13804 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 2 "If the person whose extradition is demanded has already been TO QUARTERMASTER CORPS convicted, the demand must be accompanied by a duly authenti­ cated copy of the sentence of the court in which he was convicted, Capt. Edward Francis Merchant, Infantry, with rank from and with the attestation of the proper executive authority; the June 30, 1936. latter of which must be certified by a diplomatic representative or consular officer of the Government upon which the demand is TO SIGNAL CORPS made." First Lt. Winfield Lee Martin, Infantry (captain, Army of Article III the United States), with rank from June 12, 1940. The present Convention shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible. It shall PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR ARMY be considered as an integral part of the said Extradition Conven­ MEDICAL CORPS tion of May 7, 1888. It shall come into force ten days after its publication in conformity with the laws of the High Contracting To be major Parties, such period to be computed from its publication in the country last publishing, and it shall continue and terminate in Capt. Robert Eugene Bitner, Medical Corps, from December the same manner as the Convention of May 7, 1888. 12, 1940. In testimony whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have To be captains signed the present Convention in the english and spanish lan­ guages, equally authentic, and have hereunto affixed their seals. First Lt. Thomas Earl Patton, Medical Corps (captain, Done, in duplicate, at Bogota, this ninth day of September one Army of the United States), from December 1, 1940. thousand nine hundred and forty. First · Lt. Albert Willard Kuske, Medical Corps (captain, SPRUILLE BRADEN LUIS L6PEZ DE MEsA. Army of the United States), from December 3, 1940. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The convention is before First Lt. Walter Joseph Reedy, Medical Corps <captain, the Senate and open to amendment. If there be no amend­ Army of the United States), from December 3, 1940. ment to be proposed, the convention will be reported to the First Lt. Jay James Palmer, Medical Corps (captain, Army Senate. of the United States), from December 3, 1940. The convention was reported to the Senate without amend­ Flrst Lt. Henry Clay Vedder, Medical Corps (captain, Army ment. of the United States), from December 17, 1940. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The resolution of ratifi­ First Lt. Leon Joseph Numainville, Medical Corps (captain, cation will be read. Army of the United States), from December 17, 1940. The Chief Clerk read as follows: DENTAL CORPS Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein), To be captain - That the Senate advlse and consent to the ratification of Executive Q, Seventy-sixth Congress, third session, a Supplementary Extradi­ First Lt. Charles Sidney Winston, Dental Corps (captllin, tion Convention between the United States of America and the · Army of the United States), from December 1, 1940. Republic of Colombia signed at Bogota on September 9, 1940. CHAPLAIN CORPS The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on agreeing To be major to the resolution of ratification. [Putting the question.] Two-thirds of the Senators present· concurring therein, the Chaplain Frederick William Hagan (captain, United States ' resolution of ratification is agreed to, and the convention is Army), from December 3, 1940. ratified. RECESS TO THURSDAY CONFIRMATIONS Mr. BARKLEY. The Senator from Wyoming [Mr. O'MA­ Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate December z HONEY] advises me that the matter which he desires to present <legislative day of November 19), 1940 is not quite ready for presentation. Therefore there is no WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION need of holding the session in waiting any further. So I move that the Senate take a recess until 12 o'clock noon on Harry E. Harman, Jr., to be Work Projects Administrator Thursday next. for Georgia. The motion was agreed to; and <at 1 o'clock and 4 minutes POSTMASTERS p. m.) the Senate took a recess until Thursday, December 5, ARKANSAS 1940, at 12 o'clock meridian. Felix E. Stephenson, De Witt. KENTUCKY NOMINATIONS Everett E. Warren, McHenry. Executive nominations received by the Senate December 2 Robert S. Welch, Scottsville. (legislative day of November 19), 1940 Sanna Bowlipg, White Plains. FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION LOUISIANA Abner H. Ferguson, of the District of Columbia, to be Fed­ Emile M, Benoit, Arnaudville. eral Housing Administrator for the unexpired portion of a William L. Galloway, Arcadia. term of 4 years from June 30, 1938, vice Stewart McDonald, MAINE resigned. Mrs. Marion J. Ricker, Lisbon. WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION PUERTO RICO Harry D. Williar, Jr., of Maryland, to be Work Projects administrator for Maryland, effective December 1, 1940. Judson Ulery McGuire, Bayamon. Tomas Mulero Gonzalez, Culebra. FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Armando Rivera, Jayuya. Robert Watt, of Massachusetts, to be a member of the Fed­ eral Board for Vocational Education to serve for the duration of the term of Henry Ohl, Jr., of Wisconsin, deceased, expiring July 16, 1941. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COAST GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1940 Boatswain William C. Hart to be a chief boatswain in the The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Coast Guard of the United States, to rank as such from The Chaplain, Rev. James She.ra Montgomery, D. D., offered Decemb€r 1, 1940. the following prayer: APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE REGULAR ARMY All hail to the Lord's anointed! Thy name shall stand TO JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT forever, giving hope and peace through all the aching, human Capt. Albert Neil Hickey, Infantry, with rank from June years, wider than the world, longer than the ages. Thou 30, 1937. who art the miracle and the might of our Heavenly Father 1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 13805 upon earth, forbid that we should obscure Thy truth, for it The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the is the power of God unto salvation. Teach us to submit our­ gentleman from Texas? selves to Thee, 0 Christ, for Thou art rich in mercy, love, There was no objection. and pity. Within the sweep of Thy redeeming power, grant Mr. HAWKS asked and was given permission to extend his that all drooping spirits may be inspired by the life hopeful own remarks in the RECORD. and the life courageous. We humbly pray for the presence Mr. BECKWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ of humanity's Lord and King that He may arrest all passion sent to extend my remarks and include therein an article by and prejudice and lift man to the heights from which he is Mr. Victor Schoffelmayer, agricultural editor of the Dallas being struck down. Dark though the day may be, we entreat News, which appeared in the Gilmer Weekly Mirror November Thee to make our faith unwithering, unwasting, and com­ 28, 1940. This article concerns the significance and import­ mensurate with our needs and appeals. Heavenly Father, ance of the sweetpotato crop to the farmers of east Texas, hear us for this burdened world, threatened with moral and and, therefore, to the farmers in the Third Congressional Dis­ spiritual paralysis, for its countless hosts whose names shall trict, the district I represent. never be graven on a stone, and for all languishing hearts The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the that give no sign. Thou art the one God and the one man gentleman from Texas? our souls can follow through all the future, widening years. There was no objection. In the urgency of these days, we pray 'rhee that Thy strength, PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE vision, and wisdom may be given our President, our Speaker,· and the Congress. In our Saviour's name. Amen. Mr. HOFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend my The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, November 28, remarks. 1940, was read and approved. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE gentleman from Michigan? A message from the Senate, by Mr. Baldridge, one of its There was no objection. clerks, announced that the Senate had passed a joint resolu­ Mr. HOFFMAN. Here is a letter dated November 29, from tion of the following title, in which the concurrence of the Washington, D. C. It is one of many; some from members of House is requested: unions; some from those who do not belong to any labor S. J. Res. 305 . .Joint resolution to amend Public Law No. 861, organization. All protest against the un-American procedure Seventy-sixth Congress, approved October 17, 1940, an act to of requiring a man who contributes to the support of the promote and strengthen the national defense by suspending Government to pay an individual or an organization either a enforcement of certain civil liabilities of certain persons serv­ so-called initiation fee, membership dues, or special assess­ ing in the Military and Naval Establishments, including the ments, before the constitutional right to work, which is the Coast Guard. heritage of every American citizen, can be exercised. Let me quote from this letter: SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION REFERRED I am a labor foreman at Fort Belvoir, and work for Potts & A joint resolution of the Senate of the following title was Callahan Co. The Building Laborers Local No. 74, located here in taken from the Speaker's table and, under the rule, referred Washington, has given me until tonight, Friday, November 29, as a deadline to join their union or be dismissed. The organizer told as follows: me Tuesday, Friday (today) would be my last day unless I joined.
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