MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA NEWSLETTER Vol. XXVI, No. 2 December, 1975 Published twice yearly by the Mycological Society of America Edited by Henry C. Aldrich Department of Botany, Bartram Hall University of Florida Gainesville, Florida 32611 CONTENTS Editor's Note........... ............................................ 1 President's Letters.. .............................................. 2 Society Business for 1975.......................................... 4 Minutes, Council Meeting ........................................ 4 Minutes, Business Meeting ....................................... 5 Report of Secretary-Treasurer ................................... 7 Reports of Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor, Mycologia ....... 9 Report on Mycologia Memoirs ..................................... 10 Report of Newsletter Editor. .................................... 10 Report of AIBS Governing Board Representative ................... 11 Society Organization for 1975-76 ................................... 12 IMC2 Information Update ........................................... 16 Symposia, Meetings, and Forays of Interest. ........................ 17 New Mycological Research Projects ................................ 18 Personalia.. .................................................... 20 Publications Wanted, For Sale, or Exchange ......................... 24 Courses in Mycology ............................................... 27 Placement .......................................................... 28 Identification ..................................................... 30 Cultures and Specimens Available and Wanted ........................ 30 Miscellany ......................................................... 32 Report on Nomenclature Sessions at XI1 International Botanical Congress ....................................................... 34 Society Membership Application Blank.... ........................... 40 NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear Readers : Your appreciative comments, constructive criticism, and offers of help have made my job easier and more satisfying. Thanks! This issue had its difficulties due to the Canadian mail strike. One of our Canadian Council members, who shall remain anonymous, regularly takes me to task for the lateness of his society mailings. I hope our northern members realize that our hands are tied when something like this strike comes along. Which bnngsme to the next point: Contributions to the Newsletter are welcome at any time, whether on the standard form or not. Any forms or other contributions arriving after I send one issue to the typist arc routinely held until the next issue is prepared, and used there. Also, let me remind you that to save space, I omit addresses of correspondents unless, upon checking, I find that their address has changed or is absent from the Directory for some reason. So as before, CHECK YOUR SOCIETY DIRECTORY FOR ADDRESSES OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE NEWSLETTER. Finally, any of you out there who are tiring of my cover design are encouraged to. submit another one to the editor. He is tired of it too! The University of Georgia Department of Botany December 11, 1975 To Members of the Mycological Society of America Customarily, the incoming president sends his greetings to the members of the Society on this page in the January issue of the newsletter. lJhile the thoughts of having to deliver anaddressin June at Tulane are currentlv creating an energy crisis in Athens, I am deeply honored at having been selected by you to serve the Society as president during 1975-1976. I hope that it will be a successful year for the Society and for mycologv. Being elected to the presidency of the lilvcological Society of America caused me to reflect upon the nature of our organization, its purposes, and the way we conduct our business. We are a healthy organization without the fiscal and subject matter difficulties which have plagued both larger and smaller societies that have not been as wise in the conduct of their business, or had the wisdom in leadership that my predecessors have brought to this and other offices. Yet, there are still many mycologists, including members and non-members of our society, who are doing outstanding work with fungi but do not participate in our meetings or publish in our journal. Although my own experience is that I have been able to influence the Societv's direction in proportion to the work I did for it, some of our members clearlv view our ways and goals as somewhat alien to their own. At the meeting of our Council in Oregon we discussed these matters briefly and I vas given permission to appoint an --ad hoc committee to study the manner in which our Society conducts its business. I have appointed the following committee: Dr. Howard IJhisler, Chairperson; Dr. Robert Lichtwardt; Dr. Solomon Bartnicki-Garcia; and Dr. Jack Rogers. My letter to this committee is attached. I sincerely hope that all members of the Society \rill review their thoughts about our meetings, journal, and newsletter as well as other aspects of our Society, and communicate with a member of this committee. It's an opportunity to indicate our desires for or against change. In closing, I thank each of you for your support during this and previous years. I particularly thank Jim Kimbrough for his efficient handling of our business throughout the year and Henry Aldrich whose unselfish service has allowed us to continue our newsletter at its present level. May each of you have a successful and rewarding 1976. Sincerely, ~elknS. Fuller, President Mycological Society of America Athens, Georgia 30602 The University of Georgia Department of Botany December 11, 1975 Dr. Howard IJhisler Department of Botany University of 1.Jashington Seattley Washington Dear Ilowar d : At Corvallis you indicated a willingness to serve as Chairperson of an -ad --hoc self study cormnittee for the l~fycologicalSociety of America. I an pleased to inform you that the follo~~ingpersons have indicated a x~illingnessto serve on this committee with you: Dr. Robert Lichtwardt, a former President of the Society and Editor of Mycologia; Dr. Solomon Bartnicki-Garcia, a member of the Editorial Board of Mycologia; and Dr. Jack Rogers, the current vice-president of the Society. I have purposelv lcept the committee small to facilitate communication and any necessary neetings of your committee. Council agreed that your committee was free to examine any and all aspects of the Society and the way we conduct our business. While you should explore ailT. 2nd all things that you committee or the membership wishes to review, I believe that the format of our meetings and the nature of our journal are the two items which many members want to see given thought and which are most related to what the Society is about. Wherever possible, make an attempt to determine the value to changes you recommend both in terms ci dollars and loss or gain of moral support from the membership. I vuuld suggest that you report to the Council and, if possible, word !:our recomnendations such that they may,if Council wishes, be discussed 2s rn(3tions. By-law changes will ultimately have to be voted upon by the menbership. [Jhile I would like to see the results of your labors at our :lay-June meeting in New Orleans, this may be too fast to gather information and allot1 for adequate input from members. I look forward to the results of your deliberations and shall try to assist you and the committee in every way possible. Sincerely yours, I :felvb S. Fuller, President ?fycological Society of America :1SF/ lap Athens, Georgia 30602 1 SOCIETY BUSINESS FOR 1975 * Minutes, Council Meeting at the Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of America, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, Aug. 17, 1975. The Council of the Mycological Society of America met on August 17, 1975, in the Memorial Union of Oregon State University, Corvallis. All but one member of the Council was present (Stan J. Hughes, Me1 Fuller, Howard Bigelow, Richard Hanlin, Gil Hughes 111, Jim Trappe, Howard Whisler, E. S. Luttrell, Bob Shaffer, and Jim Kimbrough). The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. The Minutes of the 1974 Tempe Meeting were approved as published in the MSA Newsletter, Vol. 25 (2), January 1975. The 1975 Report of the Election Tally Committee was presented by President Hughes. The Council then: 1. received and discussed reports of the Sec-Treas. on business trans- acted by mail during the following year. 2. received and discussed reports of the Sec-Treas., the Managing Editor of Mycologia, the Editor-in-Chief of Mycologia, Chairman of the Myco1ogi.a Memoirs Committee and the MSA Newsletter Editor. a) President Hughes thanked the retiring Editor-in-Chief of Mycologia (R. K. Benjamin) on behalf of the Council for his faithful and dili-gent service to the Society. He also announced the Council's unanimous support of the Editorial Board's recommendation of Dr. Margaret Barr-Bigelow as the new Editor-in-Chief of Mycologia. b) The Chairman of Mycologia Memoirs Committee reported that Memoirs /I6 is being printed by Cramer and will be available to Society members for a 15% reduction. c) A request for ideas on the MSA Newsletter format and content was made by the Newsletter Editor. d) The Council discussed and voted to have the Secretary prepare an annual directory,if it could be done at a reasonable cost. 3. received and discussed the reports of the program chairpersons, various committee chairpersons, and official representatives of the Society, including the following: a) scheduling
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