19TH GENERAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL MINERALOGICAL ASSOCIATION KOBE, JAPAN, JULY 23-28 COMMISSION ON ORE MINERALOGY REPORT OF THE SULFOSALT SUBCOMMITTEE BY Y. MOËLO (SECRETARY) AND E. MAKOVICKY (ASSOCIATE SECRETARY) & N.N. MOZGOVA (PAST PRESIDENT OF THE SULFOSALT SUBCOMMITTEE), J.L. JAMBOR, N. COOK, A. PRING, W. PAAR, E. H. NICKEL, S. GRAESER, S. KARUP-MOLLER, T. BALIĆ-ŽUNIĆ, W. G. MUMME, F. VURRO, D. TOPA, L. BINDI, K. BENTE - 1 - SULFOSALT SUB-COMMITTEE – INTERNAL REPORT Preamble Y. Moëlo & E. Makovicky This report deals with a general reexamination of the systematics of sulfosalts. In the Part I are presented generalities concerning the definition and chemistry of sulfosalts, as well as some basic principles relative to their crystal chemical classification. Part II is a detailed presentation of all known sulfosalts species, with selected references about their definition (if recent) and crystal structure (when solved). Problems concerning the definition and nomenclature of some species are discussed on the basis of published data. This internal report will be provided to members of the C.O.M. for critical reading, in order that they may give additional information, as well as suggest corrections. A copy will also be sent to the Chairman of the CNMMN of the IMA, for information of the national representatives of this commission, who are also invited to give their comments. While Part I was written by ourselves (E. M. & Y. M.), Part II reflects a fruitful collaboration, past or present, of many specialists of sulfosalt mineralogy. Their names are given at the beginning of part II. It is a provisional list, until the final approval of the official report these co-authors; some names may be added later when relevant. The choice of the crystal chemical scheme used for the classification in Part II is a development of the modular approach to crystal structures. This choice does not commit the associated members, who may adopt other points of view; above all, it is an incitement to use crystal structure analysis as a basis for the understanding of the complex chemistry of sulfosalts in nature. All participating members are sincerely thanked for their contribution. We mention especially Dr. N. Mozgova, past President of the Sulfosalt Subcommittee, as well as Drs. J. L. Jambor, N. Cook and E. H. Nickel, for their careful reading of the text. __________________ 1 - 2 - PART I. REVISION OF SULFOSALT DEFINITION AND NOMENCLATURE: GENERALITIES by Y. Moëlo & E. Makovicky A. DEFINITION AND GENERAL FORMULA 1. What is a sulfosalt ? The term “sulfosalt” (or “thiosalt”) was created by chemists during the XIXth century, by analogy to complex salts of oxygen (like sulfate, phosphate, arsenate, antimonate, arsenite and antimonite...). Oxysalts generally correspond to the combination of a simple cation with a n- complex anion (MeOm) ; this was confirmed by crystal-structure studies and bond-valence calculations. In sulfosalts, S was considered to play the role of oxygen to form similarly complex anions. Although the configurations found in most modern studies of sulfosalts are more complicated than those encountered in similar oxysalts (e.g., oxyarsenites), the term “sulfosalt” has been preserved as a practical, working category in the field of ore mineralogy. The main reason is that sulfosalt minerals form a genetically well-defined group encountered in specific conditions of ore formation, usually referred to as hydrothermal processes. 2. Chemical nomenclature: An extended definition The definition of sulfosalts in literature takes either formal chemistry or structural considerations as the point of departure. According to the chemical definition, most sulfosalts are thioarsenites, thioantimonites, thiobismuthites and their combinations, i.e., sulfosalts in which As, Sb and Bi have the same oxidation state +3. Goldfieldite is the only natural example of a thiotellurite (i.e., with Te4+). If we accept the bond-valence concept as a basis for classification, the sulfosalts of 3- 3- both the lower- or higher valence elements [with groups such as (AsS3) or (AsS4) ] represent 3- classification categories equally well justified as those of oxyarsenites (AsO3) or 3- oxyarsenates (AsO4 ) . Any problem encountered for some sulfosalts using this concept will have a near-mirror image in the oxy-realm as well, with somewhat diminished covalency. A very limited number of natural sulfosalts correspond to thioarsenates (As5+ - enargite, luzonite) or thioantimonates (Sb5+ - famatinite). There are about 15 thiostannates (Sn4+), mainly related to the ZnS archetypes (sphalerite and wurtzite), and a few thiogermanates (Ge4+). Similarly, sulvanite could be considered as a thiovanadate (V4+), whereas thio-tungstates (W6+), and thio-molybdates (Mo6+) are exceptional. Thiophosphates (P5+) are as yet unknown in nature. Minerals corresponding to selenio- and telluro-salts, with trivalent As, Sb or Bi, or, exceptionally, Sb5+ (permingeatite) are uncommon. Table 1 enumerates these different types of chalcogeno-salts. As the present report will deal only with the definition and nomenclature of chalcogeno-salts with As3+, Sb3+, Bi3+ and Te4+, Table 2 summarises all mineral species corresponding to other chemical types of chalcogeno-salts. 2 - 3 - Table 1. Different chemical types of thiosalts/sulfosalts and related chalcogenides Anion Cation chemical name example remark S2- As3+ thioarsenite tennantite numerous species Sb3+ thioantimonite boulangerite numerous species Bi3+ thiobismuthite cosalite numerous species Te4+ thiotellurite goldfieldite exceptional (P5+) thiophosphate none unknown in nature As5+ thioarsenate enargite rare Sb5+ thioantimonate famatinite very rare (Bi5+) unknown with S (Te6+) unknown with S Sn4+ thiostannate stannite a few Ge4+ thiogermanate briartite very rare V5+ thiovanadate sulvanite very rare Mo6+ thiomolybdate hemusite exceptional W6+ thiotungstate kiddcreekite exceptional Se2- As3+ selenio-arsenite giraudite exceptional Sb3+ selenio-antimonite hakite exceptional Bi3+ selenio-bismuthite bohdanowiczite exceptional Sb5+ selenio-antimonate permingeatite exceptional Te2- Bi3+ telluro-bismuthite volynskite exceptional In bold type: chalcogeno-salts dealt with in the detailed report. 3 - 4 - Table 2. List of minerals of the chalcogeno-salt types not considered in the detailed report Type Species Formula 5+ Thioarsenates (As ) Enargite Cu3AsS4 Luzonite Cu3AsS4 Fangite Tl3AsS4 “Lazarevicite” ? Cu3AsS4 (doubtfull mineral species) Billingsleyite Ag7AsS6 5+ Thioantimonates (Sb ) Famatinite Cu3SbS4 4+ Thiostannates (Sn ) Mohite Cu2SnS3 Kuramite Cu3SnS4 Stannite Cu2FeSnS4 Černýite Cu2CdSnS4 Velikite Cu2HgSnS4 Hocartite Ag2FeSnS4 Pirquitasite Ag2ZnSnS4 Kesterite Cu2(Zn,Fe)SnS4 Ferrokesterite Cu2(Fe,Zn)SnS4 Stannoidite Cu8(Fe,Zn)3Sn2S12 Petrukite (Cu,Ag)2(Fe,Zn)(Sn,In)S4 “Volfsonite” Cu11Fe3Sn3S16 Mawsonite Cu6Fe2SnS8 Chatkalite Cu6FeSn2S8 Canfieldite Ag8SnS6 3+ Thioindates (In ) ??? Indite FeIn2S4 Cadmoindite CdIn2S4 4+ Thiogermanates (Ge ) Germanite Cu13Fe2Ge2S16 Briartite Cu2(Fe,Zn)GeS4 Barquillite Cu2(Cd,Zn)GeS4 Argyrodite Ag8GeS6 Putzite (Cu4.7Ag3.3)Σ=8GeS6 Maikainite Cu20(Fe,Cu)6Mo2Ge6S32 Ovamboite Cu20(Fe,Cu,Zn)6W2Ge6S32 5+ Thiovanadates (V ) Sulvanite Cu3VS4 Mixed types Arsenosulvanite Cu3(As,V)S4 Vinciennite (Cu10Fe4SnAs)Σ=16S16 Renierite (Cu,Zn)11Fe4 (Ge,As)2S16 Colusite (Cu12V(As,Sb,Sn)3)Σ=16S16 Stibiocolusite Cu13V(As,Sb,Sn)3S16 Germanocolusite Cu13V(Ge,As)3S16 Nekrasovite Cu13V(Sn,As,Sb)3S16 Thio-molybdate/stannate Hemusite Cu6SnMoS8 Thio-tungstate/stannate Kiddcreekite Cu6SnWS8 Selenio-antimonate Permingeatite Cu3SbSe4 In morozeviczite, (Pb,Fe)3Ge1-xS4, polkovicite, (Fe,Pb)3Ge1-xS4, florensovite, Cu(Cr,Sb)2S4, structural data are insufficient to decide wether these minerals are sulfosalts. 4 - 5 - In cylindrite and related compounds (its homeotype levyclaudite and its homologue franckeite), the composite crystal structure is built on the regular alternation of two types of layers, one pseudo-tetragonal (“Q” type), containing probably the bulk Sb3+ or Bi3+, the other pseudo-hexagonal (“H” type), containing principally Sn4+. This series is thus of the thio- antimonite/stannate type. In schlemaite, (Cu,)6(Pb,Bi)Se4 ( = vacancy), the crystal-structure study (Förster et al., 2003) gave the general formula (Cu6-xx)(Pb1-xBix)Se4, (with x close to 0.4), with identical coordinates for Pb and Bi. This species ought to be considered as a Bi-rich sulfide of Pb, whereas the Bi-dominant derivative (x > 0.5), if it exists, would be a sulfosalt. 3. General formula of the principal sulfosalt category with As3+, Sb3+, Bi3+ or Te4+ 3.1. Basic structural formula As the bulk of natural thioarsenites, thiostannates, etc. corresponds structurally to homeotypes of simple sulfides, the term “sulfosalt” is usually limited to the vast group of chalcogeno-salts containing trivalent As, Sb or Bi, as well as (exceptionally) Te4+. They correspond to complex sulfides (more generally chalcogenides) wherein one (or more) of the cations As3+, Sb3+, Bi3+ or Te4+ is associated with one or more metallic cation(s) (Me) as essential (intrinsic) constituents. The S2- anion may be replaced by Se2- or Te2- (chalcogeno- salts). Thus, the general chemical formula can be given as : + 2+ 3+ 4+ 2- (Me, Me’ ...)x [(Bi,Sb,As) , Te ]y (S,Se,Te) z [1] From a structural point of view, atoms of the metals and atoms of the metalloids are not bonded to one another, and are bonded only to S, Se... atoms. Thus, compounds such as arsenopyrite, FeAsS, löllingite, FeAs2, or gudmundite, FeSbS,
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