Paperbacks 51 A NEW YORK TIMES NOT A BLE BOOK OF 2007 WI nn ER OF THE 2009 JA MES R. WISEM an BOOK Awa RD , ARCH A EOLOGIC A L IN STITUTE OF AMERIC A WI nn ER OF THE 2007 Awa RD FOR BEST PROFESSIO na L /SCHOL A RLY BOOK IN CL A SSICS an D AN CIE N T HISTORY , ASSOCI A TIO N OF AMERIC an PUBLISHERS Portrait of a Priestess Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece Joan Breton Connelly In this sumptuously illustrated book, Joan Breton Connelly gives us the first comprehensive cultural history of priest- esses in the ancient Greek world. Using archaeological and textual evidence, Connelly challenges long-held beliefs about gender roles in the ancient world to show that priestesses were far more significant public figures than previously acknowledged. The remarkable picture that emerges reveals how women in religious office—unlike other areas of Greek society—enjoyed privileges and authority comparable to that of men. This paperback edition includes additional maps and a glossary. “[T]he first full-length work to take the Greek priestess specifi- cally as its subject. Portrait of a Priestess is a remarkable triumph[,] . a sharp, variegated, sympathetic, and wonderfully Joan Breton Connelly is professor of classics readable study.” and art history at New York University. —Peter Green, New York Review of Books “Eye opening, . well-documented, [and] meticulously as- sembled. Greek religion is a vast and complex subject, and Portrait of a Priestess, by concentrating on one of its most concretely human aspects, offers an engrossing point of entry.” —Steve Coates, New York Times Book Review “The quantity of illustrations is revealing: if women were ex- cluded from public life, why were their images everywhere? . This is a reinterpretation of antiquity that works.” —Nigel Spivey, Financial Times “The biggest, fullest and most up-to-date study of these important NOVEMBER women.” Paper $35.00S —James Davidson, Times Literary Supplement 978-0-691-14384-2 Cloth 2007 978-0-691-12746-0 464 pages. 27 color illus. 109 halftones. 3 maps. 8 x 10. CLASSICS ❚ GENDER STUDIES press.princeton.edu 52 Paperbacks WITH A N E W FORE W ORD BY PETER GA Y WITH A N E W I N TRODUCTIO N BY DA VID GORDO N WHITE The Philosophy of Yoga the Enlightenment Immortality and Freedom Ernst Cassirer Mircea Eliade Translated from the French by Willard R. Trask In this classic work, Ernst Cassirer provides both a co- gent synthesis and a penetrating analysis of one of his- In this landmark book, renowned scholar of religion tory’s greatest intellectual epochs: the Enlightenment. Mircea Eliade lays the groundwork for a Western In a new foreword, Peter Gay considers The Philosophy understanding of Yoga. Drawing on years of study and of the Enlightenment in the context in which it was experience in India, Eliade provides a comprehensive written—Germany in 1932—and argues that Cassirer’s survey of Yoga in theory and practice from its earli- work remains a trenchant defense against enemies of est antecedents in the Vedas through the twentieth the Enlightenment in the twenty-first century. century. A new introduction by David Gordon White provides invaluable insight into Eliade’s life and work. “In 1932, Cassirer’s warning against dismissing Enlighten- ment thought as shallow went tragically unheard, but it is Praise for Princeton’s previous editions: as timely as ever.” “[T]he best single book on yoga.” —Susan Neiman, author of Moral Clarity —Robert Temple, Spectator “[This book] is not only a brilliantly original work of his- “There has rarely been a book in English which treats the tory, it is itself a work of philosophy by one of the twentieth mental discipline of Yoga in such exhaustive detail. century’s most interesting thinkers. Despite all that has [A] work that is likely to remain standard for many years been written on the Enlightenment since it first appeared to come.” in 1932, it remains unsurpassed.” —Herbert Cahoon, Library Journal —Anthony Pagden, University of California, Los Angeles Mircea Eliade (1907–1986) was the Sewell L. Avery Dis- Ernst Cassirer (1874–1945) was a German-Jewish phi- tinguished Service Professor of the History of Religion losopher who taught at several universities in Germany at the University of Chicago. His many books include and the United States. He was the author of many The Myth of the Eternal Return, The Sacred and the books, including The Myth of the State, An Essay on Profane, and Shamanism. Man, and Language and Myth. PRINCETON CLASSIC EDITIONS PRINCETON CLASSIC EDITIONS MYTHos: THE Princeton/BollinGen Series in World MYTHoloGY AUGUST Paper $24.95T OCTOBER 978-0-691-14203-6 568 pages. 5 ½ x 8 ½. Paper $24.95S 978-0-691-14334-7 RELIGION ❚ ASIAN STUDIES 392 pages. 5 ½ x 8. PHILOSOPHY ❚ Not for sale in the INTELLECTUAL HISTORY Commonwealth (except Canada) Paperbacks 53 Byzantium WITH A N E W FORE W ORD BY ROBERT PI N SKY The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire C. P. Cavafy: Collected Poems Bilingual Edition Judith Herrin Translated by In this unique book, Judith Herrin unveils the riches Edmund Keeley & Philip Sherrard of the ancient civilization of Byzantium. She discusses Edited by George Savidis all facets of Byzantine culture and society, walking the reader through the complex ceremonies of the impe- rial court; the transcendent beauty and power of the C. P. Cavafy (1863–1933) is regarded as the most church of Hagia Sophia; and the fascinating worlds of important figure in twentieth-century Greek poetry, and ascetics, eunuchs, courtesans, and artisans. Avoiding his poems are considered among the most powerful a standard chronological account of the Byzantine in modern European literature. This revised bilingual Empire’s millennium-long history, she identifies the edition of Collected Poems offers the reader the original fundamental questions about Byzantium—what it was, Greek texts facing what are now recognized as the and what special significance it holds for us today. standard English translations of Cavafy’s poetry. It also features the notes of editor George Savidis and a new “The scope and shape of Herrin’s survey of Byzantine his- foreword by Robert Pinsky. tory and culture are impressive.” —G. W. Bowersock, New York Review of Books Praise for previous Princeton editions: “The best [English version] we are likely to see for some time.” “Herrin’s scholarship is impeccable, yet she writes like the —James Merrill, New York Review of Books very best of travel writers. She entertains and captivates while throwing open the doors to her formidable treasury “[This is] among the key books of our century and should of knowledge.” be read by anyone who cares for poetry.” —M. M. Bennetts, Christian Science Monitor —Washington Post Book World Judith Herrin is professor emeritus of late antique and Edmund Keeley is Charles Barnwell Straut Class of Byzantine studies at King’s College London. She is the 1923 Professor of English, emeritus, and professor author of Women in Purple: Rulers of Medieval Byzan- of creative writing, emeritus, at Princeton University. tium and The Formation of Christendom. Philip Sherrard (1922–1995) taught at St. Antony’s College, Oxford, and King’s College London. George Savidis (1929–1995) taught at the University of Thes- saloniki and Harvard University. Princeton Classic Editions JANUARY Paper $19.95T 978-0-691-14369-9 NOVEMBER Cloth 2008 978-0-691-13151-1 Paper $22.95T 440 pages. 42 halftones. 978-0-691-14124-4 8 color photos. 6 x 9. 480 pages. 6 x 9. HISTORY POETRY For sale only in Not for sale in the the United States and Canada Commonwealth 54 Paperbacks Republic.com 2.0 Souled Out Reclaiming Faith and Politics Cass R. Sunstein after the Religious Right What happens to democracy and free speech if people E. J. Dionne Jr. use the Internet to listen and speak only to the like- minded? What is the benefit of the Internet’s unlimited The religious and political winds are changing. Tens choices if citizens narrowly filter the information they of millions of religious Americans are reclaiming faith receive? Cass Sunstein first asked these questions in from those who would abuse it for narrow, partisan, 2001’s Republic.com. Now, in Republic.com 2.0, he and ideological purposes. And more and more secular thoroughly rethinks the critical relationship between Americans are discovering common ground with democracy and the Internet in a world where partisan believers on issues like social justice, peace, and the Weblogs have emerged as a significant political force. environment. In Souled Out, award-winning journalist and commentator E. J. Dionne explains why the era of “This perceptive volume effectively illuminates the contra- the Religious Right—and the crude exploitation of faith dictory impulses at the heart of the citizen-consumer.” for political advantage—is over. —Publishers Weekly “[Souled Out] is a deeply personal and searchingly intel- “Republic.com 2.0 is a refreshing counter to overly ligent reflection on the noble history, recent travails and optimistic perspectives on the internet and democracy, and likely prospects of American liberalism.” Sunstein turns Utopian visions of the internet enabling —R. Scott Appleby, New York Times Book Review individuals to gain access to exactly what they are inter- ested in—‘The Daily Me’—into a critical assessment of its “Dionne’s book gives us reason to hope that an emphasis potential for undermining democratic discourse.” on human dignity across a broad range of issues—an —William Dutton, Times Higher Education emphasis resonating with Catholic thought, and increas- ingly embraced by Evangelicals—might be combined with Cass R. Sunstein is the Felix Frankfurter Professor at Niebuhrian understanding of the limits and possibilities Harvard Law School.
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