SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE PLAINSMAN PRESS www.plainsmanpress.com Levelland, Texas A bi-weekly collegiate publication Vol. 62 • Issue 4 • October 28, 2019 Diversity celebrated during Hispanic Heritage event by DESIREE LOPEZ can tin art, Ojo de Dios: Following the speech, Later that evening, En- about why she started the in Lubbock and 28 other News Editor God’s Eye, Muneca Qui- a video titled “World glish introduced the guest magazine. “After watch- rural communities. tapena: Guatemalan wor- Heritage: Chavin & Cuz- speaker, Christy Mar- ing the news and discov- “I knew that I needed In previous years, one ry dolls, Zapotec to do a publica- award was presented rug designs, and tion that would at the annual Hispanic Mayan name reflect the needs Heritage Celebration to tags. of families and someone nominated by Miranda En- the community their peers for their hard glish, director at large,” ex- work, persistence, and of Student Life plains Marti- dedication. But this year, at SPC, orga- nez-Garcia. “We four awards were given nized the event may see the city in the areas of education, and opened the limits, but that community service, a celebration with doesn’t mean we first responders. a speech. In should limit our The celebration took her speech, she own learning.” place on Oct. 14 in the spoke about why To end the Sundown Room of the people should be night, awards Student Center on the knowledgable were given out to Levelland campus of about their cul- those who repre- South Plains College. ture and heritage. sent the Hispanic National Hispanic “We have community. Heritage Month started technological ad- The first pre- this year on Sept. 15 and vances that allow senter of the eve- recently ended on Oct. us to figure out ning was Alma 15. SPC commemorates what our culture Lorenza Macias, Christy Martinez-Garcia in place of Frankie Garcia, Dr. Erika Lopez, professor Hispanic heritage every and heritage are,” of mathematics. year by having a celebra- explains English. Warnick, and Nickolis Castillo were presented awards at the annual Hispanic She gave the Ed- tion and recognizing His- “We’ve got in- Heritage Celebration held on Oct. 14 in the Sundown Room of the Student ucational Trail- panic leaders. formation right Center on the Levelland campus. blazer award to At the event, there at the tip of our DESIREE LOPEZ/PLAINSMAN PRESS Dr. Erika War- were multiple stations fingers. If I want- nick, assistant around the room with an ed to find out about in- co” played from Kano- tinez-Garcia, publisher ering that 85 percent of professor of reading at arts and crafts activity, digenous people of Latin py, a free video service and owner of Latino Lub- the news about Hispanics SPC. such as Hojalata: Mexi- America, I can do that.” offered by the Library, bock Magazine. is related to crime, nega- Dr. Warnick is origi- while the guests played a “My degrees are in tivity, and immigration, I nally from Malden, MA, game. The game allowed public relations and mar- started my publication.” and has lived in Lubbock Bull snake found the guests to get to know keting, and I wanted to Lubbock Latino Mag- for nearly 15 years. She the people they were sit- do something with that,” azine is embarking on its has a bachelor’s degree in campus housing ting with. explains Martinez-Garcia 14th year. It is distributed See ‘Hispanics‘ on pg. 2 by VICTORIA DE snakes, which are not Vape shops nationwide making billions annually SOUZA poisonous.” After being captured, according to the World really affected the busi- 25 vape shops that sell Feature Editor the bull snake was re- Health Organization. ness,” said Monies. “Ev- a variety of e-cigarette A snake recently was leased in a field away from This makes ery day, we have some products. trying to take up residence the campus. the e-cigarette new customers coming CJ Zander, an employ- in the Smallwood Apart- Chief Castillo ex- market a billion in. And we probably sell ee at Green Gorilla Smoke ments on the Levelland plained that the snake dollar market, around five to 10 units & Vape Shop in Lubbock, campus of South Plains found was harmless and with the United per day.” College. did not present any danger States being the There are numerous See ‘Electronic‘ on pg. 2 During the afternoon to the apartment residents. largest consumer places to buy on Oct. 10, students who To prevent the situation country, with an e-cigarettes reside in a n from happening again, estimated $10 and e-liquids Reba Griggs, residence billion spent in (the flavored hall director for the [Editor’s note: This 2018, according liquid that Smallwood Apart- to the Food and is used in ments, asks students story is the fourth Drug Adminis- e-cigarettes, to be more careful. part of the multi-part tration (FDA). usually “The prevention series “Lungs Filled Ike Monies, made up of of this incident is to with Smoke: The an employee at various in- always keep your doors E-Cigarette Era” ex- Juicy Juice Va- gredients such closed and the place amining e-cigarettes, pes in Lubbock, as nicotine, pro- clean,” said Griggs. vaping and the effects said that the sale of vapes pylene glycol and wa- they have on society and vape juice has re- ter, that vary in nicotine and the health of mained very consistent, strength), such as vape/ even after recent news in vapor shops, convenience users that began with the media about people stores, grocery stores and Issue #2 and con- cludes in Issue #6.] apartment at Smallwood Members of the Main- found a small bull snake tenance Department have by AUTUMN in the kitchen area under- been working to check BIPPERT neath the oven. doors, ventilation and Editor-in-Chief Alarmed by the site of windows to make sure of and VICTORIA DE the slithering reptile, the the safety for students. SOUZA students contacted the If the situation happens Feature Editor campus police office to in your apartment, stu- seek help. dents are encouraged to Chief Nickolis Cas- remember to stay calm, Many people begin tillo, director of Campus and do not get in contact using e-cigarettes for a Police, took care of the with the animal. Also, call variety of reasons, from situation quickly. Campus Police at (806) quitting smoking ciga- “It was a common sit- 891-8883 to safely resolve rettes to wanting to learn uation on campus,” said the situation. how to do smoke tricks. Chief Castillo. “Usually The number of e-cig- getting hospitalized, or even directly from the they snakes are not in- vdesouzabisp2529@ arettes users globally is even dying, as a result of manufacturer from their side the dorm. But they students. estimated to be a little vaping. websites. The city of Lub- find bull snakes or grass southplainscollege.edu more than a billion people, “The incident has not bock alone has more than Cover to Cover Livestock Judging Female auto collision “Raising Dion” Women’s cross Buddy Holly Feature page 4 Team earns back- student enjoys breaks from the country team Center displays Entertainment page 5 to-back first-place rigorous program. norm of superhero concludes season memorabilia and Opinion page 6 finishes at state fairs. origin stories. with fourth event promotes musical Sports page 7 title. education. Spotlight page 8 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 7 page 8 News 2 October 28, 2019 Plainsman Press Electronic cigarette business steady despite health concerns, law changes Continued from pg. 1 Examples of components come from a lab, having who must submit a list of as part of the Tobacco face a fine of up to $500. and parts of ENDS, ac- lab reports by a manufac- products, including label- Control Act for ENDS SB 21 also included a explained that they sell cording to the FDA, in- turer that has experience ing and advertisements. are premarket reviews. grandfather clause that mods, which are used for clude: E-liquids, a glass in producing these prod- Manufacturers also have Any ENDS product, as states anyone born on or what they call “freebase or plastic vial con- before August 21, juice” that can contain tainer of e-liquid, 2001 will still be anywhere from 0 nicotine Cartridges, Atom- allowed to purchase up to 24 milligrams, as izers (which refer to tobacco products. well as pod devices, which the coil of any vape The creation and are a lot smaller and lower tank, the part that is passage of the bill wattage, that are made for responsible for va- was due largely to higher levels of nicotine, porizing e-liquid), the increased us- which can range any- Tank systems, Fla- age of e-cigarettes where from 25 milligrams vorings for ENDS by students in high to 65 milligrams. and more. schools. Some be- “We follow all the FDA Monies ex- lieve vaping to be a regulations,” Zander ex- plained some shops gateway to smoking plained. “We don’t sell produce their own cigarettes. any kind of juice that is e-liquids. If pur- “If you’re just not FDA regulated. We chasing a vaping using a regular mod, also follow other regula- product online, people ucts,” said Monies. “Do to submit tobacco health well as any other tobacco vaping lower nicotine, tions, such as the ID pol- should be careful about not consume anything that documents to the FDA, products, that was not on I don’t think it’s a gate- icy (where everyone who where the e-liquids are someone else is making along with an ingredient the market as of Feb.
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