§ 236.426 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–09 Edition) the control circuits of signals gov- after it has either been stopped by an erning movement on main track in ei- automatic application of the brakes, or ther direction over the switch have under control of the engineman, its been opened, and either the approach speed has been reduced to slow speed, locking circuits to the switch are unoc- until the apparatus is automatically cupied or a predetermined time inter- restored to normal because the condi- val has expired. tion which caused the restriction no NOTE: Railroads shall bring all hand-oper- longer affects the movement of the ated switches that are not electrically or train. mechanically locked and that do not con- (2) Medium-speed restriction, requir- form to the requirements of this section on ing the train to proceed under medium the effective date of this part into con- speed after passing a signal displaying formity with this section in accordance with an approach aspect or when approach- the following schedule: Not less than 33% during calendar year ing a signal requiring a stop, or a stop 1984. indication point, in order to prevent an Not less than 66% during calendar year automatic application of the brakes. 1985. The remainder during calendar year 1986. NOTE: Relief from the requirements of paragraphs (b) (1) and (2) of this section will [33 FR 19684, Dec. 25, 1968, as amended at 49 be granted, insofar as speed limits fixed by FR 3386, Jan. 26, 1984] definitions of Slow and Medium speeds are concerned, upon an adequate showing by an RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS individual carrier where automatic train control systems now in service enforce speed § 236.426 Interlocking rules and in- restrictions higher than those required by structions applicable to traffic con- definitions in §§ 236.700 to 236.838 inclusive. trol systems. The rules and instructions prescribed (3) Maximum-speed restriction, ef- in §§ 236.327 and 236.328, § 236.330 to fecting an automatic brake application § 236.334, inclusive, and § 236.342 shall whenever the predetermined maximum apply to traffic control systems. speed limit is exceeded. INSPECTION AND TESTS § 236.502 Automatic brake application, initiation by restrictive block condi- § 236.476 Interlocking inspections and tions stopping distance in advance. tests applicable to traffic control An automatic train-stop or train- systems. control system shall operate to initiate The inspections and tests prescribed an automatic brake application at in §§ 236.377 to 236.380, inclusive, and least stopping distance from the en- §§ 236.382, 236.383, and 236.386 shall apply trance to a block, wherein any condi- to traffic control systems. tion described in § 236.205 obtains, and [49 FR 3386, Jan. 26, 1984] at each main track signal requiring a reduction in speed. Subpart E—Automatic Train Stop, § 236.503 Automatic brake application; Train Control and Cab Signal initiation when predetermined rate Systems of speed exceeded. STANDARDS An automatic train control system shall operate to initiate an automatic § 236.501 Forestalling device and brake application when the speed of speed control. the train exceeds the predetermined (a) An automatic train stop system rate as required by the setting of the may include a device by means of speed control mechanism. which the automatic application of the brakes can be forestalled. § 236.504 Operation interconnected (b) Automatic train control system with automatic block-signal system. shall include one or more of the fol- (a) A continuous inductive automatic lowing features: train stop or train control system shall (1) Low-speed restriction, requiring operate in connection with an auto- the train to proceed under slow speed matic block signal system and shall be 684 VerDate Nov<24>2008 13:41 Dec 07, 2009 Jkt 217215 PO 00000 Frm 00694 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217215.XXX 217215 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 236.513 so interconnected with the signal sys- application of the brakes by means of tem as to perform its intended function the brake valve and not to impair the in event of failure of the engineer to efficiency of the brake system. acknowledge or obey a restrictive way- side signal or a more restrictive cab [49 FR 3386, Jan. 26, 1984] signal. § 236.509 Two or more locomotives (b) An intermittent inductive auto- coupled. matic train stop system shall operate in connection with an automatic block The automatic train stop, train con- signal system and shall be so inter- trol or cab signal apparatus shall be ar- connected with the signal system that ranged so that when two or more loco- the failure of the engineer to acknowl- motives are coupled, or a pushing or edge a restrictive wayside signal will helping locomotive is used, it can be cause the intermittent inductive auto- made operative only on the locomotive matic train stop system to perform its from which the brakes are controlled. intended function. § 236.510 [Reserved] [49 FR 3386, Jan. 26, 1984] § 236.511 Cab signals controlled in ac- § 236.505 Proper operative relation be- cordance with block conditions tween parts along roadway and parts on locomotive. stopping distance in advance. Proper operative relation between The automatic cab signal system the parts along the roadway and the shall be arranged so that cab signals parts on the locomotive shall obtain will be continuously controlled in ac- under all conditions of speed, weather, cordance with conditions described in wear, oscillation, and shock. § 236.205 that obtain at least stopping distance in advance. § 236.506 Release of brakes after auto- matic application. § 236.512 Cab signal indication when The automatic train stop or train locomotive enters block where re- control apparatus shall prevent release strictive conditions obtain. of the brakes after automatic applica- The automatic cab signal system tion until a reset device has been oper- shall be arranged so that when a loco- ated, or the speed of the train has been motive enters or is within a block, reduced to a predetermined rate, or the wherein any condition described in condition that caused the brake appli- § 236.205 obtains, the cab signals shall cation no longer affects the movement indicate ‘‘Proceed at Restricted of the train. If reset device is used it Speed.’’ shall be arranged so that the brakes cannot be released until the train has § 236.513 Audible indicator. been stopped, or it shall be located so (a) The automatic cab signal system that it cannot be operated by engineman without leaving his accus- shall be so arranged that when the cab tomed position in the cab. signal changes to display a more re- strictive aspect, an audible indicator § 236.507 Brake application; full serv- will sound continuously until silenced ice. by manual operation of an acknowl- The automatic train stop or train edging device. control apparatus shall, when operated, (b) The audible cab indicator of auto- cause a full service application of the matic cab signal, automatic train stop, brakes. or automatic train control system shall have a distinctive sound and be § 236.508 Interference with application clearly audible throughout the cab of brakes by means of brake valve. under all operating conditions. The automatic train stop, train con- [49 FR 3386, Jan. 26, 1984] trol, or cab signal apparatus shall be so arranged as not to interfere with the 685 VerDate Nov<24>2008 13:41 Dec 07, 2009 Jkt 217215 PO 00000 Frm 00695 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217215.XXX 217215 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR § 236.514 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–09 Edition) § 236.514 Interconnection of cab signal ing point lock with circuit controller is system with roadway signal system. used, the resultant restrictive condi- The automatic cab signal system tion of an automatic train stop or train shall be interconnected with the road- control device of the continuous type way-signal system so that the cab sig- or the resultant restrictive cab signal nal indication will not authorize oper- indication of an automatic cab signal ation of the train at a speed higher device on an approaching locomotive than that authorized by the indication shall be maintained to within 300 feet of the roadway signal that governed of the points of the switch. the movement of a train into a block except when conditions affecting move- § 236.529 Roadway element inductor; ment of trains in the block change height and distance from rail. after the train passes the signal. Inductor of the inert roadway ele- ment type shall be maintained with the § 236.515 Visibility of cab signals. inductor pole faces at a height above The cab signals shall be plainly visi- the plane of the tops of the rails, and ble to member or members of the loco- with its inner edge at a hmrizontal dis- motive crew from their stations in the tance from the gage side of the nearest cab. running rail, in accordance with speci- fications of the carrier. [49 FR 3386, Jan. 26, 1984] [49 FR 3386, Jan. 26, 1984] § 236.516 Power supply. Automatic cab signal, train stop, or § 236.530 [Reserved] train control device hereafter installed shall operate from a separate or iso- § 236.531 Trip arm; height and dis- lated power supply. tance from rail. [49 FR 3386, Jan. 26, 1984] Trip arm of automatic train stop de- vice when in the stop position shall be RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS; ROADWAY maintained at a height above the plane of the tops of the rails, and at a hori- § 236.526 Roadway element not func- zontal distance from its center line to tioning properly. gage side of the nearest running rail, in When a roadway element except accordance with specifications of the track circuit of automatic train stop, carrier.
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