·. • 3746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. APRIL 4, Company E, Eleventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and poses to place on the pension roll the name of John B. Fairchilcl, to pay him a pension of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now· late of Company C, One hundred and twenty-third Regiment Ohio recei vi n O'. Volunteer Infantry, and to pay him a pension of $24 per month in The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered lieu of that he is now receiving. to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. 'I'he bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered EMMA B. REED, to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The bill (H. R. 744.5) granting a pension to Emma B. Reed JOHN C. RAY. was considered -as in Committee of the Whole. It proposes to The bill (H. R. 7488) granting a pension to John C. Ray was place on the pension roll the name of Emma B. Reed, the per­ considered as in. Committee of the Whole. It proposes to place manently helple s daughter of Edgar C. Reed, late of Company I, on the pens.ion roll the name of John C. Ray, late pilot of the One hundred and twenty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volun­ U. S. steamers Champion and Sp1'ingfield, and to pay him a pen- teer Infantry and to pay her a pension of $12 per month, such ~ion of $.24 per month. · pension to be paid to the duly constituted guardian or trustee of The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered such child. to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered ELIZ.A.BETH KEIFF. to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The bill (H. R. 4681) grantin~ an increase of pension to Eliza­ CHARLES WEED. beth Keiff was considered as in Committee of the Whole. It pro­ The bill (H. R. 5169) granting an increase of pension to Charles poses to -place on the pension roll the name of Elizabeth Keiff, Weed was considered as in Committee of the Whole. It proposes widow t>f Patrick Keiff, late corporal, Company A, Sixth Regi­ to place on the· pension roll the name of Charles Weed, late of ment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and to pay her a pension of Company E, Twenty-seventh Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer $12 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. Infantry, and to pay him a pension of sao per month in lieu of The bill was reported to the Senate without ·amendment, ordered that he is now receiving. to a third reading, read the third time, and passed: The bill was i·eported to the Senate '\vithuut amendment, ordered EMMA G. SARGENT. to a third reading, read the ~hird t4ue, and passed. The bill (S. 36) granting an increase of pension to Emma G. ROBERT BOSTON. Sar~ent was conside1·ed as in Committee of the Whole. The bill (H. R. 3775) granting an increase of pension to Robert The bili was reported from the Committee on Pensions with an Boston was considered as in Committee of the Whole. It pro­ amendment, in line 8, after the word '•Infantry," to insert ''and poses to place on the pension roll tha name of Robert Boston late Company A, Seventeenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer captain of Company F, First Battalion, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry;" so as to make the bill read: Cavalry, and Company A, Twenty-fourth United States Colored Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provi-· Volunteer Infantry, and to pay him a pension of $50 a month in sions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Emma G. Sarg~nt, lieu of that he is now receiving. widow of Josiah H. Sargent, late of Company B, Second Regiment New The bHl was r t-ported to the Senate without amendment, ordered Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, and Company A, Seventeenth .Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. s1a per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. HORACE B. DURA.i.~T. The amendment was agreed to. The bill (H. R. 6885) granting an increase of pension to Horace The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amend­ B. Durant was considered as in Committee of the Whole. It pro­ ment wa.s concurred in. poses to place on the pension roll the name of Horace ~. Durant, The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the late assistant surgeon, One hundredth Regiment Pennsylvania third t ime. and passed. · Volunteer Infantry, and to pay him a pension of $30 per month Mr. GALLINGER. I move that the Senate adjourn. in lieu of that he is now receiving. The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 o'clock and 37 minutes The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered p. m.) the Senate adjourned unti). to-morrow, Thursday, April 5, • to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. 1900, at 12 o'clock m. LUTBERIA. H. MAYNARD, The bill (H. R. 1800) gi·anting a pension to L~theria H. May­ NOMINATION. nard was considered as in Committee of the Who!e. .It proposes ExP.,,cutive nomination received by the Senate.April 4, 1900. to place on the pension roll the name of Lutheria R. Maynard, UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE. widow of John Tye. late a private <;>f Company A, Second Regi­ ment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and to pay her a pension of Smith McPherson, of Iowa, to be United States district judge . $12 a month. · . for the southern district of Iowa, vice J ohn.S. Woolson, deceased • The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. ABNER S. CRAWFORD. HOUSE OF .:REPRESENTATIVES. Theoill (H. R. 8610) granting an increase of pension to Abner WEDNESDAY, April 4, 1900. S. Crawford was considered as in Committee of the Whole. It proposes to place on the pension roll the name of Abner S. Craw­ The House met at 12 o'clock m., and was called to order by the ford, late musician of Company D, Fourteenth Regiment New Speaker. York Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and to pay him a pension of 524 Prayer by the aplain, Rev. HENRY N. COUDEN, D. D. per month in lien of that he is now receiving. The Journal the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap· The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered proved. • to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. .ALFRED DYER, By nnani ous consent, leave of absence was granted to Mr• The bill (H. R. 3863) granting an increase of pension to Alfred GREEN f , assachusetts, for five days, on account of sickness in Dyer was considered as in Committee of the Whole. It proposes family. to place on the pension roll the name of Alfred Dyer, late of &om­ GOVERNME~ FOR THE TERRITORY OF HAWAii. pany B, One hundred and fourteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer On motion of Mr. KNOX, the House re olved itself into Com­ Infanh'y, and to pay him a pension of $24 per month in lieu of mittee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, and resumed that be is now receiving. consideration of the bill (8. 222) to provide a government in the The bill was reported t6 the Senate witbout amendment, ordered Territory of Hawaii, with Mr. MOODY in the chair. to a third reading, read the third time, and P,!lSsed. Mr. McALEER. I yield thirty minutes to the gentleman from JAMES CRAWLEY. Ohio [Mr. McDowELL]. Mr. McDOWELL. Mr. Chairman, two :years ago, when the The bill (H. R. 6284) granting an increase of pension to James proposition of annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States ~ Crawley was considered as in Committee of the Whole. It pro­ was before Congress, I was opposed to annexation for what, in my pqses to place on the pension roll the name of James Crawley, late judgment, seemed very good reasons. of Company I, Seventh Regiment lllin01s Vohmteer Infantry, and First, annexation was desired by a very small proportion of the to pay him a pension of $20 per month in lieu of that he is now inhabitants of these islands, and these few desired it for selfi.sh receiving. · · and mercenary purposes. It was the "Dole oligarchy" or "fam· The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered ily compact" tllat had usurped all power to itself and now desired to a third reading, read the third time, and passed, to be perpetuated in power under the protection of the United JOHN B. FAIRCHILD. States. The bill (H. R. 5882) granting an increase of pension toJohnB. Second. I believed, as I now believe, that by making these is· Fair:::hild was considered as in Committee of tlie Whole. It pro- lands a. p~rt of the United States we bring the cheap Asiatic 1900. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3747 laborer into direct competition with the American laborer. To was a member of the Hawaiian commission and a member of the bring under our own flag 40.000 Japanese contract laborers and committee to consider and report on the judiciary.
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