GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITYI Considerable cloudiness and scattered showers to­ day. Somewhat cooler tonight with the low tem­ owaJll perature about 40. Cloudy and warmer tomorrow. No. 19-~P News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Wednesday. Oct. IS. 1945-Five Cents · '':-. -n· .' r .... ill Ir, * "* '* * * * * * * ow ~ards Clip Boston, 4-3, For Crimes Against Humanity No.2 Nazi OIl Takes Poison · " • 110 Win World Series In Jail Cell ST. LOUIS (JP)-An almost un­ By GAYLE TALBOT Culberson, Boston center fielder, "' believable piece of base running and had plenty of time to nail the 10 Others of 'Hitler ... bY Enos (Country) Slaughter and raced all the way home from first flying "Country," but for' some slout·hearted relief pitching by base with the winning run in the inexplicable reason he "froze" and ~ang' Go to Death Hant (The Cat) Brecheen in the eighth inning on a Simple line held the ball just long enough to On Nuernberg Scaffold nin~ inning enabled the St. Louis drive into centerfield by Harry enable Slaughter to slide in under , Cardinals to pull out a thrilling 4 Walker on which any runner ex­ the throw. ' to 3 victory yesterday in thc cept a Cardinal would have pulled As exciting a championship N ERNBERG , Wednesday = deGtding game of the World Series. up at third. play-off as perhaps evcr was ,(AP) - Hermann Goering, the Slaughter, catching the Boston Johnny Pesky, Red Sox sbort­ fought out ended some 10 minutes o. 2 man of the dead Nazi 1'e­ Red Sox completely by surprise, stop, took the relay from Legn later as Brccheen quelled a last­ gime, cheated the noo c by tak· ditch Boston rally and retired the ing poison ill his prison cell last J. * * * last three batters in succession night, but 10 otller Hitler * * * with the tying and winning runs henchmen p til n g e d to til!'il­ on the bases. deaths on lhc gall ow:,; eady 10- Brecheen, by relieving his day in expiation of war crimes. close pal, Murry Dickson. In the Col. B. C. Andl'UR, . curily elrhth frame and getting credit ell ief fot· llerllbf'rg prison, for the triumph, became the made this au.noullcemeuL rela­ ninth pitcher in series history to win three eames. tive to Goet'ing: Dickson, who was beaten in the .. Goering wa!; not hanged, he opening game of the series, got committed sujcide aL 10 :45 p. m. off to a shaky start when the two (3:45 p . m. CST) last night by opening Sox hitters, Wally Moses ,U88ENTROP .' STREICHER SE YSS-INOUA RTT ROSEN8ERG KALTENBRUNNfIl FRANK taking cyanide of potassium." and Johnny Pesky, rifled through "He was discovered at once by . the center, and one of them, the sentinel who watched and Moses, scored on DiMaggio's long heard him make an odd noise and ny. twitch," Andrus continued. "The sentinel called the doctor and ,. The Cards tied it up in the sec­ ond when Whitey Kurowski led Miles( Assai!s Jackson Calls Tria-Is chaplain who were in Ule corri­ '~ I oft with a double, reached third dor and who iound him dying. ,-t on an infield out, and ounted on "There were pieces of glass in Walker's 10ft to Ted Williams. his mouth and an odor of cyanide There Il remained uDUI the of potassium on his breath." fifth, when the flock suddenly C~DINALS ENOS SLAUGHTER, Harry Walker. Harry Breeheen Great Moral Advance '" " I fell on Ferriss with a salvo of ~~~iI:::algn Andrus.announoed. that all the ali6 Mana,er Eddie Dyer (left to right) let off steam after their team four hits, one of them a double other Nazis, sentenced by the in­ wtIIln tbe World Series yesterday. (AP WIREPHOTO) by Dlpkson. that put two scores DES MOINES (JP)-Frank Miles, WASHINGTON (11") - Justice national law what Woodrow Wil­ which bring a new hope to men of ternational military tribunal on across and brought Joe Dobson Democratic nominee for governor, Robert H. Jackson said last night son described as 'the kind of vital. good will and from which futUre Oct. 1 lor wa.r crimes, crimes to tl)e rescue. declared last night "the reaction- that "the Nuernberg trial may ity it can only have if it is a real statesmen will not lightly depart. agalnst the peace and crimes !:fal Wagner, Boston catcher, ary Republicans in complete con- constitute the most important expression of our mor.jll judg­ The standards by which the Ger­ aeainst huma.nity, were banged. CaBle Prices Shoot Upward was lifted for Pinchhitter Rip trol of our state government are moral advance to grow out of this ment.' ., mans havc been condemned will • • • "Goering's hands did not go be­ ~. Russell to lead off the elgh th, and be fora. t.he voters with a do-no- war." Saying "we cannot doub.t that become the condemnation of any neath the blankets and were not " ", (See SERIES, page 5) thing ' record, a promise-nothing ~n a report as United . States they strengthen the bulwarks of nation that is faithless to them." ,:i) platform and a say-nothing cam- .c hlef prosccutor, Jackson told peace and. tolerance," he added. Jaokson, resigning as United observed to go to his mouth," An~ Meat "The four nations through their States chief counsel for the pro­ drus said. "A'h investigation is Iii·Wake of Decontrol paign." Pres i de~t . Truman the trial ~nd ." · t THE *BOX * *SCORE ~ .. J'~ Reading of the Republican and the deCISion condemmng 1 L high prosecutors and through their rep­ secution. said any report would now going on to learn how he .', BOilon AB II. Hisi. .Louls A8 II. 11 Moses, rf • I IISchoen'.t. 2b 4 0 2 Democratic state platforms, Miles N~zi s ~ death. "do mo~e than. any­ resentatives on the tribunal, have be Incomplete which faiJed to could conceal the poison when he WASHINGTON (JP) - Cattle through the abandonment of meat Pesky, S5 4 0 I I Moore, cf 4 0 I continued in remarks prepared for thmg In our time to give to mter­ enunciated standards of conduct take account of the "general was subject to daily and rigorous , Y prices so"llred yesterday and the subsidies along with price con­ DIM·gglo. cf 3 0 I '<".1. ,. Ib ,n I , " WnUams, 1C 4 0 O'Slaughter, rf 3 1 1 war crimes work that rema.lns searches, both of his clothes and stock market shot up 011 the pros­ trols. An official said it appears a radio address, "shows Democra­ " ~ Culb'son, cf 0 0 0IKuroWSkl, Sb 4 1 I undone." his person. The cyanide was con­ pect that America's whole struc- that only $20,000,000 of $400,000,- York. lb 4 0 I Oar881010, C 3 0 0 tic eagerness to do for Iowa and xxxC'mpb'1I 0 0 0 Rice, c I 0 0 reactionary Republican reluctance A very large number of Ger· tained in a small cartridge case , lure of wage and price control is 000 which has been authorized for Doerr. 2b 4 0 2 Walker. U 3 1 2 Yugoslavia Boycotts Peace Conference similar to those found before on toppling fast. subsidies will now be spent. Higgins, 3b 4 0 0 Marlon. ss 2 0 0 to move forward." mans who have participated in the H. W'gner, c 2 0 0 Dickson. p 3 I I crimes remains unpunished," he other Nazis and like the one lound President Truman's reluctant ><Russell I 1 I Brecheen, p' 1 0 01 said. "Ther~ are many industrial­ on him a year ago last May at push that sent all livestock and Parlee, c I 0 0 Gov. Blue Repudiates In Dramatic Withdrawal as Parley Ends GOP Chairman Reece Ferriss, p 2 0 0 ists, militarists, politicians, diplo­ Mondorf prison. At that time it meat controls to the scrap heap Dobson, 11 0 0 01 Any Support From PAC mats, and police officials whose was hidden in a can of nescafe." Ridkules Democratic xxMetkovlch 1 1 1 PARIS (IP}-The Paris Peace lite nations- ItalY, Romania, Hun­ had swift and sweeping repercus- FORT DODGE (JP)-Gov. Ro ­ guilt does not differ from those Kingsbury Smith, representing 610ns. Klinger. p Q 0 0 co nference, boycotted In a drama- gary, Bulgaria and Finland. Handling of Meat Issue Johnson. p 0 0 0 bert. D. Blue declared here in an who have been convicted except the combined American press, said The meat-eating public faced xxxxMcB'de 1 0 01 tic lIth hour withdrawal by the Yugoslav Vice Premier Edvard that their parts were at lower Joachim Von Ribbcntrop, the Ger­ WASHINGTON (JP)-Republican address last night that "in a large the prospect of getling mote meat Tolal. ;; alii Tol.. l. 31 4 9 degree the chaos in America toda:)' Yugoslav delegation, adjourned Kardelj, said in a letter to the level~ and have been less conspic. man foreign minister before and fairly soon-perhaps within ten Chairman Carroll Reece declared KBatted (or H. Wagner in 8\h the empty bloc of Yugoslav seats uous." during the war, was the first man last night that if the Truman ad­ xxBatted for Dobson In 8th results from the adoption by the yesterday afternoon, and many days-but at prices that are bound xxxRan for York in Olh yesterday that his country could Jackson advised that Brig. Gen, to die. While awaiting the placing lo reflect yesterday's first burst ministration had listened to ad­ xxxxBatted for Johnson In 91h administration of policies spons- delegates left immediately for the not sign the treaty with Italy un­ of the black hood over his hcad, vice of Republican congressmen Boston ...................
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