Malcolm X Part 13 of 38

Malcolm X Part 13 of 38

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION MALCOLM X LITTLE PART 10 OF 24 BUFILE 100 399321 FILE. DEscRlP_:lQN BUREAU FILE -' AnnIn092:nA 92/ /7-r7"/r ____L"l£1£. -E L,/"1 A A21//LQ Fl LE NO..__z0@-3<iZ32_/_.. __.__ E __S¢_§I/an E ff A _ 5"/.015 EEO:/@6 W, ___ / .. FD-3h|F92ov=d_-G-ll-Bl! ____ - . .t ... M t. an 7 § H L F . -Ih H ¢~.7 , I _-1-i 1 FBI ".,_-..a _ _ _ ~ ig- _ A Dme=1/29/Bk - » " 1 as*"-"=3 In-vi-a__ _ Transmit the iollowinq in u_ _, frypiilplailuzlorccil]____ _ i L hid p :0 -u-1-1 liq __ V i i Mr. T *1 " Y 1*-r C _* * i Tel ___... Priority orlethal ofItltlilg! sq 'll Q:B°?m_l,_....1 I ____ DIRECTOR, FBI 00-399321! _, / I FROM: SAC, NEH YORK05-899,9! - MALCOLM K: LITTLE aka Malcolm X,Malcolm Shabazz, Q Malik El Shabazz, Malik Shabazz M= IS - NOI _ OO:NEW YORK! Re Miami airtel dated 1/21/64. _ -92- I For the infomation of Miami, local NY newspapers §_* t1 e recen y carried stories which indicate that subject_ p has » "2 t a week inMiami, Florida,vacationing withhis wife BETTY, 1 ;.,:.92 their three young d htersaug . According to the articles, - 92--._ --,., b_ject- andhis family were the guests of heavyweight contender .; _s SIUS CLAY while in Miami . ,- ._§> Ln 1/21/6M. CLAY Thatand same evening, subjectreturned CLAYtogether wasby the guest plane of honorNYC and to 'speaker ' at a Dinner Social sponsored by the F01 and NC? of ' Mosque#7, NYC, held in Hockland Palace, 8th Avenue and 155th ,,92 st., NYC. Subjectdid not attend the , affair and CLAY reportedly - . interview r. <-_ returned to Miami the following day In a newspaper - mana ers did not know that he was making l lggactaythis trip to NYC, thatadvised and theyéffflitehis upsetabout it. 4 b On 12/ll/63,subject wastemporarily suspended/¥IOIleade ELIJAI-I M'U'HAI~lMADfor remarks subject made in 1_~P{Con 12/1/63, relative to the assassination of former President Since 06' Q _ §-Bureau 7% I M 3??? /-yo 3" 103 asJAN so sea 1- "lYrkNew 0 _, .. _-,. "1 W ji ""-*1ann1n§E*:§*-:#nnn 9! L »s~- ' ":1;» . _ p Apnrw-_r_ed:I -5! -I C-0' S9111 _____,,_,_ig _p,; _ p p :1 Speci ' Aqentin Charge 'i -' Te I}; p at-,5 --*. '.-V ~ ~.__ I-- '.{'f'.~-_ j I _. _ 1 = _1' I 31.,-saveV 'k. f . I .-H; 1- - ,_92 '2.- ._=" ' 1 ¢._- ---_'_. u_~ .. - .'I-:""*" , *;-.- 1. -- -- - 1.-~ i e-'.'r"::$-"--<-'1. 1 ~11 I - -9: 1-__,_; -_- f _ _ -.__3_ 92-_ . _1 -. ' _ :_ -.. K.-;"V ._;.. ",._.e:_H, -._--' ' . " '.' " . " '' " - J1 '-_' "Y. - ---- -_ _- " .'~' 1-' .. ' re 5 . ,, _ e -,--" 1- -' . <5 . .* . - _ _ . _ . 92''-~. _ - ~-I 1. -."'f=' ;.- _~ _ . I. 1_ __v'.'..' .- -~ _* _- .' . I $1 . _'. .- "{,*' ' e I . 1. - - __ _-....__'_ 0 »"r Is . l ' . _ '- '| 5 , ¢_. _,--ma. :_,=?~a¢~:*ss:_;-;_ -. .c. -",92_, , " ._ .4 "-92 j -. ~- ''»- ,-"r_r_ 'i. " 4 ¢ .-.u-. - - o L - I-'1". -1 1 . 9292I - J r".-' .1 I" _,- , -|_ q .__,_ , ._ II-1 _ _ ____ V.___ V. 1-A:*_ I - -.,._ . -._L 1- - . .._,"--_--~ . --.1.-»" 2 _ _ P . P _. Q", dmicisf-8999 |.. __ -'_ ,1, -5"-_. 2- v5;,!,_?§._}'_' .- "'. - __ >. _. _ ".92. w <_1:;v:_.._Q-__ H 7' 1. '- ;'.-.91 -.1. then.subJect »..»;v¢#;'¥3;§%¢P%w1s@3? ,.: 74.-;_--_ , if _ :"'_ *P- := ' ' av has _ .-_ ":_=.- e~.-.. - -a _~ .. _. " 92 * 1:3,..-.t~=- -. @513 . - A - _;: -92??.7'-.l:;..-__:s;92 :1 H U-an I vi . ->_,.. ;| "b'een_lforbidden to 'si>§aIc "1_n"p{=s1i'¢f_§s& no't"*-{$1 outwardly enga.ge_djin any JNOI a_.ctivit'y',"althoughéhe-is?sti11_elf considered the Ministeréof Mosque #7.":=._He has spent_h1s1;1me" '- P laxin in his Queens W, home and workin 5 on _ a bookg about j' _' the 9 N0I. 92 -in NY did not know oi._ his trip to O ~ .- 1 'V '1 C '-'.> --l N0l".sub;1e'ct "+1 "=1__1+;. :1; -_'"- 1." -<1._s ]to the -e "5T:_.,':'__h.§.-' _.<'._-'_f'__ *'. ,_ on A1/19 ._w1_t ésubjec , is identica.l_-..i* ' former - thea!r!cRace: - Sex: " " " 1: I i n Age: _ - . ' . 1962; Because .--_ - - ofHeight:his background " _ he has beenused by Mosque #7 to-at enpt . - > - to obtain , Weight ente I _ _ nt _ _ for ' 'several NOI é.ffairs.V _ _ H s"e 1 de7 scribed ' V There Complexion:'- is no photographe f 4=3nFfr*§?*J#e 5-31- r. Characteristics:- _. Y - .1; ---___c..:_.-.7;-t? -- -"_,.s~ 3 1 1J U . - - VD 92.-B1,?-';=_j_' -' ._ -.__ -.. .'. -" ' -.. its 92. - ._ . _ " _ -iaE_--'3' ".4 :i"; : 1 ' - V,-"4"-~.-'.." :75? E, r ;.. I ,:._;.rj:;:!:_:,;_;§_'_:__-_. .4- . <3 ;;-;~ -_w-.--=;-'-'..i'.L.r = -*5 . -"" .1 .- -.. 1,_-3' i _ Jf_s-.;'-1;" ,- . 4 . I ' .,.,_'A ._?g- '3 F 4 ' " ' is r - - a,'r§d ah s active.- . investigation is not being ofEavai1able,'r'co e _ on him by the NfYO:i_~ M since he holds noofficial NOI position. 7A review of his" fil_e"_._ _ - ; _ reflects no information -_._._'--.,_that would indicated he was travelingf-'-'-1-1 -;_'- -I - - - = I q An info * ationAhd'e{relo ' ii u Hi 0 's. B . visitand public to Miami, sources, y should berm including . Pfurnished" to newspapers, ymaml therelat1ve_t_o_subJect_"sNYO. rm- 11;.-,- 4. i. _ - L. - I - __._,? 7 ..- -_ - . ,1. 1...?-i .. -'-' --L.-_-'.r "' _ , '- . 'r., n I I . _ ..r .- "av is . __ '- , 9;,- ¢_ _¥ "x - A , , 1 _j».1-_ .2; - ;..-_- ,92¢ .1; ; ___V_t._A-_ ,3; if * fa '.>§;-'.~_ _,, _ '5 - 5 - a ' r. - ~ . =--A _ =1.--. -. .'f"¬."}-- -=- , '- -_ ~.--i .. "' '~ 9 - _,- I. -; . -_ .. - - -¢ __p-,- :_.'_.."-1-_. ' . _,; -. _ -_ _ -, -__ . 92_-_ _ _. -¢ Ir; , .. -J. - __,-. ..1.. _. -, »_ ¢ 1! _ -~ .. _{ kl 1 , .__ _-'- . _ ,; I . ' | ;"'92; ;'~, . _ -1 V . 2' . .1 1 =,_ '15 .'92 --.-* L» '1 _.. "PH: - . 4 1- . - " 0- __ __ _ - A _,. , H": m _.._;-. u _,-I -V ' I. -; ~-.p r- ,2 _ ... _- .-_ ----.. ,';¢--I - 1'--' " .»- .'' ' ,; -_: . :-"_'.'| -i T-1 f - '1 f" =' ' r I g»-en *0; 7 _ - _- - I1.-1' » V, he ecu - . _ ,.'-' V Y-1'!:'i _-_ "¬ 1" v _w1» _ _.I'e I-P. =_:_ ;__;_.:__-:-,___&;»._»_ 1». 7 . I ' ._ _ .1 '-_-~_,_ .-;,-7,4 2 ¬__- -1.1~_; _V5!.--T ¢_| §'_'__1-|'-1" I _ - ' . =" 0' I = _- 1!. '-'-."':$*-¢-*5"./_;"~§"¬j. _ , . _ F . -- ' BLIJAH HJBAHAD -e .1 - n nm=:muL SEURIW-iIOI,;'r_-_--.. » 4 _' . ..?- - 1- c 4 J 0 92.w.s.- -~ n - '' Eli eh luhunndthe leadero Bleekthe reef, Iuslin"_5T'-'1'-"-Q end his riucipnl Lieutenentlcelnmi itt have beensudng -*-».:-. 4%?W --. ~ since llulzamsdsilenced Littlep e ¥ 0 1-1111!3°! Ilklll=?»~'+s -.3: ' ~¢ ,.g,.r,.T L stupidill-tined and remarks-tothe ectefthnt thetesssssinltiel +4. of resident Kennedy gavehil Little! p1_¢_l$_11I'l- __1'._e , » ~ * ' um. is probehlyithe blastdynamic r»r¢e:ii11a¬m'-no 'Islnn N01!oi s kesmenin the novenent end the attachedneao :- whichworded is £2 most general terns could gossibli widenthe ritE; between Muhammadand Littleand possiblyresu t in l-_ t§1_¢F FPF1 .-i'- _ from the Ml. _'- -eu = 'K ;_tr'";-»i__i;'_.-..-..,.__-,xl-.'_;;_ -.._§_§3 1-. 1 V -. - -A Iintornationliset in enclosedhas 1 9" the subjectof considerable discussion withinthe N01 and itsdisclgsure v J- will not prejudice ourinvestigation or sources. __ _ U -4-. 92 ' _ ' - _V:.- - . .1 '=_ '_,_i r. 1;_' ..a.___¢ __ : . V _ r - , V _._~ _ » _ . ».. - _ _- ---._. - _ ¢ --. A , ,7 _ -.- _. _ .- .- , _ -" . ._~ ,»- .._-. - '-__.1! - V _ __ . ._, ~ _ '_ 92 I __ .._ _,_ .

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