Caymanian Friday, January 18, 2019 Issue No 325 www.caymaniantimes.ky Complimentary COMING SOON – FEBRUARY 2019 Advertising prices starting Caymanian Times Weekly Trader from $15 per week Your free Guide to Cayman Businesses, For more details email [email protected] Services, Real Estate, Specials and More or call 945 8463 / 9162000 or visit our office on #19 Walkers Road WEATHER Educating FORECAST Happy Birthday Rita all set Mr Howell for the stage By Lindsey Turnbull Anyone from the UK old enough to have enjoyed the �ilm Educating movieRita, starring comes Michaelto life at Caine the Prospect and Jul- ie Walters, are in for a treat as the as Cayman Drama Society is putting INSIDE Playhouse at the end of this month, THIS ISSUE on a production of the story with six EDITORIAL . Page 2 shows running from 24th January until... theContinued 2nd February. story on page 10 Stamping out Corruption Full story on page 3 >> Rita, played by Soraya Moghadass, and Frank, played by Adam Roberts POLICE & CUSTOMS NEWS . Page 4 Piers will not cause Flooding The Cayman Islands Government has addressed fears that the planned cruise berthing facility could exacerbate the month. �looding witnessed in George Town last leased a statement to address misplaced fearsThe thatPWD the Major planned Projects cruise Of�ice berthing has re- Arrest at airport facility and cargo port could exacerbate After uncharacteristically extreme TECHNOLOGY . Page 8 �looding in instances of extreme weather. weather last month resulted in �lood- ing in George Town, some Cayman resi- dents became concerned that the �lood- ing could be exacerbated following the construction of two new piers. This is incorrect and the Cayman Is- soughtlands Government, specialised expertisethrough thefrom PWD the Major Projects Of�ice, has already project’s marine engineers to con�irm. The Chief Project Manager for the Ma- They’ll make your eyes pop! jor Projects... Continued Of�ice, Peter story Ranger, on pagesaid: 3 Enjoycomprehensive cover with free roadside assistance, RoadUser $200 deductible, zero windscreen deductible and many other free benefits! Ask for a quote! BRITISH CAYMANIAN INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED BritCay House, 236 Eastern Avenue, George Town, P.O. Box 74, KY1-1102 Tel. 949-8699 Call 949-8699 cgigrp A member of Colonial Group International Ltd. : insurance, health, pensions, life www.britcay.ky EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICES PAGE 2 Friday, January 18, 2019 | Issue No 325 C�������� T���� EDITORIAL COMMUNITY NOTICE Stamping out corruption Dengue Prevention and theOver norm the to seepast reports two Awareness Urged ofyears, allegations it has ofbecome fraud and corruption across or vaginal bleeding) are seen in a severe the public sector in the Local health of�icials are urging Cay- bleeding gums, blood in urine or stool, Cayman Islands. These man Islands residents to be aware of the symptoms of dengue as a precaution fol- dengueform of shockdengue syndrome. fever known as dengue lowing increased activity in the region. hemorrhagic fever, severe dengue or ranged from high rank- With the frequency of travel between ing of�icials to others importedthe Cayman cases Islands is a strongand other possibility. desti- The local Public Health Department who’veWhile takenmany the of oaththe nations in the region, the likelihood of has a year-round surveillance system accusedto uphold have the law.had their ready initiated response measures to that involves weekly monitoring of po- containThe Public the situationHealth Department should it arrive has al-to cianstential thatcases has of mosquitoproven very borne sensitive illness our shores. Key interventions include reported by public and private physi- day in court, the ques- beention broughtbegs as into to thehow light. pointed out that much of the progress when it comes to detecting dengue cas- many others whose deeds have not is However,stamping theout reportcorruption from has the been AG munications.continued active surveillance, infection inges, Dr.symptoms Williams-Rodriguez of dengue after notes. travelling Auditor General noted that corruption made in the areas of investigation and prevention and control and risk com- All residents and visitors experienc- A recent report by the Of�ice of the dence indicating any cases of Dengue sion of dengue should immediately see “Currently there is no report or evi- ato doctor a country and withreport established their travel transmis- history. has been identi�ied as one of the most enenforcement. the overall “Tackling effectiveness the issue of thebe- the risk is considered high due to the important problems facing the world fore it happens could further strength- Fever in the Cayman Islands, however mour voiced his appreciation for the today, not just Cayman. However, our it added. highlyMinister sensitive for Health detection Hon. Dwayne system Sey- of thisreaders regard. would not take any solace country’s anti-corruption initiatives,” high level of travel between the Cayman knowing that Cayman has company in nian Times encourages government to Islands and neighboring territories, cur- importance of personal responsibility Against this backdrop, The Cayma- rently being impacted by Dengue Fever,” the Public Health, and underscored the This newspaper applauds our au- said Acting Chief Medical Of�icer and Islands to date has only experienced thorities for initiatives like the An- move quickly to implement The Stand- Medical Of�icer for Health Dr Samuel to avoid mosquito bites: “The Cayman ti-Fraud and Whistle-blower Policies beingards in passedPublic Lifemore Law, than which four has years been needWilliams-Rodriguez. to amplify surveillance for early number of cases in the region is rising. that are now in place along with the sitting on a shelf on Elgin Avenue since He added, “In this regard, there is the imported cases. At the same time, the anonymous whistle-blower hotline to Cayman’s image as a country serious established transmission should take toembolden light. those who have evidence of aboutago. Doing stamping so outwill corruption. help strengthen detection and appropriate response, As such, persons visiting countries with wrong-doing to bring these misdeeds and to/or increase protect awareness against introduction among the general population on ways to prevent, mosquito bite prevention measures when outdoors at all times.” and spread of the mosquito borne dis- These measures include wearing long easeease.” transmitted by female Aedes aegyp- sleeves, long pants and mosquito bite COMMUNITY NOTICE ti Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral dis- tialrepellent Aedes containing aegypti breeding at least grounds50% DEET. by include the acute onset of high fever and Persons should also eliminate poten- mosquitoes. Symptoms of the disease around their homes and other buildings. • Severe frontal headache turning over sources of standing water Local student wins the at least two of the following: • Pain behind the eyes In addition, the Mosquito Research • MuscleJoint pain and or bone pain toand identify Control and Unit eliminate will continue Aedes itsaegypti own 2018 Florida Caribbean • A rash (sometimes) may be visible breedingsurveillance grounds efforts, around and ongoingthe Islands. work • Nausea or vomiting (sometimes) Islands experienced three imported and Cruise Association two to �ive days after the onset of fever oneOver locally the lasttransmitted three years, case the of Caymandengue • Signs of bleeding (such as: pinpoint (FCCA) essay competition red or purple spots on the skin, nose- in 2016, no cases in 2017 and two im- bleed, ported cases in 2018. theSchools Caribbean in the and Cayman Latin America Islands incom- the ally in the junior division earning her- peted against 19 countries from within self a grand prize of US$3,000“What andcultur- an tion. Winner Xara Mon Desir of Cayman alequivalent aspects of amount the Cayman for the Islands school. should The 2018 FCCA Children’s Essay Competi- cruiseessay topicpassengers for 2018 experience?” was: Prep Primary School placed 1st region- Caymanian Caymanian Times Issue # 325 Publisher: Ralph Lewis Company: Lewis Cayman Islands Ltd #19 Walkers Road (next to Tomlinson Furniture) Telephone: 345 916 2000 L-R: David Wight, MLA, Councilor, Ministry of Tourism; Xara Mon Desir, Cayman Prep Email: [email protected], Primary School student and FCCA essay competition winner; Trish Taylor, Principal, Cayman Prep Primary School; and Gail Henry, Deputy Director Product Development, or [email protected] Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Website: www.caymaniantimes.ky LOCAL NEWS C�������� T���� Friday, January 18, 2019 | Issue No 325 PAGE 3 Piers Will Not Cause Flooding Could Reduce the Force of Incoming Waves ... Continued story from page 1 risk assessment is being undertaken to “A wave overtopping study and �lood for the areas to the North and South of ensure that �lood risk to George Town the new development will be no greater than exists at present and will be reduced wherever possible. Therefore, the �lood risk will not increase as a result of the new cruise berthing and cargo development.” rated“In theinto footprint the design of thatthe newdon’t develop- exist at ment wave walls have been incorpo- present to reduce wave overtopping and �looding in the cargo and cruise area in extreme weather conditions which will tecting thousands of jobs and boosting also protect central Georgetown.” The Of�ice also clari�ied that while the would call on the new piers in the ex- thefers amountbetween of the time cruise spent
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