Volume 25 January Number 1 ~ February USPS 544-060 ~ 1985 ~ ~ -,~ . .'~. III ~ 0 Q A I lAllA I "The Voice of Ohio Free Will Baptists" AMBASSADOB Vola~ xxv. Nam"" 1 Jooa"y.F,b,~",.1985 . PROMOTIONAL DlRECTOR.EDITOR AltooE.l=,',~ P. 0. 80,07401 Colamba,. Oh;o 43207 ~ [;(irmJ cum3 [3!]Jii(ill] . EDITORIAl ASSISTANITS Phy]];,Gog,I.D"ol,l~"~ .MODERATOR R". W,od," Comb, 2206s.mlool,A~oa' Spoogfi,ld. Oh;o <5506 .ASSISTANT MODERATOR . CLERKD,'m"S..,k, This begins my eleventh year as Editor of work this last year was our growth in coopera. R,o.Woyo,F,~1 The Ambassador.; January 30th, my 30th year in tive giving. I am so glad many more of our 145<~oAo,..lo'.3 the Free Will Baptist ministry; and in August of churches have begun to tithe to our denomina. M,d",ol~b",. Oh;o 43044 . ASSISTANT ClERK 1985 I will complete 47 years 01life. tional work. This is the primary answer to our MIk,Slok" Time, where does it come from? And how denominational work. Not only have we seen .MASTER'SMENSENATOR does it disappear? The Scripture says it is like a increases here but also to our national quota as DooldB",ool well. Praise the Lord! . GENERAl BOARD vapor, here for a moment but soon vanished. H~,oo Adkl", (W",0"ba'9) (1986) Ohio Free WillBaptists have had a remark. Likewise many of our churches have already O~o,Bo~,"o(T"olty)'(l986) able past, and the present has been more than responded toward our State Office Land Fund. Ho"'rt Moyoo,d (Soolh C,ol..]) (1986) good to our State work. However, one thing At this printing, $4,800.00 has been given, and FI""d E",p (P..I,<) (1986) BI",o, Ert..llog (Pio, C..,k) (1986) bothers me at this time. Our growth numerically others have acknowledged their gifts are forth. J,~I, (Northw",m) (1986) C"O is down. We have about 2,000 less members in coming. One church has promised $1,000.00 W.E.Carlmoo(M"9,)(1986) Sunday school than ten years ago. Our member. this coming year. I know all our churches want [).,lmo,Mo,k,(Soolh..oOhlo) (1985) ship is not quite as bad but it is less. I hope that us to have our own property. I do! And I know MIk,SIOk" (Urtl,Mlomi) (1985) others do also. DoooyCllo'('-'~'o,,)(1985) every church will evaluate its local situation and EJ~, S.'m..' (J"k,oo) (1985) help turn around this shortage. I wish your church would start right away Joo Ro,., (G.." '-'",,) (1985) (F,ookllo)' (1985) Maybe conferences can form study commit. with a regular gift monthly to the Land Fund. Ed';' H"", . (1985) 0",1 J,ff,l" (Cayoho",.lo...) tees, and work to help your conference Whether it is small or farge, everything is 000 ffi,(C,ol,ol Ohio)' (1985) . churches. But more than this is our need to appreciated and needed. AI" m~""" 01E"cotlo, Comm".. evangelize and build up our area in the Lord. Be sure to carefully earmark your gift to the . BOARD OF DIRECTOHS On a state level, Wendell Combs, our State State Office Land Fund. HobartA,hby(199I) Do-d Boggo;(1990) Moderator, and I have discussed the situation Also, the State Mission Board needs our Ho"'rtPo,ho,d(I989) and feel a state.wide task force, to study our churches to help. underwrite Roy Roach in WiII"m Noo".J,. (1988) needs, should be formed and recommendations beginning this new work at Zanesville. If any of Hog.. ChUd", (1987) you have friends or family in that area, advise me Poal Wililom, (1986) presented so we can encourage as well as aid Cllff..d"'"(I985) where our needs are. or the Board. STATE MISSION BOARD One primary reason for existence is reach. So much needs to be done in 1985, and the Poal Co]];", (1991) year is already one twelfth over. Churches need 0000 Boolh (1990) ingthelostforChris!. Ifwe have lost this desire, Go,,"odHoh,rt, (1989) perhaps we have no reason to remain. to be in every area of our state. Minister friend JIm H,od.."o (1988) lamaFree Will Baptistfor Christ's sake. To without a pastorate, allow the Lord to lead you F..d Datloo (1987) be a part of an organization with that purpose of into some city in Ohio near you, or seek His DoooyWlddI9(1986) leading in moving to start a new work. I will be K,oo"h (1985) winning all men to Chris!. STATE CTSF'i"'"BOARD The State Association has one reason for happy to share whatever insight or knowledge I MortyB..~y(l99I) continuation: Bringing each district together, have of that city or area. Pray about i!. The field "',ho.. C..',II (1990) is wide open for service. The Lord called you to BillThomp"D (1989) forming greater strength in reaching Ohio for (1988) M"k l"o"d Jesus Christ. preach. Let's do itl (1987) ' Mo""o Swo"", The Home Mission Board has three works Our National Convention will celebrate 50 MIk, Fo".. (1986) years since its organization this year in its ""M,dWh..I..(1985) now helping to achieve that goal. Hamilton, . founding city, Nashville, Tennessee. I have been STATE NOMINATING COMMITTEE Lancaster, and the newest in Zanesville where MIk,Mooo"(l987) Roy Roach will be beginning a new work shortly. selected to speak on Tuesday evening. Please AI"DWilliom,.J,.(1986) Pray for Tom Dooley, Willie Booth, and Roy pray for me that the Lord wiDprovide insight and C,"..~,N_oo(1985) His Spirit for such an hour. NATIONAl GENERAl BOARD MEMBER Roach as they begin or continue in their respec' D,lm"Spo,k,(l986) tive works. I love you all and am glad to be a part of such . MAIl STATE HOME MISSIONS GIFTS TO One of the most progressive areas of our a unified state. Aren't you? M,.Go,,"odHo"'rt, 849 "'~wood Colamh... Ohio 43207 The 'USPS 544060)" pu~""'" b,moolh~.A""""""*',6 h~, yo."y 'or.ob,~d "..n _omg~oh""J.oo"",F,",~",'_byl'"'" Oh~ 51." Auoc.'~o ot F.., W",B"p,." a"""y~ "KI~ 01 Boo,d ot Di~'~ 01 .,~.';oo,'" loc...d,'" 3501 P","o, Ao,"",. '" CoI~OOo.Oh~4."111 by~oohly OUR THANKS The . w--'" plod..o .DdA""""""'"h.. w,1I011,,'09' Add"".11 .od ~ 'p.. Z~ ,=npo""""o ""- Codo)loTh,A",,"""""'. P~,Offico50,07""- CoIamOOo.Oh~ 432\)7 '614) 4971190. All For All Who Share ~rip ~phoo~'..pub"'.'~MO"'""""",, whm"I"""""""'~""""""'Othotl'" moolhp'Kodi", ,'" ~,' - IE~m""" IOth""'ml"'J.o~",F"""'",~o.Fob ""10th In Building The .."'mMo"h""" ApoIlOth'o"'.M","a~ Ja~ 10th1o mJa~.Aogo.'-Aa" 10th1o '0 Sop..mb"O"ob"'" O"°,,", 10th 1o b,'" Nowmher..Doam"'" ~) '" TheAm_'_I"""""'~"PI Lord's W or k ~,ojKI I""~lml..puh"'.I~Eo""" M ~ond"" ""',... ..~ 0' Colombuo.Oh~. d.. odd;"""",...'mgol1i<n " ~ree Will Baptist ~ress Association THE BASIC 9 by D,. Rage, C. Reeds Intermediates 9tol able to buy a nearby house to be used for Senior High 12 tal classrooms. At the present time you may be able How many Sunday school classes do you Young Adults.. 15tol to buy a house or two more cheaply than you have at you, chu'ch? There is a good reason for Adults 15.25tol can build. my asking. You see, there is strong evidence to Fourth, when you build in the future, build suppo,t the fact that the attendance at your Why bother with smaller classes? Large with the Sunday school in mind. Be sure that Sunday school is related to the numbe, of classes are unwieldy, especially on the lower you have more than adequate space for your classes that you have. Do you have four classes? levels. We must remember that we only have Sunday schooL As I travel around and visit our If you do, the'e is a good chance that your one hour or less on each Sunday morning. We Free Will Baptist churches, I find that our avecage attendance will be 40. Do you have six must do our best during that one hour. Smaller buildings hinder our growth as much as anything classes? Then your average attendance will be classes will help us do our best. I know. We just have not built with the Sunday 60. The idea then is that your attendance will If you divide your classes into lower quanti. school in mind. Many of our churches have average about ten for every class that you have. ties, you will accomplish several things. First, sizeable auditoriums but little classroom space. There is nothing strange or mystical about you willcreate job opportunities for your newly. It is small wonder that they do not grow. this. It is simply one of the laws of Sunday school trained teachers. Second, and most important, When you have established the basic nine growth. The law states that you will average ten you will have more effective teaching. During units, do not stop there! Ifyou wish your Sunday pupils for each class that you have. It is some. that one hour that we have on Sunda,' morning school to continue to grow, then you willhave to times called a worker.pupil ratio. That ratio is we are combating such things as the 35 hours provide more classes. Once you are past the usually 10 to I or ten pupils for each teacher that per week our children spend in the public basic nine classes you must continue to divide you have.
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