PAGE TWENTY— MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Fri,. Sept. 8, 1978 ’ —------*------- 1----.7 -.-r- Source of Leak Sought Grass© Endorses Spending Limits NEW HAVEN (UPI) — The Coast Guard continued to March for the source of a jet engine fuel leak on the New — HARTFORDHARTirORD (UPI)/ItRT) — WhistlingWhicftirwr thetka Gra.QCO ThlircHov aica an/lnnonrl . Good Morning Have A Nice Day! Grasso Thursday also endorsed con­ in command for even suggesting Connec­ Haven waterfront today. same fiscal restraint tune as the stitutional limit on spending and a ban on there’s a chance she might come out with ticut should be looking at an income tax as Coast Guard Comdr. John Harrald said ’Thursday the pretenders to her throne, Gov. Ella an income tax. The governor also hinted a detailed plan if a special commission a possible revenue source. leak was discovered Wednesday night on a routine harbor Grasso has wholeheartedly endorsed con­ that Sarasin and Killian were just suppor­ she appointed to look into fiscal matters Killian has said he opposes an income search for the source of a heating oil leak that they have stitutional amendments limiting govern­ ting the fiscal restraint proposal to win finishes its report by then. tax, but one may eventually be necessary been looking for since March. The Weather ment spending and outlawing a state in­ votes. On another front, the governor said the come tax. ' because Mrs. Grasso has left the state in “I’m very interested to see they are financial trouble. state needs “a new vehicle” to resolve Variable cloudiness today with high On Wednesday, Lt. Gov. Robert Killian, proposing limits on spending,” Mrs. “This (an income tax) appears to be in­ teacher contract disputes. NATIVE PEACHES temperatures in the low 70s. Fair tonight with Mrs. Grasso’s opponent in next Tuesday’s Grasso said sarcastically at the opening of lianrljPHtpr €iipniun Hpralft lows around 50. Partly sunny Sunday with highs 70 evitable in his scheme of things,” she Democratic gubernatorial primary, came her weekly news conference at the said. Norwalk and Bridgeport currently face EXCELLENT FOR FREEZING « CANNING to 75. Chance of rain 10 percent today and tonight. out for a constitutional ceiling on state Capitol. teacher walkouts. The teachers have said RED GRAVENSTERN Outlook: Cloudy with chance of rain Monday, en­ budget increases. So did the Republican Asked why a constitutional amendment A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 The governor noted that Sarasin, a was needed to ban an income tax, Mrs. they will ignore any court order telling ding Tuesday. Fair Wednesday. National weather nominee for governor. Rep. Ronald three-term congressman from the finan­ them to go back to work. and map: page 15. Sarasin. R-Conn. Grasso replied, “ I think we must keep it MILTON APPLES Vol. XCVII, No. 289 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday, Sept. 9, 1978 Home delivered copy 15 cents cially depressed Naugatuck Valley, voted ban income tax) away and we must dis­ But the Beacon Falls congressman went for a bill containing an income tax when “I think we need to establish adequate SWEET APPLE CIDER Newsstand copy 20 cents one step further than Killian and an­ courage attempts to bring it closer.” machinery to settle our disputes and we he was a state legislator in 1971. Sarasin and Killian have both accused nounced he was launching a petition drive don’t have that machinery now,” she said. “And now he’s against an income tax,” the governor of not endorsing a specific FERRANDO ORCHARD to outlaw a state income tax. But the governor stopped short of endor­ Mrs. Grasso said with mock surprise. proposal to limit spending before the BIRCH MOUNTAIN RD., QLA8T0NBURY At her weekly news conference, Mrs. Mrs. Grasso also chastized her second sing binding arbitration in stalemated 3 M IIm B«yond vno** RMtaurant November election. Mrs. Grasso said contract talks. Auditors GSA Managers Caution On Leases HARTFORD (UPI) - In Big Shakeup The board created to police SPECIAL r SAVINGS / state leasing should avoid _______ (FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY!) * approving any future deals WASHINGTON (UPI) - Twenty all summer by charges of widespread friend and adviser, attorney Charles similar to the one involving federal building managers of the corruption and mismanagement. Kirbo of Atlanta, would monitor the a Hartford building, claim scandal-plagued General Services This latest development followed a GSA investigation for the president. Administration have been reassigned personnel shakeup two weeks ago “He (Carter) just asked me to look state auditors. to other positions as part of a major In their review of the SAVE AN EXTRA when Solomon named Walter V. at it and advise him on it,” Kirbo personnel shakeup, GSA announced Kallaur, his assistant administrator, said in Atlanta Friday. He declined state Properties Review Fine Translucent Friday. Board, the auditors 25% OFF to replace John F. Galuardi as head further comment. Thursday told the Our Regular Prices The reassignments were ordered of region three. Said Dole, “ By calling in his watchdog agency it “effective immediately” as grand Kallaur in turn named Myers as his closest friend, Charles Kirbo, the “should reject or return jury investigations in Washington PBS commissioner and then selected president has confused the issues in­ d e t e c t o and Baltimore probed widespread for further negotiation all Bathroom Scales Leonard A. Sheppard as com­ volved and undercut those officials lease proposals that fraud and bribery charges involving missioner of the Federal Supply Ser­ who have the responisibility to in­ the multi-billion dollar government vice. deviate substantially” 5.99To13a99 vestigate and prosecute ... it is clear plates, soup bowif ®nner building and maintenance agency. Meanwhile, two Republican that someone with independence is from standard leasing GSA Administrator Jay Solomon procedures. OurReg.7.99t®l®-^ *-PPS, saucers Plates senators called Friday for a special needed and that Mr. Kirbo is not the has said he expects the investigations prosecutor free of White House in­ Auditors Leo Donohue Wide assortment ot wiors to man." and Henry Becker said to produce indictments against at fluence to supervise investigation of Carter asked Kirbo “ to help HEAD & SHOULDERS Shampoo implement every d least 50 employees and office supply the burgeoning GSA scandal. their recommendation was 7 oz. tube or llo z . Lotion . - - / ‘ ’ r\ monitor and observe the GSA in­ based on the experience Our R«f. 2.66................................l . f 0 ?rrm rnt^Uional. and building-maintenance com­ Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., a vestigation, " White House’s deputy panies. stemming from the leasing presidential hopeful, and Sen. press secretary Rex Granum an­ GSA spokesman Peter Hickman of a b u ild in g at 80 William Roth, R-Del., issued nounced late Thursday, indicating TYLENOL Extra-Strength said the 20 building managers in the statements a day after it was an­ “the importance the president places Washington St. 50 Caps or 60 Tablets ^ mn Bright Lights at Wapping Fair Washington, D.C., area were Contrary to state leasing OurR«f. 2.14............................ 1 . 4 3 nounced President Carter’s close on the matter.” transferred “effective immediately” procedures, the state The ferris wheel and amusement rides light on this weekend off Rye Street. (Herald photo to other GSA posts within the GSA’s agreed to pay rent before LEM ON U P Shampoo up the night sky Friday at the Wapping Fair by Chastain) Region 3, which includes the District occupancy and also agreed 10 Qz. Size, Rat. 1.74............1 . 0 1 in South Windsor. The annual event is going to pay for all maintenance of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland, Both Democrats services and half of the Delaware, Pennsylvania and West renovations. SCHICK Super II Virginia. Twin Blades Last July, Donohue and Replacements for the transferred Pkg.O(5,Rcc.l.31....88* managers were also immediately Point to Record Becker charged the deal to Worker Status named by John T. Myers, regional rent the former auto commissioner of GSA’s Public NEW HAVEN (UPI) - In their increases and fiscal belt tightening showroom near the Capitol STAYFREE Maxi-Pad Building Service. last debate, the two Democratic with one year of surplus giveaways to was costing taxpayers INSTAPURE Filtration Feminine Napkins TOASTMASTER GENERAL The GSA described the changes gubernatorial candidates Friday “buy” votes. thousands of dollars more ASBefUcu, o System by Water PIk offered the same reason why they “In each case, the fourth year is than necessary. Ref. 3.39...............Z.OD Flip-Over Oven Broiler ELECTRIC To Interim Job Plan “as part of an ongoing effort to im­ "Galaxle 12’ prove GSA’s service to its clients, the deserve to win their party's nomina­ the disastrous year ’ because it leads The five-year agreement [ion 18.76 Our Rat. 26.9t 2-Slice Automatic Toaster tion— Ella Grasso’s record as gover­ to another three years of tax in­ to rent the 50,(X)0 square 17.44 Our Rat. 23.99 Portable Typewriter By SUSAN VAUGHN Congress is expected to provide at additional $2,000 could be made on other federal agencies.’’ KERI LOTION for Purifies water without removing But sources within the agency said nor. creases," Killian said. foot building at |129,500 an­ important minerals! Reduces sus- Broils and grills in one position Our R tf. 15.97 Herald Reporler least additional temporarv funds for firewood. D ry Skin 6‘/4 0 z . __ 13.70 the latest personnel shakeup was “This has been an administration “Every year virtually two-thirds of nually was approved last lended particles, sediment. ...just flip It over to toast Shade selector toasts to 109.70 Our Raf. 124.70 The 11-member forestry crew CETA by Oct.
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