University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 12-10-1965 Montana Kaimin, December 10, 1965 Associated Students of University of Montana Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper Recommended Citation Associated Students of University of Montana, "Montana Kaimin, December 10, 1965" (1965). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 4219. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/4219 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Library Schedule For Yule Holiday MONTANA Beginning Friday, Dec. 17, through Tuesday, Jan. 4, the Uni­ University of Montana VoL 68, No. 37 versity Library will be open as Missoula, Montana AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER Friday, Dec. 10, 1965 follows: Friday, Dec. 17—8 a.m.-5 pan. Saturday, Dec. 18—8 a.m. to 12 noon Sunday, Dec. 19—closed Monday, Dec. 20—8 a.m.-5 pjn. UM Queen Expected to Ride Tuesday—8 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday—8 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday—8 a.m.-5 pjn. Montana Rose Parade Float Friday, Dec. 24—closed The University of Montana al­ ten states in this year’s parade, Saturday, Dec. 25—closed most certainly will be represented will symbolize the Big Sky Coun­ Sunday, Dec. 26—closed in the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasa­ try’s four-season vacationland. iMonday—8 a.m._5 p.m. dena, Calif., but no official an­ The float is to be divided into Tuesday—8 ajn.-5 pjn. nouncement has been made yet. two sections, one representing Wednesday—8 a.m.-5 p.m. UM Homecoming queen, Patty spring and summer, the other fall Thursday—8 a.m.-5 pjn. O’Loughlin, is expected to ride and winter. Miss O’Loughlin is Friday, Dec. 31—closed the Montana entry in the parade to ride on the fall and winter Saturday, Jan. 1—closed New Year’s Day. half. The float will be covered with Sunday, Jan. 2—closed more than 25,000 roses and over Monday, Jan. 3—8 a.m.-5 pjn. A final decision as to which 6,000 orchids. Dividing the two Tuesday, Jan. 4—8 a.m.-11 pjn. Montana homecoming queens will sections will be a large urn filled ride the float is expected soon. with a bouquet of roses to depict There has been some confusion as the four seasons: pink, yellow and to the number of girls that could orange of the spring and summer KUFM to Air be accommodated. side; white and sterling roses on Miss O’Loughlin may leave Dec. the fall and winter section. 29 for Pasadena and return . Miss O’Loughlin will also at­ Grizzly Game Jan. 2. The cost of the trip will be tend the Rose Bowl football game. KUFM again will broadcast —Kaimln photo by Bandy Knight paid by Central Board. She will travel with a Montana Grizzly basketball action on Sat­ IFC ELECTS NEW PRESIDENT—Former Inter-Fraternity Coun­ The Montana float, one of delegation consisting of the other urday night when the Cougars cil president Dan Meehan (left) congratulates Mike Frelliok for homecoming queens, Governor from Washington State University being: elected new IFC president. Tim Babcock, Tom Collins, UM battle the Grizzlies. Game time Classes Shortened Today director, director of state wide is 7:55 pjn. Classes this afternoon will be services, and about 40 other per- The UM station will broadcast shortened because of the 2:30 all the home games next quar­ Student Union Expands Series Christmas convocation. Mr. Collins announced that sev­ ter. Class schedule is as foUows: One eral spaces were still available The Dec. 18 contest with Wy­ With American, Foreign Films o’clocks — 1:10-1:45, two 'oclocks on the chartered plane for per­ oming here will not be carried. —1:55-2:30, three o’clocks — 3:40- sons wishing to make the trip. KUFM will sign off for the holi­ An expanded film series will umph of the Will,” are to be 4:15 and four o’clocks 4:25-5 p.m. Transportation, game tickets and days Friday, Dec. 17. It will re­ be presented next quarter by the shown. Presenting the convocation in sleeping accommodations for four sume broadcasting on Jan. 3. Student Union Program Coun­ The current Student Union the University Theater are the days will cost $183.50. Reserva­ Schedule for tonight and Sat­ cil. film series includes foreign films University Choir, Choral Union tions may be made with Mr. Col­ urday: American and foreign films il­ on Friday nights and recent Amer­ and Brass Ensemble. lins. ican films on Sunday evenings. A TONIGHT lustrating the historical develop­ 7:00 p.m.—New s A t Seven ment of the cinema will be added series of educational films and 7:15—Songs of France to the current film series. travelogues was also shown in The Student Union will use connection with the regular films. Fall Kaimin Controversial, by Don Ellis these films, many of which are 00—KUFM Special Report classics representing the era from 05—New s F inal the twenties to the forties to re­ INDEX Accomplishes Many Firsts SATURDAY vamp the present series. The films 7:00 p jn .—News A t Seven Rorvik on Crimes Against Nature 7:15—Music will be chosen by a faculty and Fall quarter’s Kaimin aroused editorial controversy and accomplished 7:55—M ontana vs. W ashington S tate student committee. —p.2 many firsts at the same time. The new series will include ac­ Dick Stephenson on Viet Nam— UM students received 244 pages of the Kaimin this quarter. Last fall tors such as Charlie Chaplin, Tom p. 3 the total number of pages was 196. The increase was made possible Mix, the Marx Brothers and Bus­ Conrad—p. 3 by an increase in the number of inches of advertising sold this quar­ Panhell Plans ter Keaton. ter over the amount of advertising sold last fall. The first movies will be “Duck Helmet's Hoop Hopes—p. 4 Raises were granted to nine members of the Kaimin staff. The raises Soup” with the Marx Brothers Morton on Amnesty International amount to a total of $65 per month which will be divided among the Formal Rush and “Modem Times” with Charlie —p. 7 staff members involved beginning Jan. 1966. Chaplin. These will be presented Fribbish on Saboo—p. 6 Two new staff members were appointed. Joe Ward was appointed For January Jan. 5. The Protestors—p. 9 managing editor to replace Keith Nichols who had resigned. Randy On Jan. 12 “An Andulusian Knight was appointed assistant photographer. This is a new position Formal winter rush will be con­ Dog,” and “Blood of a Poet” will Mortar Board Book View—p. 10 created this quarter. ducted Jan. 11-14, said Linda be shown. Jan. 19, “All's Quiet on Feiffer—p. 13 Drama and movie reviewers Dave Howlett and Gene Enrico and car­ Clark, Panhellenic president. the Western Front” and “Tri­ Ward on Books—p. 16 toonist Lorretta Lynde were also added to the Kaimin staff. Interested women must regis­ Syndicated material is being used in the Kaimin for the first time. ter with Maurine Clow, associate Joseph Conrad and Jules Feiffer cartoons and Paul Goodman columns dean of students, by Jan. 7. Wom­ have been added to the regular features of the Kaimin. en who have already paid the $3 Brain Bowl Competition Slated The editorial policy of the Kaimin has been criticized by students, rush registration fee and are in­ faculty, alumnae and townspeople. Other Montana papers have also terested in going through winter commented on Kaimin editorials. Dave Rorvik, Kaimin editor, spoke rush .must inform Miss Clow of By Silent Sentinel January 29 at Montana Forum “not to defend the editorial policy, but to promote their intention, Miss Clark said. Brain Bowl will be presented The Brain Bowl is presented to it.” Also discussed at the Panhellic again this year by Silent Sentinel, help promote a more scholarly Publications Board will continue winter quarter the work of re­ meeting this week was -£he Pan­ senior men’s honorary. attitude among students on the vising the Kaimin policy statement. hellenic Workshop scheduled Jan. The program, which is patterned Montana campus. The program 29 at UM. All sorority women on after the G. E. College Bowl on will feature questions designed to this campus and the MSU Pan­ television, will be presented Jan. challenge the contestants as well hellenic Council and dean of wom­ 29 at 8:00 pjn. in the Music Re­ as entertain the audience. Several Cosmopolitan Club en will be invited to attend. Theme cital Hall. of the questions will involve col­ This Is It of the workshop is “The Chal­ The four-man teams which will ored slides and tape recordings. Picks PR Officer lenge and Purpose of Sorority compete in the Saturday night An electronic switching system Diane Stratas, journalism sen­ Women.” program will be selected on the has been designed to tally the con­ for ’65 ior from Toronto, Can., was ap­ A National Panhellenic repre­ basis of a preliminary test. This testants' responses. In order that the staff pointed temporary Public Rela­ sentative will be the main speak­ preliminary test will be adminis­ A state-wide Brain Bowl pro­ might turn to the task of tions Officer for Cosmpolitan er.
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