Costos De Referencia Por Tonelada Para Un Tractocamión

Costos De Referencia Por Tonelada Para Un Tractocamión

Costos de referencia por tonelada para un tractocamión A. Costo de traslado por tonelada: costo de movilizar el vehículo en un origen destino (excluye el costo de las horas de espera, carga y descarga): Destino Origen ARMENIA BARRANQUILLA BOGOTA BUCARAMANGA BUENAVENTURA CALI CARTAGENA CARTAGO (VALLE) CUCUTA DUITAMA FLORENCIA IBAGUE IPIALES-NARIÑO MANIZALES MEDELLÍN MOCOA MONTERIA NEIVA PASTO PEREIRA POPAYAN RIOHACHA SANTA MARTA SINCELEJO SOGAMOSO-BOYACA TUMACO VALLEDUPAR VILLAVICENCIO YOPAL ARMENIA 0 147,088.02 51,435.21 90,867.55 37,188.58 25,244.58 141,831.01 6,226.27 129,564.08 91,604.83 81,360.80 15,977.40 110,146.80 16,158.00 53,478.20 95,267.72 106,598.44 45,584.61 93,023.40 6,714.30 48,372.69 188,134.49 146,487.17 116,749.99 84,415.54 140,460.66 149,713.92 77,904.60 110,856.13 BARRANQUILLA 147,088.02 0 137,272.09 83,390.47 178,630.52 166,668.91 14,070.86 144,632.31 96,450.85 143,677.71 224,939.36 142,337.02 249,811.24 129,831.66 101,648.62 238,876.87 50,133.48 164,545.22 234,243.72 134,418.54 187,573.53 42,586.17 11,910.01 32,809.81 139,761.06 277,784.90 46,770.83 164,488.22 168,392.50 BOGOTA 51,435.21 138,233.82 0 55,255.22 89,187.92 77,043.29 135,233.75 54,842.99 92,171.94 35,006.67 84,220.29 31,395.20 160,911.25 49,692.97 62,323.89 98,130.08 118,254.94 47,110.43 145,233.02 55,359.04 99,123.05 174,708.22 130,892.80 128,776.44 30,340.24 194,100.54 136,279.15 21,374.71 60,821.25 BUCARAMANGA 90,867.55 83,390.47 55,255.22 0 131,675.22 117,840.86 88,596.13 91,558.30 34,641.23 58,901.60 148,179.89 73,840.73 204,654.47 79,268.42 69,881.52 162,106.85 109,926.36 108,335.14 188,954.02 86,425.16 131,948.99 109,425.00 72,681.46 92,592.50 48,009.32 222,895.83 70,963.23 85,645.65 85,044.63 BUENAVENTURA 37,188.58 178,630.52 89,187.92 131,675.22 0 25,595.66 168,678.93 36,927.18 167,304.49 129,349.34 89,400.94 53,921.04 110,966.93 51,646.55 83,029.98 88,345.56 138,165.03 84,570.79 95,360.70 40,470.06 47,119.67 223,907.24 182,885.80 148,715.83 122,565.86 142,636.98 185,496.87 115,527.09 154,195.64 CALI 25,244.58 166,668.91 77,043.29 117,840.86 25,595.66 0 161,392.86 28,809.41 154,936.42 118,851.36 60,862.23 42,088.72 82,857.70 39,675.44 71,387.91 59,806.48 130,051.14 53,005.44 67,235.92 28,658.10 16,881.42 215,809.66 169,830.80 140,598.63 114,475.84 112,179.98 177,392.03 103,527.19 135,633.56 CARTAGENA 142,208.58 14,070.86 134,649.58 88,596.13 169,056.50 161,770.43 0 138,169.95 97,456.06 145,265.02 218,499.98 135,025.80 244,978.97 124,938.27 96,732.67 232,355.29 42,877.12 157,430.28 229,331.70 129,469.00 184,886.34 61,970.02 27,199.35 25,562.63 148,200.43 283,610.40 55,197.09 160,943.14 160,604.28 CARTAGO (VALLE) 6,226.27 143,855.34 62,257.02 91,911.13 37,331.10 25,534.45 135,942.05 0 128,637.82 88,156.61 88,424.25 22,609.90 102,797.21 14,192.00 45,831.05 102,342.20 101,246.89 52,036.70 91,879.88 3,144.68 48,849.96 187,016.25 144,553.59 110,899.42 91,476.37 132,229.83 148,544.32 84,377.68 117,182.64 CUCUTA 129,564.08 92,457.87 92,171.94 34,641.23 167,304.49 154,936.42 97,456.06 122,424.23 0 93,125.18 177,464.59 111,393.51 240,830.07 117,287.90 97,230.14 191,360.62 120,142.57 145,492.91 225,157.91 123,565.89 166,192.54 120,557.59 85,054.37 102,801.70 77,290.99 259,971.55 82,913.51 122,465.48 121,360.24 DUITAMA 92,534.51 143,677.71 25,647.67 58,901.60 130,279.02 119,781.03 145,265.02 89,086.28 93,125.18 0 118,466.57 65,012.14 195,381.91 80,262.43 89,891.11 132,374.42 150,401.17 91,085.67 174,824.40 88,107.56 131,736.29 155,422.94 132,846.48 160,912.46 3,315.64 220,492.19 116,960.64 55,685.26 26,347.48 FLORENCIA 81,360.80 224,939.36 84,220.29 148,179.89 89,400.94 60,862.23 218,122.41 88,424.25 177,464.59 117,536.89 0 65,449.88 93,334.94 98,986.19 122,050.98 39,595.70 181,556.97 33,815.81 80,069.16 88,613.14 40,983.88 238,010.47 210,142.33 191,730.14 120,846.42 122,798.16 199,598.73 106,740.61 147,670.99 IBAGUE 15,977.40 143,163.40 31,395.20 73,840.73 53,921.04 42,088.72 135,474.61 19,382.05 111,393.51 64,082.46 65,449.88 0 125,707.58 32,954.45 67,250.72 79,355.11 116,124.87 26,087.01 110,086.04 23,649.94 61,038.07 172,578.16 127,693.40 131,592.86 68,496.88 157,541.81 134,149.09 57,750.54 96,261.68 IPIALES-NARIÑO 110,146.80 249,811.24 160,911.25 204,654.47 110,966.93 82,857.70 244,601.40 102,797.21 240,830.07 194,452.23 93,334.94 125,707.58 0 126,318.21 154,868.58 34,947.93 204,061.95 94,806.10 14,636.79 111,878.14 52,666.68 289,774.86 261,466.56 214,210.97 188,445.31 33,115.08 251,304.16 187,353.41 226,087.88 MANIZALES 16,158.00 129,831.66 48,731.24 79,268.42 51,646.55 39,675.44 124,560.70 13,604.69 117,287.90 78,371.02 98,986.19 32,954.45 126,318.21 0 34,464.37 112,891.12 90,586.55 64,674.27 110,967.24 8,861.84 64,360.47 173,413.13 129,922.00 100,740.06 77,257.50 156,215.72 134,942.58 61,728.84 107,911.59 MEDELLÍN 53,478.20 101,648.62 61,362.15 69,881.52 83,029.98 71,387.91 96,355.10 39,835.30 97,230.14 87,999.70 122,050.98 67,250.72 154,868.58 34,464.37 0 142,877.78 57,291.78 77,605.25 139,285.52 38,227.13 94,915.90 155,537.39 118,586.37 69,681.61 99,306.17 193,275.02 116,352.75 86,944.42 120,838.92 MOCOA 95,267.72 238,876.87 98,130.08 162,106.85 89,118.51 60,579.43 231,977.72 102,342.20 191,360.62 131,444.75 39,595.70 79,355.11 34,014.69 112,891.12 142,877.78 0 200,145.15 47,719.63 20,782.20 102,243.49 39,833.93 252,646.67 224,312.28 210,321.19 134,033.35 63,416.27 213,396.38 120,645.55 159,622.87 MONTERIA 106,598.44 49,738.10 117,293.20 109,530.98 138,165.03 130,051.14 42,877.12 101,246.89 119,747.19 148,509.76 181,556.97 116,124.87 204,061.95 90,586.55 57,291.78 200,145.15 0 151,300.49 186,871.37 91,716.79 148,087.10 104,211.98 75,891.00 16,105.83 156,614.17 229,528.67 65,006.38 144,923.52 174,843.38 NEIVA 45,584.61 162,931.65 48,724.01 108,335.14 84,570.79 53,005.44 156,589.65 53,457.38 145,492.91 90,155.99 33,815.81 26,087.01 94,806.10 64,674.27 77,605.25 47,719.63 151,300.49 0 79,893.47 52,848.04 38,525.03 202,936.31 151,223.95 161,837.75 85,881.31 134,362.16 163,782.37 73,504.29 111,867.48 PASTO 93,023.40 234,243.72 145,233.02 188,954.02 95,360.70 67,235.92 228,954.13 89,524.95 225,157.91 173,894.72 80,069.16 110,086.04 14,636.79 110,967.24 139,285.52 20,782.20 186,871.37 79,893.47 0 96,265.51 37,104.12 275,965.85 245,838.34 197,006.96 172,537.58 46,613.06 235,870.77 171,684.69 210,340.98 PEREIRA 6,714.30 134,418.54 54,397.30 86,425.16 40,470.06 28,658.10 129,091.43 3,664.22 123,565.89 86,216.15 88,613.14 23,649.94 111,878.14 8,861.84 38,227.13 102,243.49 91,859.70 52,848.04 96,265.51 0 53,312.89 181,437.87 139,765.54 102,006.70 85,553.86 141,051.47 143,005.35 80,365.01 108,021.52 POPAYAN 48,372.69 187,573.53 99,123.05 131,948.99 47,119.67 16,881.42 184,508.77 48,849.96 166,192.54 130,806.61 40,983.88 61,038.07 52,666.68 64,360.47 94,915.90 39,833.93 148,087.10 38,525.03 37,104.12 53,312.89 0 237,131.30 206,958.15 158,216.62 133,709.27 90,272.58 197,934.04 127,966.05 162,271.37 RIOHACHA 188,134.49 42,586.17 173,746.49 109,425.00 223,907.24 215,809.66 61,970.02 187,016.25 121,359.04 155,422.94 238,010.47 172,578.16 289,774.86 173,413.13 155,537.39 252,646.67 104,607.36 203,737.75 275,965.85 181,437.87 237,131.30 0 26,293.01 88,104.47 164,474.29 318,738.55 31,818.79 197,384.98 186,880.42 SANTA MARTA 146,487.17 11,910.01 129,931.07 72,681.46 182,885.80 169,830.80 27,199.35 159,107.23 85,054.37 132,846.48 210,142.33 126,090.51 261,466.56 129,922.00 118,586.37 224,312.28 76,286.38 152,025.40 245,838.34 139,765.54 205,647.34 26,293.01 0 59,783.35 136,144.35 299,808.79 38,155.81 157,136.57 160,904.12 SINCELEJO 116,749.99 32,809.81 127,437.14 92,592.50 148,338.26 140,221.06 25,562.63 110,521.85 102,801.70 158,643.48 191,730.14 126,268.81 214,210.97 100,740.06 69,681.61 210,321.19 16,105.83 161,460.18 197,006.96 101,875.32 158,216.62 88,104.47 59,783.35 0 166,761.29 239,669.14 48,898.83 155,098.53 192,510.57 SOGAMOSO-BOYACA 85,345.22 136,659.41 28,666.99 52,803.35 124,480.28 104,111.10 130,195.05 92,406.05 89,039.71 3,315.64 121,776.10 66,103.30 189,374.99 82,576.77 101,834.74 135,678.44 158,505.58 81,710.37 180,603.82 81,353.44 135,424.67 164,474.29 134,393.03 168,652.70 0 218,850.59 125,267.49 53,930.78 25,243.27 TUMACO 140,460.66 277,784.90 194,100.54 222,895.83 142,636.98 112,179.98 283,232.83 132,229.83 259,971.55 219,562.52 122,798.16 157,541.81 33,115.08 156,215.72 193,275.02 64,349.51 229,528.67 134,362.16 46,613.06 141,051.47 90,272.58 318,738.55 299,808.79 239,669.14 215,331.80 0 279,547.94 226,102.55 264,916.19 VALLEDUPAR 149,713.92 46,770.83 135,317.42 70,963.23 185,496.87 177,392.03 55,197.09 148,544.32 82,913.51 116,960.64 199,598.73 134,149.09 251,304.16 134,942.58 116,352.75 213,519.83 65,401.76 164,626.41 238,036.19 143,006.51 197,406.33 31,818.79 38,155.81 48,898.83 125,267.49 280,842.86 0 158,184.36 147,700.94 VILLAVICENCIO 77,904.60 165,449.95 21,374.71 85,645.65 115,527.09 103,527.19 161,527.30 77,356.53 122,465.48 54,755.58 106,740.61 57,750.54 187,353.41 62,690.58 87,906.16 120,645.55 145,885.26 73,504.29 171,684.69 81,326.74 127,966.05 196,808.57 158,098.31 156,060.26 53,606.04 226,102.55 159,146.10 0 31,142.35 YOPAL 110,856.13 168,392.50 60,821.25 85,044.63 154,195.64 135,633.56 160,604.28 118,916.96 121,360.24 26,347.48 147,670.99 96,261.68 226,087.88 108,873.32 121,800.66 161,557.22 175,805.11 111,867.48 210,340.98 108,983.25 162,271.37 186,880.42 160,904.12 185,992.15 21,811.81 264,916.19 146,899.49 31,142.35 0 B.

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