Defence Infrastructure Organisation Princess Royal Barracks, Deepcut, Disposal Transport Assessment October 2012 AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited Disclaimer This report has been prepared in a working draft form and has not been finalised or formally reviewed. As such it should be taken as an indication only of the material and conclusions that will form the final report. Any calculations or findings presented here may be changed or altered and should not be taken to reflect AMEC’s opinions or conclusions. i Executive Summary Vision The redevelopment of Princess Royal Barracks (PRB) will create a new, sustainable and connected community at the heart of the rural village of Deepcut. The proposed scheme will be characterised by the unique, rural heathland and woodland setting of the site and a strong green infrastructure and public open space network. This will incorporate walking and cycling links to nearby local centres, public transport services, a new village green and recreation along the Basingstoke Canal towpath/ Frimley Lock. The vision for PRB includes a new residential led mixed-use settlement that contributes to a vibrant village centre with a supermarket and retail opportunities that will generate local jobs, support the existing local community and encourage interaction across Deepcut. A new primary school, nursery and health centre will be within walking and cycling distance of homes, encouraging sustainable travel and a new sports hub will generate community activity, local recreation and play. The attractive character of the Minden Ridge, Deep Cut and North Alma view will be retained and enhanced in order to encourage people into the heart of the village centre, along the canal and to the sports hub. High quality new homes will thread throughout the site in a natural way to create a contemporary interpretation of traditional Surrey village patterns. The proposed scheme will integrate into the existing residential areas to promote and strengthen a distinct identity for Deepcut. Purpose of this Report AMEC UK Ltd (Entec) has been commissioned by Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) to prepare a Transport Assessment (TA), which considers the potential impact resulting from a redevelopment of the Princess Royal Barracks (PRB) site in Deepcut, Surrey following the planned disposal of the site by the MoD which is currently scheduled to start in 2015 and be completed by 2018. The proposed development site is to the east of the existing settlement of Deepcut. It adjoins a recent residential development of 342 dwellings, a supermarket and community centre at Alma Dettingen Park (on land formerly occupied by Dettingen Barracks). This TA has been produced to support the hybrid planning application to Surrey Heath Borough Council (SHBC) as planning authority and Surrey County Council (SCC) as highway authority in their consideration of the effects of a redevelopment of PRB at Deepcut. It addresses: • The existing and future conditions for the surrounding transport infrastructure; • The development proposals; • The impact of the development on the surrounding transport infrastructure; and © AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited October 2012 H:\MOD Projects\#MOD Subfiles\22729 - DTR Package 2\22729-23 Deepcut disposal\2012\revised final TA and FTP 23 10 12\rr493i2.doc ii • The proposed mitigation that is considered to be required to implement the development. The assessment has been formulated against a background of discussion with both authorities and a community consultation process. In September 2009, Atlas (part of the Homes and Communities Agency) were appointed as an independent body to assist in the discussions with the authorities on all aspects of a proposed redevelopment and in the agreement of information required for the CDS process. A series of workshops on specific issues including transport have taken place and the results of these have influenced the evidence base submitted in support of the proposals. Transport sustainability is a key issue for the SHBC, SCC and the Highways Agency (HA). The TA sets out a sustainable Transport Strategy and a Framework Travel Plan (FTP) has been prepared and is summarised in this TA and has been submitted as a separate document. The TA includes assumptions on the trip generating characteristics of the site and the distribution of those trips. Traffic capacity calculations on the network and junctions most likely to be affected by the redevelopment have also been included in the TA. Although disposal is planned to start in 2015 it is anticipated that the first year of occupation would be until late 2016. © AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited October 2012 H:\MOD Projects\#MOD Subfiles\22729 - DTR Package 2\22729-23 Deepcut disposal\2012\revised final TA and FTP 23 10 12\rr493i2.doc iii Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background Information 1 1.2 Proposed Development 1 1.3 Developer and Project Team 3 1.4 TA Production Guidelines 3 1.5 Scope of Works 3 1.6 Structure of the TA 4 2. Policy Context 5 2.1 National Guidance 5 National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) 5 Managing Our Roads (DfT, 2003) and the Future of Transport - A Network for 2030 (DfT White Paper, 2004) 6 The Essential Guide to Travel Planning - (DfT, March 2008) and Making Residential Travel Plans Work, (DfT, 2007) 6 2.2 Local Policy 6 The Surrey Transport Plan (2011-2026) 6 Surrey County Council Travel Plan Good Practice Guide - July 2010 7 Surrey Heath Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Document (2012) 7 Deepcut Regulation 19 Supplementary Planning Document (Deepcut SPD) 8 2.3 Summary 8 3. Existing Situation 9 3.1 Introduction 9 Site Location 9 Recent Site History 9 3.2 Site Relationship to the Local Area 10 3.3 Local Highway Network 10 Main Routes within the Assessment Area 11 Local Roads within the Assessment Area 13 3.4 Regional Highway Network 14 © AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited October 2012 H:\MOD Projects\#MOD Subfiles\22729 - DTR Package 2\22729-23 Deepcut disposal\2012\revised final TA and FTP 23 10 12\rr493i2.doc iv 3.5 Strategic Road Network 14 3.6 Public Transport Network - Bus Services and Facilities 15 Bus Services 15 3.7 Public Transport Network - Rail Services and Stations 16 Rail Stations 16 3.8 Public Rights of Way, Cycle and Pedestrian Facilities 24 Public Rights of Way (PRoW) 24 Pedestrian Network 24 Cycle Network 24 3.9 Local Road Safety Considerations and Assessment 24 Introduction 24 Junction Accident Records 25 Other Accident Clusters in TA Scope 27 Vulnerable Road Users Accidents 28 3.10 Base Traffic Flow Data 30 3.11 Existing Link Capacity Assessment 31 4. Development Proposals 37 4.1 Introduction to the Development Proposals 37 4.2 The Scheme Proposals 37 Introduction 37 Residential Development 37 Retained Community Facilities 38 New Community Facilities 38 4.3 Access and Movement Strategy 42 Access Strategy Principles 42 Access and Movement 42 Street Hierarchy 43 Sustainable Transport 44 4.4 Parking Strategy 45 Residential Car Parking 45 Community and Mixed Use Parking 46 Cycle Parking 46 4.5 Summary of Key Development Proposals Used in Evaluation 46 5. Summary of Framework Travel Plan 47 5.1 Introduction 47 5.2 Travel Plan Objectives and Targets 47 Objectives 47 © AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited October 2012 H:\MOD Projects\#MOD Subfiles\22729 - DTR Package 2\22729-23 Deepcut disposal\2012\revised final TA and FTP 23 10 12\rr493i2.doc v Targets 47 5.3 Travel Plan Measures 48 Coordination 48 Physical Measures 48 Influencing Travel Behaviour Measures 51 5.4 Monitoring and Review 52 Monitoring 52 Review 53 6. Trip Generation 55 6.1 Introduction 55 Summary of Trip Generation Methodology 55 6.2 Existing PRB Development Traffic 55 Introduction 55 Existing Traffic Generation 55 Existing Traffic Distribution 56 Removal of Trips 57 6.3 Proposed PRB Development Traffic 57 6.4 Estimation of Internal Trips 60 Introduction 60 Supermarket Trips 60 6.5 Pass By Trips 60 Primary School/ Nursery Trips 61 Care Home Internal/ External Split 61 Local Shops/ GP Surgery Internal/ External Split 61 Residential Internal/ External Split 62 Linked Trips 62 6.6 Diverted Trips 62 6.7 Transferred Trips 63 6.8 Derivation of External Trips 63 6.9 Summary 64 6.10 Impact of Sustainable Travel Initiatives 65 7. Distribution of Proposed Development Traffic Generation 67 7.1 Introduction 67 7.2 Residential Trip Distribution 67 Residential Trip Distribution - Employment 67 Residential to Education (Secondary School) 68 © AMEC Environment & Infrastructure UK Limited October 2012 H:\MOD Projects\#MOD Subfiles\22729 - DTR Package 2\22729-23 Deepcut disposal\2012\revised final TA and FTP 23 10 12\rr493i2.doc vi 7.3 Educational Trip Distribution 69 Primary School Trips 69 Nursery Trips 69 7.4 Retail Trip Distribution 69 Supermarket Trips 69 Local Shop Trips 70 7.5 Care Home Distribution 70 7.6 GP Surgery Distribution 71 7.7 HGV Trip Distribution 71 7.8 Pass by and Diverted Distribution 71 8. Traffic Growth 73 8.1 Introduction 73 8.2 Traffic Growth Methodology 73 Light Vehicle Traffic Growth - 2026 Future Baseline 74 HGV Traffic Growth 77 9. Development of Future Year Traffic Figures 79 9.1 Introduction 79 9.2 2011 Baseline 79 9.3 2026 Future Baseline + Proposed PRB Development 80 Stage 1 - Bellew Road Closure 80 Stage 2 - Netting out of Existing MOD PRB Traffic 80 Stage 3 - Netted Out Base Growthed to 2026 for the ‘With Development’ Scenario 80 Stage 4 - PRB Internal, External and Pass-by/ Diverted Trips Added Together 80 Stage 5 - Proposed PRB
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