Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, September 10, 2015 OUR 125th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 37-2015 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Tarantino Resigns GW Council, Dems Pick Kearney as Candidate By BRIAN TRUSDELL Borough Attorney Bob Renaud initially said it was not an appropri- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader explained that the Garwood Demo- ate time to say anything and then GARWOOD – Ann Tarantino re- crats had 15 days to submit three after the meeting – when asked if signed from borough council on names, which then council had 30 she would replace Mrs. Tarantino Tuesday, saying she was stepping days to chose from. on the November ballot – said: “I down for personal reasons. The an- On don’t know what the decision is.” nouncement came a week after she Wednes- Ms. Kearney ran a campaign last acknowledged she was withdraw- day morn- fall separate of that from fellow ing her bid for re-election. ing, the Republicans Sal Piarulli, who lost “It was not an easy decision to GDP is- his bid for the mayoralty, and Tina make,” she said addressing the sued a Simitz, who also ran for council. council. “This Friday I will be go- statement Ms. Kearney won her uncontested ing out for elective surgery, and I announc- primary at the same time Mr. Piarulli will be out of commission for a ing Carol defeated incumbent Mayor Pat period of time.” Kearney, Quattrocchi and Councilman Jim Saying it will prevent her from who lost Mathieu’s slate won control of the devoting the time necessary to the two bids Garwood Republican Party. position, Mrs. Tarantino said she for council Carol Kearney Last week, she wrote a letter to made the decision to resign from as a Re- the editor to The Westfield Leader council. publican – excoriating Mr. Mathieu for his “un- After the meeting, Garwood including last year, as its choice to professional, disgraceful and dis- Democratic Party (GDP) Chairman replace Mrs. Tarantino on the No- respectful manner” during the Au- Hugh Sinclair declined to identify vember ballot (See page 10). gust 25 meeting discussion about who the party had selected to re- It did not mention the three can- Garwood’s proposed social media Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader place Mrs. Tarantino on the ballot, didates it was nominating to fill policy and inactive Facebook page. ROBERT PALMER, Addicted To Love?…The Rocknroll Chorus performs in Eastman Plaza in downtown Cranford on which had to be done by today, Mrs. Tarantino’s term through De- Without mentioning by name Friday night as part of Cranford’s Friday Night Live series. September 10, nor who it would cember. Ileen Cuccaro and Joe Sarno, the nominate to take her seat on coun- When Ms. Kearney was ap- Republican candidates for council cil. He said it would be known proached by The Westfield Leader in this year’s election, she wrote within the next few days. Tuesday night at the meeting, she “we should all take a hard look at Westfield Plaudits S&P (Mr. Mathieu’s) personal choices for candidates as the Republican GOP Bilger Selected to Fill chair to ensure they do not display the same lack of character...” Triple ‘A’ Rating for Town In the GDP’s (Democrat) an- Unexpired Term in Cranford nouncement, Ms. Kearney again By DOMINIC A. LAGANO services released their long-term Keeping in mind prime is three- criticized Mr. Mathieu saying his Specially Written for The Westfield Leader credit rating for the town. At the and-a-quarter percent so we’re al- By CHRISTINA M. HINKE will officially swear in a deputy leadership of the GOP “has cast a WESTFIELD — During its regu- time, we were proposing to issue most one-and-a-quarter points be- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader mayor. Mayor Kalnins nominated negative shadow on the borough lar conference session Tuesday approximately $9.2 million in gen- low prime that we have to pay on CRANFORD — The Cranford Commissioner Mary O’Connor. and has only divided our commu- evening, the Westfield Town Coun- eral improvement bonds which were 9.2 million in bonds and that’s real Township Committee selected Bar- Following the nomination, Com- nity.” cil discussed a recent Triple A bond a roll-up of a number of bond an- money saved for taxpayers.” bara Bilger, 4-to-0, to fill the unex- missioner Robert D’Ambola said he The announcement did not seem credit rating issued by Standard & ticipation notes that had been is- In one example, Mr. Della Fera pired seat left open by Deputy Mayor met with township officials and that a to phase Mr. Mathieu. Poor’s Financial Services (S&P) for sued in the prior two or three years,” calculated that over the course of Lisa Adubato during a special meet- pavilion at Lincoln Park was selected “I welcome Carol to the race,” the town. These ratings determine he stated. the 12-year loan, Westfield taxpay- ing Tuesday. Ms. Bilger also was to memorialize Old Peppy, the 250- Mr. Mathieu said when reached by interest rates charged to Westfield Mr. Della Fera explained the pro- ers would realize more than one selected as the GOP candidate to run year-old pepperidge tree that was cut phone Monday morning. “I always when the municipal government cess of acquiring a municipal bond. million dollars in savings in inter- alongside Michael Petrucci in the down in April after the governing thought she would be more com- issues bonds to pay for consolida- “When you go out to bid for some- est payments because of the AAA November election. body determined it posed public fortable as a Democrat anyway.” tion of debts, infrastructure im- thing like that you get a credit rat- credit rating. There are two seats now open on safety risks. The township commit- In other matters, the long-debated provements and the like. ing agency report. Standard & “As a result of our collective ef- the township committee with Ms. tee agreed. The 16-foot round pavil- residential permit parking ordi- Sam Della Fera, chairman of the Poor’s came back with a triple ‘A’ forts, we’re saving the taxpayers of Adubato’s departure to take a posi- ion will be set on a concrete pad level nance, a draft of which was first town’s Finance Policy Committee, rating and indicated their outlook Westfield, in my example, assum- tion as a Superior Court judge. Demo- with the ground and have a concrete circulated at the March 10 council provided a report to Mayor Andy for Westfield was stable. Some of ing another 1-percent interest rate cratic Commissioner Tom Hannen, walkway around it, and will be handi- meeting, was introduced with the Skibitsky and the rest of the gov- the language in there is very favor- on the bonds, over a million dol- Jr. is running for re-election. The capped accessible. A 2,000-pound likelihood of a vote on Tuesday, erning body regarding the rating able and worth repeating here. lars. And who knows what the bond Democratic Committee selected slice of Old Peppy’s trunk, about September 22. and its benefit to the town. “In early Among other highlights S&P rate would have been if we were Patrick Giblin as its second candi- three feet long and six feet in diam- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 August, Standard & Poor’s’ ratings opined that Westfield’s economy, (rated) only double A plus or if the date, Mr. Hannen told The Westfield eter, will be set into the cement pad in budgetary flexibility and liquidity outlook wasn’t stable…it’s some- Leader. Mr. Giblin is a former presi- the pavilion, and have markers de- are all ‘very strong’ and noted that thing we can all be proud of be- dent of the Cranford Jaycees. noting Cranford’s history from 1699. Towns to Hold 9/11 the town also ‘exhibits strong man- cause you don’t often get to see the Mayor Andis Kalnins said the com- The cost is about $35,000, Mr. agement and budgetary perfor- fruits of your labor. I think this is a mittee had reviewed the three candi- D’Ambola said. “We’re under bud- mance.’ great example of prudent planning dates’ résumés and talked to each get with that,” he said. The budget Memorial Services “So all this hard work that we do and reasonable decision making,” person over the last couple of days. was upped from $25,000 to $50,000. over the course of the budget pro- concluded Mr. Della Fera. Robert Bovasso and John Shaw were The target date for completing the WESTFIELD – The Town of * * * * * cess literally pays dividends. I say In other news, Town Administra- the other two candidates. “We’ll be pavilion is Sunday, November 1, he Westfield will hold a commemora- MOUNTAINSIDE – The Union that because, later in August, when tor Jim Gildea announced that the well served by any of these three said. tion service on the 14th anniversary County Board of Chosen Freehold- we went out for the bond market, town’s ceremony honoring the vic- candidates,” Mayor Kalnins said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 of the 9/11 attacks tomorrow, Friday, ers invites members of the commu- we were able to have those bonds tims of September 11, 2001, along Noting Ms. Bilger’s involvement September 11, beginning at 6:30 p.m., nity to honor the memory of the 60 purchased at an effective net inter- with first responders including law in local organizations and her years at the September 11th Memorial Site Union County residents who perished est rate of about 2.026 percent.
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