Christian-Muslim Relations A Bibliographical History Volume 7. Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South America (1500-1600) Edited by David Thomas and John Chesworth with John Azumah, Stanisław Grodź, Andrew Newman, Douglas Pratt LEIDEN • BOSTON 2015 For use by the Author only | © 2015 Koninklijke Brill NV CONTENTS Foreword ....................................................................................................... vii Abbreviations ............................................................................................... xi Martha Frederiks, Introduction: Christians, Muslims and empires in the 16th century .................................................................................... 1 Alan Guenther, The arrival of European Christians in India during the 16th century .......................................................................................... 15 Works on Christian-Muslim relations 1500-1600 ................................ 27 Central and Eastern Europe ..................................................................... 29 Middle East and North Africa .................................................................. 549 Asia, Africa and South America ............................................................... 743 Index of Names ............................................................................................ 933 Index of Titles ............................................................................................... 946 For use by the Author only | © 2015 Koninklijke Brill NV Croatian anti-Turkish writings during the Renaissance This corpus of Croatian anti-Turkish writings comprises some 70 works of prose and poetry written between 1448 and 1600 by at least 39 authors, urging Christian action against the Turks in defence of Dalmatia, Croa- tia, Hungary, and Europe as a whole. The authors call to arms either by direct appeals or by a more indirect strategy of reporting, celebrating and lamenting events in the Christian-Turkish struggle. The direct appeals include Latin letters and speeches, for the most part printed as small books (in Rome, Venice, Kraków and several German cities), addressed to European rulers (the pope, the Holy Roman Emperor, the King of France, Venetian doges and the Signoria) and nations (Germans, Poles). The indirectly anti-Turkish group consists of historiographical narratives and poems: among them are 15 texts, all in Croatian, which are predomi- nantly in verse (except for entries in two early chronicles); six poems in Croatian are anonymous. Among the authors of the corpus, there are eight prelates of Dalmatian and Hungarian dioceses, fijive magnates and diplomats, 17 clerics, and nine laymen of letters. Four of the authors are foreigners (all Italians); eight Croatians built their careers in Hungary. Eight writers and their works are covered elsewhere in this volume: Juraj Šižgorić, Marko Marulić, Šimun Kožičić Benja, Ludovik Crijević Tuberon, Bernardin Frankopan, Stjepan Brodarić, Feliks Petančić and Antun Vrančić. Information is given here on the anti-Turkish works by: Ivan Vitez of Sredna (Ioannes Vitez de Zredna, c. 1405-72, Archbishop of Esztergom from 1465, Chancellor of Matthias Corvinus), Tideo Acciarini (humanist from Sant’Elpidio and teacher in Dalmatia, c. 1430/40-after 1490), Koriolan Cipiko (Coriolanus Cepio or Cippicus, patrician from Tro- gir, 1425-93), Antonio Fabregues (papal envoy to the Hungarian Kingdom c. 1493), Martinac the priest (fl. 1484-94 in Grobnik near Rijeka), Juraj Divnić (Georgius Diphnicus from Šibenik, c. 1450-1530, bishop of Nin from 1479), Toma Niger (Thomas Niger, Negro, or Mrčić, from Split, c. 1450-60- c. 1531, Bishop of Skradin from 1519, of Trogir from 1524), Francesco Mar- cello (Venice, 1446-1524, Bishop of Trogir from 1488), Šimun Klimantović (Franciscan friar from Lukoran or Ugljan, c. 1460-c. 1544), Bernardo Zanne (or Zane, from Venice, d. 1524, Archbishop of Split from 1503), Bonaven- tura of Korčula (Curcureus or Corculanus Dalmata, fl. 1517-38, Franciscan For use by the Author only | © 2015 Koninklijke Brill NV 492 croatian anti-turkish writings during the renaissance friar and titular Bishop of Krujë in Albania), Stjepan Posedarski (Posedarje near Zadar, fl. 1519, chaplain of Ivan Torkvat Karlović, Count of Krbava and Ban of Croatia), Petar Beriszló (or Berislavus, from Trogir, 1475-1520, Bishop of Veszprém from 1512, Ban of Croatia from 1513), Fran Trankvil Andreis (Franciscus Tranquillus Andronicus, from Trogir, 1490-1571), Ilija Crijević (Aelius Lampridius Cervinus, from Dubrovnik, 1463-1520, one of the most distinguished Croatian humanist poets), Ivan Statilić (Statileo or Statileus, from Trogir, c. 1472-1542, Bishop of Transylvania from 1528), Hanibal Lucić (from Hvar, c. 1485-1553), Krsto (I) Frankopan Brinjski (c. 1482-1527, Ban of Croatia from 1526), Mavro Vetranović (Benedictine friar from Dubrovnik, 1482-1576), Vuk (I) Frankopan Brinjski (d. 1546), Ludovik Paskalić (from Kotor, d. 1551), Damjan Beneša (Dubrovnik, 1477- 1539), Frano Božićević Natalis (Split, 1469-1542), Franjo (Ivan X) Franko- pan (de Frangepanibus, d. 1543, Franciscan friar, Archbishop of Kalocsa from 1535, Bishop of Eger from 1538), Ivan Tomašić (Franciscan friar, fl. 1561), Franjo Črnko (scribe and chamberlain of Nikola Šubić Zrinski in 1566), Juraj Würfel (canon of Zagreb, fl. 1567-73), Antun Rozanović (Anto- nio Rosaneo, from Korčula, archdeacon there in 1571), Brne Karnarutić (or Krnarutić, Zadar, 1515/20-c. 1573, soldier and lawyer), Nikola Stepanić Selnički (from Selnica near Konjščina, c. 1553-1602, Bishop of Zagreb from 1598), Petar Cedulini (probably from Zadar, d. 1634, Bishop of Nin from 1577, Bishop of Hvar from 1581), and Antun Bratosaljić Sasin (from Dubrovnik, c. 1525-c. 1595). The most complete survey of writers and texts is in Dukić, Sultanova djeca, pp. 7-94; the canonical (though not exhaustive) collection of Croa- tian Latin anti-Turkish letters and speeches is compiled in Gligo, Govori protiv Turaka. MAIN SOURCES OF INFORMATION Primary Silius Italicus, Silii Italici opus de secundo bello Punico, ed. D. Benessa, Lugduni, 1514 Vita beati Ioannis episcopi et confessoris Traguriensis, et eius miracula, ed. I. Statilić (Ioannes Statilius), Vienna, 1516 Andronicus Tranquillus Parthenius, Dialogus. Sylla, (s.l.), 1527 Andronicus Tranquillus Parthenius, Dialogus philosophandumne sit, Kraków, 1545 L. Paskalić, Ludouici Pascalis Iulii Camilli, Molsae, et aliorum illustrium poetarum carmina, ad illustriss. et doctiss. marchionem Auriae Bernardinum Bonifa- tium per Ludouicum Dulcium nunc primum in lucem aedita, Venice, 1551 For use by the Author only | © 2015 Koninklijke Brill NV croatian anti-turkish writings during the renaissance 493 H. Lucić, Scladanya izvarsnich pisan razlicich poctovanoga gospodina Hanibala Lucia vlastelina hvarschoga, choye cini stampati v Bnecich, sin gnegov Antoni . ., Venice, 1556 B. Karnarutić, Vazetje Sigeta grada, složeno po Barni Karnarutiću Zadraninu, Venice, 1584 B. Karnarutić, Izvarsita ljubav i napokom nemila i nesrićna smart Pirama i Tižbe, složena po Barni Karnarutiću Zadraninu, Venice, 1586 I. Crijević, Operum pars secunda (MS Vat. – lat. 2939) MS Venice, Biblioteca Marciana – Italiani cl. 9, no. 291 (L. Paskalić) MS Hvar, Kaptolski arhiv – volume Cedulinus (archive volume dedicated to the episcopacy of Petar Cedulini) MS Zagreb, [Franciscan] Provincial Archive in the Monastery of St Francis Xavier [Provincijski arhiv u samostanu sv. Franje Ksaverskog] – Klimantović miscellany I [Klimantovićev zbornik I] (fijirst third of the 16th century) H. Lucić, Robinja gospodina Anibala Lucia hvarskoga vlastelina, Venice, 1638 V. Jagić and I.A. Kaznačić (eds), Pjesme Mavra Vetranića Čavčića, Dio 1. Pjesni razlike (Stari pisci hrvatski 3), Zagreb, 1871 V. Jagić, I.A. Kaznačić and Đ. Daničić (eds), Pjesme Mavra Vetranića Čavčića, Dio 2. Pjesni razlike. Pelegrin. Drame (Stari pisci hrvatski 4), Zagreb, 1872 S. Žepić (ed.), Pjesme Petra Hektorovića i Hanibala Lucića (Stari pisci hrvatski 6), Zagreb, 1874 P. Budmani (ed.), Djela Antuna Sasina (Stari pisci hrvatski 16), Zagreb, 1888 ‘Ein Sendschreiben Vetranić’s an Hektorović’, ed. M. Rešetar, Archiv für slavische Philologie 23 (1901) 206-15 F. Trankvil Andreis, ‘De rebus in Hungaria gestis ab illustrissimo et magnifijico Ludovico Gritti deque eius obitu epistola’, ed. H. Kretschmayr, Törtenelmi Tar, 1903, 202-25 (MS Budapest, National Library – Cod. 3760 Fol. Lat., fols 1-27) P. Kolendić, ‘Tri doslije nepoznate pjesme Dum Mavra Vetranovića Čavčića’, Srđ 4 (1905) 52-62, 199-216 I. Crijević, Orationes, epistolae, carmina, in Analecta recentiora ad historiam renascentium in Hungaria litterarum spectantia, ed. I. Hegedüs, Budapest, 1906, 42-119 P. Kolendić, ‘Dvadeset pjesama Mavra Vetranića’, Građa za povijest književnosti hrvatske 7 (1912) 157-99 F. Lo Parco, ‘Tideo Acciarini umanista marchigiano del sec. XV con sei “Carmina” e un “Libellus” inediti’, Annali di Istituto Tecnico Giovan Bat- tista Della Porta in Napoli 34-5 (1917-20) 1-134 M. Marković (ed.), Pesme Franja Božičevića Natalisa, Belgrade, 1958 A. Jutronić, ‘Vizitacije u Arhivu Biskupske kurije u Hvaru’, Starine 51 (1962) 113- 221, pp. 116, 120-9, 154 M. Moguš, ‘Karnarutićevi stihovi o Piramu i Tižbi’, Čakavska rič 6 (1976) 100-35 For use by the Author only | © 2015 Koninklijke Brill NV 494 croatian anti-turkish writings during the renaissance M. Pantelić and A. Nazor (eds), II. Novljanski brevijar. Hrvatskoglagoljski rukopis iz 1495, Zagreb, 1977 I. Vitez de Zredna,
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