.~ r • All tlte News of All the Pointes rosse~ Every ThufsClay. Morning Home of the News I 99 Kercheval TU, 2-6900 "Co11).plete-News Coverage of All the Pointes 'Entered a. Second Class Matter / ' Ie Per COpy GROSSE POINTE, MI~HIGAN, OCTOBER I, 1953 at the Post Office at Detroit, Mlch. Full~ Paid Circulation VOLUME I4-NO: 40 13.00 Per Yeti. .. III" .. , , Mobile Unit HEADLINES Don't Forget To Keep That Date Today Memorial Center 0/ t,'J, Paying Visit \VEEK Completes Another Here Today As Compiled by tb, Grosss Points News Contributors Urgently NeeCl- Successful Year . ed at Pointe Memorial Thursday, September 24 Church from 2 to 8 p.m. WALTER REUTHER, UAW and CIO president, informed Reports Disclosed at Annual Dinner Show Great Increase The Red Cross Mobile Unit members of the State Bar of in Attendance and Many Additions to Plant will be at the Grosse Pointe Michigan at their annual m.eet- and Program Memorial Church from 2 to 8 ing in the Sheraton-Cadlll~c p.m, today., , Thursday, Octo- .Hotel, that a fight is expected In the auto industry over the guar- Grosse Pointe's War Memorial Center completed its most ber 1, for the first blood col- anteed annual wage. They were successful year with a11:,annual dinner meeting held in the lection made here since last also informed that the labor C,enter Monday night. The various commit~ee head~ gave spring. The sponsors, all the unions do not intend to sign any their. reports, which all showed a marked Increase In the local churches, the Board of new contracts until the laborers number of people who have used the Center this year. Th~s Education, Marine League are paid by the year. The g~ar- increase is credited to the inception of so many new orgam- and the War Memorial Cen- anteed wage is the labor chIef- zations now located in the War Memorial. ter, are hoping for a record tain's aim when the present five- The Red Cross Mobile Blood ~... turnout of donors. year contracts expire. Unit came to the Center once Since the cessation of hostili- during the year and 209 people Friday,- -Sept,- 25 ties in Korea the blood collections responded to donate 172- pints Arrest Maid have fallen off all over, and the IN THE not-too-distant future, of blood. A Red Cross First Aid Red Cross stresses the urgent the H-bomb may turn out so Course was also offered to the As Collector need for l'eplenishing supplies cheap and simple, any nation in public. now. The last two collections the world will be able to have Entertainment for veterans and made in the Pointe produced dis- an arsenal of them. The informa- soldiers brought many new Of Jewelry couraging results. The sponsors tion was given out by President visitors to the center. The Aux- have been working hard to see Eisenhower when he met with his iliary of the American Legion, Several Woods Larceny that this blemish on the Pointe National Security Council. The Post 303, cooperated with the record will be wiped out with session was extraordinary in that churches of Grosse Pointe, the Cases Cleared Up; Part this collection, more than twice the usual num- U.S.O., and other organizations of Loot Recovered 150 Make Appointments ber of persons attended. Vice to provide social events, particu- by Police Mrs. Alvin Borchardt, chair- President Richard Nixon, who larly for the AAA soldiers sta- man of the Memorial Church was at the meeting, said that in- tioned in the Pointes. committee, reported Tuesday formation other than what has A week of patient investi- The Red Cross Mobile Unit will be at the Grosse Pointe Memorial Church on Lakeshore road be.tween 2 an~ 8 ,The Youth. Ca,uncil staged a morning that some 150 appoint- been released from the meeting variety show which was pr~- gation of a case of grand lar- p.m. today to receive blood. donatiolls. Spon~ored by th~ ~hurches of ~rosse P~inte, t?e Board of EducatIon, the Manne ments had been made by pro- is strictly confidential. sented at 'the different: camps. ceny from a dwelling, paid off spective donors. To be successful, .. .. .. League, and the Grosse Pomt~ \Var MemonalCenter, It IS hoped thIS collecbon WIll be even ~o~e successful than Pointers who are in active serv- for the Woods police depart- the drive should produce at Saturday, September 26 previous ones. Pictured above are MRS. THELMA, LARKIN, a. donor, t~e R~V. DR. FRANK FITT, minister of the church, ice or are veterans, or those ment on. Monday, September least 200 pints, There are always RES IDE N T S were ordered and MRS. ALVIN BORCHARDT, one of the chaIrmen of thIS collection. marrying Grosse Pointe girls may 28, with the guilty person in a number of rejects, and unfor- evacuated from Florida coastal USE::the Center for weddings and custody and several cases of tunately it has always been true cities from the path of a 100-mile- receptions. larceny cleared up, that a number of those who make an-hour hurricane, which is ex- A Men's Garden Club was On Wednesday, September 23, appointments fail to appear to pected to strike a 70-mile swath Four Pointes , Big Flower Show to Open Start Plans organized to stimulate masculine give their donation. from Valparaiso to Panama City, Mrs. Shirley Haworth of 1121 interest in the center. The Gar- Appointments may be made by The center of the gale was re- den Center also provided a Roslyn, informed police that ported near the Panama City- Win Honors In War Memorial Center To Celebrate several items of jewelry, includ- calling the Memorial Church, series of free lectures tIuring the TUxedo 5-3773, Arrangements fOr Valparaiso area. High waters spring and summer months which ing a family ring valued at $300, have surrounded Apalachicola and two lady's expensive hand- transportation for those who re- For Safety Friday; Plan Many Features Halloween discussed every aspect of garden- quir~ it can also be made by and Valparaiso. Police of cities in . ing from spraying and pruning bags were missing from her home, calling this number • the path of the hurricane report- Special Table Settings, Afternoon Teas and Invitational 14th Annual Comm~nity Par- to ground covers to grow in sun ed many power lines down. The, City. Park, Farms and Woods Suspects Maid Nursery Provided storm, the weather bureau warn- Given Awards by Auto- . Arrangeme~ts to Be.Enioyed~Duriri9 . ties to Be Given For All an~h:ha~~iversity of Michigan . She stated that a maid, Ethyl A nursery will be managed by the Junior Red' Cross";'? GrOsse ed, could,' be expected in south- mobile Association' . ~ ... .Tw.o-Day Exhibit' Pointe Youngsters Extension:" Service Committee Green, 26, of 262 Glynn, Detroit, east Alabama" and' - southwest .. October 31 presented two courses, "Around who has been woking for her Pointe High School Mrs. A. J. Georgia. Clever suggesCions for Pointe hostesses interested in the World Today" and ,"The several days out of the week, for Eckley of St. Michae'rs Church is • • • Recognition for the effec- decorative settings for their fall entertaining will be demon- Drama Series," with a total en- the last few months, had always chairman of the hostesses, and Sunday, September 21 tiveness of their pedestrian strated in table and other arrangements at the October Flower Plans for the 14th annual, rollment of 165. expressed her love for jewelry. dinner will be served the work. NORTH KOREA spent about protection efforts was given Show to be presented Friday and Satufday, October 2 and Halloween party.for children The Neighbors Cll:1b, which This was borne out on Sep- ers by a committee headed by $15 to send a telegram to UN four Grosse Pointe communi- 3, at the War Memorial Center, by the Grosse Pointe Garden of the Grosse Pomte ~ommu- was formed originally to interest tember 23, said Mrs. Haworth, Mrs. Langston Thompson. Mrs. E. Secretary General Dag Ham- ties Wednesday (September Center.' ~ nities began to take form newly arrived residents in com- when she noticed a pair of ear- E. Stetson is chairman of th .. Committee of Volunteers. marskjold which stated that they 30) at a Safety and Traffic Included will be attractive Vincent DePetris, Mrs. Allan when seventeen enthusiastic munity responsibility and social rings being worn by Ethyl who, wanted Russia as one of the neu- Committee luncheon at the buffet settings, a "country fair" Shelden III, Mrs. Alan P. Junior and Senior High contacts, .expanded. int? a ge~- after finishing her day's work, Mrs. Lyndle Martin of the tral nations in the Korean peace War Memorial Center. table, and "a hunt table for' the Beebe,' Mrs. George Black, Mrs. School representatives met as eral servICe or~amzatlon. ThIS was going home. The pieces of Grosse Pointe Congregational conference. They said that some- jewelry looked very familiar, so Church is chairman of the Blood Police chiefs from Grosse country." James McMillan and Mrs. Alex- an advisory committee on group gav~ parties for tl1e Pro- how there was a mistake from Mrs. Haworth decided to investi- Council of Grosse Pointe. The T II T T bl testant Children's Home and the some quarter from which it was Pointe, Grosse Pointe Woods, 0 ave ea a e ander Wiener. S ep t em b er. 25' ~t th e. B oar d Boys Republic, as well ~s .work- gate. program of the council is being omitted in making their wishes Grosse Pointe Park and Gro~e Gardeners and flower lovers Hostesses Named of Ed;tcahon WIth an adult ing for Cottage Hospital and the Among the Missing enlarged to take in anyone in known.
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