Heavy Weather TActics-3-19IX.fm Page 664 Monday, September 20, 1999 11:17 PM INDEX INDEX Numerics Atlantic Privateer ............... 387, 388 Bandit .......................................43, 47 500mb charts .........58, 93, 189, 656 ATN spinnaker snuffer .............. 151 bare poles .. 67, 130, 169, 204, 291, Australia .......................................98 Attenborough 293, ...302, 303, 307, 388, 489, 504, dynamic fetch warning signs ......250 Sea Brake ................................... 477 527, .............................. 544, 547, 606 Europe ........................................100 Sea Drogue ................................. 428 too dangerous ..............................275 extratropical storm tracks ...........196 Austral Islands ............................ 518 Barßeur .........................................498 Sydney-Hobart Race ...................262 Australia ...................................... 492 baroclinic storm see bent back warning signs ................................61 500mb fax charts .......................... 98 warm front Adelaide ..................................... 292 barometer A Bass Straits ................................. 287 abnormal ßuctuations .................187 abandon ship ....................... 604, 655 Brisbane-Gladstone race ............ 295 compression zones ......................188 due to dangerous state of interior 615 Cairns-Port Moresby races ......... 295 falling ..........................................128 later found aßoat ......171, 399, 419, Canberra SAR ............................ 567 log ...............................................310 551, .......................... 638, 650, 660 compression zones ..................... 188 plotting ........................................197 practice procedure ......................486 East Australian Current ..... 282, 303 reset needle for rate of change .....555 Salacia ..........................................79 Eden ..........................274, 291, 380 signals change with latitude ..........85 written plan ........................ 567, 651 Gabo Island ....................... 288, 304 Bass Straits 199, 262, 270, 282, 287, abandon ship bag ........ 60, 564, 566 current .................................... 299 .........................................................302 accessible and dry .......................658 Hamilton Island Regatta ............. 295 batteries inaccessible ................................566 Lord Howe Races ....................... 295 danger in knockdown ..................109 lost during raft rollover ...............169 Melbourne 199, 270, 274, 284, 565 dumping acid ..............................504 pack well ....................................639 Met Bureau 61, 192, 261, 264, 282, heavy weather preparation ..........615 Abel, Dan .....................................588 ..................................................... 284 meteorology ........................ 48, 283 Bay of Biscay ...124, 354, 386, 464, Able Apogee 50 .............................30 499, .............501, 508, 517, 601, 639 ABS ...............................................633 Middleton Reef ............................ 58 Montague Island, abeam ............ 269 equinoctial gale ...........................637 Ace Sailmakers ...........................434 gale .............................................626 Adaman Sea (internal wave phe- New South Wales ......................... 60 coast ........................................ 283 BBC radio forecast .....................637 nonemena) ...................................225 Newcastle .......................... 491, 571 beam Adams 50 ............................ 540, 546 Port Davey .................................. 308 beam-to-length ratio ..........609, 641 AdmiralÕs Cup .............................502 Port Douglas Regatta .................. 295 moderate .....................................657 Adventure Sailing .......................520 Queensland .................................. 60 mulihulls .....................................627 AFR Midnight Rambler ..275, 287, 290 coast .......................................... 62 beating .........27, 161, 196, 617, 660 photo ...........................................289 South Australian current .... 189, 567 on multihulls ......................388, 395 Africa ............................................616 Southeastern Australia current ... 260 storm canvas ................................133 black southwester off coast .........355 Sydney Harbor ........................... 300 Beggs, Robert ..............................637 from Gib to Canaries ..................509 Sydney Heads ............................. 305 Belmont Harbor ..........................534 see also South Africa Sydney-Hobart Race .................. 295 Beneteau Aghulas Current .......113, 177, 181, Sydney-Maloolabah Race .......... 295 Oceanis 351 ................................652 183, .............................. 189, 328, 632 Tasmania .......... 199, 264, 275, 494 Oceanus 390 ...............................637 Aka .................................... 30, 51, 56 Victoria .............................. 282, 283 Benmar pilot ................................162 alcohol Police helicopter ..................... 297 bent back warm fronts .. 59, 94, 189 for coping with stress ..................650 warm ocean currents .................. 189 Beowulf ..... 83, 144, 162, 172, 320, for drying electronics ..................573 weatherfaxes ................................ 92 462, ..................... 467, 482, 485, 596 Alden, John ......................... 520, 521 Australian sea brake ................... 431 Beowulf III ...................................534 Aldernay race ....414, 498, 499, 500 Automated Mutual Assistance Ves- Beowulf V ....................................535 Aldis lamp ............................... 55, 82 sel Rescue (AMVAR) ................ 560 Berg, Dave and Mary ....................37 Aleutians ......................................515 autopilot .... 505, 541, 542, 546, 548 Bermuda ............ 465, 490, 520, 521 Algimouss ....................................561 broach ........................................ 160 Bertelone, Vince ..........................516 connected to bow thruster ........... 629 Allez Cat .................... 569, 570, 571 Biewenga, Bill ........... 530, 553, 555 failure ........................................... 29 almanac bight of line ....... 432, 516, 519, 521 in waterproof bag ........................573 gain boost ................................... 162 Robertson ................................... 125 bilgepump ....................................109 AmericaÕs Cup ............................103 electric .................................70, 295 meteorologists ..............................97 set to compass course ................. 516 see also WH manual ..........................................60 Andaluz, Morgan and Fabian ...476 Avon life rafts .............................. 646 bilges Annapurna .............29 35 101 102 , , , AXM/AXI fax stations ................ 47 debris ..........................................302 Antarctica .263 456 464 511 518 keeping clear ...............................658 , , , , , Azores .........................125, 131, 517 561, ................................................569 store heavy items here to add stability necklace of lows .........................553 B 329 Apocalypse ..................................500 B52 ............................................... 295 Bin Rouge .135, 267, 281, 287, 346 Aqua Lift ......................................421 back staysail ....................... 156, 658 steering through wave crests .......380 Argentina Badham, Roger ........................... 283 Black Buenos Aires ..............................553 Bahamas ............................. 456 510 Billy ............................................541 , Julie ............................ 78 102 595 meteorologists ............................528 Bailey, Adam ...................... 522 585 , , , Blackjack ......................................622 ARGOS ............................... 558, 566 bailing ....... 302 305 473 566 568 , , , , blade jibs ........................................27 Aries windvane ...86, 161, 182, 328 with buckets ...................... 214, 607 Around Alone Race ....................540 with makeshift bailers ................ 169 Blue Jay ...................................29, 30 monohulls ...................................503 ballast chamber (in raft) ............ 659 Blythe, Chay ................................147 Aspialla, Doris and Ussi ............355 Baltic Sea ..................................... 124 boatspeed .....37, 44, 46, 50, 65, 84, 101, .............178, 198, 298, 311, 554 664 Heavy Weather TActics-3-19IX.fm Page 665 Monday, September 20, 1999 11:17 PM INDEX and large waves .......................... 198 minimizing effect of ....................371 Western .......................................599 and rudder control ...................... 159 mulithiull ....................................392 catamarans ...................................525 control downwind ...................... 608 on powerboats .............................411 C-class ........................................534 control with engine .................... 276 steering control ...........................608 CSK ................................... 516, 569 Þnding a groove .......................... 546 Wandering Star ...........................472 D-class ........................................535
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