The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1991-2000 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 10-23-1997 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1997-10-23 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1991-2000 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1997-10-23" (1997). The Voice: 1991-2000. 179. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1991-2000/179 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1991-2000 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VJ -- - .- News:- Line drinking, page 3 . W: "Viewpoints: Indian mascot called on racism foul r-Feat- fl . ures: http:www.7ooster,sNewtbmastcr.edu Campus Issues: Ethnic Diversity on the agenda - A&E: Mack the IZxil tits "vToosttr Sect rccd'l llizes a!.e? i, 31-1- 0 Volume CXIV, 7 Weekly College Newspaper Thursday, October 23, 1997 . 'V Issue America's Oldest : T Building a suldrali: HIillel educates campus : Briapt J McFtllen Anyone who has been on the .north side of Lowry Center lately : - may have noticed a new addition to the surroundings: a simple three-;jjd- ed woaden enclosure with cloth walls and a thatched roof, sur-- ; rounded by pumpkins, bottles of ci- -: '.-- der, and hay, and decorated with apples and paperchains. This struc-- ". ture is called a sukkah, built for the - Jewish holiday of Sukkot, a 3,000-- i yeatxild remembrance-- f the --40 . ; ; years which the Israelites spent in sla-ve- ry the desert --after escaping from in Egypt, as well as a celebra- - : - .tion of the narvest '. '' to "To more thoroughly explain the ! meaning behind Sukkot, as well as ; 1 conduct the ceremony behind it, : : Rabbi Seth Riemer and Hillel (an or-- . - ;- ganization of students interested in . Jewish culture) held a meeting at the' sukkah at 4 p.m. on Monday. After .. a blessingras said, as the group sat in a circle within the. sukkah, the -- - - , -- .. .- - , . ... by David Heksekek- : wind rippling the cloth walls and the r t photo ' WfegfewdC-iLt- - i . ' -- its ,-- thatched roof open, exposing those the sukkah before destruction.r Hillel plans to rebuild it before Fareraf A r inside to whatever the elements; Yy'fthinfc iher " f. " wished to unleash, Riemer started dox?J One student in the group a dcea not hsve knowledge of.the ""ICbuld'Xbianch hp 'palm symbolizes a pep? ' his talk with the simple words: . swered this with the question, has fra but tastei.;,Torah; the the.To-- r - Can you imagine that we are it be because spiritual foundationsarevthe palm branch has taste, burno.TSon who has knowledge of " i" ' orancn no gooacreeas; ana : commanded, to dwell in this more important than physkal?" The fragrance; and the willow i .rah, nut has done r his-tori- fragrancV-TO- person who : sukkah? After giving Sukkot's cal group nodded in response..' k'A'.'i has neither taste nor eJ the willow symbolizes a basis, Riemer went on to say, V Sukkot also has another message citron symbolizes a person who has -- has neither. - These our-plan- ts are -- ' ; done good deeds and has knowledge, bound together to represent the difr --.This is a holiday celebrating the as well: "This holiday also connects" - scrolls wluch make people who inhabit a - harvest, but through its background, one with nature." Rjemer said and of me Torah.the ferent Jewish', lit-- - . it also acknowledges homelessness. - brought out a festal bouquet ofa tit-- up the body of Jewish religjous j ron,amyrueDnincn,apaunDnmcn, eraturej; ine mcrue symoouas ? ' please see SUKKOT, page 3 Iib-lif-e eb testing atHygeia 0) Sandra Kozera the right to life movement The semi- - : welcoming speech. t,He noted that jAiMIEMAIESv'V--r- ': of our responsibility as a student nars included "Adoption: A Positive two pillars were under attack by the health center to offer the opportu- -. -- pro-choi-ce nity students, said Anderson. AppEpximately 200 people at- Resoonse." "Men Hurt Too. The.; movement: the central- .if. On Oct 29 Hygeia,'in conjunc- - . to Pro-lif- lives and . Richland r During the year, four testing dates tended the23rd annual Ohio e Mvth of Overpopulation" and . ity of God in Americans tion with the,Mansfield : ' v -- occur, at this end Convention held at Grace Brethren - "Planned Parenthood: the Bad the belief that Gdl has no place in Health Departroenvwill offer anony-- will the first being - " mepiAUclifRTheeyider "mpus' ' of this month with results available . ; Qlurch,casSarurday. In attendance Choice This event drew the attend AIDSlesting; According to - ' ' were speakers including Ohio's State tion of a number of College students he stated, was ihe piesence of ther Nancy Anderson, th director of'J on Nov. 12.' The rest of the testing ' outside;i'Blackwell'S ' anonymous will happen Feb. 25, April 1, and Treasurer Ken Blackwell, Wayne v who protested outside the churchy : picketers HVgeia,' testing was ' - ;;. with speech received a'standing ovation. '. May 27. The results from each test County Representative Ron Amstutz, The convention began the. : ddne several years ago and students Z - - ';'h -- lecturer and media historian L. Brent ; reading of a letter from Ohio's US During the question and answer pe--. have reduested that it be done aeain. will be available two weeks later. - Ohio's Secretary of State - Senator Mike DeWine, who told "Wavnd Countv Health Denart- - -- la accordance with federal law, Bozell, and " i ' Bob Taft. A number of workshop :. supporters, "I strongly share your , please see STUDENTS ment does anonvmous testinff bnce" :.?" '.-i-'l- T PRO-LIF- E ANONYMOUS seminars took place, each focusing on .: commitment to the protection of PICKET OHIO a montlfand we have referred stu-- lpb 5?e - human life." Blackwell gave the , CONVENTION, page 3 dents there, but we felt it Was part 'AIDS TESTS, page V .VThe Intef-Gree- k V Parents' Weekend occurs . Casino Night will Standard time rer": Council this Friday to Sunday, with take place in Lowry Cen sumes Saturday night Set will sponsor a Halloween party ; - - at Diggers Wednesday from 9 -' 1 1. events all weekend. High- ter Ballroom Saturday your clocks back one ,- ' mid- '. p.m. 2 a.m. Cost is $3 for mght from pan, to - when you go to sleep. to . 9 jMarie-Greisgrab- hour lights include departmental V Jo er will Saturday morn- night : those under 2 1 and $2 for those openhouses, speakrfi "A Covenant for Rich V faculty exhibit open- serenade The art over 21. Activities will include ing and a Scot Band V and Poor Nations?" as part of ing and reception occurs Friday football game Satur- There will be a coffee with a costume contest after the faculty and administrators Satur- the tiay Academy Lecture series from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Ebert day afternoon. day moming from 9 tol 1 a.m in on Wednesday at 7:30 p.rn. in Art Museum. the Lowry Center lounge. LeanXecture Hall. : 1 News oosteri Page 2 V oice Thursday, October 23, 1997 Campus Council reports results Dan Shortridge ter. Some years it's been over the group funding contracts are being last two weeks." Council voted signed "little by little," and that five Tuesday's meeting of the Cam- unanimously to approve the hear- groups have not yet been heard from pus Council was fairly routine and ing summaries and forward them by his committee. presented no major disputes or dis- to the Voice for publication. Bud- In the absence of the Charter agreements'. The issues discussed get Committee Chairman John Committee chairperson. Council Ben-Mize- r 99 reported it. by Council prompted only minor Plummer, the college accounting member k discussion. supervisor, provided clarification that the committee met last week Associate Dean of Students to Council on the continuing over- and is continuing their review of 'Carolyn Buxton presented the haul of the procedures for funding group charters. The notices for summary reports of the College student groups. advisor contracts have been sent Judicial Board for the spring se- Plummer said that the "question out, he added, saying "I don't mester of school year 96-'9- 7 for that we Council had talked about think that the charters are ready for routine Council approval. Buxton ' before was not who's a volunteer submission to Council at this organization photo by David Heisserer stated that there were seven cases v or not," but rather time." Parents' Weekend is this weekend. Above, mThreepenney Opera,m will "heard at the third level by either about the types of projects con- In other business. Council Chair ducted by an organization. -- Rorie Harris 99 reported on last run Friday andSaturday night nights andSunday afternoon. Tickets the Judicial Board or the Dean's :.' The overhaul has caused some week's meeting of the Student can be obtained by calling the Freedlander box office at ext. 2241. Hearing Board.". Cases heard at sanc- confusion among student groups Relations Trustee Committee at I Saturday morning there will a coffee withfaculty andadministrators the third level can result in tions ranging from community ser-- with regard to their source of fund- which she represented Council. 9 a.nu in the Lowry lobby, followed by open houses and t from toll Col- ing, said, adding that think seemed pretty e faculty presentations. lunch, many athletic teams will be in vice to expulsion from the he "I "The trustees After - group happy," she said, adding that they action, with a reception forparents andstudents at President Holes' lege.
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