S10906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE October 21, 1997 nomination and vote on it. I have in- Paul has proved his worth and his tal- leged wrongdoing have been subpoe- quired about a time agreement but got- ents have not escaped the President's naed by the Government to testify at ten no response. Now that an opponent notice. these trials. This resolution would au- has finally come forward to identify If I may say Mr. President, Paul's thorize these Senate employees to tes- himself, I look forward to a prompt de- time in the White House will serve him tify, and would also authorize represen- bate and a vote on this nomination in well at the SEC. For despite being an tation of these Senate witnesses by the accordance with the apparent commit- independent agency, the Commission is legal counsel. The resolution also ment of the majority leader. I look for- withal a part of the national govern- would authorize the Secretary to re- ward to that debate. I ask again, as I ment. As such, it is useful to have a lease Senate records and documents have done repeatedly over the last sev- Commissioner who knows intimately relevant to these cases. eral months, why not now, why not the workings of the legislative and ex- I ask unanimous consent that the today, why not this week? ecutive branches. Government has been resolution be agreed to, the preamble I again urge the majority leader to called the art of the possible. Paul has be agreed to, the motion to reconsider call up the nomination of Margaret over these last years learned what is be laid upon the table, and that any Morrow for a vote. She has suffered possible and what is not. As the Com- statements relating to the resolution enough. The people of the Central Dis- mission confronts a world made more appear at this point in the RECORD. trict of California have been denied complex by technology and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without this outstanding jurist for long enough. globalization of finance, proposals will objection, it is so ordered. The chairman of the Judiciary Com- be made for regulations and laws of The resolution was agreed to. mittee said last month that he had the great sweep and broad scope. Having a The preamble was agreed to. assurance of the majority leader that Commissioner who knows what can be The resolution (S. Res. 137) and its she will be called up for a vote but nei- done as well as what should be done preamble read as follows: ther has said when that will be. I hope will allow the Commission to better S. RES. 137 that the majority leader will proceed serve us all. Whereas, in the case of United States v. to the consideration of this nomination Mr. President, I do not believe there Tara LaJuan Edwards, Case No. MI2677±97, and that he will support Margaret Mor- is any representative of the adminis- pending in the Superior Court of the District row to be a district court judge for the tration who enjoys a higher degree of of Columbia, subpoenas have been issued for Central District of California. respect on Capitol Hill than Paul testimony by James E. LePire, Billy R. STATEMENT ON THE NOMINATION OF PAUL R. Carey, as was demonstrated by the Smith, and Kristine D. Brown, employees of the Secretary of the Senate; CAREY TO BE A COMMISSIONER OF THE SECURI- unanimous vote in favor of Paul's nom- Whereas, in the case of United States v. TIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION ination by the Senate Banking Com- Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, I rise Robbin Tiffani Stoney, Case No. M12598±97, mittee, and by the enthusiastic support pending in the Superior Court of the District in emphatic support of the nomination of its chairman. Senator D'AMATO. of Columbia, subpoenas have been issued for of Paul R. Carey of New York to be a Mr. President, I urge the Senate to testimony by James E. LePire and Billy R. commissioner of the Securities and Ex- follow suit and confirm the nomination Smith, employees of the Secretary of the change Commission. Mr. Carey, who of Paul Carey by a unanimous vote. Senate; has served since 1993 as special assist- f Whereas, pursuant to sections 703(a) and ant to President Clinton, is an inspired 704(a)(2) of the Ethics in Government Act of public servant who is exceptionally LEGISLATIVE SESSION 1978, 2 U.S.C. §§ 288b(a) and 288c(a)(2), the Senate may direct its counsel to represent well qualified for this position. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- I have known Paul Carey, boy and Members and employees of the Senate with ate will return to legislative session. respect to any subpoena, order, or request man. He was born in Brooklyn, the bor- f for testimony relating to their official re- ough of churches. And indeed it was in sponsibilities; a sort of church that we first met. It AUTHORIZING TESTIMONY, PRO- Whereas, by the privileges of the Senate of was in the summer of 1977. I was a DUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, AND the United States and Rule XI of the Stand- newly serving Senator and Paul's fa- SENATE LEGAL COUNSEL REP- ing Rules of the Senate, no evidence under ther was New York's Governor. It was RESENTATION the control or in the possession of the Senate through Hugh Carey's heroic efforts Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- may, by the judicial process, be taken from that New York City was saved from such control or possession but by permission imous consent the Senate proceed to of the Senate; bankruptcy. As I have often said else- the immediate consideration of Senate Whereas, when it appears that evidence where, Hugh Carey was New York's Resolution 137 submitted earlier today under the control or in the possession of the greatest Governor since Al Smith. by Senators LOTT and DASCHLE. Senate may promote the administration of Paul's father and I had gathered, along The PRESIDING OFFICER. The justice, the Senate will take such action as with several hundred others at Siena clerk will report. will promote the ends of justice consistently College, to be present at the induction The assistant legislative clerk read with the privileges of the Senate: Now, of Howard Hubbard to serve as the as follows. therefore, be it bishop of the Diocese of Albany. Paul Resolved, That James E. LePire, Billy R. A resolution (S. Res. 137) to authorize tes- Smith, and Kristine D. Brown, and any other accompanied his father that day. He timony, production of documents and rep- Senate employee from whom testimony may was still in grade school but he was at- resentation of employees of the Senate in be required, are authorized to testify in the tentive throughout and his firm hand- the cases of United States versus Tara cases of United States v. Tara LaJuan Edwards shake alone identified him as his fa- LaJuan Edwards and United States versus and United States v. Robbin Tiffiani Stoney, ex- ther's son. We became friends and I Robbin Tiffani Stoney. cept concerning matters for which a privi- shared his family's pride as he pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there lege should be asserted. gressed through high school, graduated objection to the immediate consider- SEC. 2. That the Secretary of the Senate is from Colgate University, and entered ation of the resolution? authorized to release Senate records and doc- uments relevant to these cases. the world of business and finance. There being no objection, the Senate SEC. 3. That the Senate Legal Counsel is But I think he was always interested proceeded to consider the resolution. authorized to represent James E. LePire, in public service. In 1991 he chanced Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, United Billy R. Smith, and Kristine D. Brown, and upon my wife Liz in the Albany train States versus Tara LaJuan Edwards any other Senate employee from whom testi- station and said as much. He joined the and United States versus Robbin mony may be required, in connection with Clinton administration at the first. Tiffani Stoney are two criminal cases United States v. Tara LaJuan Edwards and And he has just shone. Paul has exem- set for trial in the Superior Court of United States v. Robbin Tiffani Stoney. plified what Alexander Hamilton called the District of Columbia, charging the f Energy in the Executive. No bill has defendants, two former Senate employ- been too complex to yield to his expla- ees, with financial misconduct during ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, nation. Few Senators are able to with- their former Senate employment. OCTOBER 22, 1997 stand his persuasive powers. He has Three employees of the Secretary of Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- seen the President's program through. the Senate not implicated in the al- imous consent that when the Senate October 21, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S10907 completes its business today, it stand with Senator DASCHLE and other Sen- of Californians. That is his job. He is in adjournment until the hour of 12 ators to try to find a way to move this frustrated by the delays California has noon on Wednesday, October 22. I fur- process forward. We did have some faced in trying to get this facility ther ask that on Wednesday, imme- good faith exhibited today. Our com- open, and so am I. diately following the prayer, the rou- mittees were allowed to meet. We did I am further frustrated by the fact tine requests through the morning move some nominations that are re- that the President's nominee to be the hour be granted and the Senate imme- quired, needed for the administration Deputy Secretary of the Interior, Mr.
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