, viz., 8:30 AM Mass for the Sacred Heart of Jesus the divine substance, essence or nature." Saturday St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr The divine persons are really distinct from one another. "God is 10:00 AM First Communion one but not solitary." Father", "Son", "Holy Spirit" are not simply 5:00 PM Mike Ingham (The Ingham Family) names designating modalities of the divine being, for they are really Sunday The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ distinct from one another: "He is not the Father who is the Son, nor 8:00 AM David Zona (Steve and Janice Carges) is the Son he who is the Father, nor is the Holy Spirit he who is the 10:30 AM Mary Gorman (Ken and Jane Mattle) Father or the Son."They are distinct from one another in their rela- tions of origin: "It is the Father who generates, the Son who is be- gotten, and the Holy Spirit who proceeds."The divine Unity is Tri- “Many powerful people don’t want peace because they live une. off war.” Pope Francis WEST BY NORTHWEST ULTREYA A Cursillo Center of the Rochester Diocese. IN NEED OF OUR PRAYER Ultreya meets the last Saturday of each month at 5:15 PM Becks Family, Diana Billitier, Mavis Bushhouse, Diane Camp, Michael Camp, MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Contact Margaret, 392M8064; Theresa, 392 Sandy Camp, Karen Cardone, Chuck Carmestro, Fr. Joseph Catanise, David 4856 or the Parish Office 3922710; concerning the needs of the sick, hospi- talized or shutins. Those unable to attend Mass regularly will have Holy Craner, Susan Crump, Paul DeGruchy, Bea Eichas, Denise Ewert, Steve Communion brought to their homes. Ewert, John Farley, M.J. Ferger, John Flanagan, Amber Fusilli, Pamela God- Parish Membership: those who choose to worship regularly with us are in- shalk, Edward Gorski, Don Hettig, Walter Horylev, Theresa Hill, Ed Hubbell, vited and welcome to join our parish community offering your time, talent and Virginia Huehnerbein, Janette Hundley, David James, Steve Kirk, Ray Klitsch, financial support. Call the Parish Office, 3922710 to register. Christian Formation: Ongoing education for PreSchool through adults. Marty Klotzbach, Inge Kresimon, Pete Kutzer, Dcn. Bill Lenhart, Don Mac Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA): Our faith community invites anyone Kenzie, Cathy Miller, Barb Milliman. Louise Moats, Donald Ogden, Jeff Pa- who is interested in becoming Catholic or wishes to be fully initiated into the gorek, Norene Peter, Mike Pitcher, Veronica Rapp, Joanne Robinson, Ken Catholic Church by their Sacraments contact Mary Lou Rosien, 5942621, Robinson, Jamie Rothfuss. Judy Savaria, Maddie Scheuerman, Angela [email protected]. Schiffhauer, Rick Schiffhauer, Sara Shiveler, David Skehan, Kevin Spears, Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish Office, 3922710 when you become engaged. Cameron Tomlin, MaryBeth Turiano-Fox, Valaria Varga, Marilyn Walker, Bob Sacrament of Baptism: Call Carol Steiger at [email protected] 392 Wilhelm, Carol Williams, Ron Wilson, Mary Wirth, Sally Woodley, Kathy Zins 9558. six months before the anticipated birth date. Parent class is required. THANKS FROM BISHOP SALVATORE MATANO TWELVE REASONS TO SPEND AN HOUR WITH JESUS Thanks to the extreme generosity of 235 of our parish- IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (continued) ioners once again we have surpassed our Catholic Minis- You grow spiritually with each moment you spend with Je- tries Appeal goal by over $2,000. This was a sacrifice on sus! “Our essential commitment in life is to preserve and ad- the part of many who understand the necessity to support vance constantly in Eucharistic lie and Eucharistic piety and our Diocese and St. Leo the Great. Your response during to grow spiritually in the climate of the Holy Eucharist.” the uncertainty in these challenging times of the tragic pandemic Pope Paul II which affected so many aspects of our daily life is a living testament The best time you spend on earth is with Jesus, your Best to your Catholic faith. Friend, in the Blessed Sacrament! “How great is the value of Bishop Matano has sent a congratulatory letter which reads in conversation with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, for there part: is nothing more consoling on earth more efficacious for ad- “Reverend Father Catanise and devoted Parishioners: I write to vancing along the road of holiness! Pope Paul VI express my most sincere gratitude to you for exceeding your as- signed goal in contributions for the 20202021 Catholic Ministries Just as you can’t be exposed to the sun without receiving its Appeal (CMA).
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