2186 NOTICES stormwater treatment plant (SWTP) and their discharges. DELAWARE RIVER Treated effluent from the IWTP and SWTP will continue to combine prior to discharge by an existing stormwater BASIN COMMISSION conveyance system to the Schuylkill River at River Mile 92.47—78.29 (Delaware River—Schuylkill River), in Public Hearing and Business Meeting Muhlenberg Township, Berks County, PA. The application also includes a request to continue a total dissolved solids The Delaware River Basin Commission (Commission) (TDS) determination of 6,000 milligrams per liter (mg/l) will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 11, 2016. A (monthly average) and 7,500 mg/l (daily maximum) for business meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 15, the existing IWTP. 2016. The hearing and business meeting are open to the public and will be held at the Washington Crossing 4. NRG REMA, LLC—Titus Generating Station (TGS), Historic Park Visitor Center, 1112 River Road, D-1987-026 CP-4. An application to renew the approval of Washington Crossing, PA. the applicant’s existing industrial process water discharge Public hearing. The public hearing on May 11, 2016, associated with the TGS, and to update the docket will begin at 1:30 p.m. Hearing items will include: draft approval to reflect modifications to the facility operations dockets for the withdrawals, discharges and other water- associated with the closing of the TGS coal-fired generat- related projects subject to the Commission’s review; and ing units. The TGS will continue to discharge coal-ash resolutions: (1) adopting procedural guidelines for certain leachate discharge from the Beagle Club Ash Disposal determinations made under the Commission’s Water site by Outfall No. 004 to the Schuylkill River at River Quality Regulations; (2) approving the Commission’s an- Mile 92.47—71.3 (Delaware River—Schuylkill River) in nual current expense and capital budgets for the fiscal Cumru Township, Berks County, PA. The applicant has year ending June 30, 2017; and (3) apportioning among requested that the intermittent discharge from Outfall the signatory parties the amounts required for support of No. 004 continue to have an effluent limit of 3,500 mg/l of the current expense and capital budgets for the fiscal TDS (monthly average). year ending June 30, 2017. 5. Pennsylvania Utility Company, D-1989-033 CP-4. An Written comments on matters scheduled for hearing on application to renew the approval of an existing May 11, 2016, will be accepted through 5 p.m. on May 12, groundwater withdrawal (GWD) of up to 21.01 million 2016. After the hearing on all scheduled matters has been gallons per month (mgm) to supply the applicant’s public completed, and as time allows, an opportunity for open water supply distribution system from existing Wells Nos. public comment will also be provided. 1—3. The project wells are completed in the Towamensing Member of the Catskill Formation. The requested alloca- The public is advised to check the Commission’s web tion is not an increase from the previous allocation. The site periodically prior to the hearing date, as items project is located in the Little Bushkill Watershed in scheduled for hearing may be postponed if additional time Lehman Township, Pike County, PA within the drainage is deemed necessary to complete the Commission’s review, area of the section of the main stem Delaware River and items may be added up to 10 days prior to the known as the Middle Delaware, which the Commission hearing date. In reviewing docket descriptions, the public has classified as Special Protection Waters. is also asked to be aware that project details commonly change in the course of the Commission’s review, which is 6. Richland Borough, D-1992-001 CP-3. An application ongoing. to renew the approval of an existing GWD of up to 5.4 1. Deposit Village, D-1974-057 CP-4. An application to mgm to supply the applicant’s public water supply renew the approval of the docket holder’s existing 0.7 distribution system from existing Wells Nos. 2, 3, 6 and million gallons per day (mgd) wastewater treatment plant an existing spring source. Wells Nos. 2 and 3 are (WWTP) and its discharge. The WWTP will continue to completed in Crystalline Rock and Well No. 6 is discharge to the West Branch Delaware River at River completed in the Hardyston Formation. The requested Mile 330.71—14.5 (Delaware River—West Branch allocation is not an increase from the previous allocation. Delaware River) and is located within the drainage area The project is located in the Mill Creek Watershed in of the section of the main stem Delaware River known as Millcreek Township, Lebanon County, PA. the Upper Delaware, which the Commission has classified 7. Delaware County Regional Water Quality Control as Special Protection Waters, in the Village of Deposit, Authority (DELCORA), D-1992-018 CP-3. An application Broome County, NY. to renew the approval of the existing DELCORA Western 2. Pen Argyl Municipal Authority, D-1975-028 CP-4. An Regional WWTP and to renew the approval of a project to application to renew the approval of the existing 0.95 modify and rerate the WWTP. The project consists of mgd Pen Argyl Municipal Authority WWTP and its constructing an outfall extension to the existing WWTP, discharge. The WWTP will continue to discharge treated upgrading the WWTP sludge handling facilities, and effluent to an unnamed tributary (UNT) of Waltz Creek rerating the WWTP from 44 mgd to 50 mgd. The WWTP at River Mile 190.65—4.7—4.1—0.6 (Delaware River— will continue to discharge to Water Quality Zone 4 of the Martins Creek—Waltz Creek—UNT of Waltz Creek) in tidal Delaware at River Mile 80.7 in the City of Chester, the Borough of Pen Argyl, Northampton County, PA, Delaware County, PA. within the drainage area of the section of the main stem Delaware River known as the Lower Delaware, which the 8. Bart Golf Club, Inc., D-1992-024-3. An application to Commission has classified as Special Protection Waters. renew the approval of an existing surface water withdrawal of up to 11.37 mgm to irrigate the applicant’s 3. Exide Technologies, D-1976-097-4. An application to Hickory Valley Golf Course from an existing surface renew the approval of Exide’s existing 0.7 mgd industrial water intake on Swamp Creek. The requested allocation wastewater treatment plant (IWTP) and existing 0.4 mgd is not an increase from the previous allocation. The PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 46, NO. 18, APRIL 30, 2016 NOTICES 2187 project intake is located in the Swamp Creek Watershed drainage area of the section of the main stem Delaware in New Hanover Township, Montgomery County, PA. River known as the Middle Delaware, which the Commis- sion has classified as Special Protection Waters. 9. Village of Monticello, D-2001-005 CP-2. An applica- tion to approve an existing surface water and GWD 13. Central Wayne Regional Authority, D-1986-009 project to supply up to 27.9 mgm of groundwater from CP-4. An application to renew the approval of the ap- Wells Nos. 1—3; up to 47.43 mgm (1.53 mgd) of surface plicant’s existing 2.2 mgd Honesdale WWTP and its water from Intake No. 2 in Kiamesha Lake except that discharge, and to approve an expansion to the WWTP’s during the summer season when the allocation may be service area. The service area expansion project includes temporarily increased to 62 mgm (2 mgd); and the the construction of a low-pressure grinder pump system diversion of up to 360 million gallons per year of water to collect and convey sewage from the Village of White from a UNT of Kiamesha Creek into Kiamesha Lake for Mills, located in Texas Township, to an existing pump use in the docket holder’s public water distribution station located in the docket holder’s existing sewer system. The docket also approves an expansion of the collection system. No modifications to the WWTP treat- docket holder’s service area to include a new water ment facilities are proposed. The WWTP will continue to district located in the Town of Thompson, Sullivan discharge treated effluent to the Lackawaxen River at County, NY. Although all sources have been previously River Mile 277.7—24.6 (Delaware River—Lackawaxen approved by the State of New York, only the groundwater River), and is located within the drainage area to the supply was approved by the Commission. All allocations section of the main stem Delaware River known as the included in this docket are the same allocations previ- Upper Delaware, which is classified as Special Protection ously approved by the Commission or the State of New Waters, in the Borough of Honesdale, Wayne County, PA. York, or both. The wells are completed in unconsolidated 14. Pennsylvania American Water Company, D-1990- Pleistocene stratified drift in the Black Brook Watershed 028-2. An application to renew the approval of the in the Village of Monticello, Sullivan County, NY and the applicant’s existing 0.2 mgd Marcel Lakes WWTP and its surface water intake is located in the Sheldrake Stream discharge, and to approve a WWTP upgrade consisting of Watershed in the Town of Thompson, Sullivan County, the replacement of the existing influent pumping, NY within drainage areas of sections of the main stem headworks and gravity collection system for the WWTP. Delaware River known as the Upper and Middle Dela- The WWTP will remain designed for an annual average ware, which the Commission has classified as Special flow of 0.2 mgd, and will continue to discharge treated Protection Waters.
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